Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

This document lays out the Terms and Conditions which shall be applicable to all the accounts which are existing or may be opened anytime in future with HDFC Bank. The words, I, me, my and Customer refer to the person(s) who open the account and shall include both singular and plural. Reference to masculine shall include the feminine and neuter gender. The Bank refers to HDFC Bank Ltd., a banking company incorporated in India under the Companies Act 1956 and having its registered office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400013.

1.1I agree to abide by the Bank's Terms and Conditions and rules in force and the changes thereto in Terms and Conditions from time to time relating to my account as communicated and made available on the Bank's website.
1.2I agree that the opening and maintenance of the account is subject to rules and regulations introduced or amended from time to time by the Reserve Bank of India.
1.3I agree that the bank before opening any deposit account, will carry out a due diligence as required under Know Your Customer guidelines of the bank. I would be required to submit necessary documents or proofs, such as identity , address, photograph and any such information to meet with KYC, AML or other statutory/regulatory requirements. 
Further, after the account is opened, in compliance with the extant regulatory guidelines, I agree to submit the above documents again at periodic intervals, as may be required by the Bank.
1.4I agree that the Bank may, at its discretion, engage the services of Business Facilitators (hereinafter referred to as "BF") and Business Correspondents (hereinafter referred to as "BC") for extension of banking and financial services so as to ensure greater financial inclusion and increasing the outreach of the banking sector. The Bank, however, shall be responsible for the acts and omission of such BC and BF.
1.5I agree that, under normal circumstances, the bank has the liberty to close my account at any time by giving me at least 30 days notice. However, if the Average Monthly/ Quarterly Balance, is not maintained, the Bank reserves the right to close my account without giving any prior notice.
1.6I agree that the Bank can at its sole discretion, amend any of the services/facilities given in my account either wholly or partially at any time by giving me at least 30 days notice and/or provide an option to me to switch to other services/facilities.
1.7I agree that any change in my account status or change of address will be immediately informed to the Bank failing which I shall be responsible for any non-receipt of communication/deliverables or the same being delivered at my old address.
1.8I agree that all instructions relating to my account will be issued to the Bank as per acceptable mode of communication to the Bank.
1.9I agree to preserve my cheque book/ATM Card carefully. In case of loss/theft of the same I shall immediately inform the Bank in writing.
1.10I agree that I will maintain the minimum balance in my account as prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
1.11The Bank reserves the right to take appropriate action as deemed fit for time to time, incase of any suspicious transactions are observed in customer account.
1.12I agree that I shall be liable to pay all charges, fees, interest, costs wherever applicable, which the Bank may levy with respect to my account or any transaction or services rendered and the same may be recovered by the Bank by a debit to my account. I agree and acknowledge that in case of non-availability of adequate funds the charges will be debited to the account over a period of time till the entire amount is recovered.
1.13The Bank reserves the right to refuse Chequebooks, Adhoc Statements, PhoneBanking TINs, NetBanking IPINs, Debit/ATM Cards & PINs to the customer, in case the Average Monthly/ Quarterly Balance in the account is not maintained.
1.14I agree that I shall not pay any amount in cash to any Sales Representative of the Bank at the time of opening an account or carrying out any transaction in the normal course of the business. I agree to deposit cash only at the Bank's teller counters at the branch premises.
1.15I agree to execute necessary writings in the form and manner as may be required by the Bank in order to execute my Fax instructions to the Bank.
1.16I agree that the Bank will send me communications/letters etc. through courier/messenger/mail or through any other mode at its discretion and the Bank shall not be liable for any delay arising there from.
1.17I agree and acknowledge that in the absence of my specific instructions to personally collect from the Branch, the cheque books, PhoneBanking TINs, NetBanking IPINs, Debit/ATM Cards & PINs will be dispatched by courier/messenger/mail or through any other mode by the Bank at its discretion to the address notified by me for correspondence.
1.18I agree that the Bank will, unless requested by me in writing to the contrary, issue cheque book on the opening of my account. Further issue of cheque books will be only against written requisition by me or through ATM, PhoneBanking or NetBanking.
1.19I agree that an account may be opened on behalf of a Minor by his natural guardian or by a guardian appointed by a court of Competent Jurisdiction. The guardian shall represent the Minor in all transactions of any description in the above account until the said Minor attains majority. Upon the Minor attaining majority, the right of the guardian to operate the account shall cease. The guardian agrees to indemnify the Bank against the claim of above Minor for any withdrawal/transactions made by him in the Minor's account.
1.20I agree and undertake to ensure that there would be sufficient funds/cleared balance/pre-arranged credit facilities in my account for effecting transactions. I agree that the Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of non-compliance by the Bank of my instructions due to inadequacy of funds and the Bank can at its sole discretion decide to carry out the instructions not withstanding the inadequacy of funds without prior approval from or notice to me and I shall be liable to repay with interest the resulting advance, overdraft or credit thereby created and all related charges arising thereby at prime lending rate applicable from time to time. I agree that frequent dishonor of cheques or high value cheque returns due to insufficient funds may lead to discontinuation of cheque books / closure of bank account.
1.21I agree that in the event of an account being overdrawn, the Bank reserves the right to set off this amount against any credit lying in any of my accounts.
1.22I agree that the transactions conducted by me at the BC counters shall be reflected in the bank’s books latest by the next working day.
1.23I agree that the Bank shall not be liable for any damages, losses (direct or indirect) whatsoever, due to disruption or non availability of any of services/facilities due to technical fault/error or any failure in telecommunication network or any error in any software or hardware systems beyond the control of the Bank.
1.24I agree that the Bank may disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions, such Personal Information as may be reasonably necessary for reasons inclusive of:
  1. For participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network
  2. In compliance with a legal directive
  3. For credit rating by recognized credit rating agencies
  4. For fraud prevention purposes
  5. To credit information bureaus.
1.25I give consent to the Bank to disclose information provided in the account opening form for the purpose of cross selling by HBL Global Ltd and any other marketing agent/s and/or contractors with whom the Bank enters, or has entered into any arrangement, in connection with providing of services/products, including without limitation, cross selling of various financial products. The Bank will have to always check before any cross-sell attempt whether or not I have registered for ‘Do Not Call’ facility.
I / we agree that the Bank reserves the right to restrict transactions in my / our account without giving any prior notice if any suspicious transaction pattern is observed in my/ our account or if the profile/ transactions are not in line with KYC policy or if such account is being misused as a channel for unauthorized money pooling or a conduit of any illegal activities.
1.27Disclosure of Information to Credit Information Companies:

I, the undersigned, declare, confirm and consent to HDFC Bank Limited (“Bank”) and its service providers, as under:

1) I hereby confirm that am a major and a resident of India and I have read and I hereby accept the Privacy Policy of the Bank available at ______________.

2) I seek from the Bank various financial assistance, other products and services for which I may be found eligible by the Bank from time to time, at any time in future, including after closure of any of my existing or future relationships, accounts, products, facilities, loans, services with or from the Bank from time to time, for which purpose I authorise the Bank to share any of my Information (as defined hereinafter) with any credit information companies and obtain various scores, reports and information for determining my credit worthiness from them, and accordingly to contact me or cross sell to me from time to time.

3) I hereby further expressly consent to and authorise the Bank (whether acting by itself or through any of its service providers, and whether in automated manner or otherwise), to do and undertake any of the following, in relation to my application details, personal data and sensitive information about me, information, papers and data relating to know your customer (KYC), credit information, and any other information whether about me or not as may be deemed relevant by the Bank for its purposes (collectively, “Information”):

i) to collect the Information from me and other physical or online sources including accessing the same from credit information companies, information utilities, websites, data bases and online platforms (whether public or not); to get the authenticity, correctness, adequacy, etc. of the Information verified from any sources and persons including from online data bases; and to act for and on my behalf for such accessing, collecting or verifying of the Information including using my log in and password credentials on the online platforms; such collection, access and verification may be done without any notice to me;

ii) process Information including by way of storing, structuring, organising, reproducing, copying, using, profiling, etc. as may be deemed fit by the Bank;

iii) to store the Information for such period as may be required for contract, by law or for the Bank’s evidential and claims purposes, whichever is longer;

iv) to share and disclose the Information to service providers, consultants, credit information companies, information utilities, other banks and financial institutions, affiliates, subsidiaries, regulators, investigating agencies, judicial, quasi-judicial and statutory authorities, or to other persons as may be necessary in connection with the contractual or legal requirements or in the legitimate interests of the Bank or as per the consent;

v) any of the aforesaid may be exercised by the Bank for the purposes mentioned above, for the purposes of credit appraisal, fraud detection, anti-money laundering obligations, for entering into contract, for direct marketing, for developing credit scoring models and business strategies, for monitoring, for evaluating and improving the quality of services and products, for other legitimate purposes or for any purposes with consent.

4) I expressly agree to and subject me to the automated processing, automated profiling and to the automated decision making by or on behalf of the Bank.

5) I expressly agree to the Bank and/or its affiliates for using the Information and for cross-selling to me their various products and services from time to time.

1.28Force Majeure:
The Bank shall not be liable if any transaction does not fructify or may not be completed or for any failure on part of the Bank to perform any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions or those applicable specifically to its services/facilities if performance is prevented, hindered or delayed by a Force Majeure event (defined below) and in such case its obligations shall be suspended for so long as the Force Majeure event continues.

"Force Majeure Event" means any event due to any cause beyond the reasonable control of the Bank, including without limitations, unavailability of any communication systems, breach, or virus in the processes or payment or delivery mechanism, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of god, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorised access to computer data and storage devices, computer crashes, malfunctioning in the computer terminal or the systems getting affected by any malicious, destructive or corrupting code or program, mechanical or technical errors/failures or power shut down, faults or failures in telecommunication etc.
I agree that I shall indemnify and hold the Bank harmless against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or by reason of or arising out of providing any of the services or due to any negligence/mistake/misconduct on my part or breach or non-compliance by me of any of the Terms and Conditions relating to any of the services or by reason of the Bank in good faith taking or refusing to take action on any instruction given by me.
1.30Right of Lien/Set off:
I hereby grant and confirm the existence of the right of lien and set-off with the Bank, which the Bank may at any time without prejudice to any of its specific rights under any other agreements with me, at its sole discretion and without notice to me utilize to appropriate any moneys belonging to me and lying/deposited with the Bank or due by the Bank to me, towards any of the Bank’s dues and outstandings under or in respect of a loan facility, including any charges/fees/dues payable under these Terms and Conditions..
Failure to enforce any rights conferred by these Terms and Conditions or any law shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such rights or operate so as to the exercise or enforcement thereof at any subsequent time.
1.32Governing Law:
All claims, matters and disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts in Mumbai only. These Terms and Conditions and/or the operations in the accounts of the customer maintained by the Bank and/or the use of the services provided by the Bank shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of India and no other nation. The customer and the Bank agree to submit to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the Courts located in Mumbai, India as regards any claims or matters arising under these Terms and Conditions.The Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than the Republic of India.
1.33Should I have any complaint relating to the features of any of the products/services of the Bank that I hold/avail of, I am aware that I can approach the Grievance Redressal Cell within the Bank at grievance[dot]redressal[at]hdfcbank[dot]com for a resolution and if I do not get a satisfactory response within 30 days of lodging the complaint, then, under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme 2006,I can approach the Ombudsman appointed by the Reserve Bank of India, in charge of the region where I hold my account, details of which are available at www.bankingombudsman.rbi.org.in
1.34In case there are no transactions initiated by me / us in the account for a continuous period of two years for Savings Account and Current Account (excludes system generated transactions like credit interest,debit interest), I / We agree that the account would be treated as a 'Dormant' Account & will be blocked for any Debit transaction for Account safety by the Bank. I/We agree that the account status would change to 'Active' only on my/our ( all joint holders) written instruction in this regard and by initiating a transaction by me / us at the home branch. I/We understand that until the account status is 'Dormant', transactions through Direct Banking Channels like ATM, Net Banking, Phone-banking may not be allowed by the Bank.
1.35I/We agree that, in case I/we have issued single cheque/instruction, for debit to my/our account, for issuing more than one Demand Draft/Pay-order, then the same will reflect as multiple debit entries in my/our account
1.36Bank shall be entitled at its discretion to engage/avail of, at the risk and cost of the customer, services of any person/third party service provider/agent/agency, for anything required to be done for/in relation to/pursuant to any of the products/services offered, including collections, recovery of dues, enforcement of security, getting or verifying any information of the customer/assets, and any necessary or incidental lawful acts/deeds/matters and things connected thereto, as the Bank may deem fit.
1.37The Bank shall have the right to not return the application, the photographs, information and documents submitted by the customer. The Bank shall, without notice to or without any consent of the customer, be absolutely entitled and have full right, power and authority to make disclosure of any information relating to customer including personal information, details in relation to documents, products/services offered, defaults, security, obligations of customer, to the Credit Information Bureau of India (CIBIL) and/or any other governmental/regulatory/statutory or private agency/entity, credit bureau, RBI, the Bank?s other branches/subsidiaries/affiliates/rating agencies, service providers, other banks/financial institutions, any third parties, any assignees/potential assignees of transferees, who may need the information and may process the information, publish in such manner and through such medium as may be deemed necessary by the publisher/Bank/RBI, including publishing the name as part of willful defaulter?s list from time to time, as also use for KYC information verification, credit risk analysis, or for other related purposes. In this connection, the customer waives the privilege of privacy and privacy of contract. The Bank shall have the right, without notice to or without any consent of the customer, to approach, make enquiries, obtain information, from any person including other banks/finance entities/credit bureaus, customer?s employer/family members, any other person related to the customer, to obtain any information for assessing track record, credit risk, or for establishing contact with the customer or for the purpose of recovery of dues from the customer.
1.38In case any personal information or sensitive information is collected by the Bank, the same shall be dealt with in accordance with the privacy policy of the Bank which is available on the website of the Bank at www.hdfcbank.com.
1.39Bank reserves the right to record telephonic conversations with customers for quality control purposes.
1.40Notwithstanding the documentation and account opening form provided, the bank reserves the right to accept / reject your application. The Bank's decision in this regard would be final.
1.41Any loans/facilities, other banking products, may be made available through the internet banking platform or any similar platform of the Bank (platforms through which the customer/borrower can access/monitor the account by use of the customer/log-in id and password) and the Bank may use such platform for providing the customers/borrowers the facility to complete online application as well as enter into/make the loan documents online. Every usage and operation of the internet banking or any such other platform using such customer id and password, including in cases of online loan processes from time to time, should be deemed to be usage and operation personally by the customer/borrower himself and in physically and mentally stable state nothwithstanding any loss, theft, hacking etc. of the password; and that the Bank shall not be required to check the identity of the person operating the internet banking account at any point of time or his mental or physical stability.
  • Voluntary Consent for Aadhaar:
    • "I hereby submit voluntarily at my own discretion, my Aadhaar number as issued by Govt. of India, to HDFC Bank and voluntarily give my consent to open account with HDFC Bank in my individual capacity using my Aadhaar number and / or as an authorized signatory in non-individual accounts and; to use my Aadhaar details for authentication with UIDAI. The consent and purpose of collecting Aadhaar has been explained to me in local language. HDFC Bank has informed me that my information submitted to the bank herewith shall not be used for any purpose other than mentioned above, or as per requirements of law."
  • Voluntary Consent for Aadhaar Authentication:
    • I hereby submit voluntarily at my own discretion my Aadhaar number issued by UIDAI, to HDFC Bank and voluntarily give my consent to use my Aadhaar number for e-KYC authentication with UIDAI as per Aadhaar Act, 2016; for the purpose of Account opening and Aadhaar linking and/or specified instructions on my HDFC Bank account in my individual capacity and / or as an authorized signatory in non-individual accounts.
    • I, holder of the Aadhaar number, hereby voluntarily give my consent to HDFC Bank to obtain and use my Aadhaar number, Name and Fingerprint/Iris and my Aadhaar details for authentication with UIDAI as per Aadhaar Act, 2016 and all other applicable laws.
    • HDFC Bank has informed me thatbasis the voluntary consent given by me while submitting my Aadhaar number to HDFC Bank, my Aadhaar details and identity information would only be used for e-KYC purpose, demographic authentication, validation, OTP authentication including; for availing banking services, operation of my accounts / relationships and for delivery of subsidies, benefits and services and / or any other facility relating to banking operations.
    • HDFC Bank has informed that my biometrics will not be stored / shared and; will be submitted to Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) only for the purpose of authentication. HDFC Bank has informed me that this consent given by me voluntarily and my Aadhaar number will be stored along with my account details within the bank. I have been explained about the nature of information that may be shared upon authentication.
    • I also authorize HDFC Bank to link and authenticate my Aadhaar number to all my accounts / relationships with the Bank as may be opened in future.
    • I have been given to understand that my information submitted to the bank herewith shall not be used for any purpose other than mentioned above, or as per requirements of law. I hereby declare that all the information voluntarily furnished by me is true, correct and complete. I will not hold HDFC Bank or any of its officials responsible in case of any incorrect information provided by me.
    • The above consent given by me voluntarily and purpose of collecting Aadhaar has been explained to me in my local languag 
  • Voluntary Consent for Aadhaar in Regional Languages 

  • In the event of non-maintenance of minimum balance, the bank will notify the customer by SMS/e-mail/ letter etc. that in case the minimum balance is not restored in the account in the subsequent month, non-maintenance of minimum balance, charges will be applicable till such time the minimum balance is restored.
  • The Bank will notify the customer in the initial month only in case of non-maintenance of minimum balance and no further intimation will be given in consecutive months if minimum balance is not maintained. It will be the responsibility of the customer to ensure that his valid e-mail ID, mobile number and address is  updated with the Bank at all times, failing which,customer may not receive the notification(s).
1.44 Any update with respect to demographic- details (mailing Address, mobile no, email ID, Home Phone & Office Phone) on savings/current account will also be updated in assets and credit card relationship, if any.
1.45Accounts with Nil balance and no transactions for 6 consecutive months will be weeded out by the bank without any further intimation to the customer.
1.46Cash deposit or Cash withdrawal above twenty lakhs rupees in one or more account of a customer in a financial year will not be allowed if PAN/Aadhaar in lieu of PAN is not updated with the Bank.
2.1Salary Accounts
2.1.1Reversal of Salary Credits: I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorise the Bank to on the request of my employer/company recover by marking hold funds/debiting/reversal of credit, any excess amount credited by and/or on the instructions of the employer/company into my account, with notice to me. The Bank will not be held responsible and liable for any such hold funds/debit/reversal of credit carried out by the Bank.
2.1.2I acknowledge that my account has been opened with the Bank by virtue of my employment with the employer/company and is designated as "Salary Account". I understand that pursuant to the arrangement between the employer/company and the Bank, at the sole discretion of the Bank I may be entitled to certain facilities on the Salary Account only during the currency of my employment with the employer/company or till the subsistence of the arrangement between the employer/company and the Bank. I shall notify the Bank on cessation of services with the employer/company. The words "the employer/company" refers to the corporate in which I am employed and on whose request the Salary Account is opened with the Bank.
2.1.3I understand and acknowledge that the special facilities offered on Salary Account are basis agreement of regular salary credit between the employer/company and the Bank.
2.1.4I understand and acknowledge that the name of the account holder is not tallied with the account number before crediting salary in the respective accounts as provided by my employer/company.
2.1.5I understand and acknowledge that the responsibility of providing the correct account number for crediting of salaries will lie solely with my employer/company and i shall not hold the bank responsible for any wrong credit arising out of such incorrect account number provided by my employer/company.
2.1.6I hereby agree that in the event of no salary credits in my Salary Account for any continuous three months, the Bank reserves the right to change the status of Salary Account to Savings Regular Account without any intimation to the account holder/me and the Terms & Conditions as applicable to the HDFC Bank Savings Regular Account shall apply to this account from the date of change of status. The Terms & Conditions and features applicable to Savings Regular Account are published on the website of the Bank.
2.1.7I hereby agree that the Bank may at its sole and absolute discretion close the Salary Account if noticed that no amounts are credited by and/or on the instructions of the employer/company to the Salary Account regularly or in the event of my ceasing to be in the services of the employer/company for any reason whatsoever after giving me a notice of 30 days.
2.1.8I agree that any modification to the mode of operation in my account can be effected by the Bank with the consent of all joint holders to my account. I acknowledge that the Bank will not be entertaining any request for modification received without consent of all joint holders to my account. I further agree and acknowledge that till such time the Bank shall continue to honor the instructions in accordance with the mode of operation agreed at the time of opening the account.
2.2Additional benefit for Salary Account Customer - Personal Accidental Death Cover (PADC) on Salary Account
2.2.1The following are the broad Terms & Conditions of the captioned cover on salary account and Titanium Royale Debit card
  • Accidental Death resulting from bodily injury due accident only
  • Accidental Death resulting from bodily injury which directly and independently of all other causes results in Death within twelve (12) months of the event date
  • On the event date, the account holder
    • Is a bonafide employees (aged less than 70 years ) of the organization to whom the specific offer has been extended
    • Is holding a Salary Account under the Corporate Salary Account Program with HDFC Bank and has received salary credit in the month or month prior
    • Should have carried out at least one purchase transaction using the Debit Card, within 6 months prior to the date of loss.
    • In case of Air Accidental Death claim ticket should have been purchased using Debit Card linked to Salary Account
  • Cover provided only to the primary account holder

The following are the broad Terms & Conditions of the captioned cover in case of Salary Family Account
  • Accidental Death resulting from bodily injury due accident only
  • Accidental Death resulting from bodily injury which directly and independently of all other causes results in Death within twelve (12) months of the event date
  • On the event date, the account holder
    • Is aged less than 70 years
    • Is holding a Salary Family Account by virtue of his/her relationship with the salary account holder and such salary account is a zero balance account and has received salary credit in the month or month prior
    • Should have carried out at least one purchase transaction using the debit card, within 6 months prior to the date of loss
    • In case of Air Accidental Death claim ticket should have been purchased using Debit Card linked to Salary Family Account
  • Cover provided only to the primary account holder
2.2.2Claim Procedure:
  • In the event of death of the account holder, the beneficiary to approach the account branch, and the branch would guide the customer on the documents required.
  • On the receipt of these documents by the branch, as special gesture for our salary account holders, HDFC bank would liaise with the insurance company for processing the claim. However, receipt of the documents by the branch does not construe acceptance of claim. In the event of death, the beneficiary has to inform the account branch immediately. As per policy the insurance company needs to be informed (through the bank) within 30 days of accident and all supporting documents relating to the claim needs to be submitted to the insurance company within sixty (60) days from the date of loss.
2.2.3Disclaimer :
  • The account holder specifically acknowledges that the Bank will not be liable in any manner whatsoever by virtue of any insurance cover provided, and that the insurance company will be solely liable, in case of a death of a Cardholder and shall not hold the Bank responsible for any matter arising out of or in connection with such insurance cover, whether for or in respect of any deficiency or defect in such insurance cover, recovery or payment of compensation, processing or settlement of claims or otherwise howsoever, and all such matters shall be addressed to and sorted out directly with the Insurance company.
  • The account holder further acknowledges that the insurance cover so provided will be available to the salary accounts only as per the terms of the relevant insurance policy in force, with his account maintained in good standing. On the account being closed or converted to savings regular account temporarily or permanently for whatever reason, the benefit of such insurance cover shall automatically and ipso facto cease to be available from such date of cesser of account. Further the account holder also agrees that even during continuation of his account, the Bank may at any time suspend, withdraw or cancel the benefit of such insurance cover, and there will no binding obligation on the Bank to continue this benefit.
  • Insurance company can be subject to change and insurance cover is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy in force
2.3Kid's Advantage Account
2.3.1An account may be opened on behalf of a Minor by his/her natural guardian or by a guardian appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction. The guardian shall represent the Minor in all transactions of any 1 description in the above account until the said Minor attains majority. Upon the Minor attaining majority, the right of the guardian to operate the account shall cease.
2.3.2The guardian agrees that the Minor's account will not be entitled to any overdraft or any borrowing facility whatsoever.
2.3.3If for any reason there is inadequate balance or the Minor's account is overdrawn, the Bank shall be entitled to dishonor any cheques drawn on the said account without being liable for any consequences arising there from.
2.3.4The guardian agrees that on issue of ATM/Debit Card all the Terms and Conditions as applicable to ATM/Debit Card and its usage mentioned herein shall apply.
2.3.5The guardian agrees and acknowledges that the withdrawal by the Minor, including through use of ATM/Debit Card, attach no liability to the Minor personally on account of Minority. Accordingly, the whole of such liability is assumed by the guardian and shall be discharged by the guardian alone. The guardian shall be fully bound by all debits to the Minor's account including through use of ATM/Debit Cards.
2.3.6The guardian agrees that the Bank shall be entitled to debit any of his/her accounts to recover all charges, fees, interests, costs or any amounts overdrawn from the Minor's account.
2.3.7In the event any special facility such as life insurance cover for the guardian is offered in the Minor's account, the provision of clause 15.59.1 & 15.59.2 hereunder shall apply mutatis mutandis. The guardian agrees that the Bank may disclose in strict confidence to the insurance company any personal information for any purposes arising out of or in connection with such insurance cover.
2.3.8The guardian agrees to indemnify the Bank against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, damages, losses, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever which the Bank may at any time incur, sustain, suffer or be put to as a consequence of or arising out of opening and operation of the Minor’s account including withdrawals/transactions through use of ATM/Debit Card and further against all and any claims of the Minor for any withdrawal/transactions made by the guardian in the Minor's account.
All supporting documents relating to claim must be submitted to the company within sixty (60) days from the date of loss and the claim should be within thirty (30) days from the date of Loss.
2.4"Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account:"
2.4.1I understand that, as per regulatory guidelines, holders of Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account are not eligible to open any other savings account in HDFC Bank
2.4.2Thus, I agree that if I have any other existing savings account(s) with HDFC Bank, then I am required to close such other savings account(s) within 30 days of opening the Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
2.4.3I accept that the Bank reserves the right to close the other savings account(s) (if any), as applicable under the regulatory guidelines, if such account(s) is/are not closed by me within 30 days of opening the Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
2.4.4Any resident individual and do not have complete KYC is eligible to open a BSBDA Small Account. To be more specific, a residential individual who does not have: 
  • Photo ID proof as per the bank’s acceptable list of documents.
  • Address proof as per the bank’s acceptable list of documents.
Listed below are the criteria required to operate a BSBDA Small Account :
2.4.5As a BSBDA Small Account holder I would be subject to the following transactional limits:
  • The total balance in the BSDBA Small account should not exceed Rs. 50,000 at any point of time 
  • The total credits in the BSDBA Small account should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000 at any point of time 
  • The total withdrawals and transfers in the BSDBA Small account should not exceed Rs. 10,000 in a month
If the balance in the account exceeds Rs. 50,000, no further credit transactions will be permitted the Small account till such time the balance goes below Rs. 50,000

If the aggregate of credits in a financial year exceeds Rs. 1,00,000 no further credit transactions will be permitted in the Small account till the end of that financial year

If the withdrawals and transfers exceeds Rs. 10,000 no further debit transactions will be permitted in the Small account till the end of that calendar month
2.4.6As a BSBDA Small Account holder I am required to submit to HDFC Bank:
  • An evidence of having applied for valid KYC (as per the acceptable list of KYC specified for BSBDA Small Accounts) within 12 months of account opening
  • The following documents will be treated as evidence for having applied for a valid KYC within 12 months of account opening: 

    BSBDA Small Account – Acceptable list of documents accepted towards proof of having applied for valid KYC
    Documents to be established for proof of identity
    KYC DocumentDocument to be accepted as evidence
    Passport [ not expired]Copy of application form by Ministry of External affairs - Govt.
    PAN cardCopy of Form 49A
    Election/Voter’s cardCopy of Form 6
    Driving Licensce - Permenant (exceptCopy of application form by RTO
    Aadhaar card / letter issued by Government of IndiaAadhaar Acknowledgement letter issued by UIDAI (Unique Identiifcation Authority of India)
    NREGA card.Copy of application form by NREGA

    Documents to be established for proof of Address
    KYC DocumentDocument to be accepted as evidence
    Passport [ not expired]Copy of application form by Ministry of External affairs - Govt. of India
    Driving license - Permanent(except issued by the Govt of Maharashtra).Copy of application form by RTO
    Ration cardCopy of application form / Acknowledgement slip
    Election card / Voters ID [if it has address].Copy of Form 6
    Aadhaar card / letter issued by Government of India.Aadhaar Acknowledgement letter issued by UIDAI (Unique Identiifcation Authority of India)
    NREGA card.Copy of application form by NREGA
    Senior citizens card issued by the State /Central Govt. of India (if it has address).Copy of application form / Acknowledgement slip issued by the State /Central Govt. of India
    Domicile certificate with communication address issued by Municipal Corporation.Copy of application form / Acknowledgement slip issued by Municipal Corporation
  • Actual KYC (ID proof, Address proof and Photograph) as per the Bank's acceptable list of KYC within 24 months of account opening
2.4.7I understand that, holders of BSBDA – Small Account are not eligible to open any other CASA / TD / RD in HDFC Bank till such time I am KYC complied
2.4.8I accept that the Bank reserves the right to close the other current, savings, term deposit account(s) (if any), if such account(s) is/are not closed by me within 7 days of opening the BSBDA Small Account
2.5"Senior Citizen" Account:
Additional benefit for customers holding Senior Citizens Account.

DescriptionSum Insured
Accidental Hospitalisation Cover (Reimbursement Cover)Rs.50,000/- p.a
Accidental Hospital Cash (One claim per year)Rs.500/- per day for a maximum of 15 days per year

Currently the policy is with HDFC ERGO Insurance Company Limited.

The following are the broad Terms & Conditions of the captioned cover:
2.5.1Accidental Hospitalisation Cover:
  1. This cover is extended only to the first holder of the Senior Citizens Account.
  2. This is a Reimbursement cover valid only in India.
  3. If the cardholder is hospitalized for a minimum period of 24 hrs on the advice of a doctor because of accidental bodily injury sustained during the policy period, than the insurance company will reimburse, reasonable and customary medical expenses incurred upto a maximum sum insured.
  4. This includes the reasonable charges incurred on the advice of a doctor as an inpatient in a hospital for accommodation, nursing care, the attention of medically qualified staff, undergoing medically necessary procedures and medical consumables.
  5. For the claim to be accepted & processed, the cardholder should have carried out at least 1 purchase (point of sale) transaction at a merchant establishment using the Debit Card, in the previous 6 months before the accident. A purchase transaction performed before the date of hospitalization - in the same month (as the month of the accident) will also be valid.
  6. This cover is applicable for resident individuals only. It will not be applicable to Non-individual entities.
2.5.2Accidental Hospital Cash :
  1. It provides cash benefit for each completed day of hospitalisation, payable once a year @Rs.500 per day for a maximum of 15 days per year. 'Day' for this purpose shall be every completed (24 hours) of hospitalisation.
2.5.3Claim Procedure :
  1. In the event of accidental hospitalisation of the cardholder, the claimant / claimant's representative to approach the account branch, and the branch would guide the customer on the documents required. On the receipt of these documents by the branch, as special gesture for our debit card holders, HDFC bank would liaise with the insurance company for processing the claim. However, receipt of the documents by the branch does not construe acceptance of claim. In the event of accidental hospitalisation, the claimant has to inform the account branch immediately. As per policy the insurance company needs to be informed ( through the bank) within 30 days of accident.
2.5.4Disclaimer :
  1. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation and HDFC Bank is not responsible for any compensation or processing of claims or for any reason whatsoever.
2.6"SavingsMax" Account:
Additional benefit for customers holding SavingsMax Accounts:

DescriptionSum Insured
Accidental Hospitalisation Cover (Reimbursement Cover)Rs. 1,00,000/- p.a
Accidental Hospital CashRs.1,000/- per day for a maximum of 15 days per year

Currently the policy is with HDFC ERGO Insurance Company Limited.

The following are the broad Terms & Conditions of the captioned cover :
2.6.1Accidental Hospitalisation Cover
  • This cover is extended only to the first holder of the SavingsMax account.
  • It would be applicable after the completion of the 1st calendar quarter, post the quarter of account opening.
  • This is a Reimbursement cover valid only in India.
  • If the first holder of the SavingsMax account is hospitalized for a minimum period of 24 hrs on the advice of a doctor because of accidental bodily injury sustained during the policy period, then the insurance company will reimburse, reasonable and customary medical expenses incurred upto a maximum sum of Rs. 1,00,000/-.
  • This includes the reasonable charges incurred on the advice of a doctor as an in-patient in a hospital for accommodation, nursing care, the attention of medically qualified staff, undergoing medically necessary procedures and medical consumables.
  • For the claim to be accepted & processed, the first holder of the SavingsMax account should have fulfilled the below 2 conditions -
    • Maintained an Average Quarterly Balance of Rs. 25,000 (irrespective of enjoying the benefit of a zero balance account with a Fixed Deposit of minimum Rs. 1,00,000/-), in the calendar quarter previous to the quarter of the date of accident
    • Should have done at least 1 purchase - point of sale (POS) transaction at a merchant establishment using the Debit Card in the previous 3 months before the date of accident
  • Accidental hospitalisation reimbursement cover will be payable by the insurance company till the sum insured of Rs. 1,00,000/- is exhausted under one policy period of the bank with the insurance company, which is subject to renewal annually.
  • The accident will be covered only if it requires hospitalisation of more than 24 hrs.
  • This cover is applicable for resident individuals only. It will not be applicable to Non-Individual entities.
2.6.2Accidental Hospitalisation Cash
  • It provides cash benefits for each completed day of hospitalisation & can be claimed if the customer is hospitalized due to an accident for more than 24 hrs. This is meant to cover expenses for which bills cannot be produced
  • It is limited to Rs. 1,000/- per day for a maximum of 15 days per year, per person. 'Day' for this purpose shall be every completed (24 hours) of hospitalisation.
  • Accidental hospital cash will be payable by the insurance company till 15 days are exhausted under one policy period of the bank with the insurance company, only in the situation where claim under Accidental hospitalisation has been accepted.
2.6.3All supporting documents relating to claim must be submitted to the company within sixty (60) days from the date of loss and the claim should be within thirty (30) days from the date of Loss.
2.6.4Claim Procedure
  • In the event of Accidental hospitalisation of the first holder of the SavingsMax account, the claimant/claimant's representative to approach the account branch, and the branch would guide the customer on the documents required. On the receipt of these documents by the branch, as a special gesture for our SavingsMax account holders, HDFC Bank would liaise with the insurance company for processing the claim. However receipt of documents by the branch does not construe acceptance of claim. In the event of Accidental hospitalisation, the claimant has to inform the account branch immediately. As per policy the insurance company needs to be informed (through the bank) within 30 days of the accident.
  • Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation and HDFC Bank is not responsible for any compensation or processing of claims or for any reason whatsoever
  • Claims will be subject to the exclusions mentioned in the policy document
2.6.6Accidental Death Cover of Rs.10 lac

  • The insurance cover is restricted to death by vehicular accidents (Rail/Road/Air)
  • This cover is extended only to the first holder of the SavingsMax account
  • For claim to be processed, primary account holder should have done atleast 1 purchase- Point of Sale transaction at a merchant establishment using the Debit Card in the previous 3 months before the date of death. A purchase transaction performed before the date of death in the same month will also be valid

  • In the event of accidental death of the account holder, the claimant / claimant's representative to approach the account branch, and the branch would guide the customer on the documents required
  • On the receipt of these documents by the branch, as special gesture, HDFC bank would liaise with the insurance company for processing the claim
  • However, receipt of the documents by the branch does not construe acceptance of claim
  • In the event of accidental hospitalisation/death, the claimant has to inform the account branch immediately
  • All supporting documents relating to claim must be submitted to the company within sixty (60) days from the date of loss and the claim should be within thirty (30) days from the date of Loss
  • Claims will be subject to the exclusions mentioned in the policy document
2.7Women's Savings Account
Additional benefit for customers holding Women's Savings Account 

DescriptionSum Insured
Personal Accidental Death CoverRs 10,00,000/-
Accidental Hospitalisation Cover (Reimbursement Cover)Rs 1,00,000/- p.a
Accidental Hospital CashRs 1,000/- per day for a maximum of 10 days per year

Currently the policy is with HDFC ERGO General Insurance. 

The following are the broad Terms & Conditions of the captioned cover :
2.7.1Personal Accidental Death Cover
  • This cover is extended only to the first holder of the Women's Savings account
  • For the claim to be accepted & processed, the first holder of the Women's Savings account should have done at least 1 purchase - point of sale (POS) transaction at a merchant establishment, using the Debit Card, in the previous 6 months before the date of accident. A purchase transaction performed before date of death in the same month will also be valid.
2.7.2Accidental Hospitalisation Cover
  • This cover is extended only to the first holder of the Women's Savings account
  • This is a reimbursement cover, valid only in India
  • If the first holder of the Women's Savings account is hospitalized for a minimum period of 24 hours on the advice of a doctor because of accidental bodily injury sustained during the policy period, then the insurance company will reimburse, reasonable and customary medical expenses incurred upto a maximum sum of Rs. 1,00,000/-
  • This includes the reasonable charges incurred on the advice of a doctor as an in-patient in a hospital for accommodation, nursing care, the attention of medically qualified staff, undergoing medically necessary procedures and medical consumables.
  • For the claim to be accepted & processed, the first holder of the Women's Savings account should have done at least 1 purchase - point of sale (POS) transaction at a merchant establishment, using the Debit Card, in the previous 6 months before the date of accident. A purchase transaction performed before date of hospitalization in the same month as the month of accident will also be valid.
  • Accidental hospitalization reimbursement cover will be payable by the insurance company till the sum insured of Rs. 1,00,000/- is exhausted under one policy period of the bank with the insurance company, which is subject to renewal annually
  • The accident will be covered only if it requires hospitalization of more than 24 hours
  • This cover is applicable for resident individuals only. It will not be applicable to Non-Individual entities.
  • The age limit for the policy is 18 years - 70 years.
2.7.3Accidental Hospital Cash
  • The policy provides cash benefits for each completed day of hospitalization & can be claimed if the customer is hospitalised due to an accident for more than 24 hours. This is meant to cover expenses for which bills cannot be produced.
  • It is limited to Rs. 1,000/- per day for a maximum of 10 days per year, per person. ‘Day’ for this purpose shall be every completed (24 hours) of hospitalization
  • Accidental hospital cash will be payable by the insurance company till 10 days are exhausted under one policy period of the bank with the insurance company, only in the situation where claim under Accidental Hospitalization has been accepted
  • The cash benefit will be payable maximum once a year only
2.7.4Claim Procedure 
  • In the event of accidental hospitalisation / death of the account holder, the claimant / claimant's representative to approach the account branch, and the branch would guide the customer on the documents required
  • On the receipt of these documents by the branch, as special gesture for our Women's Savings Account holders, HDFC bank would liaise with the insurance company for processing the claim
  • However, receipt of the documents by the branch does not construe acceptance of claim
  • In the event of accidental hospitalisation/death, the claimant has to inform the account branch immediately
  • As per policy the insurance company needs to be informed (through the bank) within 30 days of accident
  • Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation and HDFC Bank is not responsible for any compensation or processing of claims for any reason whatsoever
  • Claims will be subject to the exclusions mentioned in the policy document
    • Receipt of documents by the branch does not construe acceptance of claim

HDFC Bank InstaAccount: 
  • This account is valid for a period of 1 year only.  You will need to visit a branch to complete a full KYC process to convert this account to any standard savings/salary account within a year. 
  • Your account balance cannot exceed INR 1 lac at any given point of time.
  • Your annual credit to this account, in one financial year, cannot exceed INR 2 lacs
  • You have to maintain the Average Monthly Balance (AMB) / Average Quarterly Balance (AQB) as per the product that you have selected during the InstaAccount Opening process. However, as per guidance from Government of India, we shall not be levying charges for non maintenance of AMB / AQB , till 30 June 2020. Non maintenance of AMB / AQB charges will be applicable for all accounts w.e.f 1 July 2020.

Speciale Gold/Platinum Savings Account/ Super Kids Savings Account​​​​​​​ / Speciale Senior Citizen Savings Account:

  • I/We agree to maintain the required AQB (Average Quarterly Balance) as informed to me at the time of account opening.

  • I / We understand that notice for AQB non-maintenance will be sent on end of 2nd month of the quarter in which AQB is not maintained. If AQB is not maintained in the subsequent month of that quarter then non maintenance charges for that entire quarter will be levied

  • I/We agree that the Bank shall have the sole discretion to decide on my/our eligibility for the Speciale Account/ Super Kids Savings Account and accordingly my/our Consent will be taken for upgrade / downgrade from Speciale Gold / Speciale Platinum/ Speciale Senior Citizen/Super Kids Savings to any other product/ program irrespective of relationship value of product or grouped program members

  • I/We agree and confirm to all other transaction charges are detailed in the schedule of charges

  • I/We agree that as part of Speciale Gold / Speciale Platinum/ Speciale Senior Citizen/ Super Kids product , we shall be provided unique merchant offers on Debit card

  • I/We agree that Speciale Gold / Speciale Platinum offers are subject to my/our minimum spends criteria and my/our maintaining required minimum balance requirement in stipulated period as per offer given on HDFC Bank Website

  • I/We agree that Super Kids / Speciale Senior Citizen account offers are subject to my/our minimum Debit Card spends criteria in stipulated period as per offer given on HDFC Bank Website

  • I/We agree that the Bank reserves the right to change/ modify/ withdraw/ suspend the offers from time to time

  • I/We agree that we shall be sent offer redemption details on SMS and the Bank will not be responsible or liable in case the above offer is not configured or could not be availed by me/us due to any restrictions including DNC/ NDNC or any delay, congestion on any telephone network or line or issues related to computer on-line system, servers or providers, website or mobile app or any other reason beyond the control of HDFC Bank

  • I/We agree that in case of any issue relating to the above offer including any dispute or discrepancy or non receipt of voucher or on my/our eligibility, HDFC Bank’s decision shall be final and binding on me/us in all respects

  • I/We agree that we would be eligible /can apply for all the subject debit card offers only once in stipulated time period and cannot re-apply for the offers

  • HDFC Bank reserves the right to reverse/hold the opening /continuation of the said Account due to inter alia non-compliance with HDFC Bank’s policies or RBI guidelines, non-completion of KYC, suspicious/fraudulent transaction, etc. HDFC Bank shall not be liable in case of closure of such accounts.

  • These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and the courts of Mumbai shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over any action arising in relation to these Terms and Conditions.

3.1I understand that as per extant Reserve Bank of India guidelines, opening of any current account requires declaration of existing credit facilities with any of the Bank's branches or any other bank.
I shall declare details of any such Credit facilities enjoyed with any Bank in the Account Opening Form, as per the required format therein.
I undertake to obtain the requisite No Objection Certificate/s from such Bank/s and hand it/them over to you before the account gets opened.
3.2I agree to repay to the Bank on demand, unconditionally, the amounts of overdrafts that the Bank may grant to me from time to time, together with interest accrued thereon. I agree that this does not imply that the Bank is bound to grant me any credit facility whatsoever.
I/we understand that, upon opening account digitally, bank will verify the mailing address registered at the time of opening of account and in case same is found to be negative, account will be Blocked/ Closed centrally without any further notice to me/Us.
I/we understand that, in case of VCIP rejection, account will be closed centrally and funds if any would be sent via Demand Draft on registered mailing address and the Bank shall not be held liable towards any claims, damages on account of such closure of the account.

Bank computes interest based on the actual number of days’ in a year. In case, the deposit is spread over a leap or a non-leap year, the interest is calculated based on the number of days. i.e. 366 days in a leap year & 365 days in a non-leap year.

Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)

  • As per section 206AA introduced by finance (No.2) Act, 2009 wef 01.4.2010, every person who receives income on which TDS is deductible shall furnish his PAN, failing which TDS shall be deducted at the rate of 20% (as against 10% which is existing TDS rate). in case of domestic deposits and 30% plus applicable surcharge and health and Education Cess in case of NRO deposits". Please further note that in the absence of PAN as per CBDT circular no: 03/11. TDS certificate will not be issued. In absence of PAN, Form 15G/15H and other exemption certificates will be invalid even if submitted and TDS at higher rate will be applicable.

  • Every person who has been allotted a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and is eligible to obtain Aadhaar number, must link their PAN with Aadhaar as per provisions of Section 139 AA of the Income Tax Act 1961. Further non linking of PAN with Aadhaar shall make PAN “inoperative" and 
           1 ) TDS / TCS would be deducted /collected at Non PAN rate (including cash withdrawal) .
           2 ) Form 15G/H with inoperative PAN will not be accepted
           3)  Existing Form 15 G / H becomes ineffective till PAN remains inoperative.

  • TDS is applicable from time to time as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act) and Income Tax Rules, 1962. The current rates applicable for TDS would be displayed on Bank’s website. Currently, TDS is deducted when the aggregate interest paid / credited across all FDs, RDs exceeds the threshold limit of Rs. 40,000/- for residents and Rs. 50,000/- for resident senior citizens in a financial year (FY) for a customer. Further, Tax is deducted at the end of the financial year on Interest accruals, if applicable.

  • In case of inoperative PAN (PAN not linked to Aadhar), TDS will be deducted @ 20% and no 15G/H form can be submitted during inoperative PAN period.

  • If customer is non-ITR filer i.e specified person as per Income tax portal TDS will be deducted @ 20%.

  • If customer wishes to have TDS recovered from CASA, same can be availed by filling separate declaration at branch. If interest Amount/Balance in CASA is insufficient to recover TDS, a hold will be marked on FD towards applicaaapplicable TDS amount. The TDS will be recovered on next interest payout, partial FD closure, premature closure or when sufficient funds are available in CASA

  • For renewed deposits, the new deposit amount consists of the original deposit amount plus Interest Less TDS, if any, less compounding effect on TDS. For reinvestment deposit, the interest reinvested is post TDS recovery and "hence the maturity amount for reinvestment deposits would vary to the extent of tax and compounding effect on tax for the period subsequent of deduction till maturity.

  • As Per Section 139A(5A) of IT Act, every person receiving any sum of income or amount from which tax has been deducted under the provisions of IT Act shall provide his PAN to the person responsible for deducting such tax. In case PAN is not provided as required, the bank shall not be liable for the non availment of the credit of Tax deducted at Source and non-issuance of TDS certificate.

  • If your PAN is not updated with the Bank or is incorrect; please visit your nearest branch to submit your PAN details.

  • No deductions of Tax shall be made from the taxable interest in the case of an individual resident in India, if such individual furnishes to the Bank, a declaration in writing in the prescribed Format (Form 15G / Form 15H as applicable) to the effect that the tax on his estimated total income for the year in which such interest income is to be included in computing his total income will be Nil. This is subject to PAN availability on Bank records.

  • Deposit amount exceeding Rs 50 k or aggregated value of all outstanding FDs/RDs booked in same customer id during the Financial Year exceeds INR 5Lakhs limit (*) then PAN/Form 60 is mandatory.

  • I agree to the Bank issuing certificate in the prescribed form for tax deducted at source on interest on Fixed Deposits, after the end of every calender quarter 

In absence of PAN/Form 60: (a) FD/RD will not be renewed on maturity and maturity proceeds will be credited to your linked account or a Demand Draft will be sent to your mailing address as updated in Bank's records. (b) Maturity instructions to convert RD proceeds to FD will not be acted upon and RD proceeds will be credited to your linked account on maturity.

The maximum interest not charged to tax during the financial year where form 15 G/H is submitted is as below:

  • Upto 3, 00,000/- for residents of India below the age of 60 years or a person (not being a company or firm).

  • Upto 7,00,000/- for senior citizen residents of India above the age of 60 years any time during the FY

  • Form 15G/15 H to be submitted by customer in duplicate to the bank, one copy for Bank record and second copy to be returned to customer with Branch seal as an acknowledgment.

  • Form 15G/15H needs to be submitted for every fixed Deposits booked with bank for Tax exemption.

  • The bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising due to delay or non-submission of Form 15G/15H

  • To enable us to serve you better kindly submit the Form 15G/15H latest by April 1st of the new financial year

Note: The above guidelines are subject to change as per Income Tax regulations /directives of Finance Ministry Govt of India prevalent from time to time.

Automatic Renewal We will be happy to renew your deposit, unless we hear from you to the contrary, for the same period as the original deposit, at the prevailing rate of interest. You can change the deposit instruction within 7 days. Without prejudice to clause above, I hereby authorise the Bank and/or its authorised person to approach me through various mode of communication, viz. via email, telephone call, voice bot (through chat bot or any other Artificial Intelligent Tool), message, etc. and seek my consent/confirmation to renew the existing Fixed Deposit for same tenure and at the prevailing applicable rate of interest. I confirm that the consent/confirmation given by me through the above channels for renewal shall be treated as written instruction / advice given by me to the Bank for renewal of the Fixed Deposit as above.

I agree that on maturity of my Fixed Deposit, in absence of my written instructions on disposal, the Bank reserves the right at its discretion to renew the deposit along with accrued interest thereon at prevailing rates of interest for a similar tenor of the deposit which has matured. 

Premature Encashment

  • With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal including Sweep-in/Partial Withdrawal will be 1% lower (as applicable) of the rate on the date of deposit booked, to the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.

  • In the event of death of one of the joint account holders, the right to the deposit proceeds does not automatically devolve on the surviving joint deposit account holder, unless there is a survivorship clause.

  • In case of joint fixed deposits with a survivorship clause, the Bank shall be discharged by paying the Fixed Deposit proceeds prematurely to survivor/s equally, on request, in the event of one or more Joint Depositor.

  • In the case of premature encashment, all signatories to the deposit must sign the encashment instruction.

  • All premature encashment will be governed by rules of Reserve Bank of India Prevalent at the time of encashment.

  • As per IT laws, if aggregate amount of the deposit/(s) held by a person with a branch either in his own name or jointly with any person on the date of repayment together with the interest at payable is equal to or exceeds 20,000/- then the amount will be paid by bank draft drawn in the name of the deposit holder or by crediting the savings / current account of the deposit holder.

  • Partial Premature withdrawal and sweep-in facility is not allowed for fixed deposits with amount>=5 cr to< 25 cr.

  • Prior to 22nd July 2023, the applicable rate for  Premature  Withdrawal (for all deposits including Sweep-in / Partial Withdrawal), will be 1% below (as reduced rate ) of the lower of either: 

           a) The rate for the original /contracted tenor for which deposit has been booked  or
           b) The base rate* applicable for the tenor or which the deposit has been in force with the bank. The base rate will be as follow -

                        ( I ) For deposits < 5 crore booked on or after 7th March’19, the base rate (mentioned above in point b) is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs. 2 Crore as on the date of booking the deposit. Prior to this the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.1 Cr as on date of booking the deposit.  
                    ( II )  For 5 Crore and above deposits, the base rate is the rate applicable for 5 crore deposits.

  • The base rate applicable is the interest rate of the date of deposit acceptance under tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the bank.

  • Premature closure of deposit attracts penal charges of 1% as mentioned above, except below scenarios –
     a) Deposit booked with tenor 7-14 days

            b) Single Deposit booked with amount >= 5.25 Cr to < 5.50 Cr (wef 29th Aug 2018)

            c) Single Deposit booked with amount >=24.75 Cr to < 25 Cr (wef 29th Aug 2018)

            d) Single FD booked with value >=25 crore (post Sept 2017)

            e) Customer deceased

            f) NRE fixed deposits.

  • In case of death of any holder of the deposit prior to maturity date, premature termination of the deposit would be allowed as per the terms of contract subject to necessary verifications and submission of proof of death of the depositor. Such premature withdrawals will not attract any penal charge.

  • I agree that in case of premature withdrawal of my fixed deposit based on my instructions or the instructions of all the joint depositors in the case of joint deposit, the bank shall have the right to recover interest already paid or the penalty (reduced rate), if any, from the proceeds of the fixed deposit in accordance with prevailing regulations of the bank and the Reserve Bank of India.

  • I agree that the bank will pay the Fixed Deposit amount either on maturity or premature withdrawal at any branch irrespective of the branch where the deposit is booked. 

  • In case of premature liquidation of the fixed deposit against which the overdraft has been taken, the rate applicable on the overdraft utilized will remain unchanged as per RBI regulations.

  • Fixed Deposit Liquidation on NetBanking is available only for Single Holding Deposits of Individual Customers.

  • Central or State Government establishments such as Apex Bodies, Union Government, State Government, Union Territories Government, Legislature, Judiciary, Embassies, Missions, Panchayat, District, Local Body and certain other entities which are 100% owned by Government shall be eligible for exemption from penalty (reduced rate) applicable on premature withdrawal of Fixed deposits for Deposits booked/renewed on or after 1st July’23. Customers who wish to avail this facility on new booking or renewal, are requested to visit nearest Branch prior to new booking or date of renewal of deposit with request letter and requisite documents (if required). For more details, Please contact your Branch/Relationship Manager. Please note this facility will not be available for online booking of FD.

Insurance Cover for Deposits

The deposits in the Bank are insured with DICGC for an amount of Rs 5 lakhs (principal + interest) per depositor

Non Withdrawable Fixed Deposits (Applicable for Resident and Non Resident)

  • The Deposits cannot be closed by the depositor before expiry of the tenure. However, the Bank may allow premature withdrawal of these deposits in certain exceptional circumstances, in the event of direction from any statutory and / or regulatory body or deceased claim settlement cases.

  • In the event of premature withdrawal of these deposits under above mentioned exceptional circumstances (except for deceased claim settlement case), the Bank will not pay any interest on the principal amount of the deposit. Any interest credited or paid up to the date of such premature closure will be recovered from the deposit 

  • With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal in the event of death claim,  will be the rate on the date of deposit booked, to the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.

  • Prior to  July 22nd, 2023, In the event of premature withdrawal of these FDs due to death claim , interest to be paid to the claimant. The interest rate applicable on such withdrawal will be the contracted rate or the base rate applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank, whichever is lower. For deposits 2 crore to < 5 crore, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of 2 crores as on the date of booking the deposit. For deposits >=5 crore, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of 5 crores as on the date of booking the deposit. 

  • Sweep-in facility is not allowed.

  • The deposit is allowed for Non-Resident Category also. The minimum tenor for NRE deposit is 1 Year. 

  • The minimum tenor for resident and NRO deposits of 2 crores is 1 year and 89 days for 5 crore & above

  • The deposit will be booked with maturity instruction as ‘Do Not Renew’.

  • The Non-Withdrawable Deposit is offered for amount 2 crore and above only.

Overdraft Facility /Advances are NOT allowed against Non-withdrawal Fixed Deposit and it continue to remain not eligible for any security collaterals like issuance of Letter of Credit / Bank Guarantee or any other margins etc

SureCover Fixed Deposit

  • This is a new product variant which provides complimentary term life insurance cover for the 1st year of the Fixed Deposit tenure to the primary holder of the Fixed Deposit (FD) only and the same shall not be available for the joint holders (if any). The Policy shall be available subject to the below terms and conditions.
  • The Policy offered shall be equivalent to principal amount of the FD
  • The Complimentary insurance is applicable only for 1st year of the Fixed Deposit tenure and the premium for the subsequent years i.e. 2nd year onwards (if availed) shall be chargeable and paid by the primary holder of the FD.
  • The complimentary Policy issued in my favour shall be cancelled upon premature/partial liquidation of FD principal amount >=50% of the total FD booked by me. Also, if the same is force closed by the bank due to non-servicing of OD against FD
  • Premature withdrawal clause will be applicable as per bank’s extant process
  • Nomination in the FD and Policy is mandatory. If nominee is minor, guardian/ appointee details should be shared and guardian/ appointee should not be minor.
  • Customer can avail only one Policy against each FD per cust id. New Policy against the FD can be availed only after a year from premature withdrawal/closure of the earlier FD
  • Insurance cover will be applicable only to the primary holder of the FD
  • If a primary applicant changes the date of birth, name etc after SureCover fd is booked and if the details are not as per the eligibility defined for the product, claim will not be settled for such cases
  • The details for the renewal of the Policy for the subsequent year (i.e. 2nd year onwards) shall be shared by the concerned Insurance company on or before the expiry of the Policy.
  • For any dispute/grievances in relation to the Policy, Customer to contact the Insurance Company for grievance redressal.
  • For any queries related to the policy, customer can write to cpgroupops@hdfclife .com or visit nearest branch
  • For any queries related to the claim, customer can write to groupclaims@hdfclife.com
  • TDS will be applicable on these FDs as per the extant statutory guidelines.
  • All terms and conditions with respect to regular FD will be applicable.
  • That the eligible age criteria of the primary holder of the FD shall be between 18 years to 50 years. In the event of the change in age of member between the date of receipt of member consent and the risk commencement date, the sum assured of the member shall be provided as per the age on the risk commencement date.
  • The coverage shall terminate if you fail to satisfy any of the eligibility criteria, if you cease to be a member of the group for whatsoever reason or your relationship ceases with the master policy holder or if the premium is not paid within the allowed premium payment period
  • Nominee details updated are applicable only for current Policy being issued in the name of the primary holder
  • On change of status i.e. from resident to non-resident, benefits of SureCover FD will be discontinued and SureCover FD will have to be closed  
    In case the above mentioned Terms and Conditions and declarations are untrue or there has been any non-disclosure of any material fact, then the Policy to be issued by the insurer shall be treated as void during the settlement of the said Policy by the Insurer. 

    Please refer to data privacy notice updated on HDFC Bank’s website: www.hdfcbank.com > Personal> Useful Links > Privacy 

    Please refer website www.hdfcbank.com for detailed terms and conditions.

Health Cover FD

  • This is a new product variant which provides complimentary Group Hospital Cash Cover for the 1st year of the Fixed Deposit tenure to the primary holder of the Fixed Deposit (FD) only and the same shall not be available for the joint holders (if any). The Policy shall be available subject to the below terms and conditions.
  • The value of Policy offered shall be dependent on principal amount of the FD. Hospital Cash cover Rs 500 per day for 15 days: FD amount >=5 lacs to < 10 lacs and Hospital Cash cover Rs 1000 per day for 15 days: FD amount >= 10 lac to 1.99 cr
  • The Complimentary insurance is applicable only for 1st year of the Fixed Deposit tenure
  • The complimentary Policy (Group Hospital Cash) issued in my favour shall be cancelled upon premature/partial liquidation of FD principal amount >=50% of the total FD booked by me. Also, if the same is force closed by the bank due to non-servicing of OD against FD
  • Nomination in the FD and Hospital Cash Cover (Policy) is mandatory. If nominee is minor, guardian/appointee details should be shared and guardian/appointee should not be a minor
  • Customer can avail only one Hospital Cash Cover (Policy) against each FD per cust id. New Hospital Cash Cover (Policy) against the FD can be availed only after a year from premature withdrawal/closure of the earlier FD
  • Insurance cover will be applicable only to the primary holder of the FD
  • The details for the renewal of the Hospital Cash Cover (Policy) for the subsequent year (i.e. 2nd year onwards) shall be shared by the concerned Insurance company on or before the expiry of the Policy
  • For any dispute/grievances in relation to the Policy, Customer to contact the Insurance Company for grievance redressal
  • For any queries related to the policy, customer can write to Abhi.grievance@adityabirlacapital.com or visit nearest branch
  • For any queries related to the claim, customer can write to Abhi.grievance@adityabirlacapital.com
  • TDS will be applicable on these FDs as per the extant statutory guidelines
  • All terms and conditions with respect to FD will be applicable
  • That the eligible age criteria of the primary holder of the FD shall be between 18 years to 59 years. In the event of the change in age of member between the date of receipt of member consent and the risk commencement date, the sum assured of the member shall be provided as per the age on the risk commencement date
  • Health insurance product (Group Hospital Cash) belongs to insurance company (Aditya Birla Health Insurance) and the claim settlement will be as per Insurer’s process and Bank does not have any role to play in the same
  • The coverage shall terminate if you fail to satisfy any of the eligibility criteria, if you cease to be a member of the group for whatsoever reason or your relationship ceases with the master policy holder or if the premium is not paid within the allowed premium payment period
  • Nominee details updated are applicable only for current Hospital Cash Cover (Policy) being issued in the name of the primary holder
  • On change of status i.e. from resident to non-resident, benefits of HealthCover FD will be discontinued and HealthCover FD will have to be closed
  • If a primary applicant changes the date of birth, name etc after HealthCover fd is booked and if the details are not as per the eligibility defined for the product, claim will not be settled for such cases
  • Benefits under hospital cash shall not be payable for more than 15 days per Hospitalization claim per Policy Year
  • Benefits under hospital cash shall not be payable for more than 15 days per Policy Year
  • Benefits under hospital cash will trigger only after a Deductible of 1 day
  • Specified Disease / Procedure waiting period: A waiting period of 24 months from the Inception Date shall apply to the treatment, whether medical or Surgical and of the Illness/conditions and their complications mentioned in Annexure I. Please refer website for Annexure I
  • Pre- Existing Diseases Waiting Period Payment will not be done for any claim in respect of any Insured Person directly or indirectly caused by, based on, arising out of, relating to or howsoever attributable to any Pre-Existing Diseases or any complication arising from the same, until 4 years in this regard has elapsed since the Start Date of the first Policy with Us
  • Initial waiting period: A waiting period of 30 days from the Inception Date of the Policy will be applicable for all Hospitalisation claims except in case of Accidents.
  • Permanent Exclusion- Aditya Birla Health Insurance company shall not be liable to make any payment for any claim under any Benefit in respect of any Insured Person directly or indirectly caused by, based on, arising out of, relating to or howsoever attributable to any of the reasons mentioned in Annexure II. Please refer website for Annexure II

GOOD Health Declaration

I/We hereby declare that I/We are not suffering from or have been diagnosed with advised taken treatment or observation is suggested or undergone any investigation or consulted a doctor or undergone or advised surgery for any one or more from the following

a. High Blood Pressure, Heart Attack or any other Heart Disease, abnormal lipid levels;
b. Stroke, Paralysis in any form, or any other Cerebrovascular Disease;
c. Diabetes or thyroid/parathyroid or any other Endocrinal Disease, Any Kidney Disease;
d. Acute / Chronic Liver (Failure/ Disease), Cirrhosis of Liver, Alcoholic liver disease; any pancreatic disease
e. Any Lung Disease (e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, Parenchymal lung Disease, Pulmonary Embolism etc.).
f. Blood Disorders, Gastro-Intestinal Diseases, Ulcer or any other disorder of the bones, spine or muscle;
g. Any Cancer or Cancerous growth;
h. Any Mental or Psychiatric condition, any Genetic Disease, autoimmune or any disease related to central nervous system (disease related to brain); Congenital conditions; 
i. HIV / AIDS or AIDS related complications,
j. Covid positive in last 3 months
k. Any h/o sudden loss of weight in last 1 yr

In case the above mentioned Terms and Conditions and declarations are untrue or there has been any non-disclosure of any material fact, then the Policy to be issued by the insurer shall be treated as void during the settlement of the said Policy by the Insurer.

Please refer to data privacy notice updated on HDFC Bank’s website: www.hdfcbank.com > Personal> Useful Links > Privacy Please refer website www.hdfcbank.com for detailed terms and condition

Senior Citizen Care Deposit 

I have read and agreed to the below terms and conditions of Senior Citizen Care FD ( w.e.f 18th May’20 to 1st May’24 )  

  • An Additional Premium of 0.25% (over and above the existing premium of 0.50%) shall be given to Senior Citizens who wish to book the Fixed Deposit less than 5 crores for a tenure of 5 (five) years One Day to 10 Years, during special deposit offer commencing from 18th May'20 to 1st May 2024.  This special offer will be applicable to new Fixed Deposit booked as well as for the Renewals, by Senior Citizens during the above period. This offer is not applicable to Non-Resident Indian. 
  • With effect from July 22nd, 2023, In case of premature closure of Fixed Deposit booked in the above offer (including sweep in / partial closure) on or before 5 years, the interest rate will be 1.00% less (reduced rate as applicable) of the rate on the date of deposit booked, to the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.
  • With effect from July 22nd, 2023, In case of premature closure of Fixed Deposit booked in the above offer (including sweep in / partial closure) post 5 years, the interest rate will be 1.25% less (reduced rate as applicable) of the rate on the date of deposit booked, to the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.
  • All other terms and conditions as applicable to Fixed Deposit shall remain unchanged and the same shall be applicable to the above fixed deposit too.

Payout via neft option. 

  • The option for transfer of Fixed Deposit proceeds through NEFT to the other bank can be opted when customer does not hold any Current / Savings account with HDFC bank. The account number mentioned for NEFT to be in the name of the primary Fixed Deposit holder. In case of Joint mode of operation in the Fixed Deposit (FD), then the account number mentioned for NEFT should be in the same holding pattern as the FD. If the NEFT gets rejected by the beneficiary bank, Managers cheque will be issued on the next working day. Request for Premature redemption /Partial closure of FD cannot be processed, if received post business cut off time or on the day when it is holiday for the NEFT. Please refer website for detailed T&C on NEFT/ RTGS transactions. The credit through NEFT will be purely effected basis the account number mentioned on form . Bank will not hold responsibility if an incorrect account number is given.

Five Year Tax Saving Fixed Deposit:

  • There is a lock in period of 5 years. Premature/Partial withdrawal is not permitted in a Five Year Tax saving FD
  • Only Individuals & HUF can invest in Five Year Tax Saving FD
  • A minimum amount of Rs 5,000 and in multiples of Rs 100 thereafter & maximum of Rs 1.5 lacs can be invested per cust id in a FY in a Five Year Tax Saving FD
  • Physical advice is sent to the mailing address registered with the Bank. In case of loss, theft, destruction, mutilation or defacement of this receipt, a duplicate receipt will be issued  only on furnishing an Indemnity bond in the prescribed form with one or more approved sureties or with a bank guarantee
  • The Tax saving FD cannot be pledged to secure a loan or as security to any other asset.
  • FD OD cannot be availed against Five Year Tax Saving FD
  • Nomination will not be allowed in a minor Five Year Tax saving FD
  • Customer can book Five Year Tax Saving FD  with monthly/quarterly interest payout option
  • In the case of joint Five Year Tax Saving Fixed deposits, the Tax benefit under 80 c will be available only to the first holder of the deposit

Important Points: 

  • Customer agrees that Bank can act upon the SMS/Missed call received within stipulated time from the Registered Mobile no. with the Bank and shall not be held responsible in case of any dispute with respect to the booking of FD through SMS/Missed call Banking if Bank has acted upon the SMS/Missed Call received from the Registered Mobile No.  

  • Senior Citizen Individuals (60 years and above) who are Resident Indians are eligible for senior citizen rates for deposits less than 5cr (except for non-withdrawable deposits) 

  • It is reiterated that the interest rate applicable on multiple deposits, across all channels, made by the same customer in a single day in one particular tenor bucket would be the rate which is applicable for the aggregate value or the individual value whichever is lower  

  • Tenor Bucket "means the various tenure slabs as updated in the interest rate sheet on the website . For ex: e.g.” 1 Y 1d to 2 Y “ is one particular tenor bucket, similarly “ 5 Y 1 d to 10 Y “ is also one particular tenor bucket. 

  • Any interest / maturity payout less than or equal to Rs 100/- on Term Deposits shall be credited to the savings or current account, irrespective of the instruction given at the time of booking of the deposit or change anytime during the tenure of the deposit. 

  • Benefit of additional interest rate on deposits on account of being bank’s own staff or senior citizens shall not be applicable to NRE and NRO Deposits. 

  • Please quote the Deposit Account Number in all Communication. 

  • Fixed Deposit booked through any channel cannot be liquidated on the same day via Net/Mobile banking and can be liquidated only through branch 

  • Fixed Deposit Advice (FDA) will be sent to the Customer on booking & renewal of the Fixed Deposit at his/her registered email address. In case of any discrepancy noticed / dispute / complaint by the Customer with regard to the details indicated in the FDA, the same should be brought to the notice of the the Bank within 7 days from the the date of the email, failing which the Bank shall consider that Customer has accepted the same and thereafter no dispute/complaint/request for change, etc.  shall be entertained. 

  • Please record change of maturity instructions with us well in advance to enable us serve you better. 

  • FD advice as per extant process will be sent to the customer via Email/ Physical. Email id is mandatory. 

  • Any changes made online in respect to change in maturity instruction / tenure, details can be viewed online post the changes. 

  • Please ignore this advice If you have redeemed or renewed this deposit on or after the maturity date as mentioned herein. In case of Renewals you will receive a new Fixed Deposit Confirmation / renewal advice. 

  • Rate applicable on monthly interest option will be discounted rate over the standard FD Rate. 

  • In case of more than one deposit linked for Sweep-In, the system will first Sweep-In funds from the last or recently opened deposit i.e. on LIFO(Last-In-First-Out) basis. 

  • Incase both overdraft against FD and Sweep in is linked to account. Overdraft limit will be utilized first 

  • In case your fixed deposit is booked without nomination details, please visit the Branch to update the same. 

  • In case of NRO / Resident FD, no interest will be paid if the deposit is prematurely withdrawn before completion of 7 days. 

  • In case of NRE FD interest will not be paid if the deposit is prematurely withdrawn before completion of 1 year. 

  • Form 15G/H is not applicable to NRIs 

  • TDS is not applicable for Interest earned on NRE deposits. 

  • Fixed Deposits booked with monthly or quarterly interest payout option, TDS recovery will by default happen from linked current / savings account. Please visit nearest branch / contact RM for further clarification 

  • When you open a Fixed deposit with the Bank Interest on Term Deposit is calculated as below: 

  • On a Quarterly basis for deposits > 6 months. 
    Simple interest is paid at maturity for deposits <= 6 months. 

  • Cumulative Interest/ re-investment interest is calculated every quarter, and is added to the principal such that Interest is paid on the Interest earned in the previous quarter as well. 

  • In case of monthly deposit scheme, the interest shall be calculated for the quarter and paid monthly at discounted rate over the Standard FD Rate. 

  • If FD is not booked / renewed as per applicable T &C, Bank reserves the right to rebook the same with correct details. Please visit our nearest branch / contact Relationship Manager for further clarification 

  • In case of Non-filer of income Tax return, TDS shall also be deducted at higher rate as provided by the Section 206AB, w.e.f 1-Jul-2021. 

  • Income-tax provisions outlined in this document are updated as of the Finance Act, 2021. 

  • In case of third party fixed deposit , lien is marked only on principal amount of the deposit 

  • For Resident & Non-Residents rupee deposits- Rounding off is done basis RBI guideline, RBI/2011-12/56 DBOD No. Leg.BC.18/09.07.006/2011-12. All transactions, including payment of interest on deposits/charging of interest on advances, will be rounded off to the nearest rupee i.e., fractions of 50 paise and above shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fraction of less than 50 paise shall be ignored and in case of Foreign currency deposits i.e. FCNR Deposits the rounding off will be done up to two decimal places

5.1Sanction of Overdraft limit will be at the sole discretion of the Bank and subject to pre-checks/internal policies/guidelines of the Bank and the Bank shall not be liable for any reason thereof. 
5.2In consideration of the Bank agreeing to grant me a Temporary Overdraft facility for an amount not exceeding the predefined limit which will not exceed 90% of the amount/s that may be held by the Bank in Fixed Deposits on my behalf, I hereby agree, record and confirm, that the Bank shall have a first charge on the amount/s of such Fixed Deposits (which expression shall mean and include all such amounts standing to my credit in the Fixed Deposit account with the Bank and whether such sums are additional to or by way of renewal of or replacement for any sums deposited/to be deposited by me with the Bank or otherwise together in each case with all and any interest accruing in respect thereof) as a continuing security for the due repayment by me to the Bank on demand of all the sums which at any time or from time to time become due and owing by me to the Bank in respect of the said Temporary Overdraft Facility and all interests, costs, charges, expenses, and other amounts whatsoever which may become due and payable by me to the Bank. I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorise the Bank to appropriate, adjust and set off the amount/s of such Fixed Deposits towards the dues of the Bank in the event of my failure to pay the amount demanded from me by the Bank, the demand of the Bank being conclusive as to my liability for repayment thereof and for the said purpose.I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorise the Bank to, basis my consent terminate all or any part of the Fixed Deposit prior to the maturity date thereof.
5.3I shall pay to the Bank interest at such rate or rates as may be determined by the Bank, upon the daily debit balances outstanding in the Account, which interest shall be calculated and shall be due and payable by monthly rests and compounded, if not paid when due;
5.4If the Account is in excess of the prescribed Overdraft Limit or for any reason the Bank is prevented from liquidating the Fixed Deposits or any part thereof, I recognize and agree that the Bank shall be entitled to charge interest at rates over and above/in addition to the applicable rate of interest by way of overdue interest (unarranged overdraft - 18% p.a) or such other name as may be given by the Bank and I agree that such higher/additional rates shall be in the nature of damages and not penalty.
5.5I hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree that the Bank shall be entitled to discontinue or terminate the said Temporary Overdraft Facility at any time with 30 days notice to me.
5.6In case of premature liquidation of the fixed deposit against which the overdraft has been taken, the rate applicable on the overdraft utilized will remain unchanged.
5.7I am aware that incase a Supersaver facility is withdrawn by me, then I have to maintain the stipulated Average Monthly Balance for that entire month and also in subsequent months.
5.8I am aware that the Bank will provide a Temporary Overdraft facility of predefined amount. On autorenewal of my Fixed Deposit along with the Principal, the overdraft limit remains unchanged. In case I require a higher limit, I will be required to provide written instructions to the Bank
5.9I/we hereby expressly authorize the Bank (i) to break/ en cash /liquidate, any all of the Fixed Deposits even before the maturity date of such Fixed Deposits and adjust the amount thereof (including interest thereon) against the amount outstanding under the Overdraft Facility and/or in the Account and hereby agree and undertake not to hold the Bank responsible for any loss arising thereof including loss of interest on premature encashment; and (ii) in case the Temporary Overdraft facility is subsisting to renew without any further act, deed or thing from me/us any or all of the Fixed Deposits with interest thereon as per the rates then applicable for such periods as may be decided by the Bank, at its absolute discretion.
5.10I hereby declare that the overdraft/ loan sanctioned against my NRI deposit above is for the purpose of meeting my personal / business expenditure. I further declare that the overdraft / loan amount will not be utilized for relending, Investment in Real Estate Business, Agriculture and plantation activities. I/We agree the Overdraft / loan amount shall not be remitted outside India or credited to any NRE/FCNR(B)/NRNR account.
5.11In reference to the Overdraft against NRE/FCNR deposits availed against my/our deposit(s) : As per RBI circular A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 44 dated October 12, 2012 premature withdrawal of NRE/FCNR deposits shall not be available where loans against such deposits are to be availed of. I/We hereby agree to abide by the above regulation. I/We hereby declare that I/We shall not seek premature withdrawal of the said Deposit(s) till the Overdraft facility is repaid by me/us. The above is without prejudice to the bank?s right to prematurely close the Deposit(s) in case of default in payment of principal or interest or failure to adhere to any of the other terms and conditions as per your Overdraft application.
5.12 For savings account held singly by Metro & Urban branch customers, minimum FD amount of Rs. 25000 for a minimum period of above 6 month is required to avail OD against FD 
5.13 For savings account held singly by Semi Urban & Rural branch customers, minimum deposit amount of Rs.5000 for a minimum period of above 6 month is required to avail OD against FD 
5.14 For Current Customers, minimum deposit amount of Rs.25000 for a minimum period of above 6 month is required to avail OD against FD
5.15 Upto 90% of FD principal amount granted as Overdraft (OD)
5.16 OD rate only 2% p.a over FD rate, for the number of days the limit is utilized.
5.17 Interest will be charged only on the amount utilized.
6.1I agree that my Fixed Deposit(s) linked for Sweep-in facility to my savings account/current account should be in the same name(s) and title as my account.
6.2I agree that all Sweep-in deposits will be for a predetermined period only. I authorise the Bank to break units of deposits formed due to Sweep-out instruction in case there is insufficient balance in my linked savings/current account.
6.3I am aware and acknowledge that only the principal amount of the fixed deposit/s and not the interest will be considered for sweep in facility. Accordingly, Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of non compliance of any payment instructions due to insufficiency of principal amount to honour payments under sweep-in facility.
6.4I am aware that, incase of linkage of more than one deposit to the Savings / Current Account for a Sweep-in, the system will first Sweep-in funds from the oldest deposit opened, i.e., the deposit which was first linked to the Savings / Current Account based on the First-In-First-Out method. Effective 22nd Feb 2014, Sweep in of funds from your Fixed Deposit (FD) to Saving/ Current account will trigger on Last in First out basis (LIFO)

Payment of interest

  • Interest on a Recurring Deposit will be calculated from the date the instalment is paid.

  • The method of calculation of interest on RDs will be on Actual / Actual Quarterly Compounding. Bank computes interest based on the actual number of days in a year. In case, deposit is spread over a leap or a non-leap year, interest is calculated based on the number of days i.e. 366 days in a leap year & 365 days in a non- leap year.

  • The interest for Recurring Deposits will be corresponding rate as applicable for a Fixed Deposit.

  • Interest on the deposits is compounded at quarterly intervals, at the applicable rates.

  • Interest payment on Recurring deposit is only on maturity.

Resident-Lock in period

  • The Recurring Deposits account has a minimum lock in of one month.

  • In case of premature closure within a month, no interest shall be paid out & only principal amount shall be returned.

NRI-Lock in period

  • The minimum lock in period for NRE RD is one year and NRO RD is one month.

  • In case of premature closure within a year and NRO RD within a month, no interest will be paid out to the depositor & only principal amount shall be returned.


  • The deposit shall be due for repayment & shall mature on completion of the contracted tenure even if there are installments remaining to be paid.

  • The maturity amount mentioned on the Recurring Deposit confirmation advice is subject to payment of all installments on time.

  • In case of any delay in payment of scheduled installments, the maturity amount shall change due to delay in payments.

  • Maturity amount mentioned on the confirmation advice shall also change in case of TDS recovery

Payment of Installment

  • The Installment amount once fixed will not be allowed to be altered at a later date.

  • In case of more than one installment is being overdue at the time of payment, the paid installment if sufficient to cover only one. installment will be appropriate towards first/earliest installment overdue.

  • Partial payment of installment will not be permitted.

  • HDFC bank shall not be responsible for informing the depositor to maintain adequate balance in his/her HDFC bank account in recurring deposit to pay his/her installments in the event of failure of the standing instruction due to shortfall of funds in the transacting amount.

Overdue Installments

If frequent defaults (non-payments) are observed in the monthly installments and six installments fall in arrears, the bank reserves the right to close the RD account. The interest rate applicable on such closed accounts will be as per the premature withdrawal policy of the bank.

Premature withdrawal

  • In the case of premature encashment, all signatories to the deposit must sign the encashment instruction.

  • In the event of death of one of the joint account holders, the right to the deposit proceeds does not automatically devolve on the surviving joint deposit account holder, unless there is a survivorship clause.

  • In case of joint deposits with a survivorship clause, the Bank shall be discharged by paying the Deposit proceeds prematurely to survivor/s equally, on request, in the event of one or more Joint Depositor.

  • Partial withdrawal/ sweep in / OD not allowed on Recurring deposits.

  • All premature encashment will be governed by rules of Reserve Bank of India prevalent at the time of encashment.

  • As per Income Tax laws, if the aggregate amount of the deposit/(s) held by a person with the branch either in his own name or jointly with any person on the date of repayment together with the interest at payable is equal to or exceeds 20,000/- then the amount will be paid by bank draft drawn in the name of the deposit holder or by crediting the savings/ current account of the deposit holder.

  • With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal  will be the rate on the date of deposit booked, to the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate

  • In case of death of any holder of the Recurring deposits prior to the maturity date, premature termination of the deposit would be allowed as per the terms of contract subject to necessary verifications and submission of proof of death of the depositor. 

  • Such premature withdrawals will not attract any penal charge. 

    Insurance Cover for Deposits

    The deposits in the Bank are insured with DICGC for an amount of Rs 5 lakhs (principal + interest) per depositor

    Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)

  • Interest paid on resident recurring Deposit would be liable to TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) @10%, under section 194A similar to that of interest paid on FD. TDS applicable on interest paid on NRO RD would be @ 30% plus applicable surcharge (Not Applicable for NRE RD).

  • Every person who has been allotted a Permanent Account Number (PAN) and is eligible to obtain Aadhaar number, must link their PAN with Aadhar as per provisions of Section 139 AA of the Income Tax Act 1961. Further non linking of PAN with Aadhaar shall make PAN “inoperative” and may attract higher TDS rate post the date as notified by CBDT. 

  • TDS rates will be as applicable from time to time as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 and Income Tax rules. The current rates applicable for TDS would be displayed by the Bank on Its website. Currently, TDS is deducted when interest payable or reinvested on FD AND RD per customer, across all Branch, exceeds Rs 40,000/- (Rs. 50,000/- for senior citizen) in a Financial Year. Further, TDS is deducted at the end of the financial year on Interest accruals if applicable.

  • If customer wishes to have TDS recovered from CASA, same can be availed by filling separate declaration at branch.

  • If interest amount is not sufficient to recover the TDS amount the same may get recovered from the principal amount of Fixed Deposit. If customer wishes to have TDS deduction from CASA, same can be availed by filling separate declaration at branch.

  • As Per Section 139A(5A) of the Income Tax Act, every person receiving any sum of income or amount from which tax has been deducted under the provisions of the Income Tax Act shall provide his PAN number to the person responsible for deducting such tax. In case your PAN is not updated with the Bank or is incorrect; please visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch to submit your PAN details.

  • In case the PAN number is not provided to the Bank as required, the bank shall not be liable for the non availment of the credit of Tax deducted at Source and non-issuance of TDS certificate.

  • No deductions of Tax shall be made from the taxable interest in the case of an individual resident in India, if such individual furnishes to the Bank, a declaration in writing in the prescribed Format (Form 15G / Form 15H as applicable) to the effect that the tax on his estimated total income for the year in which such interest income is to be included in computing his total income will be Nil. This is subject to PAN availability on Bank records.

  • Deposit amount exceeding Rs 50 k or If aggregated value of all outstanding FDs/RDs booked in same customer id during the Financial Year exceeds INR 5Lakhs limit (*) then PAN/Form 60 is mandatory.

  • In absence of PAN/Form 60:

  • (a) FD/RD will not be renewed on maturity and maturity proceeds will be credited to your linked account or a Demand Draft will be sent to your mailing address as updated in Bank's records.

  • (b) Maturity instructions to convert RD proceeds to FD will not be acted upon and RD proceeds will be credited to your linked account on maturity.

The maximum interest not charged to tax during the financial year where form 15 G/15H is submitted is as below:

  • Upto 3, 00,000/- for residents of India below the age of 60 years or a person (not being a company or firm).

  • Upto 7,00,000/- for senior citizen residents of India above the age of 60 years any time during the FY

  • Form 15 G / 15H should be submitted by customer in Triplicate copy to the bank, for submitting one copy to Income Tax Department, one copy for use by Branch and the third copy to be returned to the customer with Branch seal as an acknowledgment copy.

  • A fresh Form 15G / 15H needs to be submitted in each new Financial Year by the start of the Financial Year. In case form 15G/15H is submitted post interest payout/credit, waiver shall be effective from the day next to the interest payout /credit immediately preceding the date of submission of form 15G/15H.

  • Form 15G /15 H needs to be submitted for every recurring Deposits booked with bank for Tax exemption.

  • The bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising due to delay or non-submission of Form 15G/ Form 15H

  • To enable us to serve you better kindly submit the Form No. 15G/15H latest by April 1st of the new financial year.

Note: The above guidelines are subject to change as per Income Tax regulations / directives of Finance Ministry Govt of India prevalent from time to time.

Important Points:

  • Please record change of maturity instructions with us well in advance to enable us serve you better.

  • FD advice as per extant process will be sent to the customer via Email/ Physical. Email id is mandatory. 

  • In case if the RD is not booked as per the applicable T & C of the bank, Bank reserves the right to rebook the same with correct details.

  • Minimum installment is Rs. 500. (in multiples of 100 thereafter) Maximum installment: 1.99 Cr.

  • Minimum tenure for resident and NRO RD is 6 months (and in multiples of 3 months thereafter) upto a maximum of 10 years and minimum tenure for NRE RD is 1 year.

  • Only Senior Citizens / Retired Personnel (60 years and above) who are Resident Indians are eligible for senior citizen rates. The senior citizen rates are applicable only for Resident deposits.

  • The benefit of additional interest rate on deposits on account of being bank’s own staff or senior citizens shall not be applicable to NRE / NRO Deposits.

  • Form 15G/15H is not applicable to NRIs.

  • Please Ignore this advice if you have redeemed this deposit on or after the maturity date as mentioned herein.

  • Any changes made online in respect to change in maturity instruction / tenure, details can be viewed online itself post the changes.

  • In case your recurring deposit is booked without nomination details, please visit the Branch to update the same.

  • Please visit our website / nearest branch / contact Relationship Manager for further clarification.

  • In case of Non-filer of income Tax return, TDS shall also be deducted at higher rate as provided by the Section 206AB w.e.f 1-Jul-2021.

  • Income-tax provisions outlined in this document are updated as of the Finance Act, 2021. 

  • *Senior Citizen Care deposit  (w.e.f 18th May’20) : An Additional Premium of 0.25% (over and above the existing premium of 0.50%) shall be given to Senior Citizens who wish to book the Fixed Deposit less than 5 crores for a tenure of 5 (five) years One Day to 10 Years, during special deposit offer commencing from 18th May'20 to 31st Mar’2023. This special offer will be applicable to new Fixed Deposit booked as well as for the Renewals, by Senior Citizens during the above period. This offer is not applicable to Non-Resident Indian.

  • For Resident & Non-Residents rupee deposits- Rounding off is done basis RBI guideline, RBI/2011-12/56 DBOD No. Leg.BC.18/09.07.006/2011-12. All transactions, including payment of interest on deposits/charging of interest on advances, will be rounded off to the nearest rupee i.e., fractions of 50 paise and above shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fraction of less than 50 paise shall be ignored and in case of Foreign currency deposits i.e. FCNR Deposits the rounding off will be done up to two decimal places   

I agree that all fees/taxes/surcharges/service charges and all other levies related to the ATM usable Card may be recovered by the Bank by debit to my /our account.
I will be responsible for all types of transactions processed by use of my ATM usable Card, whether or not processed with my knowledge or authority, express or implied. I shall accept the Bank's record of transactions as conclusive and binding for all purposes.
I will be allowed to withdraw through the ATM, the available balance in my account or a stipulated predefined limit per day, whichever is lower. This per day limit will be determined by the Bank and may be changed at any time at the Bank's sole discretion without notice to me. I agree that cash withdrawals will be subject to tax as applicable from time to time.
I agree not to attempt to overdraw cash from the ATM unless sufficient funds are available in my account for effecting the transactions. The onus of ensuring adequate account balances is entirely on me. In case my account gets overdrawn due to cash withdrawal from the ATM, I agree to rectify the account balance position immediately. In case my /our account gets overdrawn, the Bank may levy interest at prime lending rate applicable from time to time and the same shall be charged on the debit balance on my account.
I agree that a receipt will be produced by the ATM for all cash/cheque deposits/withdrawals/other transactions and that no separate receipt will be issued by the Bank. The amount of deposit will be verified by the Bank's staff / authorised representative, and this verified amount shall be deemed to be the correct amount and binding on me conclusively. I shall not deposit any cash in a Cheque Drop Box nor deposit any cash / cheque in a Drop Box meant for collecting other documents / payments. I agree and acknowledge that in case I deposit any cash / cheque in the wrong Drop Box then the Bank shall not be liable for the same. I acknowledge that no receipt will be issued for any cheque deposits in the Drop Box. I understand that the Bank will process the cheque deposited in the ATM machine or Cheque Drop Box on the basis of the information provided by me in the Pay-in slip duly filled by me, The Bank will not be held responsible for any non-credits/wrong credits due to incorrect information provided by me in this regards. I shall hold the Bank harmless for any consequences arising thereof.
To enable me to use the Card at ATMs, a Personal Identification Number (PIN) will be issued to me. The PIN shall be mailed to me and I will ensure that the same is received in a sealed envelope. The PIN may subsequently, be changed by me, at my own risk, at an ATM. The security of the PIN is very important and that I must keep it confidential and not reveal to any third party. If I fail to observe these security requirements, I shall be responsible and liable for any consequences arising there from.
I agree that the ATM usable Card at all times is the Bank's property. The validity period of the ATM usable Card will be mentioned on the face of the Card. I agree to surrender the Card to the Bank in case of account closure or whenever demanded by the Bank for any reason whatsoever.
In case my ATM usable Card is misplaced, stolen or otherwise lost, I agree to immediately report the event in writing to the Bank/call up PhoneBanking. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss by the misuse of the Card prior to the Card being reported as lost/ stolen by me.
I agree that the Card will be dispatched to the address on record with the Bank. I agree to keep ATM usable Card in Safe custody and agree not to hand over the Card to anyone including anyone who claims to represent the Bank. I understand that the Bank shall not be responsible for any misuse of the Card by virtue of the same falling into wrong hands prior to the Card being reported as lost/stolen by me.
In case I notice that a wrong entry has been debited to my account for ATM transactions done by me, I would immediately raise the issue with the branch where my account is maintained (Account Branch). I understand that the Bank will investigate and revert to me with its findings and decision of the Bank shall be final and binding on me.
I agree that in case of any dispute the Bank will be using the Audit Trail of the ATM (either in a Printed/non-editable Electronic Form) as the final and conclusive evidence in all disputes. I agree to abide by the recordings of the Audit Trail.
8.12In case, I receive a mutilated/ torn/cut currency note(s) from the ATM, I will visit the account branch and exchange the note(s) by submitting a letter and the transaction slip and confirming that I transacted at the ATM. I accept that any other form of claim will not be entertained by the Bank.
8.13In case the Bank finds a Forged / Mutilated / Torn Note in the Deposit that I make through the ATM / Teller counter then the Bank will not give me the Credit corresponding to the value of the Forged / Mutilated / Torn Note. I understand that the Bank will also not give me the Forged Note back. However, based on my written request, the Bank will return the Mutilated / Torn Note back to me. The Bank will also comply with all the requirements/ guidelines on reporting to authorities as per the guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India.


I/We agree and accept the Arhtia Card facility provided by HDFC Bank Limited (“the Bank” or “HDFC Bank”) at my/our request to carry out banking transactions in the Current Account bearing number as mentioned in our application(s) with HDFC Bank and as per instructions for operation of the said account. I /We am aware that the Arhtia Card is to facilitate automated grain purchase / sale using Point of Sale terminals at the PunGrain mandis and receipt of payments towards the said sale/purchase
9.2I/We shall abide by all HDFC Bank’s terms, conditions and rules in force from time to time relating to the use of Arhtia Card facility.
9.3I/We agree and accept that the Company/the Firm and the Cardholder shall be entitled to receive the Arhtia Card and the Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access the ATM by use of the Arhtia Card and to acknowledge the same.
9.4I/We agree and undertake that the company/Firm and the Cardholder shall keep the PIN totally secret and confidential and not reveal the same to any third party.
9.5I/We agree and acknowledge that the use of the Arhtia Card at ATMs will result in debit to the said account and I/We shall have no objection.
9.6I/We agree and acknowledge that the Company/the Firm and the Cardholder shall be responsible and liable for all transactions carried on through the use of the Arhtia Card at the ATMs including by withdrawal of cash and use for automated grain procurement facility at PunGrain mandis, and the same shall be binding on the Company/the Firm and the Cardholder.
9.7I/We shall from time to time inform HDFC Bank by furnishing a copy of the Board Resolution/Authority letter of partners and all other documents and writing about changes in the operating instructions and in such event to forthwith change the PIN. I/We shall indemnify HDFC Bank at all times and keep HDFC Bank indemnified and save harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, liabilities charges and expenses incurred, suffered or paid by HDFC Bank and against all demands, actions, suits and proceedings made, filed, instituted against HDFC Bank in connection with or arising out of or relating to HDFC Bank by carrying out the transactions performed by the Cardholder or any substitute/s through the Arhtia Card.
9.8I/We agree and confirm that HDFC Bank shall not be responsible and liable to monitor the nature of expenses incurred by the use of the Arhtia Card.
9.9I/We agree, undertake and confirm that I/We shall solely be responsible to comply with the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the regulations of the Reserve Bank of India relating to foreign exchange in force from time to time.
9.10I/We agree that for the automated grain procurement facility using the Arhtia Card, any errors / disputes arising out of the said transaction shall be taken up with PunGrain and HDFC Bank will not be liable for the same.
9.11I/We acknowledge that this card will work only on all HDFC Banks ATMs, RuPay ATMs and at Point of Sale (POS) / Electronic Draft Capture (EDC) terminals installed at PunGrain mandis.
9.12I/We agree and acknowledge that incase I/We have an existing HDFC Bank Debit Card, the Arhtia Card would be issued to me/us in addition to my/our existing HDFC Bank Debit Card without blocking / hotlisting my/our existing HDFC Bank Debit Card. I /We accept & agree to be bound by the all Terms & Conditions governing Debit Cards and the Arhtia Card.
9.13I/We agree and acknowledge that Arhtia Card is valid only in India and I/We cannot carry out foreign currency transactions on this card
9.14I/we agree and acknowledge that Arhtia Card is to facilitate automated grain purchase / sale using Point of Sale terminals at the Pungrain mandis and receipt of payments towards the said sale/purchase.
9.15I/We accept and agree to be bound by the "ATM USABLE CARDS (Refer point 8)", PHONEBANKING( Refer Point 10)" and "NETBANKING (Refer Point 14)" Terms and Conditions and any changes made to it from time to time available on HDFC Bank web site.
9.16HDFC Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benefits offered on the card and alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and may notify the Cardholder of any such alterations through an appropriate channel. The Compant/Firm and the Cardholder will be bound by such alterations unless the card is returned to the Bank for cancellation before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.
9.17HDFC Bank may introduce new services from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be notified to the Cardholder as and when they become available, through HDFC Bank website (www.hdfcbank.com) or any mode of communication deemed fit by the Bank. The changed Terms and Conditions applicable to the new services shall be communicated to the Cardholder. By using these new services, the Cardholder agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions applicable.
In this document the following words and phrases have the meanings set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise:
10.1.1Account(s) refers to the Customer's Savings Account and/or Current Account and/or Term Deposit Account and/ or Demat Account and/ or Personal Loan Account and/ or Automobile Loan Account and/ or Two Wheeler Loan Account and/ or Investment Account and/or any other type of account (each an “Account” and collectively “Accounts”, so maintained with HDFC Bank which are eligible Account(s) for operations through the use of PhoneBanking. The oldest live Savings Account or Current Account of the Customer shall be designated the Primary Account for purpose of PhoneBanking, and all other Savings or Current Account(s) (if any) of the Customer referred to as Secondary Account(s).
10.1.2PhoneBanking/PhoneBanking Service refers to HDFC Bank‘s PhoneBanking service, pursuant to which HDFC Bank would provide information and facilitate transactions through telephone, e-mail or other systems to the Customer thereof, in relation inter alia to the Account(s) of such Customer, about products and services of HDFC Bank and other entities with whom HDFC Bank has entered into arrangements.
10.1.3"TIN" (Telephone Identification Number) refers to a 4-digit number that is provided by HDFC Bank for accessing PhoneBanking Service. 
"PIN" (Personal Identification Number) refers to a 4-digit number that is provided by HDFC Bank for accessing the ATM service using the associated ATM or Debit Card.
10.1.4TERMS refer to Terms and Conditions for use of PhoneBanking as specified in this document.
10.1.5"Cust Id" (Customer Identification Number) refers to a system generated but random Unique Identification Number provided to each Customer at the time of opening of the Savings or Current or Term Deposit Account.
10.2Applicability of TERMS :
These TERMS form the contract between the Customer and HDFC Bank. Each customer of HDFC Bank at locations where PhoneBanking Service is extended to customer(s) shall be eligible for PhoneBanking, based on eligibility norms as prescribed by HDFC Bank from time to time. HDFC Bank shall be entitled at its sole discretion to accept or reject any application received at locations where PhoneBanking Service is not available or for a customer who is not eligible as per HDFC Bank norms.
10.2.1By applying for the PhoneBanking Service and accessing the service for the first time, I acknowledge and accept these TERMS. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, all Terms and Conditions stipulated by HDFC Bank in connection with the account(s) shall continue to apply.
10.3PhoneBanking Service:
HDFC Bank shall endeavour to provide to me through the PhoneBanking Service, various services including but not limited to enquiry of the balance in the account(s), request for account(s) Statement and /or Cheque Books, request for transfer of funds between the account(s) of the same customer and such other facilities as HDFC Bank may decide to provide from time to time. I accept that HDFC Bank reserves the right to decide the type of services that may be offered on each account and may differ for different categories of customers. The services through PhoneBanking shall be provided in a phased manner at the discretion of HDFC Bank. I am aware and accept that HDFC Bank reserves the right to revise, suspend in whole or in part any of the services provided through PhoneBanking, with notice of 30 days communicated to me on the Bank’s website and other acceptable modes of communication, and these shall be binding on me.
10.4Access to PhoneBanking Services :
10.4.1I am aware and accept that HDFC Bank has agreed to provide the PhoneBanking Service by giving instructions through the 24-hour Interactive Voice Response system and/or through a PhoneBanker. PhoneBanker assisted service timings are communicated and updated on HDFC Bank’s website and other acceptable modes of communication.
10.4.2I am aware and accept that to avail the PhoneBanking Service, I am required to identify myself to the PhoneBanking system by successfully validating (a) the Customer Identification Number and the Telephone Identification Number (TIN) or (b) the Debit Card number and the associated Personal Identification Number (PIN)and/or successful verification as per the procedures as decided by HDFC Bank from time to time. The transactions done post the successful validation shall be binding on me and the relevant records of which will be admissible in the event of any dispute.
10.4.3I am aware and accept that HDFC Bank has no means of verifying the identity of the person giving the telephone instructions in my name and any transaction made will be binding on me subject to the successful validation as detailed in Clause 9.4.2.
10.4.4I am aware and accept that the PhoneBanking Services will be available to all the account holders of HDFC Bank and the operating instructions as applicable in the account(s) would be applicable to the PhoneBanking Services mutatis mutandis.
10.4.5An account in the name of a Minor or an account, in which a Minor is a Joint account holder, is not eligible for PhoneBanking. I am aware and accept that in case of Minor account(s), where I as the Natural Guardian have a TIN (allotted to the Natural Guardian basis his own account relationship with HDFC Bank), I undertake to give all instructions relating to the operation of the account and further undertake not to reveal the Customer Identification Number and TIN to the Minor.
10.5Telephone Identification Number (TIN) :
10.5.1HDFC Bank will provide me a 4-digit TIN of which I will maintain secrecy and ensure that the same is kept confidential. The TIN may subsequently, be changed by me, at my own risk, by using the PhoneBanking IVR. I will not let any unauthorised person including any employee or representative of HDFC Bank, voluntarily, accidentally or by mistake, have access to the TIN. If I forget / lose / misplace the TIN or the TIN ceases to remain secret, I undertake to inform HDFC Bank immediately.
10.5.2I am aware and accept that I may request for the issue of a new TIN through PhoneBanking or at any HDFC Bank branch or have the TIN re-generated online through PhoneBanking, as per the required process. A new TIN will be issued to me after the necessary authentication procedures are carried out. I am aware and accept that issuance of a new TIN shall not be construed as the commencement of a new contract.
10.5.3I acknowledge and accept that the despatch and delivery norms of the TIN would be as detailed in Clause 1.13
10.6Charges :
I acknowledge and accept that the applicable charges would be as detailed in Clause 1.9.
10.7Financial Transactions :
I understand that the facility of financial transactions will be provided in accordance with the procedures as decided by HDFC Bank from time to time and subject to successful validation of my bonafides’. I understand that HDFC Bank will endeavour to effect such transactions received through PhoneBanking Service subject to sufficient balance available in my Bank account.
10.8Limits :
I am aware and accept that HDFC Bank may from time to time impose maximum and minimum limits on Financial Transactions given to the customer hereunder. I acknowledge and accept and agree that the same is to reduce the risks on me. For instance, HDFC Bank may impose transaction restrictions within particular periods or amount restrictions within a particular period or even each transaction limits. I understand and agree that I shall be bound by such limits.
10.9Authority to HDFC Bank :
I understand and accept that the read-out or the faxed /email output, if any, that is received by me at the time of operation of PhoneBanking is a record of the operation of the telephonic access by me. I understand that all the records of HDFC Bank generated by the transactions arising out of the use of the PhoneBanking Service, including the time the transaction recorded shall be conclusive proof of the genuineness and accuracy of the transaction, and admissible evidence in case of any dispute. The authority to tape or record the transaction over telephone is hereby expressly granted by me to HDFC Bank.
10.10Liability on Hotlisting of ATM / Debit / Pre-paid Cards :
I am aware and accept that to protect my interest, the facility of reporting Loss of ATM / Debit / Prepaid Cards is available 24 hours and HDFC Bank will carry out the request for Hotlisting of my ATM / Debit / Prepaid Card, the request for which may be received from me or any other person acting on my behalf or the ‘finder’ of the said Card who may not be related to or authorised by me. I accept that HDFC Bank will not be liable for any losses or damages on account of my not being able to use the Hotlisted Card to carry out any transactions.
10.11Changes in Terms & Conditions :
I understand and accept HDFC Bank has the absolute discretion to amend or supplement any of the TERMS at any time and will give prior notice of 30 days for such changes. Changed Terms and Conditions for the new services introduced shall be communicated to me on the Bank’s website and by other acceptable modes of communication. By using the services, I shall be deemed to have accepted the changed Terms and Conditions.
10.12Termination of PhoneBanking Services:
I agree to give HDFC Bank 7 days notice in writing and obtain a receipt thereof in order to terminate the PhoneBanking services availed of by me. I understand that in event the PhoneBanking facility is used by all or any Joint account holders, the termination notice shall be given by all the Joint account holders. I accept that the termination shall take effect on the completion of the seventh day, and I will remain responsible for any transactions made through the PhoneBanking Service until the time of such termination. I accept that HDFC Bank may suspend or terminate PhoneBanking facilities without prior notice if I have breached these Terms and Conditions or HDFC Bank learns of my death, bankruptcy or lack of legal capacity.
10.13Notices :
I understand that Notices under these TERMS may be given by HDFC Bank and me in writing by delivering them by hand or by sending them by post to the last address given by me and in the case of HDFC Bank to its Corporate Office address as set out herein above. In addition, HDFC Bank may also publish notices of general nature, which are applicable to all customer(s) of PhoneBanking in a newspaper or on its website. Such notices will have the same effect as a notice served individually to me. I understand and accept that Notice and instructions will be deemed served 30 days after posting or upon receipt in the case of hand delivery, cable, telex or facsimile.
10.14Governing Law :
I understand that these Terms and Conditions and/or the operations in my account(s) maintained by HDFC Bank and/or the use of the services provided through PhoneBanking shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of India and no other nation. I and HDFC Bank agree to submit to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the Courts located in Mumbai, India as regards any claims or matters arising under these Terms and Conditions. I understand that HDFC Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than the Republic of India. I accept that the mere fact that the PhoneBanking Service can be accessed by me in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern these Terms and Conditions and/or the operations in my PhoneBanking Account(s) and/or the use of PhoneBanking.
10.15Applicability to Future Accounts:
I agree that if I open further account(s) with / subscribe to any of the products/services of HDFC Bank, and HDFC Bank extends the PhoneBanking Service to such account(s) or products or services and I opt for use thereof, then these TERMS shall automatically apply to such further use of the PhoneBanking by me.
10.16General :
10.16.1I understand that the clause headings in this agreement are only for convenience and do not affect the meaning of the relative clause.
10.16.2I am aware and accept that HDFC Bank may sub-contract and employ agents to carry out any of its obligations under this contract. I accept that HDFC Bank may transfer or assign its rights and obligations under this contract to any other entity.
10.16.3I am aware and accept that the PhoneBanking Service would operate during timings specified by HDFC Bank from time to time and transactions would be carried out on the same day or on the next working day depending upon the time of logging of the transaction.
10.16.4I accept that I would have to ensure that the telephone I use meets the criteria. I am aware that the service is available only in certain cities, and all costs incurred by me including tele-communication costs to use PhoneBanking would be borne by me.

Terms and Conditions for Usage of SmartPay Services:

1. The term "SmartPay" shall mean standing instructions for direct debit authorization of customers’ HDFC Bank Credit Card, Debit Card and Account towards bill payment of presentment Billers, Payee/payment Billers and Presentment and payment covered under the “BillPay & Recharge” section of Net Banking.  

  • Presentment Billers: Billers that present an electronic bill (i.e., you will receive the bill electronically through the HDFC Bank Bill Payment service) and accept a payment against the presented bill.   
  • Payee/Payment Billers: Billers that do not present an electronic bill, but accept instant or adhoc payments.   
  • Presentment and Payment: Billers that present  an electronic bill as well as accept instant or adhoc payments. 

2. SmartPay application form should be filled by the primary cardholder/Accountholder. The facility will be available only on the designated Credit Card/Debit Card/Bank account and no other account or card held with the Bank. It can also be availed through Net Banking / Mobile Banking platform. 

3. HDFC Bank reserves the right to approve / reject the registration forms without assigning any reason whatsoever. 

4. HDFC Bank reserves the right to revoke / stop this facility if the credit behaviour on the card/ Bank Account is unsatisfactory. 

5. Customer agrees that he / she would fill up a new SmartPay application form or modify existing biller registration details through Net banking/Mobile Banking when the Credit Card/ Debit card/Bank Account details, address or any biller detail provided earlier during registration is transferred or changed. 

6. It will be the responsibility of the customer to inform HDFC Bank in writing of any change or withdrawal of the SmartPay facility thus availed. Such change or withdrawal will take 30 days to be effective upon receipt of customer request. Failure of the customer to do the same and subsequent debits, if any, towards utility payments will constitute valid transactions and the customer will be liable to pay the same. 

7. Any disputes arising out of disconnection of the utility facility, penalty from government and late charges on instalment dues arising due to change / revocation of the facility will be the sole responsibility of the cardholder and the cardholder will not hold HDFC Bank responsible / liable for the same. 

8. Certain utilities / service providers may specify the date on which payment is to be made, notwithstanding any instructions given by the cardholder in this regard, HDFC Bank shall remit the payment any time before the payment due date specified by the utilities / service providers in the e-bill given to the bank. 

9. Without prejudice to the generality of the aforesaid, processing of all the instructions is subject to the availability of free, clear and available limits in the designated card/account at the time of processing the transaction. In the event of credit limit or available balance not being wholly sufficient, HDFC Bank shall not process the instructions and shall not make payments to the utility company. Bank is not liable in any such circumstances. 

10. The cardholder indemnifies HDFC Bank from and against all actions, suits, claims, liabilities and proceedings due to or arising out of any or all disputes between the cardholder and utility companies or by reason of HDFC Bank acting in good faith or refusing to take or omitting to act on the SmartPay facility. 

11. HDFC Bank shall not be liable to the customer for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever arising directly or indirectly including without limitation due to delay or failure to give effect to the SmartPay facility. 

12. HDFC Bank will endeavour to effect payments / carry out instructions received by it within the payment due date to each utility company. However, HDFC Bank does not warrant that payment / fulfilment of instructions will not be delayed for reasons beyond its control. As the instructions would depend on various electronic technology used from time to time, there could be delays in receipt of any instructions by HDFC Bank from the customer and by the provider of utilities / services. 

13. HDFC Bank will not in any way be connected with the disputes between utility companies and the customer. This facility is available only for utility bills pertaining to residential uses. No commercial utility bills will be paid under this scheme. 

14. Signing/registration of the SmartPay (application form/facility) does not ensure automatic approval of this facility. 

15. The SmartPay facility is in respect of the entire charges or to the extent of the limit set by the customer on the utility outstanding and the said instruction shall be valid and binding for the validity period and subsequent renewal period of the Card Account, unless and until rescinded by the customer in writing to HDFC Bank. 

16. No receipt will be given for bills paid through this facility. Card/Account statement is adequate proof that such payment was paid to utility company. 

17. HDFC Bank neither endorses the utilities / services offered, nor is it in any manner party to the contracts that may be executed between the customer and the providers of such utilities / services. The providers of utilities / services shall be solely responsible to the customer to render the utilities services for which payment is to be made by HDFC Bank and HDFC Bank shall NOT be responsible/liable for any deficiency in the same including, but not limited to, deficient quality, delivery, quantity etc., and shall not be made party to any disputes between the customer and any providers of utilities / services. 

18. The customer shall not hold HDFC Bank liable for any non-service, delayed service or faulty service rendered by the provider of utilities / services and shall not contact or communicate in any manner whatsoever, inter alia, by electronic mail, phone, post, SMS or personal meeting with HDFC Bank in this regard. 

19. HDFC Bank shall be entitled without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have to charge the customer late payment interest at the applicable rate for delayed payment on all late payments from the date the charge was required to be paid until the actual date of payment. 

20. HDFC Bank may, in its sole discretion, accept any cancellation request by the cardholder, provided that HDFC Bank has not already made the utility payment for the month for which the cancellation request is made. 

21. Nothing contained herein shall prejudice or affect the terms and conditions of the Card Member Agreement. 

22. The terms of this facility shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms contained in the Card Member Agreement. 

23. Nothing contained in the SmartPay facility shall be construed as binding obligation on HDFC Bank or any participating utility company to continue the facility after the facility termination date or substitute by a new or similar facility. 

24. HDFC Bank reserves the right to revoke / stop this facility to any customer without any prior intimation if the Bank believes that the continued use of this facility is not in the interest of the Bank. 

25. As and when other communication channels are introduced HDFC Bank may be entitled to rely upon all electronic communications, orders or messages to HDFC Bank from the customer whether received by email, SMS, on telephone or otherwise in the manner prescribed for the same from time to time by HDFC Bank and HDFC Bank shall not be obliged to verify or make further inquiry into the identity of the sender, or the message integrity, of any communications, orders or messages. The customer shall in no circumstance dispute such reliance by HDFC Bank. 

26. All disputes arising out of the SmartPay facility shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts in Chennai. 

27. The SmartPay nomination will be effective subject to HDFC Bank Card/Account being valid and in good standing. 

28. HDFC Bank may at its sole discretion accept or decline the said SmartPay registration. 

29. The record of charges in respect of the above services received or availed by me and submitted by utility companies to my Card Account/Bank Account will neither bear my signature nor the imprint of my Card. I therefore undertake to unconditionally honour and pay without demur and contestation all the said charges including interim charges booked by me under this facility, as and when I am billed for the same by HDFC Bank. This Recurring Transaction Instruction shall subsist during the validity period of my Card and subsequent renewals thereof. 

30. I confirm that the latest self-attested bill copies of the utility service for which I would need to avail of the SmartPay facility are attached along with this application format. I also confirm that the address on the bill matches with residential address given for my Credit Card account. 

31. I confirm that the utility bills enclosed are photocopies of the original bills and that these utilities are used only for residential purpose. 

32. I understand that HDFC Bank is not responsible or liable for any service and/or billing deficiencies or inadequacies of utility companies as the case may be. All e-bills received will be processed within 2 to 3 working days before the due date. Furthermore, I affirm that I am liable to honour all my credit card/Debit card/ Bank Account commitments irrespective of any grievances / complaints I may have with utility companies. 

33. I will continue making payments towards the above utility outstanding until I receive an SMS/ Email/letter confirmation from HDFC Bank indicating that my SmartPay facility has been activated along with effective date of activation. 

34. I agree to communicate termination of facility to HDFC Bank in writing failing which the payment made to the utility company will be construed as valid and binding on me. 

35. I agree to resolve disputes (if any) of whatsoever nature directly with the utility company and will not hold HDFC Bank liable for any deficiency of services provided by the utility company. 

36. I confirm that all the above clauses are applicable even if I apply for SmartPay service through Net Banking / Mobile Banking. 

37. HDFC Bank may change from time to time the list of utility companies available for which SmartPay facility is extended. 

38. Stop payment request is valid for that particular scheduled bill only and not for subsequent bills. Stop Payment need to be initiated at least one day before the bill gets scheduled for debit. 

39. (a) In-case if your Debit card is being upgraded/reissued/renewed, then the SmartPay on your old debit card will be carried forward to your new debit card. Please note that if there is any new e-bill already scheduled for payment debit, then debits for such scheduled e-bills will not get processed on your new debit card (since bill schedule has already taken place and then the new debit card is issued). All subsequent bills generated & scheduled post issuance of new debit card will go smoothly as per process. 

When customer Debit card is being upgraded/reissued/renewed need to enable Ecom flag by logging into My cards for all online transactions to go through seamlessly.

For example: - Bill Scheduled:  5th Jan 2024 (with due date as 15th Jan 2024) New debit card issued on: 8th Jan 2024 Here, in this the SmartPay debit will NOT take place on the new debit card. Hence, customer can make adhoc / one-time manual payment towards this bill and future bills which will be received and scheduled will get debited as per existing process on the new debit card. 

39. (b) In-case if your Credit card is being upgraded/reissued/renewed, then the SmartPay on your old credit card will be carried forward to your new credit card and there will not be any impact on existing/new bills scheduled prior to new credit card issuance. All the SmartPay debits will take place as per process. 

For example: - Bill Scheduled:  5th Jan 2024 (with due date as 15th Jan 2024) New credit card issued on: 8th Jan 2024 Here, in this the SmartPay debit will take place on the new credit card as per existing process on the new credit card. 

40. In-case you have registered for Standing Instructions facility under Bill Pay for your HDF Bank Credit Card for the same biller registered under SmartPay, it is advisable to delete either of two registrations to avoid dual payment. 

41. Deletion of a registered bill can be initiated either by logging in Net banking, Mobile Banking or by calling Phone Banking team. Post deleting a bill from SmartPay, no further e-bills will be processed for the deleted bill. 

42. Corporate Mobile connections (CUG) should not be given for SmartPay registrations. Only retail Mobile connections should be registered for availing SmartPay facility. HDFC Bank is NOT responsible if a high value ticket of CUG connection is processed through SmartPay service. 

43. It is the customer’s responsibility to DELETE a bill if he has surrendered / terminated the service with his biller. HDFC Bank is NOT responsible for any such debits that takes place on a surrendered / terminated connection. 

44. HDFC Bank is not responsible if a bill is NOT fetched during the bill fetch process. Customer’s need to manually pay their bills through alternate mode to avoid service disruption / late fees. 

45. HDFC Bank is not responsible if an incorrect e-bill is given by the biller and gets processed. Customer will coordinate with his biller for any such discrepancy. 

46. HDFC Bank reserves the right to delete all/any such bills where debits are not processed at all for a time period of 14 months. SMS will be sent to the customer 30 days prior to the deletion action. 

47. Customer will contact his billers for all bill related disputes and will not held HDFC Bank responsible. 

48. HDFC Bank is not responsible for any delay or non-receipt of SmartPay SMS/Email communication. 

49. Bills registered will be activated within 1 hour and the Bill Fetch process will also start post activation of the bill. This will allow HDFC Bank to start Bill fetch from same day and such fetched bills will get scheduled for auto debit as per process. 

50. HDFC Bank reserves the right to change the waiting / cooling period. 

51. HDFC Bank is not responsible if the BBPS / biller system is not available due to what-so-ever reason and is not accepting the payment posting request. In such cases, reversals will be processed back to the same origin of debit for all such biller posting failures cases within 3 to 5 working days. 

52. Bills setup for Standing Instruction on Debit Card/Credit Card or Bank Account will be processed around 4 working days prior to the due date. Debit will happen on next working date from scheduled date. Long weekends, public holidays will be excluded in this 4 working days and settlement process will be actioned accordingly in the next working day. HDFC bank is not liable if there is a late payment charges/service disruption to the customer due to such non-working holidays. Customer can seek details from the bank and coordinate further with his respective biller for any billing related disputes. 

53. All SmartPay / BillPay (SI and NON-SI) debits towards Bill Payments will get settled to the respective billers within 2-3 working days. 

54. Bank is not responsible for non-delivery of SMS if customer has an overseas/foreign country code (ISD) mobile connections and mapped to SmartPay facility. BillPay Alerts will be sent to only domestic mobile numbers. 

55. All Bills registered for Smartpay should also observe corresponding debits on fetched bills. 

56. LIC Payment: Amount will be debited 4 days before the due date of grace period (Grace period will be included in due date as per LIC Policy).  e.g: If your due date of policy payment is 8th Sep, one-month grace period will be included than as per LIC your due date will be 8th Oct, so amount will be debited around 4th Oct. 

57. Bill amount will get paid provided the amount is within the specified limit set for Standing Instruction. (Kindly ensure that the Standing Instruction Limit is sufficiently high to ensure payments with normal variations in bill amount). In case a bill amount presented is higher than the amount specified here, the bill will not be paid automatically and will have to be paid using 'View / Pay Bill' option. 

58. For Payment Only biller type, no bill will get presented. The Standing Instruction amount will get debited and paid to biller as per the period and frequency cycle set. 

59. As per RBI E-Mandate w.e.f. 9th December 2021, Bills registered for SI where bill amount has come greater than Rs. 15,000 will require additional factor of authentication from customer to schedule the bill for auto debit. Customer will have to provide OTP based consent via Bitly link sent with pre-debit notification on your registered mobile number through SMS/Email. If you do not provide consent, the bill will not be scheduled or paid automatically.

60. It will be the responsibility of the cardholder to inform HDFC Bank in writing of any change or withdrawal of the SmartPay facility thus availed. Such change or withdrawal will take 30 days to be effective upon receipt of cardholder request. Failure of the cardholder to do the same and subsequent debits, if any, towards utility payments will constitute valid transactions and the cardholder will be liable to pay the same. 

61. The cardholder indemnifies HDFC Bank from and against all actions, suits, claims, liabilities and proceedings due to or arising out of any or all disputes between the cardholder and utility companies or by reason of HDFC Bank acting in good faith or refusing to take or omitting to act on the SmartPay facility. 

62. HDFC Bank shall not be liable to the cardholder for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever arising directly or indirectly including without limitation due to delay or failure to give effect to the SmartPay facility. 

63. SmartPay will not get processed if the received e-bill is greater than the Autopay limit set by the customer. 

CashBack Offer & Voucher Program Details: 

CashBack Offer Details:  
SmartPay CashBack Offer (only applicable for bills registered for SmartPay on Debit & Credit Cards) 

Register for SmartPay (automatic payments) under BillPay using HDFC Bank Credit / Debit Cards and receive 5% cash back for next 12 months. Cash back period of 12 months will start from the date when 1st bill is registered for SmartPay(Auto payment) service.  
Maximum cash back of Rs. 150/- per month/statement cycle. 

Cashback for Credit Card (CC):  

  1. Cashback shall be posted in the respective card account, in the next statement cycle from the Smartpay transaction.  


Note: The above-mentioned Promo Codes are configured in Prima for cashback posting in Credit card. 

Cashback for Debit Card (DC):  

  1. Cashback point proceeds shall be posted to customer’s Debit Card linked account within 75 days from the end of the month when debit was observed.  
  2. Customers can redeem Cashback points by logging into Net Banking/Mobile Banking or calling Phone Banking and request for redemption of Cashback points. Every 1 Cashback point is equal to Re 1. 
  3. RP's accrued as part of cashback under SmartPay on Debit Cards have a validity of 90 days from the date of posting. No requests for extension will be allowed

The cashback points accumulated can be redeemed as below –  

  1. Through Net banking: Cards > Debit Cards > Enquire > Cashback Enquiry and Redemption > Account Number> Continue > Input the amount under Debit Card Promotional Cashback Points  
  2. Through Phone banking: 48 hours post request for redemption of Cashback points; the equivalent amount shall be credited to the customer primary account linked to the debit card.  

Promotional Cashback points earned will be valid for redemption for 3 months from cashback posting month, post which the same will expire. Any queries / complaints related to the offer to be raised only after the end of TAT for cashback posting of 75 days. 

Example 1 – Customer A has never registered for SmartPay facility with the bank. He has registered for the 1st time for 1st Jan 2023 adding 2 bills (Vodafone Post-paid and Airtel DTH). As per cashback offer eligibility, his cashback offer expires on 31st dec 2023. In this scenario, customer is eligible for cashback on successful SmartPay debits (from both these bills) that takes place between 1st Jan 2023 till 31st Dec 2023. Please note that his max cashback eligibility is 5% or Rs. 150 whichever is lower (all SmartPay debits found in the generated card statement will be considered, and the cashback logic calculation will be on the consolidated SmartPay debit amount) 

Example 2 – Customer B has never registered for SmartPay facility with the bank. He has registered for the 1st time for 1st Jan 2023 adding 2 bills (Vodafone Post-paid and Airtel DTH). Later, he added one more additional bill (MSEB Electricity) on 20th Aug 2023. As per cashback offer eligibility, his cashback offer expires on 31st dec 2023. In this scenario, customer is eligible for cashback on successful SmartPay debits (from first two bills) for the entire year since they were registered on 1st Jan 2023. And he is also eligible for cashback on the SmartPay debits which takes place on the 3rd bill registered on 20th Aug 2023. Please note that his max cashback eligibility is 5% or Rs. 150 whichever is lower (all SmartPay debits found in the generated card statement will be considered, and the cashback logic calculation will be on the consolidated SmartPay debit amount) 

Example 3 – Customer C had registered for SmartPay facility first time on 1st Jan 2022 adding few utility bills and his cashback offer expired on 31st Dec 2022. He has already received the cashback on eligible SmartPay debits which took place between 1st Jan 2022 and 31st Dec 2022. This customer later added additional bill(s) in Jan 2023, Feb 2023 and Sept 2023. In this scenario, cashback offer is expired on 31st Dec 2022, and hence no further cashback will be offered for old bills and also for future bills added. 


  1. Cashback is not given for SmartPay on Bank Account registered bill payments, Adhoc payments done through BillPay, Register & Payment. 
  2. Bank reserves the right to change Cashback offer details. 
  3. SmartPay on Credit Card cashback is calculated by the system automatically once the credit card statement is generated. 
  4. SmartPay on Debit Card cashback is calculated by Marketing Operations team once a month (after month end) and posted as cashback points to the customer debit card associated bank account. 
  5. If customer is not registered on SmartPay, then no cashback would be posted. Cashback will not be provided for additional bills registered post the Cashback period. 

  1. Voucher Offer (only applicable for bills registered for SmartPay on Debit Cards & Credit Cards) 

    Get amazing e-voucher up to Rs. 800/Rs. 500 by registering for two or more utility bills on SmartPay (automatic payments) using Credit/Debit Card.

    HDFC Bank has a unique Voucher program as per the table given below: 

Voucher Program 

Voucher worth (in Rs) 

No of Bills Registered 

SmartPay on CC 

SmartPay on DC 

0 Bill 

Not Eligible 

Not Eligible 

1 Bill 

Not Eligible 

Not Eligible 

2 Bills 

Rs. 200 

Rs. 200 

3 Bills 

Rs. 400 

Rs. 300 

4 Bills 

Rs. 600 

Rs. 400 

5 & more Bills 

Rs. 800 

Rs. 500 


  1. Voucher program is not applicable for SmartPay on Bank Account registered bill payments, Adhoc payments done through BillPay, Register & Payment.
  2. Any cancellation/deletion/modification of bills post registration would lead to ineligibility to voucher program.
  3. Bank reserves the right to change the voucher program details.
  4. Your e-voucher can be redeemed against one or more of your favourite brands like Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, Uber, Ola, Amazon Pay, Zomato, Swiggy and many more… 
  • E-Voucher would be posted within 90 days from the end of the offer period.  
  • Customer can avail this offer for up to 20 bills added on SmartPay (10 on Credit cards and 10 on Debit cards). If customer has added 10 bills via Credit/Debit card and availed the voucher offer, future bills added will not be eligible for the voucher benefit.  
  • E-Voucher link would be sent via SMS on the registered mobile number.  
  • Benefit for the customer – The customer gets a flexibility of choosing their own Gift Voucher from the given brands for any denomination till the time their wallet balance gets completely exhausted  
  • The customer will be eligible only if bill is active at the time of fulfilment under the selected Debit / Credit Card.  
  • If the same utility bill is deleted & re-registered on automatic payment, then the customer will not be eligible for e-voucher.  
  • Customer will be eligible for e-voucher only if 2 or more utility bills are set on automatic payment using Debit / Credit Card within the offer period.  
  • E-Voucher is not applicable on DTH, Cable TV, Education fee payment, LPG, FASTag, Loan repayment, Recurring Deposit, Donation, Mutual fund, Mobile Prepaid & Tax categories.  

E-Voucher Claim Process –  
SMS communication will be sent to all winners with the link of the landing page.  
Step 1: On the landing page, enter your unique promo code and Registered mobile number.  
|Step 2: Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number and submit.  
Step 3: Choose your Brand & Click on “Redeem” to claim your Gift Voucher  
Step 4: Enter your details – Name, Mobile number, E-Mail id.  
Step 4 – Choose your denomination and quantity.  
Step 5 – Click on “SUBMIT”  

That’s it! The Gift Voucher of your chosen brand will be sent to the customer instantly.  


  1. Additionally, customer will also get Reward Points on SmartPay transactions basis respective card feature. 
  2. Cashback and Voucher offer will not be given for SmartPay bills registered on Bank Account, Adhoc payments done through BillPay and Register & Pay. 
  3. Bank reserves the right to change Cashback and voucher offer details. 

Permissible limit to register bills by customer – at category level 

Enabled for the Channel 

Category Name  

Bank Account  

Debit Card  

Credit Card  

Number of Permissible Smartpay Registration Limit to be Set.   

Mobile Prepaid  





Rental Payment  















Broadband Postpaid  










Mobile Postpaid  




















Mutual Fund  










Landline Postpaid  










Credit Card  




















LPG Cylinder  





Cable TV  





Housing Society  





Municipal Services  










Clubs and Associations  





Recurring Deposit  





Important Terms and Conditions for both SmartPay & BillPay  

  1. I agree and accept the services as provided by the Bank at my request to carry out my bill payments by Phone Banking/ATM/Net Banking on my account / card as given by me from time to time. 
  2. I agree to provide my correct identification details (biller reference values) as registered with the billing company. I agree to indemnify the Bank from any liability due to erroneous/incomplete information given by me in this regard. Kindly refer your bill copy to confirm the biller details. Bank is not liable for incorrect details added. 
  3. I agree that all bills (SI and NON-SI) showing under my User ID / Customer ID / Account are either added by me or given by me to Bank’s SmartPay sourcing sales team, which also includes bills in my name or in the name of my known persons (3rd Party bills). I agree to indemnify the Bank from any liability arising due to 3rd party bills registered in my card/bank account, given by me in this regard. Bank is not liable for 3rd party bills reflecting in my accounts. 
  4. I understand that Bank will not be liable for any customer claims on excess payments made by customers through adhoc mode to their respective billers inspite of BillPay (NON-SI) and/or SmartPay (SI) transactions being successfully processed by the bank. Customer will only need to contact his biller for further clarifications and Bank is NOT liable to process any refunds on SmartPay/BillPay processed transactions. 
  5. It is the customer’s responsibility to make sure that they initiate a DELETION or STOP PAYMENT at least 7 days prior to the due date. Bank will not be liable for any refund if the customer chooses to process a deletion / stop payment close to the due date, which resulted in debit to his card/account. 
  6. Bank will not be liable for any claim if the bill is not paid/processed due to late receipt of e-bill from the biller due to short due date. Customer cannot claim any compensation like late payment charges, re-connection charges, reinstation charges, etc which is levied by the biller to the customer. 
  7. I agree that this facility (BillPay/ SmartPay service) will be available to me subject to and upon receipt of the billing company's confirmation as to the details furnished by me. Once a biller is successfully registered to the HDFC Bank Bill Payment service, these details are sent to the biller for verification. Upon successful confirmation from the biller, you will receive your electronic bill from the next billing cycle. 
  8. I agree that in case of any change in my identification (biller reference values) details, it is my sole responsibility to communicate these changes as registered with the billing company to the Bank immediately. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to modify / delete the existing registrations and re-register the utility bill with correct biller reference values to avail BillPay/ SmartPay service. 
  9. I have no objections whatsoever to the billing company providing my billing details to the Bank. 
  10. Bill details would be updated online as soon as Bank receives or fetch the same from BBPS/Biller/BillDesk. Please note, we are totally dependent on the utility company/TSP (BillDesk) /BBPS platform for fetching / presenting and Settlement of bill. 
  11. I agree that all billing and payment details will be prepared by electronic means and the information contained therein will be extracted from the computerized system maintained by the billing company and the Bank respectively. The Bank is not liable for any error in the statement as provided by billing company and I shall always hold the Bank harmless against any losses, damages etc. that may be incurred or suffered by me if the information contained is inaccurate/incorrect/incomplete. 
  12. I agree that any disputes on bill details will be settled directly by me with the billing company and the Bank's responsibility is limited to provision of information only. 
  13. I agree to pay the exact amount due as per the billing company's bill before the expiry of due date thereof and failing which I hold the Bank harmless against the consequences thereof including in particular the non-payment of bill amount. 
  14. I unconditionally agree that I shall not hold the Bank liable for such transactions that are carried out on my instructions by the Bank in good faith. Not carrying out such instructions where the Bank has reason to believe (which decision of the Bank I shall not question/dispute) that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise unclear, improper, vague or doubtful. Accepting instructions given by any one of us in case of joint accounts. For any loss or damage incurred or suffered by me due to any error, defect, failure or interruption in the provision of bill payment services arising from or caused by any reason whatsoever. withdrawing/suspending the facility wholly/partially where Bank on a best-effort basis has tried to notify me through its website or through any legally recognised medium of communication giving a minimum notice of 30 days. 
  15. I agree that the record of instructions given and transactions with the Bank shall be conclusive proof and binding for all purposes and can be used as evidence in any proceedings.  
  16. Register & pay (Non-Standing Instruction): To ensure no service disruption or late payment charge, please pay at least 3 working days prior to the due date. If the biller details provided by you are incorrect, the biller will reject the payment. 
  17. I agree that all transactions other than those executed instantaneously by the Bank, that is those requiring processing by the Bank/Billing company will be carried out only during business hours and the value dates if any, will follow the operating hours /days decided by the Bank /billing company. 
  18. I agree to give the Bank 30 days’ notice in writing and obtain an acknowledgment thereof in order to terminate the Bill Payments facility availed by me. 
  19. I agree that all the conditions applicable to ATM Services, Phone Banking Services, Net Banking Services are binding on me in this regard. 
  20.  HDFC Bank Fastag recharge may take up to 15 min to reflect in the Fastag Wallet. 
  21. Security controls features added in BillPay & Recharge platform  

    (A) Mobile prepaid recharge:  
    Only 1 Transaction up to Rs. 1000 is allowed in the first 24 hours after registration   
    Maximum 3 transactions/day allowed with a total transaction limit of Rs. 3,000 post 24 hours  

    (B) DTH Recharge:   
    Only 1 Transaction up to Rs. 2000 is allowed in the first 24 hours after registration   
    Maximum 3 transactions/day allowed with a total transaction limit of Rs. 12,500 after 24 hours  

    (C) Other Bank credit cards bill payments: 
    After registration: No transaction allowed in the first 2 hours of registrations,   
    Transaction up to Rs. 10,000 between 2 hours to 24 hours   
    Transaction up to Rs. 2 lacs after 24 hours (Maximum amount allowed per day for payment to other Bank credit cards is Rs 2 Lacs.) 
  22. As per SEBI circular number SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-I DOF5/P/CIR/2022/41 effective 01-06-2022, we will be sharing the Bank account number with payment aggregator/Billdesk and they may forward the same for completing the settlement of the transaction. 
  23. Please Note as per SEBI Circular, AMC's have to verify the source account of the funds. HDFC Bank is not liable for rejection or failure of transaction as we are dependent on Biller/AMC.  
  24. In case you have already paid your bill using Pay Now / Ad-hoc mode / Alternate channel, please do not make a payment against presented bill to avoid duplicate payment to biller.  
  25. In case you are unable to make a payment for an expired bill here, you may also want to check if the concerned biller is accepting payments for expired bills at their website. 
  26. Pay Bill: To pay a pending bill, please use the Pay button. This button will appear when an electronic bill is presented to you by the biller and is due for payment. 
  27. Pay: To make Instant & ad-hoc or partial payment to your biller, please use the Pay button. Note that this button will be available only for the 'Payment' and 'Presentment and Payment' billers who accept Instant or ad-hoc payments. To avoid duplicate bill payments, please check payment history before proceeding for making payment using Pay button. 
  28. Recharge: To do instant recharge for DTH and Prepaid mobile billers, please click on Recharge menu option. 
  29. As per SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2020/253 circular dated December 31, 2020, effective from February 1, 2021, the applicable NAV in respect of purchase of units of mutual fund scheme shall be subject to realization & availability of the funds in the bank account of mutual fund before the applicable cut off timings for purchase transactions. Accordingly, for all iSIP transactions customers will receive NAV of date of credit of funds into the Mutual Fund's bank account and not the date of debit to the customer's account. 
  30. Customer after updating Mobile number and Email ID in Bank’s core system need to follow below steps to update the same for BillPay alerts:  
    1. Mobile/email gets updated when customer does fresh biller registration or non-SI transaction 
    2. Write it to HDFC Bank for change in Mobile number and Email ID for BillPay alerts. 
  31. LIC Payment: Amount will be debited 4 days before the due date of grace period (Grace period will be included in due date as per LIC Policy). e.g : If your due date of policy payment is 8th Sep, one-month grace period will be included than as per LIC your due date will be 8th Oct, So amount will be debited around 4th Oct. 
In this section, the following words and phrases have the meaning set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise:

"MobileBanking or SMSBanking" means facility of access to information relating to the Saving / Current Account(s) / Fixed Deposit of the Customer and usage of products and/or other services as may be advised or made available on the Customer’s Mobile Phone by the Bank from time to time on / through MobileBanking. The words MobileBanking and MobileBanking Services are used interchangeably in this document.

"Mobile Phone" means the handset together with requisite accessories, equipment attachments and other software which is owned / possessed by the Cellular Service subscriber. 

"User or I" refers to a Customer of the Bank authorized to use the MobileBanking Service provided by the Bank.

"Personal Information" refers to the information about the User obtained in connection with the MobileBanking Service. 

"Cellular Service" hereafter referred to as "CSP" refers to the GSM/ CDMA / GPRS / EDGE Service provider (for operation of Mobile Phones) / any Aggregator who have entered into an agreement with the Bank for provision of MobileBanking Services to its customers.
12.2Applicability of Terms and Conditions: 
These Terms and Conditions form the contract between the User, the Bank and the Cellular Service Provider (hereinafter referred to as the CSP) and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the Terms and Conditions relating to any account of the User and / or the respective product or the service provided by the Bank, or the CSP.
12.3Eligibility :
Any customer of the Bank, having a saving and or current and or fixed deposit account authorised to operate singly or on either or survivor basis and who is also a current subscriber of the CSP. The User should have access to the Mobile Phone and knowledge of how the Mobile Phone works. The User should at all times possess the Mobile Phone software, which are required for using MobileBanking. In case of Minor accounts, only the natural guardian of the Minor shall be eligible to avail of this service.
12.4Registration :
I agree that I shall be entitled to use the MobileBanking Service only if my application is found in order and the relevant particulars are registered by the Bank and the CSP. The Bank and the CSP shall be at liberty to reject my application without assigning any reason.
12.5The Bank shall endeavour to provide to the user through MobileBanking, such services as the Bank may decide from time to time. The Bank reserves the right to decide the type of services, which a category of user may be offered on each account and may differ from category to category.
The Bank may also make additions /deletions to the services offered through MobileBanking at its sole discretion.
12.6Only those accounts opened with the Bank and attached to the respective User's ID will be accessible through MobileBanking.
12.7There will be no obligation on the Bank to support all the versions of this Mobile Phone software.
12.8I agree that I shall use only my Mobile Phone to access the MobileBanking Service of the Bank. The access is restricted to me on the specific Mobile Phone Number only as registered with the Bank for MobileBanking. I must not let any other person have access to my Mobile Phone or leave the Mobile Phone unattended.I shall not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the account information stored in the computers of the Bank through any unauthorised means.
12.9I grant express authority to the Bank for carrying out the transactions performed by me through MobileBanking. The Bank shall have no obligation to verify the authenticity of any transaction received from me through MobileBanking or purporting to have been sent by me via MobileBanking other than by means of verification of the Mobile Phone Number. The display that is produced by me at the time of operation of MobileBanking is a record of the operation of the mobile access and shall not be construed as the Bank's records of the relative transactions. The Bank's own records of transactions maintained through computer systems or otherwise shall be accepted as conclusive and binding for all purposes unless I point out any discrepancy within 15 days from the date of receipt of periodical statement. All transactions arising from the use of MobileBanking, in a joint account, shall be binding on all the joint account holders, jointly and severally.
12.10I am responsible for the correctness of information supplied by me to the Bank through the use of or through any other means such as electronic mail or written communication. Neither the Bank nor the CSP accepts any liability for the consequences arising out of erroneous information supplied by me. If I suspect that there is an error in the information supplied to the Bank by me, I shall advise the Bank as soon as possible .The Bank will endeavour to correct the error promptly and adjust any interest or charges arising out of the error. All outputs of statements are duplicate statements of account and will be prepared by electronic means and the information contained therein will be extracted from a computerized back up system maintained by the Bank. While the Bank will take all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the statement, the Bank is not liable for any error, which may happen due to reasons beyond its control like Data getting corrupted in transmission.
12.11Liability of the User :
I shall not be liable for losses arising out of the unauthorized transactions occurring in my accounts if I have complied with the Terms and advised the Bank in writing under acknowledgement immediately after I suspect that my Mobile Phone number is / has been allotted to another person and/or notice an unauthorized transaction in my account, after a maximum of 2 days from the receipt of such advice by the Bank.

I agree that the access to MobileBanking is through my Mobile Phone and any transaction, which originates from the same, whether initiated by me or not shall be deemed to have originated from me. I shall be liable for all loss from unauthorized transactions in my accounts if I have breached the Terms or contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions such as the following:
  1. Not advising the Bank in a reasonable time about unauthorized access to or erroneous transactions in the MobileBanking accounts.
  2. In case of change in or termination of the Mobile Phone number/SIM Card, not informing the CSP and the Bank about the change/ termination.
I understand that in the event of loss of my Mobile Phone or it falling in the wrong hands, it can be misused. I indemnify the Bank for any such misuse arising out of the same. I shall not hold Bank responsible for any loss that I may suffer in these circumstances.
12.12Liability of the Bank :
The Bank shall, in no circumstances, be held liable to me, if access is not available in the desired manner for reasons including natural calamity, floods, fire and other natural disasters, legal restraints, faults in the telecommunication network or network failure, non delivery of SMS, software or hardware error or any other reason beyond the control of the Bank. Under no circumstances shall the Bank be liable for any damages whatsoever whether such damages are direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, investment, production, goodwill, profit, interruption of business or any other loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the User or any other person. The Bank is in no way liable for the services provided by the CSP in relation to the Mobile Phone. The Bank is in no way responsible/liable for the charges levied by the CSP in relation to MobileBanking transaction.
12.13Liability of the CSP :
Due to limitations of the SMS (Short Messaging Services) Technology and of WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) Technology, the CSP and the Bank do not warrant the confidentiality or security of the messages whether personal or otherwise transmitted through MobileBanking Service. The CSP makes no warranty or representation of any kind in relation to the system and the network or their function or performance or for any loss or damage whenever and however suffered or incurred by the User or by any person resulting from or in connection with the MobileBanking Service or the CSP network. Without limitation to the other provisions of this agreement, the CSP, its employees, agents or contractors, shall not be liable for any loss or damage whether direct, indirect or consequential, including but not limited to loss of revenue, profits, business, contracts, anticipated savings or goodwill, loss of use or value of any equipment including software, whether foreseeable or not, suffered by the User or any other person howsoever arising from or relating to any delay, interruption, suspension, resolution of error of the Bank and the MobileBanking Service in receiving and processing the request and in formulating and returning responses or any failure, delay, interruption, suspension, restriction or error in the transmission of any information or message to and from the telecommunication equipment of the User and the CSP network and the Bank's system or any break down, interruption, suspension or failure of the telecommunication equipment of the User, the Bank's system or the CSP network. Notwithstanding herein to the contrary, the CSP shall not be involved in or in any way liable to the User for any dispute between the Bank and the user.
12.14Indemnity :
I shall indemnify and hold the Bank and the CSP harmless against any loss suffered by the Bank, its customers or a third party or any claim or action brought by a third party which is in any way the result of the MobileBanking transactions done by me. I agree that the MobileBanking Service uses the network provided by the CSP. I hold the Bank harmless against any loss incurred by me due to failure in this network.
12.15Disclosure of Personal Information :
I agree that the Bank or its contractors may hold and process my Personal Information on computer or otherwise in connection with MobileBanking Services as well as for statistical analysis and credit scoring.
12.16Termination of MobileBanking Service :
I can request for termination of the MobileBanking Services at any time by giving a written notice of at least 15 days to the Bank from the time the Notice is delivered to the Bank. I agree that I will remain responsible for any transactions made on my MobileBanking account(s) through MobileBanking until the termination of my MobileBanking Service.

The Bank may withdraw the MobileBanking Services anytime and shall endeavour to give a 30 days notice to me. The closure of all my accounts will automatically terminate the MobileBanking Service. Similarly the Bank may suspend or terminate MobileBanking Services without prior notice if I have breached these Terms and Conditions or if the Bank notices some errors / omissions / fraudulent transactions related to my account or Cust id.
12.17Notices :
The Bank may give notices under these Terms and Conditions, electronically to my mailbox (which will be regarded as being in writing), or in writing by hand-delivery, or by sending them by post to the last address given by me and in the case of the Bank to its registered office. In addition, the Bank may also publish notices of general nature, which are applicable to all Users of MobileBanking on its website. Such notices will have the same effect as a notice served individually to me.
13.1Definitions :
In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"Alerts" or "Facility" or "Alerts Facility" mean the customized messages based on Triggers, sent as Short Messaging Service ("SMS") over mobile phone or as message via Email to the Customer; "Account" means any Savings/Current Account of the Customer with the Bank; "Bank" means any branch in India of HDFC Bank Ltd in which the Customer's Account is maintained; "Customer" means the person who holds an Account with the Bank; "Triggers" means the customized instructions to be set or placed by the Customer or by the Bank with the Bank & its systems, with respect to specific events/transactions relating to his Account to enable the Bank to send the corresponding Alerts to the Customer. "CSP" means the cellular service provider through whom the Customer or the Bank receives the mobile services.
13.2.1I have requested for this facility which the Bank at its sole discretion may discontinue at any time with the Bank providing a prior intimation on a best-effort basis through its website or any legally recognised medium of communication. The Facility is currently available to resident customers through SMS on mobile phone and E-mail.
13.2.2The Alerts would be generated by the Bank and will be sent to me on the mobile number provided by me and the delivery of the alert would be entirely based on the service availability of the service provider and connectivity with other cellular circles of the CSPs or in circles forming part of the roaming GSM network agreement between such CSPs. I agree and understand that the Alerts being dependent on various issues including connectivity the Bank cannot assure final and timely delivery of the alerts.
13.2.3The alerts are dependent on various issues including connectivity if I am within the cellular circles of the CSPs or in circles forming part of the roaming GSM network agreement between such CSPs.
13.2.4A mobile phone/email trigger may not be received by me or sent by the Bank if the account operations have been suspended for any reasons whatsoever.
13.2.5I assume full responsibility for the security and confidentiality of my Mobile Phone/mobile phone number and mobile phone identification number to be used in initially gaining access to my account(s) through the use of my mobile phone.
13.3Process :
13.3.1To receive Alerts, I may select and set all or any of the Triggers available under this facility by submission of the duly completed Registration form at any of the Bank branches/locations. The form could also be downloaded/submitted electronically through the Bank's website www.hdfcbank.com subject to the introduction of the facility or format on the website. I can also register Online through HDFC Bank NetBanking. Alerts shall be sent to my mobile phone number and/or the E-mail ID registered with the Bank.
13.3.2I am duty bound to acquaint myself with the detailed process for using the facility and the Bank is not responsible for any error/ omissions by me in setting the Triggers.
13.3.3I acknowledge that the Alerts will be implemented in a phased manner and the Bank may at a later stage, as and when feasible, add more Triggers or Alerts. The Bank may, at its discretion, from time to time change the features of any Trigger or Alert. I will be solely responsible for keeping myself updated of the available Triggers or Alerts, which shall, on best-effort basis, be notified by the Bank through its website or through any legally recognized medium of communication. I may, from time to time, alter or add to the Triggers selected by me by prior written intimation to the Bank by an acceptable mode of communication.
13.4Setting Triggers and Receiving Alerts :
13.4.1The Bank is not bound to acknowledge the receipt of any request / forms given by me for setting triggers nor shall the Bank be held responsible to verify the requests / forms or Triggers. The Bank shall endeavor to provide Triggers and Alerts on a best effort basis and wherever operationally possible for the Bank.
13.4.2The Bank may, in its discretion, not give effect to any Triggers if the Bank has reason to believe (which decision of the Bank shall be binding on me) that the Triggers are not genuine or otherwise improper or unclear or raises any doubt or in case any Triggers cannot be put into effect for any reasons whatsoever.
13.4.3I am solely responsible for intimating in writing to the Bank any change in my mobile phone number or e-mail address or account details and the Bank will not be liable for sending Alerts or other information over my mobile phone number/e-mail address recorded with the Bank.
13.4.4I acknowledge that to receive Alerts, my mobile phone must be in an “on” mode. If my mobile phone is kept “off” for a specified period from the time of delivery of an Alert message by the Bank, that particular message may not be received by me.
13.4.5Triggers will be activated by the Bank within 7 working days after receipt of the form as provided by me. Initially, the alerts provided by the Bank on the mobile and/or the e-mail on any particular day, will have a certain time lag and accordingly the alerts being received are based on data available with the Bank with a certain time lag and may not represent data available on date of receipt. Select Alerts will be sent based on data updated as of the preceding working day. I also acknowledge that reasonable time may be taken for data processing for the purpose of sending Alerts on working days of the Bank.
13.4.6I acknowledge that the Facility is dependent on the infrastructure, connectivity and services provided by the CSPs within India. I accept that timeliness, accuracy and readability of Alerts sent by the Bank will depend on factors affecting the CSPs and other service providers. The Bank shall not be liable for non-delivery or delayed delivery of Alerts, error, loss or distortion in transmission of Alerts to me.
13.4.7The Bank shall endeavour to provide the Facility on a best effort basis and I shall not hold the Bank responsible / liable for non-availability of the Facility or non-performance by any CSPs or other service providers or any loss or damage caused to me as a result of use of the Facility (including relying on the Alerts for my investment or business or any other purposes) for causes which are not attributable to / and are beyond the control of the Bank. The Bank shall not be held liable in any manner to me in connection with the use of the Facility.
13.4.8I accept that each Alert may contain certain account information relating to me. I authorize the Bank to send account related information, though not specifically requested, if the Bank deems that the same is relevant.
13.5Withdrawal or Termination :
13.5.1The Bank may, in its discretion, withdraw temporarily or terminate the Facility, either wholly or in part, at any time with a notice period of 30 days. The Bank may, without prior notice, suspend temporarily the Facility at any time during which any maintenance work or repair is required to be carried out or in case of any emergency or for security reasons, which require the temporary suspension of the facility.
13.5.2Notwithstanding the terms laid down in clause 12.5.1 above, either I or the Bank may, for any reason whatsoever, terminate this facility at any time upon prior written notice. Liabilities incurred by me shall, however survive the termination of this facility.
13.6Fees :
13.6.1I shall be liable to pay to the Bank such fees as may be applicable from time to time. I shall be liable for payment of such airtime or other charges, which may be levied by the CSP in connection with the receiving of the Alerts, which may be levied by the CSP as per the Terms and Conditions of the CSP, and the Bank is in no way concerned with the same.
13.6.2Unless otherwise expressly waived by the Bank, I shall pay the Bank, its standard fees and charges for the use of the facility. In this connection, the Bank is hereby authorised by me to debit any of my account with the Bank from time to time.
13.7Disclaimer :
13.7.1The Bank will not be liable for:
  1. any unauthorised use of my account number or
  2. mobile phone number /instrument or unauthorised access to e-mails received at my notified email address for any fraudulent, duplicate or erroneous instructions /Triggers given by use of the same
  3. acting in good faith on any instructions/Triggers received by the Bank
  4. delay or inability of the Bank to act on all or any of the instructions /Triggers for reasons beyond the control of the Bank
  5. loss of any information/instructions /Alerts in transmission
  6. unauthorized access by any other person or any information /instructions /Triggers given by me or breach of confidentiality.
13.7.2The Bank shall not be concerned with any dispute that may arise between me and the CSP and makes no representation or gives no warranty with respect to the quality of the service provided by the CSP or guarantee for timely delivery or accuracy of the contents of each Alert.
13.7.3Incase of a cheque deposit, though the alert will be sent to me on deposit of the cheque into the account, I am aware that the clear funds will be available to me only on clearing of the cheque. I am made aware by the Bank that as per the process of clearing, the credits may be reversed or may not fructify, including due to late returns. I shall issue cheque or any debit instructions only after confirming the available balance in the account is sufficient for effecting the transaction.
13.7.4The Alerts represent particular transaction and it is not an indicator of available credit balance in the account.
13.8Disclosure :
I accept that all information /Instructions /Triggers will be transmitted to and /or stored at various locations and be accessed by personnel of the Bank (and its affiliates/agents). The Bank is authorised to provide any information or details relating to me or my account to the CSPs or any service providers so far as is necessary to give effect to any instructions/ Triggers.
13.9Liability and Indemnity :
I shall indemnify and keep the Bank free and harmless from and against all liabilities, losses, claims and damages arising from negligence, fraud, collusion or violation of the terms herein on my part and/or a third party provided there is no gross negligence on the part of the Bank.
14.1Definitions and Interpretations:
14.2"NetBanking Terms and Conditions" shall mean the Terms and Conditions as modified from time to time applicable to NetBanking offered by the Bank.
14.3"Confidential Information" refers to information obtained by the Customer, through the Bank, for availing various Services through NetBanking.
14.4"Payment Instruction" shall mean an instruction given by a Customer to transfer funds from the Account held by the Customer to different account(s) held by other approved Customers within the Bank or with any other Bank in India (select cities) and /or request to issue Demand Drafts (DD) in the name of the beneficiary who may or may not have an account with the Bank or to make payments of the nature of bill payments, Credit Card payments, Visa CardPay and such payments of similar nature. The Bank may in its sole and exclusive discretion confine this facility only to certain permitted Customers or may extend it from time to time to be generally available to all Customers.
14.5INTERNET refers to the network of computers / mobile phones / other electronic devices which share and exchange information. The Internet is a worldwide broadcasting capability, mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers / mobile phones / other electronic devices capable of accessing the Internet without regard for geographic location.
14.6NETBANKING SERVICES is the Bank's Service (including all modifications of such services) which provides access to account information, products and other services (Including transactions of non-financial and financial in nature) as advised by the Bank from time to time to the customers through the website of the Bank. NetBanking Services also include the services for Demat account, Credit Cards and loan on the website of the Bank . The terms NetBanking and NetBanking Services/facility may be interchangeably used.
14.7CUSTOMER refers to any person who has a Bank Account and/or a Demat Account and/or a Credit Card account and/or a loan account who has been authorised by the Bank to avail of the said facility. 
Customer Identification Number (Cust id) is a system generated but random Unique Identification Number that is given to each customer of the Bank. 
IPIN is the Password that the customer needs to use along with the Cust id in order to do his NetBanking transactions.
14.8ACCOUNT refers to the Customer's Savings and/or Current Account and/or Credit Card account and/or loan accounts and/or Fixed Deposit or Demat Account opened in NSDL or CDSL or any other type of account so designated by the Bank to be eligible account(s) for operations through the use of NetBanking.
14.9PERSONAL INFORMATION refers to the information about the customer obtained in connection with NetBanking/any other Banking relationship with the Bank.
14.10NETBANKING SERVICES will be available to the customers upon opening of account with the bank without requiring completion of any formalities for activation of such service. The customer hereby agrees that the terms and conditions for net banking shall be applicable in addition to the applicable terms of account opening.
The Bank will advise from time to time the Internet Software such as Browsers, which are required for using NetBanking. There will be no obligation on the Bank to support all the versions of this Internet Software. I agree that I shall be responsible for upgrading my software, hardware and the operating system at my cost from time to time so as to be compatible with that of the Bank. The Bank shall be at liberty to change, vary or upgrade its software, hardware, operating systems, etc., from time to time and shall be under no obligation to support the software, hardware, operating systems used by me and that the same shall be my sole responsibility.
The Bank shall endeavor to provide through NetBanking, such services as the Bank may decide from time to time. The Bank reserves the right to decide the type of services that may be offered on each account and may differ from customer to customer. These facilities shall be offered in a phased manner at the discretion of the Bank. The Bank may also make additions / deletions to the services offered through NetBanking at its sole discretion. The availability / non-availability of a particular service shall be advised through e-mail or SMS or website of the Bank or through written communication. All accounts opened with the Bank attached to the same Cust id will be accessible through NetBanking. In case of Joint accounts and accounts with two or more signatories, the Bank will offer such services as restricted by the Terms and Conditions governing the operation of such accounts. In case of Minor accounts, the natural guardian undertakes to give all instructions relating to the operation of the account and further undertakes not to reveal the Cust id and IPIN to the Minor. The Bank shall take reasonable care to ensure the security of and prevent unauthorized access to the NetBanking Service using technology reasonably available to the Bank.
14.13OTHER HOLDERS OF DEMAT ACCOUNT refers to such holders other than the first named holder of the Demat Account. The NetBanking Services of the Bank for Demat Account is available to a customer who has a Demat Account and a Bank Account in his name (i.e. the first holder of the Demat Account and the Bank Account to be same). The Bank reserves its rights to consider any deviation to the above at it sole discretion. The Demat Account will be attached to the Cust id and will be accessible through NetBanking. Wherever the Demat Account is jointly held by the Customer, the Bank will construe that the other holders of the Demat Account have authorized the first holder to either query on the account or initiate transaction on the account and it will be binding on them. 

Due to the fact that the Bank receives Demat Information from NSDL and CDSL , it is important to check the current position with your respective branch. 

All information coming from NSDL / CDSL is provided on 'as is' basis without warranty of the kind. The Bank makes no representation and disclaims all express, implied and statutory warranties of any kind to the user and/or any third party including warranties as to accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness of the information for any particular purpose.

I understand that the Bank would allot me a Cust id and IPIN in the first instance. 

I will be required to change the IPIN assigned by the Bank on accessing NetBanking for the first time and thereafter at certain intervals. As a safety measure, the Bank may ask me to change my IPIN on a compulsory basis. 

I agree that in the absence of any specific request from me for personally collecting the IPIN, the IPIN shall be sent to me by courier at my risk and consequences to the address notified by me for correspondence. 

In addition to Cust id and IPIN the Bank may, at its discretion, require me to adopt such other means of authentication including but not limited to digital certification and / or Smart Cards and/or Two Factor Authentication like Public or Private Keys / Risk Engine / Challenge Questions. 

I agree that I shall not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the account information stored in the computers of the Bank through any means other than the NetBanking Service. 

I am aware that the transaction through NetBanking can be effected by concurrent use of Cust id and IPIN.
14.15IPIN : 

I understand and agree that I must: 

Keep the IPIN totally confidential and not reveal the IPIN to any third party. 

Choose an IPIN which shall be at least of 6 characters long or such minimum number as may be specified by the Bank from time to time and shall consist of a mix of alphabets, numbers and special characters which must not relate to any readily accessible personal data such as my name, address, telephone number, driver license etc. or easily guessable combination of letters and number; 

Commit the IPIN to memory and not record them in a written or electronic form; 

Not allow any unauthorized person have access to my computer or leave the computer unattended while accessing NetBanking; 

I agree that in case I forget the IPIN, I can request for change of the IPIN. Such replacement shall not be construed / deemed as the commencement of a new contract.
I authorize the Bank to recover all charges related to NetBanking as determined by the Bank from time to time by debiting my account. The schedule of charges would be applicable as mentioned on the website.
All correspondence / delivery by the Bank shall only be at the address and / or e-mail address as registered with the Bank.

All the instructions for instantaneous transactions will be given effect to instantaneously unless and until some processing work or Maintenance activity is being done. In case the services are not available during the End of the Day processing then the transaction will get credit on the next day. 

All the requests for non-instantaneous transactions such as Demand Draft Request, Fixed Deposit Opening etc received after 10pm will be carried out at the next working day on first in first out basis subject to availability of clear funds in the account authorised for debit . Similarly requests for on-line Financial transactions like Fund Transfer , Third Party Fund Transfer , Credit Card payments and other such payments received after 10pm will be carried out at the next working day on first in first out basis subject to availability of clear funds in the account authorised for debit . In case instructions for effecting any transactions are received on weekly offs/holidays/public holidays, they shall be effected on the immediately succeeding working day on the Terms and Conditions prevailing on that day.

I shall not hold the Bank responsible for not processing/effecting any transactions in case the Bank does not receive instruction to this effect even though I have forwarded the same electronically, i.e. by means of e-mails and short messaging services (SMS). In the event of any dispute on the actual communication made to the Bank , the records of the Bank shall be final and binding on me . 

I hereby agree to abide by the following Terms and Conditions in addition to the Terms and Conditions as applicable to NetBanking: 

I shall be at liberty to utilise the Payment Instruction Services through NetBanking for transfer of funds for such purpose, as I shall deem fit; 

I have the full right and/or authority to access and avail of the services obtained and the goods purchased and I shall observe and comply with the applicable laws and regulations in each jurisdiction in applicable territories. I shall not involve the Bank as a party to such transaction. I shall provide the Bank with such information and/or assistance as is required by the Bank for the performance of the Services and/or any other obligations of the Bank herein. 

I shall not at any time provide to any person, with any of my details held by me with the Bank, including Customer ID, IPIN, account number, Card details, PIN/TIM m-PIN which may be assigned to me by the Bank from time to time.

I agree that the Bank shall be entitled to presume that all instructions received by the Bank by using my Cust id and IPIN are in order / genuine and have been actually given by me and I shall be bound by the same conclusively.
I hereby acknowledge that I am availing the Payment Instruction Services at my own risk.
14.20Misuse of Cust id and IPIN: 
I acknowledge that if any third person obtains access to my Cust id and IPIN, such third person would be able to provide Payment Instructions / other instructions to the Bank. I shall ensure that the Terms and Conditions applicable to the use of the Cust id and IPIN as contained herein are complied with at all times. 

Internet Frauds:
The Internet per se is susceptible to a number of frauds, misuse, hacking and other actions that could affect Payment Instructions / other instructions to the Bank. Whilst the Bank shall aim to provide security to prevent the same, there cannot be any guarantee from such Internet frauds, hacking and other actions that could affect Payment Instructions / other instructions to the Bank including result in delay or failure in processing the instructions. I shall separately evolve/ evaluate all risks arising out of the same and the Bank shall not be responsible for the same. 
I understand that doing a NetBanking transaction at a Cybercafe/shared computer terminal is risky and I shall not use the services of a cybercafe/shared computer terminal to do any NetBanking transactions. 

Mistakes and Errors: 
The filling in of applicable data for transfer of funds and/or issue of Demand Drafts would require proper, accurate and complete details. 

For instance, I am aware that: 

I would be required to fill in the correct account number of the person to whom the funds are to be transferred; 
I would be required to fill in the correct Credit Card number while making Credit Card payments; 
I would be required to fill in the correct details such as the name of the payee (who may or may not have an account with the Bank), mailing address, amount of the Demand Draft and the city/state where the Demand Draft is payable. 

In the event of any inaccuracy in this regard, the funds could be transferred to incorrect accounts or the Demand Draft maybe incorrectly issued or sent to a wrong address and there is no guarantee of recovery of the same thereafter. I shall therefore take all care to ensure that there are no mistakes and errors and that the information given by me to the Bank in this regard is error free, accurate, proper and complete at all points of time. I indemnify the Bank from any loss due to an error on my part. 

On the other hand in the event of my account receiving an incorrect credit by reason of a mistake committed by some other person, the Bank shall be entitled to reverse the incorrect credit at any time whatsoever without my consent. I shall be liable and responsible to the Bank and accede to accept the Bank's instructions without questions for any unfair or unjust gain obtained by me as a result of the same. 

The transactions, which may require, the transfer of the funds or issue of Demand Draft may not fructify or may not be completed by the parties to whom I request the Bank to transfer the funds or issue of Demand Draft. The Bank is not in any manner involved in the said transactions and contracts and my sole recourse in this regard shall be with the party with whom I have the transactions. The Bank is merely providing me services whereby the said funds would be transferred on my instructions. 

Technology Risks: 
The technology for enabling the transfer of funds and the other services offered by the Bank could be affected by virus or other malicious, destructive or corrupting code, programme or macro. It may also be possible that the site of the Bank may require maintenance and during such time it may not be possible to process the request of the customers. This could result in delays in the processing of instructions or failure in the processing of instructions. I understand that the Bank disclaims all and any liability, whether direct or indirect, whether arising out of loss or profit or otherwise arising out of any failure or inability by the Bank to honour any customer instruction for whatsoever reason.
I am aware that the Bank may from time to time impose maximum and minimum limits including daily limits on transfer of funds that may be transferred or amount of the Demand Draft that can be issued by virtue of the payment instructions given hereunder. I acknowledge that the same is to reduce the risks on me. For instance, the Bank may impose transaction restrictions within particular periods or amount restrictions within a particular period or even each transaction limits. I shall be bound by such limits imposed and shall strictly comply with them. The Bank shall put an appropriate message on the concerned page or the website.
I shall indemnify the Bank from and against all losses and damages that may be caused as a consequence of breach of any of the Terms and Conditions mentioned herein above.
14.23The Bank's sole obligation and my sole and exclusive remedy in the event of interruption to the NetBanking services or loss of use and/or access to the Bank's website shall be to use all reasonable endeavour to restore the services and/or access as soon as reasonably possible. The Bank makes no express or implied warranty with respect to the NetBanking services provided hereunder including without limitations any warranties of uninterrupted/error-free performance of the NetBanking System, non-infringement of third party rights, title ,merchantability, satisfactory quality and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

I shall not be liable for any unauthorized transactions occurring through the use of NetBanking, which can be attributed to the fraudulent or negligent conduct of the employees of the Bank. 

If I comply with the Terms and Conditions and advise the Bank in writing under acknowledgment immediately after I suspect that my Cust id and IPIN is known to another person and/or notice an unauthorized transaction in my NetBanking account, I shall not be liable for losses arising out of the unauthorized transactions occurring in the NetBanking accounts after the receipt of such advice by the Bank. 

I agree that I shall be liable for some or all loss from unauthorized transactions in my accounts if I have breached the Terms or contributed or caused the loss by negligent actions such as the following: 

Keeping a written or electronic record of Cust id and IPIN; 

Disclosing or failing to take all reasonable steps to prevent disclosure of the NetBanking IPIN to anyone including Bank staff and/or failing to advise the Bank of such disclosure within reasonable time; 

Not advising the Bank in a reasonable time about unauthorized access to or erroneous transactions in my accounts.
14.25Secure Access:
14.25.1Secure Banking service (“said service”) is available for all the customers who are registered for NetBanking under the Third Party Transfer Module (TPT Module) only.
14.25.2The following is the list of transactions that are being covered by the TPT Module.
  • Transfer of funds to any other HDFC Bank account
  • Transfer of funds to any other Bank (under NEFT/ RTGS)
  • Transfer of funds using the Visa CardPay Module
  • Third Party Demand Draft
I agree that the Bank reserves the right to add / withdraw any of the above transactions under the TPT Module
14.25.3I agree that the Bank reserves the right to withdraw TPT services in case of non usage from a customer over a period of time. I also understand that withdrawal / Cancellation of TPT service automatically cancels the Secure Banking Service.
14.25.4I agree that the registration for the said Service is possible only through NetBanking and there are no other avenues for registration of the same. I can only register for this service by logging on to NetBanking with his login credentials.
14.25.5I agree that the details entered at the time of registration is known only to me and no one else is privy to that data. I agree that I should not share this with anyone nor write it down.
14.25.6I understand that there could be instances beyond the control of the Bank and the on line registration process remains incomplete. In such cases, I have to restart the online registration and complete the same. The Bank shall not be liable for any claims, damages arising out of the incomplete online registration.
14.25.7I agree that it is my responsibility to ensure that the data that I enter at the time of registration is kept confidential. The Bank does not take any liability arising out of disclosure of this information at the customer end.
14.25.8While this facility is currently free of cost, I agree that the Bank may at its discretion decide to charge for this service at a later date, and the said charges shall be communicated to me through appropriate mediums.
14.25.9I agree that in case of wrong validation the Bank reserves the right to disable the Third Party Transfer facilities. In such case, I will have to once again apply for TPT facilities by filling up a form and submitting the same at a branch.
14.25.10I understand that there are four parts to registration for Secure Banking Service which are mandatory
  1. Selection of a Picture
  2. Selection of a Message
  3. Entering Answers to the questions asked
14.25.11I understand that the registered telephone numbers with the Bank will not be replaced with any new numbers of the customers during the registration for Secure Access. Incase of change of the said registered numbers, the same can be done by submitting an application to any of HDFC Bank Branch for change of registered number.
14.25.12I understand that the Bank may ask questions to its customer before the completion of a transaction as additional verification checks. I need to input the answers to those questions which I have given at the time of registration. I agree that, in case of wrong entry of the answers for the questions asked, the Bank may at its discretion dis-continue with the transaction.
14.25.13Similarly, I agree that Bank may decide to call me in order to validate a transaction, in case I do not answer the call, the Bank shall at its discretion disallow that transaction.
14.25.14I agree that in case of change of contact number/s, it is my responsibility to update the same to continue to avail the said Service and TPT.
14.25.15I understand that the calls made to me will be in English language.
14.25.16I understand that the Bank reserves the right to withdraw the said service by giving to me at least 30 days notice under normal circumstances.
14.25.17I understand that the Bank may at its discretion form time to time introduce additional services under the Secure Banking umbrella to make NetBanking more secure.
14.25.18I understand that the Bank may allow to clear the transactions even in case the Secure Banking services are not available and there would be no authentications for the same. The Bank makes it clear that this will be done only from view of customer convenience and Bank is not liable in case password has been compromised. It is recommended that I need to get my PCs/laptops scanned on a regular basis and to be updated with the latest anti virus software available and I agree that the Bank shall not be held responsible for any data loss or identity theft due to a malware on the PC used by the customer.
14.25.19I understand that the Bank shall be bound to share the information provided by the customers if required by the Government bodies and Quasi Government bodies or judicial bodies based on authorized requests.
14.25.20I understand that the Bank reserves the right at anytime, without prior notice to add, alter, modify, change or vary all or any of these Terms and Conditions or to replace wholly or in part, the above offer by another offer whether similar to above or not, or to withdraw it altogether.
14.25.21I understand that the method / process adopted for providing the said service is the Bank's prerogative and the same will not be shared with any third party or any customer.
14.25.22I agree that the said service is aimed at providing transaction security for Third Party transactions done by me. I agree that the Site Picture and the Phrase is aimed at building customer confidence.
14.25.23I agree that the Bank reserves the right to disable the customer’s TPT rights / Secure Banking Service for reasons other then those mentioned above.
14.25.24I agree that the Bank is not responsible for, or liable for, any actions, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses that a customer may suffer, sustain or incur.
14.26Proprietory Rights:
I acknowledge that the software and hardware underlying the NetBanking Service as well as other Internet related software which are required for accessing NetBanking are the legal property of the respective Vendors/Bank. The permission given by the Bank to access NetBanking will not convey any proprietary or ownership rights in the above software / hardware. I agree that I shall not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the software / hardware underlying NetBanking or create any derivative product based on the software / hardware.
14.27Termination of NetBanking Service: 

I may request for termination of the NetBanking Services any time by giving a written notice of at least 15 days to the Bank. I agree that I will remain responsible for any transactions made on my account(s) through NetBanking prior to the time of such cancellation of the NetBanking Service. 

The closure of all my accounts will automatically terminate the NetBanking Service. 

The Bank may suspend or terminate NetBanking Services either wholly or partially at any time by giving to me at least 30 days notice under normal circumstances.
The Bank and I may give notices under these Terms and Conditions: 

Electronically to the mailbox of either party. Such notices will be regarded as being in writing; 

In writing by delivering them by hand or by sending them by post to the last address given by me and in the case of the Bank to the Corporate office address as set out hereinabove 

In addition, the Bank may also publish notices of general nature, which are applicable to all customers of NetBanking on its web site. Such notices will have the same effect as a notice served individually to me.
14.29Merchant Payment via NetBanking
14.29.1I agree that I will initiate my transaction on any website only post satisfying the credibility of the merchant.
14.29.2I agree that all merchant terms and conditions will be applicable on me for any purchase done or payment made to the merchant and  I will always agree to the same before placing any order with the merchant.
14.29.3I understand that the Bank shall not be in any way responsible for merchandise, warranty or services purchased or availed  by myself from merchant establishments (such as website or application) including on account of delay, delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of goods or receipt of defective goods from the order(s) placed by myself.  I clearly understand that the netbanking facility is purely a facility provided to me by the Bank to purchase goods or avail  services and I understand that the Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, quantity, delivery or otherwise howsoever regarding the goods or services, and any dispute must be resolved by me with the merchant establishment directly.
14.29.4I understand that the Bank will not be responsible for any service/product related concerns as the Bank is only a payment facilitator.
14.29.5In case, if the merchant  claims non-receipt of payment from Bank for a specific transaction, I agree to share such written communication of the merchant with the Bank.
14.29.6In case, if the merchant is not responding to my queries related to specific transaction, I will ensure that while raising the complaint with the Bank I will submit relevant proof(s) (such as emails exchanges etc) to the Bank.
14.29.7I understand that no grievance/complaint related to my transaction beyond 120 days will be entertained by the Bank.
14.29.8I understand that for all payment transactions where status on merchant website is not clear and my bank account is debited successfully,  I will first check with the merchant on the status of my said transaction before initiating another/fresh transaction.
15.1Visa CardPay offers the HDFC Bank Account Holder/ User, online funds transfer from his Bank Account to any domestic Visa Credit Card.
15.2Visa CardPay is provided by HDFC Bank at my request, which request shall mean my authorisation for debiting the Account Holder/ User's Account towards the amount of such transfer, together with the charges, if any.
15.3To effect Visa CardPay, I shall provide to HDFC Bank all the information as required under the relevant screen including: Card number, amount, in absence of which the Bank shall not be liable to effect the Visa CardPay.
15.4The Visa CardPay service is only applicable for credits to VISA Cards issued in India. This service is not applicable for Cards issued by any other Issuing authority.
15.5The Visa CardPay service is not applicable for transfers to Cards not issued in India.
15.6While HDFC Bank shall endeavour to ensure that transfers are not made to any Card not issued in India, the onus shall lie on me to ensure that there are no FEMA or Exchange Control violations being done by me, and I shall be held liable for liability therein.
15.7HDFC Bank shall send the transfer only to the Card number of the beneficiary. While the Bank may at its discretion obtain certain other details of the beneficiary like: Name, Address, Bank name etc. the Bank is in no way responsible to verify or authenticate the same.
15.8While HDFC Bank shall endeavour to effect the Visa CardPay instruction at the earliest on receipt, it does not guarantee or be held responsible for performance hereunder.
15.9HDFC Bank shall process all transactions received till 12 midnight of the previous day on the next day.
15.10All transactions shall be processed only on working days. Transactions done on Sundays and bank holidays will be processed on the next working day.
15.11The Bank shall assume no responsibility for: 
- Visa CardPay transactions carried out in good faith relying on my instructions. 
- Not carrying out Visa CardPay transactions where the Bank has reason to believe in its sole discretion that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise unclear, improper, vague, or doubtful. 
- For the performance of VISA or any other entity involved in the process; and for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by me for any failure or interruption of Visa CardPay service or consequences arising out of delayed payments.
15.12HDFC Bank may also make additions/ deletions to the services offered through any of its channels at its sole discretion. The availability/ non-availability of a particular service shall be informed to me through email, web site of the Bank or by written communication.
15.13I am entirely responsible for providing the correct Card Number of the beneficiary. The Bank will process all transactions only on the basis of the information provided by me. The Bank will not be responsible for any erroneous credit, if an erroneous Card number is provided by me. The Bank will also not be responsible to reverse such a wrong transaction.
15.14HDFC Bank shall on best effort basis send the remittance within 24 hours of the transaction, however the Bank is not responsible for the period within which the beneficiary Bank will credit the proceeds to the beneficiary Card.
15.15HDFC Bank shall offer this service for Savings Account and Current Account customers.
Important Reserve Bank of India (RBI) mandate

W.e.f. 1st December 2013,
  • Customer will need to use his ATM PIN when using his HDFC Bank Debit Card at any retail outlet in India, transactions with incorrect PIN or those without a PIN will be declined.
  • Transaction initiated on merchants located outside India may get processed without PIN / additional authentication depending on the guidelines followed in those countries.
W.e.f 7th November 2016,
  • Your Debit card will be a chip card activated for International & Domestic Usage
  • If you wish to deactivate the International Usage on your Chip Debit Card, please login to NetBanking, call PhoneBanking or visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch.
  • Kindly note, all re-issued Debit Cards will have same International limit as of old Card. NRO Debit Card will continue to be enabled only for domestic usage as per regulatory mandate.
Effective 1st November 2016,
  • Fuel Surcharge would not be applicable for the transactions done on HDFC Bank swipe machines at government petrol outlets (HPCL/ IOCL/ BPCL). Please click here for more details.
  • Cash withdrawal facility can now be availed across merchant establishments with a maximum upper limit of Rs.1,000/ day on your HDFC Bank Debit Cards.​​​​​​​
In this document the following words and phrases have the meaning set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise:
16.2Account refers to the Cardholder's Savings and / or Current Account and / or any other type of account so designated by the Bank to be eligible account(s) for operations through the use of the Card. The Cardholder should be either the account holder or sole signatory or authorized to act alone when there is more than one signatory.
16.3Bank refers to HDFC Bank Limited, a banking company incorporated in India under the Companies Act 1956 and having its registered office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013, India and includes its successors and assigns.
16.4Card refers to the HDFC Bank International Debit Card.
16.5Cardholder refers to a Customer of the Bank authorized to use the HDFC Bank International Debit Card.
16.6EDC terminal shall mean point of service capable of handling Card transactions i.e. electronic draft capture (EDC) terminals, printers, other peripherals and accessories, including PIN pads and necessary software to run the devices and which processes the transaction at the Merchant Establishment.
16.7International transactions refers to the transactions entered into by the Cardholder on his internationally valid Debit Card outside of India, Nepal and Bhutan.
16.8Maestro shall mean a mark owned by MasterCard.
16.9MasterCard shall mean a mark owned by MasterCard.
16.10MasterCard / Cirrus ATM Network shall mean ATMs located, which honour the Debit Card and display the MasterCard / Cirrus or Maestro Symbols.
16.11Merchant means any person who owns or manages or operates a service establishment wherever located which honours the Card and includes amongst others, stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, airline organisations, ATMs advertised by the Bank, Visa / MasterCard or the Merchant.
16.12Merchant Establishment shall mean establishments wherever located which honour a Debit Card and shall include among others, stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, airline organisations advertised as honouring a Debit Card.
16.13Primary Account shall mean the account linked to the Card, debited for transactions done at Merchant Establishments or Visa/PLUS and MasterCard / Cirrus ATM locations.
16.14Terms refer to Terms and Conditions for use of the Card as specified in this document.
16.15Transactions mean any instruction given by a Cardholder using a Card directly or indirectly to the Bank to effect a transaction.
16.16Visa Electron/ Flag shall mean mark owned by Visa International.
16.17Visa/PLUS ATM Network shall mean ATMs located which honour the Debit Card and displaying the Visa / PLUS or Visa Electron/ Flag Symbols.
16.18Applicability of Rules and Regulations:
The issue and use of the Card shall be subject to the RBI's regulations in force from time to time.
16.19Utilization of the Card shall be in strict accordance with the Exchange Control Regulations of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). In the event of noncompliance by Cardholder with the same, the Cardholder shall be liable for action under the FEMA, 1999 and any other Law and/or regulation in force from time to time relating to Foreign Exchange. The Cardholder may be debarred from holding the Internationally valid Debit Card, either at the instance of the Bank or the RBI. The Card cannot be used for making payment towards foreign currency transactions in Nepal and Bhutan i.e. while using the Card in Nepal or Bhutan, the currency of the transactions should be the local currency of those countries or in Indian rupees. The Card is valid for use both in India as well as outside India but would carry the inscription "Not valid for payment in foreign exchange in Nepal and Bhutan". In case the Card is cancelled, whether on account of non-compliance with Exchange Control Regulations or otherwise, the Bank will not be responsible for any attempted usage of the Card, whether in India or abroad, resulting in the Card being dishonored and the concerned Merchant would be entitled to "seize/confiscate" a cancelled Card on presentation.
16.20The Card may be used, within the foreign exchange entitlements as stipulated by RBI from time to time, by Cardholders going abroad for all bonafide personal expenses for personal use provided, the total exchange drawn during the trip abroad does not exceed the entitlement. Import of goods so purchased abroad into India would be governed by the baggage rules/ EXIM policy in force. The entitlement of exchange should be ascertained (prior to the trip) from the authorised dealer branches of the Bank. The Card cannot be used for effecting remittances for which the release of exchange is not permissible under the extant regulations.
The Card is valid in India and abroad. 

The Card is not valid for foreign exchange payments in India, Nepal and Bhutan. 

The Card is valid up to the last working day of the month indicated. The Cardholder shall destroy the Card when it expires by cutting it in half diagonally. The Bank shall send your renewed Card and attempt delivery of the Card at the address recorded with the Bank in its system before the expiry of the Card. 

The Card is acceptable at any of the following: 

The HDFC Bank's ATM network. 

Any ATM of other Banks, which are members of PLUS/CIRRUS ATM network in India and abroad. 

Any Visa/Visa Electron /Visa Flag/ MasterCard / Maestro merchant outlet in India and abroad.
16.22Cardholder Obligations: 

The Cardholder shall at all times ensure that the Card is kept at a safe place. The Cardholder shall under no circumstance whatsoever allow the Card to be used by any other individual. The Cardholder will sign on the reverse of the Card immediately upon receipt. 

The Card is the property of HDFC Bank and must be returned to an authorised person of the Bank on request within the Bank's premises. The Cardholder shall ensure that the identity of the authorised person of the Bank is established before handing over his Card in the Bank’s premises. 

The Cardholder will be responsible for all facilities granted by the Bank in respect of the Card and for all related charges. 

In case the Cardholder has any dispute in respect of any charge indicated in the Statement, the Cardholder shall advise details to the Bank within 15 days of the statement date failing which, it will be construed that all charges are acceptable and in order. The Bank may at its sole discretion accept any disputes on charges older than 15 days. 

The Cardholder shall act in good faith in relation to all dealings with the Card(s) and the Bank.

​​​​​​​I/We consent that  CHIP debit card is activated for International and domestic usage. If I/We would like to deactivate international usage, will log into Netbanking/ call phone banking.

16.23.1Cash back The Cash back on the Gold Debit Card will be given in multiples of amounts as decided by the Bank. The Cash back will be given after the end of every month.

Effective 01-July-14, continue earning CashBack on Debit Card* on all categories except fuel, jewellery and services like insurance, mutual funds, govt payments, Business Services etc.

16.23.2Special Offers at Premium outlets, Hotels and Restaurants All participating brands/ establishments are independently liable/ responsible for the quality of the goods/ services provided by them under this program. Offer valid only if the purchase is made using the EasyShop Gold Debit Card. Cardholder must clearly announce intention to avail of the discounts at the participating merchants before the bill is drawn/placing the order. HDFC Bank reserves the right to cancel the offer or reduce the length of the offer or change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice.
16.24EasyShop International Business Debit Card and Personal Dual Branded Debit Card ( under the JetPrivilege Programme - JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World/ Signature Debit Card ) for Partnership, Public Limited and Private Limited Companies.
16.24.1I/We agree and accept the facility provided by HDFC Bank Limited at our request to carry out banking transactions in the Current Account bearing number as mentioned in our applications with HDFC Bank and as per instructions for operation of the said account. We are aware that the facility is to facilitate easy withdrawal of cash at Automated Teller Machine (ATM)/incurring of expenditure of by transactions at Point of Sale (POS) or any other services offered on the Debit Card through ATM/NetBanking, by use of Debit Card by the Cardholder upto the applicable per day Card limit.
15.24.2I/We shall abide by all HDFC Bank's terms, conditions and rules in force from time to time relating to the use of Debit Card facility.
15.24.3I/We agree and accept that the Company/the Firm and the Cardholder shall be solely entitled to receive the Debit Card and the Personal identification Number (PIN) to access the ATM by use of the Debit Card and to acknowledge the same. I/We acknowledge that the Debit Card can also be used for purchases at Point of Sale, without PIN.
16.24.4I/We agree and undertake that the Cardholder shall keep the PIN totally secret and confidential and not reveal the same to any third party.
16.24.5I/We agree and acknowledge that the use of the ATM/Debit Card will result in debit to the said account and that the Company/the Firm shall have no objection for the same.
16.24.6I/We agree and acknowledge that the Company/the Firm shall be responsible for all transactions carried on by the Cardholder through the use of the ATM/Debit Card at the ATMs including by withdrawal of cash and use for transactions at various merchant locations either in India or abroad and the same shall be binding on the Company/the Firm.
16.24.7I/We shall from time to time inform HDFC Bank by furnishing copy of the Board Resolution/Authority letter of partners and all other documents and writing about changes in the operating instructions and in such event to forthwith change the PIN. We shall indemnify HDFC Bank at all times and keep HDFC Bank indemnified and save harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, costs, liabilities charges and expenses incurred, suffered or paid by HDFC Bank and against all demands, actions, suits and proceedings made, filed, instituted against HDFC Bank in connection with or arising out of or relating to HDFC Bank by carrying out the transactions performed by the Cardholder or any substitute/s through the Debit Card.
16.24.8I/We agree and confirm that HDFC Bank shall not be responsible and liable to monitor the nature of expenses incurred by the use of the Debit Card.
16.24.9I/We agree, undertake and confirm that the Company/the Firm shall solely be responsible to comply with the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the regulations of the Reserve bank of India relating to foreign exchange in force from time to time.
16.24.10I/We agree and acknowledge that incase the account operating instructions is changed to any other than ?Singly/Either or Survivor? the card will be hotlisted and will cease to be operational.

Personal Dual Branded Debit Card ( under the JetPrivilege Programme - JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World/ Signature Debit Card) Terms and Conditions for JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World/ Signature Debit Card: 

I/We authorise HDFC Bank to disclose, from time to time, any information relating to my Card, (including any default in payments) to any Card issuer, credit bureau, financial institution, any parent/subsidiary, affiliate, co-brand partner and associate of HDFC Bank, and to third parties engaged by HDFC Bank, for purpose such as marketing of services, proper operation of Card account and other administrative services.

I/We authorise HDFC Bank to transfer my/our accrued reward points periodically to my Jet Privilege Frequent Flyer Program membership number as provided by me/us or generated by system as applicable in the Card application form.

Return Travel Discount Voucher:-
  • On payment of first year and renewal fees, the JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World/ Signature Debit Card members are entitled to receive a discount voucher worth Rs. 750 only ("Offer")
  • The discount voucher entitlement is for Debit Card primary cardholders only
  • The voucher entitles the guest (passenger) to receive a discount of Rs. 750 on return revenue tickets for travel only on Jet Airways' domestic flights within India
  • The discount is available only for return travel, in Economy cabin, and in any booking fare class
  • The discount code cannot be partially utilized for one-way travel
  • Against the discount voucher, the base fare component of the ticket will be discounted to the extent of Rs. 750/-. In event the actual base fare is in excess of Rs. 750/-, the card holder will have to bear the difference of base fare and discount offered, in addition to other charges such as taxes, surcharges and additional levies/fees as applicable on the ticket at the time of booking and/or travel. In event the actual base fare is less than the discount of Rs. 750/- then the excess amount will not be refunded to the card holder
  • The discount voucher is voluntarily transferable
  • The discount code is valid for six (6) months, for booking and travel (outbound and inbound), from the date of issue of the promotion code (both days inclusive)
  • Jet Airways will email the cardholder's unique discount voucher code on the email address as recorded in HDFC Bank Debit Card account within a period of 10 working days after receipt of the Debit Card fees
  • The discount code will not be extended after the expiry of its validity date
  • To avail of the discount each eligible card member will be given a unique promotion code which will be mentioned in the e-mail communication
  • The discount code can be redeemed only through www.jetairways.com, India country site
  • The card holder will need to enter the promotion code in the promotion field on www.jetairways.com
  • The promotion code will be available for one time usage only and will become invalid upon utilization
  • Payment of taxes/surcharges/fees/applicable levies and ticketing must be done instantly at the time of redeeming on www.jetairways.com
  • Payment for the balance fare and applicable taxes/surcharge/fees/levies must be made using the JetPrivilege - HDFC Bank Debit Card only
  • In event a cardholder uses the discount code of another JetPrivilege - HDFC Bank Debit Card holder without the original owner's consent then the cardholder who has utilized such codes will have to pay Jet Airways (India) Limited the amount of discount benefits availed against such codes
  • Seats under this offer are subject to availability. Jet Airways or HDFC Bank Ltd. does not guarantee availability of seats under this Offer
  • Once booked and ticketed under a particular guest name, the ticket is non - transferable
  • Once booked and ticketed if the guest is unable to fly on the date of travel, then he/she can cancel the ticket and get a refund of the amount booked or get it re-issued but as per the terms of ticketing for the fare class in which the ticket was booked
  • If the ticket is cancelled, then the amount of refund will be less of the discount amount availed
  • Upon cancellation of the original booking, the discount code will be deemed utilized and will not be reinstated under any circumstances
  • Cancellations/Refund/Reissues will be subject to Jet Airways ticketing policies and rules governing cancellation/refund/reissues of fares, fees, taxes, surcharge, levies and will be subject to any other applicable additional charges
  • The card holder or guest cannot make new bookings against the cancelled booking and seek to re-utilize the discount code
  • In the event cardholder has availed of the Discount Code issued to him at the time of enrollment/annual renewal and if the card holder wishes to close his/her Debit Card account with HDFC then the annual fees will not be refunded to the card holder in case the fees have been paid. In case the fees have not been paid but the cardholder has utilized the discount code, then the cardholder will have to make payment for the amount of discount availed on the ticket
  • Certain airports in India levy an airport development fee for every domestic/international travel. Such taxes are charged at the time of booking. Certain airports also levy additional charges at the time of actual travel. In case of cancellation of travel, refund of such taxes will be subject to policies governing refund of such taxes/levies
  • All Card holders waive any and all rights of claim with regards to the Offer against Jet Airways (India) Limited
  • The decision of Jet Airways (India) Limited will be final and binding on all the card holders participating in this offer and that the same is non-contestable
  • Jet Airways (India) Limited and HDFC Bank Ltd. reserves the rights to change, amend, withdraw and/or alter any of the terms and conditions of this Offer at anytime without prior notice of giving any reasons
  • This Offer is an independent offer and cannot be combined with any other promotional offer from Jet Airways including the base fare waiver ticket offer available on the JetPrivilege - HDFC Bank Debit Card
  • This Offer is subject to the applicable rules and regulations as may be in force in respective jurisdictions/states
  • This Offer is purely optional to people traveling on Jet Airways
  • The carriage is subject to Jet Airways regulations relating to the conditions of contract respectively and all other terms and conditions regarding Jet Airways policies and procedures
  • Disputes, if any, will be subject to Indian laws and shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the courts in Mumbai
  • Payment of fees/service charges/all other amounts due from the card holder to HDFC Bank Ltd. from usage of the HDFC Bank Debit Card by the card holder under this offer and/or otherwise will be governed by HDFC terms and conditions and the card member terms and conditions
  • HDFC does not hold any warrant or make any representation of the availability, delivery,quality,merchantability or suitability of offer and/or products/services under this offer and that Jet Airways shall be solely liable for the same
  • Any disputes regards the availability, delivery, quality, merchantability or suitability of this offer and/or products/services must be addressed by the card member in writing to Jet Airways directly and that HDFC will not entertain any communication in this regard
  • HDFC Bank Ltd shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may be suffered or for any personal injury that may be suffered to the card holder directly or indirectly, by use or non-use of products/services under this Offer
  • Jet Airways or HDFC Bank Ltd. will not be responsible in case the email address provided is incorrect or if the mail bounces back due to any reason

5% Online Discount:-
  • JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World/ Signature Debit Card members are entitled to receive a discount of 5% ("Offer") for every domestic/international revenue tickets booked on www.jetairways.com
  • The online discount will be applicable on international flights originating from India only and if the payment is made in INR currency only. In event if the cardholder is trying to book any international flight originating out of India and the payment is in international currency, the online discount will not be applicable. For example if a cardholder is booking Dubai-Bombay on jetairways.com (India country site) and the payment is to be made in AED then the discount will not be applicable.
  • JetPrivilege - HDFC Bank World and Platinum Debit Card members will require to quote the promotion code "JTHDFC" in the "Promotion Code" field at the time of choosing his/her itinerary on jetairways.com
  • The online discount code entitles the cardholder to receive a discount of 5% on one-way or return revenue tickets for travel on Jet Airways' domestic and international flights
  • The discount is available only for Jet Airways marketed and operated, marketed and operated, Jet Airways marketed operated Jet Airways marketed codeshare flights. Jet Airways marketed and other airline operated codeshare flights or interline travel booked on www.jetairways.com is not eligible for the discount
  • The online discount is available only for travel in Economy cabin and in any booking fare class excluding award travel on Jet Airways . Eligible booking classes on jetairways.com are as follows - Y, M, T, U, N, L, Q, S, K, H, V, O, W are as follows - Y, U, K, S, H, E, X, N, Q, M, O, G (excluding 9W*/OAL, Interline, Award Travel & Groups)
  • The online discount code is voluntarily transferable
  • The discount promotion code can be redeemed only through www.jetairways.com, India country site
  • The online discount code will be available every time a cardholder books revenue tickets on www.jetairways.com, India country site
  • Under the online discount offer; 5% of the base fare component of the ticket will be discounted. The cardholder will have to bear remaining base fare in excess of discounted 5%, along with additional charges such as fees, taxes, surcharges and other levies as applicable on the ticket at the time of booking and/or travel
  • Payment of taxes/surcharges/applicable levies and ticketing must be done instantly at the time of redeeming on www.jetairways.com
  • Payment for balance fare and applicable taxes/surcharge/levies must be made using the JetPrivilege - HDFC Bank World/Platinum Debit Card only
  • Black-out periods or restrictions could apply
  • Once booked and ticketed under a particular guest name, the ticket is non - transferable
  • Once booked and ticketed if the guest is unable to fly on the date of travel, then he/she can cancel the ticket and get a refund of the amount booked or get it re-issued but as per the terms of ticketing for the fare class in which the ticket was booked
  • If the ticket is cancelled, then the amount of refund will be less of the discount amount availed
  • Cancellations/Refund/Reissues will be subject to Jet Airways ticketing policies and rules governing cancellation/refund/reissues of fares, fees, taxes, surcharge, levies and any other applicable additional charges
  • The discount code is available for use only through www.jetairways.com. If the cardholder cancels the ticket and makes a fresh booking through any other channel against the original booking then the benefit of the Offer will not be applicable
  • Certain airports in India levy an airport development fee for every domestic/international travel. Such taxes are charged at the time of booking. Certain airports could also levy additional charges at the time of undertaking the journey. In case of cancellation of travel, refund of such taxes will be subject to policies governing refund of such taxes/levies
  • All Card holders waive any and all rights of claim with regards to the Offer against Jet Airways (India) Limited
  • The decision of Jet Airways (India) Limited will be final and binding on all the card holders participating in this offer and that the same is non-contestable
  • Jet Airways (India) Limited and HDFC Bank Ltd. reserves the rights to change, amend, withdraw and/or alter any of the terms and conditions of this Offer at anytime without prior notice of giving any reasons
  • This Offer is an independent offer and cannot be combined with any other promotional offer from Jet Airways including the base fare waiver ticket, and Rs. 750 discount on return travel offer available on the JetPrivilege - HDFC Bank Debit Card
  • This Offer is subject to the applicable rules and regulations as may be in force in respective jurisdictions/states
  • This Offer is purely optional to people traveling on Jet Airways
  • The carriage is subject to Jet Airways regulations relating to the conditions of contract respectively and all other terms and conditions regarding Jet Airways policies and procedures
  • Disputes, if any, will be subject to Indian laws and shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the courts in Mumbai
  • Payment of fees/service charges/all other amounts due from the card holder to HDFC Bank Ltd. from usage of the HDFC Bank Debit Card by the card holder under this offer and/or otherwise will be governed by HDFC terms and conditions and the card member terms and conditions
  • HDFC does not hold any warrant or make any representation of the availability, delivery, quality, merchantability or suitability of offer and/or products/services under this offer and that Jet Airways shall be solely liable for the same
  • Any disputes regards the availability, delivery, quality, merchantability or suitability of this offer and/or products/services must be addressed by the card member in writing to Jet Airways directly and that HDFC will not entertain any communication in this regard
  • HDFC Bank Ltd shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever that may be suffered or for any personal injury that may be suffered to the card holder directly or indirectly, by use or non-use of products/services under this Offer

Annual / Renewal Fees:-
  • Annual Fees will be charged in first month from the date of issuance of the Card and after completion of every 12 months thereafter
  • HDFC Bank will not be responsible for any disputes regarding accruals of JPMiles in respect of flights taken or any other activities resulting in accrual of JPMiles under the JetPrivilege Programme or under the Extra JPMiles Programme. It is further clarified that JPMiles purchased by HDFC Bank will be used only towards Qualifying Expenditure and will not be adjusted against JPMiles earned by a Personal Dual Branded Debit Cardholder in respect of flights taken or any other activities resulting in accrual of JPMiles under the JetPrivilege Programme or under the Extra JPMiles Programme.
  • The issuance of air tickets on redemption of JPMiles or any benefits provided to members of the JetPrivilege Programme shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the JetPrivilege Programme, and the same will be communicated by Jet to the Personal Dual Branded Debit Cardholders and to HDFC Bank. Cardholders will have to contact Jet for any query or claims with respect to redemption of JPMiles or with regard to any benefits under the JetPrivilege Programme, and HDFC Bank shall not be required to deal with any such query or claim or be liable or responsible for the same in any manner whatsoever.

Enrollment Benefit:-
  • The enrollment/renewal benefits (applicable as per the variant) and discount voucher will not be available if Personal Dual Branded Debit Card holders Annual Fees are waived off for any reasons.
  • Effective 15th Novemeber 2017, the enrollment benefit will not be applicable for any issuance.
Annual Renewal First Swipe Bonus:-
  • Personal Dual Branded Debit Card holders will qualify for First Swipe upon undertaking first spend transaction on his/her Debit Card within a period of 90 days since Card issuance / renewal date
  • No minimum amount applicable for this Bonus
  • A spend transaction on additional cardholder's account will qualify primary cardholder for First Swipe Bonus JPMiles
  • First Swipe Bonus JPMiles is a one-time bonus
  • Card fees and other applicable charges will not qualify for First Swipe Bonus JPMiles

Spends JPMiles:-
  • Personal Dual Branded Debit Card holders will qualify to earn Spends JPMiles upon undertaking spends transactions
  • Spends JPMiles will reflect within a period of 40 working days.from the date of your eligible transactions for JPMiles
  • Additional Debit cardholder's Spends JPMiles will reflect into Primary cardholder's JetPrivilege membership account
  • In event of a spends transaction reversal proportionate Spends JPMiles will be negated from the card holder's subsequent Spends JPMiles
Online Bonus JPMiles:-
  • Online Spends JPMiles upon purchase of revenue airline tickets on www.jetairways.com.
  • Purchase of redemption tickets or any other merchandise apart from revenue tickets will not qualify for Online Bonus JPMiles
  • In event of a ticket cancellation proportionate Online Bonus JPMiles will be negated from the cardholder's subsequent Online Bonus JPMiles
  • Additional Debit card holder's Online Spends JPMiles will be Debited into primary cardholder's JetPrivilege membership account
16.24.11EXTRA JPMiles
1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to those JetPrivilege HDFC Bank Debit Cardholders who are eligible to earn EXTRA JPMiles.
1.2 The HDFC Bank and Pinpoint India reserve the right to add, alter, modify, change or vary all or any of these terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice.
1.3 The following cards are eligible to earn EXTRA JPMiles:
Debit Card
  • JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World Debit Card
1.4 All other regular credit and debit card conditions apply, including the Banks Reward Redemption terms and conditions. JPMiles once credited will be governed by JetPrivilege terms and conditions.

2. How does EXTRA JPMiles work?

2.1 EXTRA JPMiles programme enables cardholders to earn EXTRA JPMiles when they transact with participating EXTRA JPMiles Partners.
2.2 Details of participating EXTRA JPMiles Partners are sent by Pinpoint to HDFC Bank. Pinpoint has the sole responsibility that complete details are sent to ensure EXTRA JPMiles are correctly allocated by the Bank.
2.3 The EXTRA JPMiles will not reflect on the HDFC Bank monthly statement.
2.4 EXTRA JPMiles Partner is a merchant who has agreed to provide EXTRA JPMiles to eligible JetPrivilege HDFC Bank Credit and Debit Cardholders when they transact with their debitcard at the designated EXTRA JPMiles Partners outlet.
2.5 EXTRA JPMiles are provided by EXTRA JPMiles Partners per Rs.150 spent using an eligible JetPrivilege HDFC Bank DebitCard and are automatically added to the cardholder's JPMiles balance on a monthly basis.

3. Earning EXTRA JPMiles 

3.1 EXTRA JPMiles are issued per Rs.150 spent on the eligible Card and rounded up or down to the nearest whole point for each eligible transaction.
3.2 The number of EXTRA JPMiles offered varies between EXTRA JPMiles Partners.
3.3 EXTRA JPMiles Partners may change from time to time. To Review the latest list of EXTRA JPMiles Partners within the EXTRA JPMiles programme, click here.
3.4 If a cardholder returns any goods purchased with the eligible card from a participating EXTRA JPMiles Partner, or the card is credited in connection with a disputed transaction, EXTRA JPMiles will be accordingly adjusted for the amount reversed. 
3.5 Extra JPMiles will not be considered for accrual of Tier Points feature against spends on the JetPrivilege HDFC Bank Co-brand DebitCard.

4. Keeping track of Cardholder's EXTRA JPMiles

4.1 EXTRA JPMiles are added to the cardholder's JetPrivilege Membership account monthly and can be viewed in JetPrivilege member's account on www.jetairways.com. The EXTRA JPMiles will reflect as one credit in your JetPrivilege Membership account and will be a sum total of all transactions at EXTRA JPMiles Partners as reflecting in your statement.
4.2 The EXTRA JPMiles will be credited into your JetPrivilege Membership account within 60 days of transaction.
4.3 In case the number of EXTRA JPMiles earned are incorrect, cardholders must contact the Phone Banking Unit of HDFC Bank within 45 days. EXTRA JPMiles may be adjusted if JPMiles are found to have been incorrectly credited or debited for whatever reason.
4.4 In case of any disputes, cardholders are required to present the relevant original payment receipts and debitcard sale slips for further investigation by the Bank and / or Pinpoint India. In all such cases, the decision of the Bank and Pinpoint India shall be final.
4.5 Any dispute arising out of the EXTRA JPMiles programme will be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Mumbai only.
4.6 HDFC Bank, Jet Airways or Pinpoint is neither responsible for nor guarantees the quality or defect of the products bought and shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss/ damage/ claim that may arise out of use or otherwise of any goods/ services availed of by the customers. JPMiles thus earned will be governed by the terms and conditions of JetPrivilege programme. For complete set of conditions related to JPMiles please visit www.jetairways.com

5. Total JPMiles

5.1 Total JPMiles represented in any EXTRA JPMiles Programme communication are inclusive of the JPMiles received from the bank per the selected card type and the EXTRA JPMiles earned at the EXTRA Partner. Total JPMiles does not include any promotion or bonus JPMiles awarded by the Bank or JPMiles awarded by JetPrivilege partner through their association with Jet Airways.
I am aware and accept that to protect my interest, the facility of reporting Loss of Debit Cards is available 24 hours on PhoneBanking and during Banking hours in branch and HDFC Bank will carry out the request for Hotlisting of my/ our Card. HDFC Bank will not be liable for any damages on account of me not being able to use the Hotlisted Card to carry out any transactions. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss by the misuse of the Card prior to the Card being reported as lost/ stolen by me
If a Card is lost or stolen I will file a report with the local police and send a copy there after to the Bank. In case of an unsigned Card, I will be liable for all charges incurred on it. The Bank will hot-list /cancel the Card within 24hrs. of receiving such information.
16.25.1If the Cardholder looses his Card overseas, he may either follow the above procedure or may report the loss through the Visa / MasterCard Global Emergency Assistance help-lines. In case the Cardholder uses the Visa / MasterCard Global Emergency Assistance services then the charges for usage of such services shall be borne by the Cardholder.
16.25.2The Cardholder shall take cognizance of the fact that once a Card is reported lost, stolen or damaged and is subsequently found, the same shall be promptly cut in half, returned to the Bank and adequate care taken to prevent its misuse.
16.25.3The Cardholder is responsible for the security of the Card and shall take all steps towards ensuring the safe keeping there of. In the event ,Bank determines that the aforementioned steps are questionable, financial liability on the lost or stolen Card would rest with Cardholder.
16.25.4Replacement Card may be issued by the Bank provided that the Cardholder has in all respects complied with the Terms and Conditions pertaining to the same.
16.26Services from Visa / MasterCard Global Assistance:
The communications and arrangements of services of the Emergency Assistance program are provided by a third-party service provider and are paid for by Visa/MasterCard International. The Cardholder is responsible for the cost of any and all medical, legal or other services used. Assistance is provided on a best effort basis and may not be available due to problems of time, distance or locations. The medical and/or legal professionals suggested and/or designated by VISA International are not employees of Visa International and, therefore, they are not responsible for the availability use, acts, omissions, or results of any medical, legal or transportation service. The Bank does not accept any responsibility for the arrangement or the use of such services.
16.27.1For all cash/cheque deposit transactions at the ATM, the Cardholder agrees that the ATM will produce a receipt and that no other receipt will be issued. All cash and cheque deposits will be subject to verification by the Bank / Bank’s Representatives and this verified amount will be binding on the Cardholder. The same will be processed on the next working day.
16.27.2The Cardholder agrees that requests on the ATM such as cheque book requisitions and duplicate account statement request will be processed normally on the next working day.
16.27.3The Bank may levy charges on use of its own ATMs / ATMs of other Banks and the Bank may from time to time change the Service Charges. These Service Charges will be displayed on the Bank’s Website. As and when levied, these charges will be deducted from the Cardholder's account linked to the Card. In the situation that the account does not have sufficient funds to deduct such fees, the Bank reserves to right to deny such transactions. As such the decision of the Bank would be binding on the Cardholder.
16.27.4The type of transactions offered on other Bank’s ATMs using the Bank’s Cards may differ from those offered on the Bank's own network. The Bank will only support the minimum transaction set that will be offered at the ATMs belonging to other networks. The Bank reserves the right to change the transaction set without any notice to the Cardholder.
16.28The Card is operable with the help of a confidential PIN at ATM locations. The Cardholder's PIN shall be mailed/couriered to him at the address specified by the Cardholder. The PIN should never be disclosed to any person or written down where any other person may discover it. Any such disclosure or inadequate protection of the confidentiality of the PIN is entirely at the Cardholder's risk. All transactions conducted with use of the PIN will be the Cardholder's responsibility and he will abide by the record of the transaction as generated.
16.29The Card is acceptable at any Visa/MasterCard/Cashnet ATM network belonging to institutions other than HDFC Bank in India and abroad. The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the other institutions including but not limited to such services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any Plus/Cirrus ATM network establishment, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.
16.30There will be separate service charges levied for any additional facilities that will be announced by the Bank from time to time and deducted from the Cardholder's account linked to the Card. In the situation that the account does not have sufficient funds to deduct such fees, the Bank reserves to right to deny such transactions. As such the decision of the Bank would be binding on the Cardholder.
16.31The type of transactions offered on ATMs of other Banks may differ from those offered on the Bank's own network. The Bank will only support the minimum transaction set that will be offered at the ATMs belonging to other networks. The Bank reserves the right to change the transaction set without any notice to the Cardholder.
16.32Merchant Location Usage:
The Card is acceptable at all electronic Merchant Establishments in India and abroad which display the Visa Electron /Flag/ Maestro/ MasterCard logo.

W.e.f. 1st December 2013,
  • Customer will need to use his ATM PIN when using his HDFC Bank Debit Card at any retail outlet in India.
  • Transactions with incorrect PIN or those without a PIN will be declined.
16.32.1The Card is for Electronic use only and will be acceptable only at Merchant Establishments, which have an EDC terminal. Any usage of the Card other than electronic use will be considered as Unauthorised and the Cardholder will be solely responsible for such transactions unless there is a specific offer by HDFC Bank to the customer.Electronic usage is construed as the charge slip/transaction slip printed electronically from the EDC terminal. Visa Cards may also be used for carrying out Ecom transaction on Verified by Visa sites using a PIN.
16.33The Card is operable with the help of the Cardholder's signature (only incase of Card's issued with Visa Electron / Flag / Master Card logo) or the PIN (Maestro) at EDC terminals installed at Merchant locations depending on the functionality of the EDC terminal.
16.34Transactions are deemed authorised and completed once the EDC terminal generates a sales slip. The amount of the transaction is debited from the primary account linked to the Card immediately. The Cardholder should ensure that the Card is used only once at the merchant location for every purchase. The sales slip will be printed each time the Card is used and the Cardholder should ensure that there is no multiple usage of Card at the Merchant location at the time of purchase.
16.35The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the merchant including but not limited to the supply of goods and services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any Visa Electron / Maestro merchant establishment, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the merchant establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.
16.36For surcharge levied by any Merchant Establishment and debited to the Cardholder's account with the transaction amount, customer can approach the Bank for support and bank will raise it with respective Member bank/Merchant on best efforts basis. However, at Railway stations and Petrol Pumps, transaction charges as per industry practice will be applicable.
16.37The Cardholder must sign a Sales Slip whenever the Card is used at a Merchant Establishment and should retain his copy. The Bank at an additional charge may furnish copies of the Sales Slip. Any Sales Slip signed by the Cardholder, and which can be proved as being authorised by the Cardholder will be his liability.
16.38Any charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant Establishment by the Bank for payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded on such requisition, was properly incurred at the Merchant Establishment in the amount and by the Cardholder referred to in that charge or other requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the Card except where the Card has been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused, the burden of proof for which shall be on the Cardholder.
16.39In case, a merchant wishes to cancel a completed transaction due to an error or on account of merchandise return, the earlier sales receipt must be cancelled by the merchant and a copy of the cancelled receipt must be retained in his possession. Reversal/Refunds of debits due to such transactions will be processed manually & the cancelled sales slip needs to be produced by the Cardholder, if called for.
16.40All Refunds and Adjustments due to any merchant / device error or communication link will be processed manually and the account will be credited after due verification and in accordance with Visa/MasterCard rules and regulations as applicable. The Cardholder agrees that any debits received during this time will be honoured only based on the Available Balance in the account(s) without considering this Refund. The Cardholder also indemnifies the Bank from such acts of dishonoring the payment instructions.
16.41The Card is not to be used at the Hotels during Check-in and also at other locations where paying arrangement is done before completion of the purchase transaction or service.
16.42The Card should not be used for any Mail Order / Phone Order purchases and any such usage will be considered as Unauthorised and the Cardholder will be solely responsible unless there is a specific offer by HDFC Bank to the Cardholder.
16.43Quality of Goods and Services:
The Bank shall not be in any way responsible for merchandise, warranty or services purchased or availed of by Cardholder from Merchant Establishments including on account of delay and delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of goods or receipt of defective goods from the order placed by the Cardholder. It must be distinctly understood that the Card facility is purely a facility to the Cardholder to purchase goods or avail of services and the Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, quantity, delivery or otherwise howsoever regarding the goods or services, and any dispute must be resolved by the Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment.
16.44.1The Cardholder agrees that in case he has multiple accounts with the Bank, the Bank will decide the number of accounts, which will have the Card facility on them.
16.44.2In case of Cards linked to multiple accounts, transactions at Visa/PLUS or MasterCard/Cirrus ATMs and Visa Electron/Maestro Merchant Establishments will be effected on the primary account linked to the Card. In case there are no funds in this account, the Bank will not honour the transactions even if there are funds available in the other accounts linked to the same Card.
16.45The Bank will debit the accounts linked to the Card for the value of all purchases of goods or services, cash, fees, charges and payments effected by the use of the Card ("Transactions"). All Transactions will be reflected in the Account Statement of the Account(s), which are linked to the Card. Such statements shall be mailed to the Cardholder as per defined frequency to the mailing address as per the customers records with the Bank.
16.46The Cardholder agrees that the Bank's record of transactions pertaining to his account(s) is conclusive and authentic.
16.47The annual fees will be debited to the account linked to his Card on application/renewal at the Bank's prevailing rate. These fees are not refundable.
16.48The Cardholder is advised to retain a record of transactions generated by the ATM / EDC terminal at Merchant Establishments with him.
16.49The Cardholder will be allowed to withdraw through the ATM the available balance in his account or a stipulated predefined limit per day, whichever is lower. This per day limit will be determined by the Bank and may be changed at any time at the Bank's sole discretion without notice to the Cardholder. Cardholder agrees that cash withdrawals will be subject to tax as applicable from time to time.
16.50The Cardholder agrees not to attempt to withdraw/purchase using the Card unless sufficient funds are available in the account. The onus of ensuring adequate account balances is entirely on him. Accounts that violate this condition will be classified as overdrawn accounts and he will have to rectify the account balance position immediately. In every such situation where the account gets overdrawn,interest charges will be levied on the debit balance in the account. This charge will be determined by the Bank and will be announced from time to time.
16.51In the event of an account being overdrawn due to Card transactions, the Bank reserves the right to set off this amount against any credit lying in any of the Cardholder's other accounts held jointly or singly without giving any notice.
16.52The responsibility for any misuse on the Card, once the Card/PIN has been delivered at the address specified by the customer, will rest with the customer and not the Bank.
16.53Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall affect the Bank's right of set-off, transfer and application of monies at law or pursuant to any other agreement from time to time subsisting between the Bank and Cardholder.
16.54.1The exchange rate used for all foreign currency transactions will be decided by the Bank and will be binding on the Cardholder.
16.54.2There are certain Transactions initiated on merchants located outside India which may get processed without PIN depending on the guidelines followed in the respective countries.
As per RBI guidelines, the Cardholders need not submit documentary evidence like invoice/bills, etc. for the use of the Card for permitted purposes as per the Exchange Control Regulations, if the remittance involved is less than permissible limit (presently USD10000) or its equivalent and prima facie meets the Exchange Control Regulations.
16.54.4As per RBI guidelines, in case the amount on account of use of the Card during visits abroad exceeds the Cardholder's foreign exchange entitlements, the Cardholder should provide documentary evidence for the usage of foreign exchange utilised. The Bank is authorised to report the matter to the regional office of the Exchange Control department giving full details.
16.54.5As per the Exchange Regulations, for every foreign currency transaction the Cardholder should submit (a) duly completed A2 form and (b) his passport endorsed for the foreign currency utilised.
16.54.6In case the Cardholder is not contactable or not able to submit the same within the reporting time as specified by RBI, the Cardholder authorises and indemnifies the Bank to fill in and submit the request for purchase of foreign exchange (A2 form) on behalf of the Cardholder.
The Cardholder authorises and indemnifies the Bank to fill in and submit the request for purchase of foreign exchange (A2 form) on behalf of the Cardholder.
A sales slip with the signature of the Cardholder together with the Card number noted thereon shall be conclusive evidence as between the Bank and the Cardholder as to the extent of liability incurred by the Cardholder and the Bank shall not be required to ensure that the Cardholder has duly received the goods purchased / to be purchased or has duly received the service availed or to be availed to the Cardholder's satisfaction.
16.56The Bank shall make bonafide and reasonable efforts to resolve an aggrieved Cardholder's disagreement with the applicable charge indicated in the statement within six months of receipt of the notice of disagreement. If after such effort, the Bank determines that the charge indicated is correct then it shall communicate the same to the Cardholder along with details including a copy of the Sales Slip or payment requisition.
16.57The Bank accepts no responsibility for refusal by any establishment to honour the Card.
16.58As per Visa/Master Card International Operating Regulation, the complete resolution of the dispute may take upto six months. In case the customer wants to dispute any transaction, the same should be informed to the Bank within 15 days from the date of the transaction.
16.59Exclusion of Liability:
Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the applicant in respect of any loss or damage arising, directly or directly out of:
16.59.1Any defect in goods or services supplied.
16.59.2The refusal of any person to honour or accept a Card.
16.59.3The malfunction of any computer terminal.
16.59.4Effecting transaction instruction other than by a Card holder or effecting transaction by cardholder under duress.
16.59.5Any statement made by any person requesting the return of the Card or any act performed by any person in conjunction.
16.59.6Handing over of the Card by the Cardholder to anybody other than the designated employees of the Bank at the Bank's premises.
16.59.7The exercise by the Bank of its right to demand and procure the surrender of the Card prior to the expiry date displayed on its face, whether such demand and surrender made and/or procured by the Bank or by any person or computer terminal.
16.59.8The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any Card.
16.59.9Any injury to the credit character and reputation of the applicant alleged to have been caused by the re possession of the Card and/or, any request for its return or the refusal of any Merchant Establishment to honour or accept the Card.
16.59.10Any mis-statement, mis-representation, error or omission in any details disclosed by the Bank.
16.59.11Decline of a charge because of excess foreign exchange entitlements as prescribed by RBI guidelines issued from time to time, or the Bank becoming aware of the Cardholder exceeding his entitlements.
16.59.12Decline of transaction due to any reason at a Merchant location / ATM.
16.60.1The Cardholder specifically acknowledges that the Bank will not be liable in any manner whatsoever by virtue of any insurance cover provided, and that the insurance company will be solely liable, in case of a death of a Cardholder and shall not hold the Bank responsible for any matter arising out of or in connection with such insurance cover, whether for or in respect of any deficiency or defect in such insurance cover, recovery or payment of compensation, processing or settlement of claims or otherwise howsoever, and all such matters shall be addressed to and sorted out directly with the Insurance company.
16.60.2The Cardholder further acknowledges that the insurance cover so provided will be available to the Cardholder only as per the terms of the relevant insurance policy in force, and only so long as the Cardholder is and remains a Cardholder of the Bank with his account maintained in good standing. On the Card/account being cancelled or withdrawn temporarily or permanently for whatever reason, the benefit of such insurance cover shall automatically and ipso facto cease to be available from such date of cesser of Card/account. Further the Cardholder also agrees that even during continuation of his Card/account, the Bank may at any time (after giving 30 days notice) suspend, withdraw or cancel the benefit of such insurance cover, and there will no binding obligation on the Bank to continue this benefit.
16.60.3For Claims under Zero Liability to be accepted & processed, the cardholder should have carried out at least 1 purchase transaction using the Debit Card, within 90 days prior to the event date/ date of the disputed purchase transaction. 

For Claims under personal accident death cover / fire & burglary insurance / loss of checked baggage insurance, the cardholder should have carried out at least 1 purchase transaction using the Debit Card, within 30 days prior to the event date/ date of the disputed purchase transaction. 

Additionally, for accidental death claims, in the scenario of unfortunate demise of the cardholder before completion of 30 days the Bank shall, on receipt of such a claim from the claimant (nominee of customer's account / legal heir), raise the claim with the Insurance Company on a best effort basis. However, acknowledgement of this claim by HDFC Bank would not be an admission of liability, as the claim received will be processed & investigated by the Insurance Co & their decision will be final & binding. HDFC Bank will not be liable for the decision taken by the Insurance Co.
16.60.4In the event the Insured Person(s) having multiple Cards issued by the Insured named in the Schedule, the Insurance Policy shall be applicable only for the Card, which has the highest Sum Insured / limit of Indemnity".
16.61.1The Cardholder may discontinue this facility any time by a written notice to the Bank accompanied by the Return of the Card cut into two diagonally. In the event charges are incurred on the Card after the Cardholder claims to have destroyed the Card, the Cardholder shall be entirely liable for the charges incurred on the Card whether or not the same are the result of the misuse and whether or not the Bank has been intimated of the destruction of the Card. In case of a dispute on any transaction, Cardholder can notify the Bank and the Bank can raise a chargeback as per regulations of Visa/ MasterCard.
16.61.2The Bank shall be entitled to discontinue this facility at any time by canceling the Card by giving 30 days' notice and shall be deemed to have been received by the Cardholder within 30 days of posting to the Cardholders' address in India, last notified in writing to the Bank.
16.61.3The Bank reserves the right to disclose customer information to any court of competent jurisdiction, quasi judicial authorities, law enforcement agencies and any other wing of Central Government or State Government.
15.61.4In case the Bank notices unusual and abnormal transaction patterns in the use of the Card, the Bank will try to establish contact with the customer on the registered phone number of the customer available on its records to verify the bonafideness of the card transaction. Failure on the part of the Bank to establish contact with the customer, the Bank may restrict/ terminate the use of the Card without any further notice, if the Bank reasonably believes it necessary in the interests of the Cardholder and / or for security reasons.
I agree to indemnify the Bank against all liabilities, losses, damages and expenses which the Bank may sustain or incur either directly or indirectly as a result of :
16.62.1Negligence / mistake or misconduct by me.
16.62.2Breach or non-compliance of the rules/Terms and Conditions relating to the Card and the account.
16.62.3Fraud or dishonesty relating to any transaction by me or my employees/ agents.
16.63ATMs / EDC terminals are machines and errors could occur while in operation. I agree to indemnify the Bank for any such machine / mechanical errors/failures.
16.64I shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from any and all consequences arising from me not complying with The Exchange Control Regulations of the RBI.
16.65.1HDFC Bank reserves the right to issue either Visa Card/MasterCard/ Maestro Card to the customer.
16.65.2The Cardholder shall be deemed to have unconditionally agreed to and accepted these Terms and Conditions by signing the Card application form, acknowledging the receipt of the Card in writing, by signing the reverse of the Card, by performing a transaction with the Card or by requesting of activation of the Card to the Bank/PhoneBanking or once the deliverable has been delivered by the Bank at the address specified by the customer.
16.65.3The Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benefits offered on the Card and alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and may notify the Cardholder of any such alterations through an appropriate channel. The Cardholder will be bound by such alterations unless the Card is returned to the Bank for cancellation before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.
16.65.4The Bank may introduce new services from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be notified to the Cardholder as and when they become available, through HDFC Bank website or any mode of communication deemed fit by the Bank. The changed Terms and Conditions applicable to the new services shall be communicated to the Cardholder. By using these new services, the Cardholder agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions applicable.
16.65.5These TERMS form the contract between the Cardholder and the Bank. By applying for HDFC Bank Debit Card and accessing the service the Cardholder acknowledges and accepts these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions will be in addition to and not in derogation of the Terms and Conditions relating to any account of the customer.
16.66Turn around Time for Debit Card:
16.66.1The customer will be issued an inactive Instant Debit Card at the branch. The activation of your Instant Debit Card will be done within next working day.
16.66.2The personalized Debit Card delivery at registered mailing address will depend upon the location of your mailing address. Please find below the expected TAT for your personalized Debit Card delivery from the day of request acceptance:

For Metro Location Delivery - 5 Working Days
For Urban Location Delivery - 6 Working Days
For Rural Location Delivery- 7 Working Days

I/We agree to discontinue the Physical Statements being sent to me.
17.1.2I/We understand that the email statements are for my/our convenience. HDFC Bank shall not be liable or responsible for any breach of secrecy because the statements are being sent to the registered email ID.
17.1.3I/We shall verify the authenticity of the emails I/We receive.I/We shall not hold the Bank responsible for any statement received from frauds/imposters.I/We shall not hold the Bank liable if any problem arises with my/our computer network because of me/ us receiving statements from the Bank.
17.1.4I/We are authorised by the other holders to receive the Statements in the registered email address.
17.1.5I/We shall inform the Bank in writing if there is any change in the information given .
17.1.6The Bank shall not be responsible if I/we do not receive statement due to incorrect email address and technical reasons.
17.1.7I/We confirm to have read and understood the Terms & Conditions.
17.1.8This registration will override any "Hold Statement" facility availed in the past
17.1.9I / We authorize the Bank to send the monthly statement of account to our email id as mentioned in the account opening form. I / We understand that all accounts linked to the Customer ID of the 1st applicant will be registered for Free Email Statements.


Important Note
17.2.1The Customer ID registered should be of the primary account holder only.
17.2.2Email Statements will not be dispatched incase a secondary account holder registers for the facility.
17.2.3For NRI /NRI Preferred Banking customers, who are currently availing combined monthly statement facility (across Savings, Current and Fixed Deposits), the combined statements would be discontinued and he / she shall receive separate email statements for only Savings and Current Accounts, where he / she is the first holder.
Customers covered under Imperia, Preferred and Classic programmes will receive combined email statement for all accounts (across Savings, Current and Fixed Deposits) linked to the primary customer id. Combined Email Statement facility is available with monthly frequency only.
17.2.4For Email Statement registered customers, FD advice will be sent through email. Physical advice will be discontinued. Incase you wish to have a physical advice, you are requested to visit the nearest HDFC branch.
17.2.5For Current Accounts the Customer ID of the Company should to be registered.
17.2.6The facility is applicable for Savings Account, Current Account and Fixed deposits only.
17.2.7The facility is available with monthly frequency only.
The Bank shall offer to all its Individual Savings Account Customers (referred to in subsequent paragraph as "customers" ) passbook facility free of cost.
18.2Customer to get their passbook updated from any branch on a regular basis. Customers are expected to examine the entries as reflected in the Passbook and immediately intimate the bank of any errors or omissions. The bank would then investigate the matter and rectify the discrepancy, if required
18.3Bank at its sole discretion may also, in addition to the passbook facility, decide to provide its customers with statement of accounts at monthly/quarterly or any other frequency and mail the same to the address registered with the bank.
18.4Entries in the Passbook are system generated and thus, do not require any authentication /signature by a Bank official.
18.5In case the customer fails to get his/her passbook updated on a regular basis and, transactions to be updated in the passbook are older than 6 months, the bank would only provide a statement of account for the said period after collecting a nominal charge.
18.6The passbook only reflects the transactions details in the account and is to be used for verification of transactions. Balance as reflected in the passbook is not to be construed as a balance confirmation certificate issued by the bank.
18.7Customer to ensure safe custody of the passbook and in case the pass book issued is either lost, stolen, destroyed or spoilt, customer to make an application to the bank for issuance of a duplicate passbook. The bank would issue duplicate Passbook with only the current month transactions after levying a nominal charge as specified in the Schedule of Charges. 
19.1The ARN holder, being HDFC Bank Limited has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode), payable to him for the different competing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommended to me/us.
19.2In terms of SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No.4/ 168230/09 dated June 30, 2009, no entry load will be charged by the Scheme to the investor effective August 1, 2009. Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the distributor.
19.3Applicable fees will be charged to Private Banking and advisory customers.


I/We hereby appoint HDFC Bank Ltd. (“the Bank”) as my/our agent to purchase and redeem units of mutual funds (as specified in the clause 18.12 below) on my/our behalf, as may be instructed by me/us from time to time, on the terms and conditions mentioned herein. I/We agree that the Bank may at its sole discretion vary the terms and conditions or withdraw any of the facilities provided herein from time to time.
I/We irrevocably authorise the Bank to execute my /our instructions with regards to purchase or redemption of the units. 

Transaction rights will be pursuant to the customer executing and granting a mandate in favour of the bank, in the manner and form as prescribed by the bank from time to time. A mandate will be applicable to all Investment Accounts whether presently existing or to be opened in future.
Transaction instructions only from Registered Customers of Investment Services Account would be processed. Registered customers can only Purchase, Redeem and Switch Mutual Fund units through this service. 
There may be an Entry and/or Exit Load in Mutual Fund schemes, which are mentioned in the offer document. Please check the same before investing. 
Investments from residents in the United States of America and Canada are not permitted in certain mutual funds. HDFC Bank shall not be liable for rejections of such applications by Mutual Funds, where investor is an US and Canada resident. 
Purchase instructions shall be processed only after funds sufficient to cover the purchase price and other costs and charges have been received by the Bank. 
If for any reasons the Bank is unable to purchase or redeem the full quantity of units such as instructed by me/us, the Bank shall be entitled at its discretion and I/We hereby irrevocably authorised the bank to purchase or sell (as the case may be) a lesser quantity of units/securities. The Bank shall not be responsible for the non execution of my/our instruction for the entire quantity or the remaining quantity. 
If after execution of any transaction it is for any reason found that the Bank has not been put in sufficient funds, I/We shall pay the deficient amount to the Bank forthwith on demand failing which the bank may (but shall not be bound to) square up the transaction at any time at my/our sole risk and cost. Any loss on such squaring up will be borne by me/us solely and I/We will pay to the Bank the additional amount that may be payable by me/us, the Bank's demand being conclusive. 
I/We agree and acknowledge that the facility provided herein is presently available in respect of select Mutual Funds only with whom the Bank has entered into a separate arrangement. 
I/We agree and acknowledge that any instruction given or purported to be given by me/us before the cut off time as may be intimated by the Bank to me/us from time to time, would be processed on the same day. Any instructions received after the prescribed cut off time will be processed on the next working day. 
I/We acknowledge that the units of the schemes shall be allotted, redeemed or switched, as the case may be, at the Net Asset Value (NAV) prevalent on the date of the application by the Mutual fund, if the application for purchase, redemption or switch is received by the Mutual Fund before the cut-off time as specified by the bank and consistent with the terms of the Scheme. However the Bank shall not be liable for any loss that may arise to me/us as a result of the incorrect NAV applied on units allotted to me/us by the Mutual Fund. 
I/We acknowledge that any transaction request falling due on a holiday would be processed on the next business day and respective NAV would be applicable as per the Mutual Fund's offer document.I/We acknowledge that transactions once placed cannot be cancelled.
19.6Communication of Instructions 
All instructions (including instructions for modification of this clause) shall be given only by the first holder above, on behalf of both/all of us and for these purpose I/We the second and the third holders above irrevocably constitute the first holder above as my/our agent. All instructions given by the first holder above shall be binding on both/all as if given by each of us personally. I/We agree that the instructions may be for purchase of units in the sole name of the first holder or in the name of the first holder jointly with other persons to the exclusion of the second or the third holder. I/We hereby authorise the Bank to act on such instructions given from time to time. 
The instructions for purchase or redemption of the units may be given through the Bank's PhoneBanking, Netbanking, kiosk, Facsimile, Email, Written instruction, electronically or in any other manner as may be acceptable to the Bank. 
I/We agree and acknowledge that units purchased by giving instructions through any of the above modes will be instructed for redemption through any of the above modes only. 
I/We acknowledge that after the first purchase transaction in any Mutual fund, I/We may not be permitted to transact for a period of 4 to 7 business days till the Folio number is allotted, depending upon the processing time of the Mutual Fund's Registrar. The Bank does not accept any liability for delay in processing time at the Mutual Fund's or Registrar's end. 
The Bank may refuse to act on any instruction unless they are given in a manner and form acceptable to the Bank or given orally over the telephone and in accordance with the bank's Phone facility subject to Bank's right to verify such instructions. However the bank shall have no responsibility to determine the authenticity of any instruction given or purported to be given by me/us. I/We shall not hold the Bank liable on account of bank acting in good faith on any of my/our instructions. 
The Bank may at its discretion not carry out my/our instructions where the bank has reasons to believe (which decision of the Bank I/We shall not question or dispute) that the instructions are not genuine or are otherwise improper or unclear or raise a doubt. The Bank shall not be liable if any instructions are not carried out for any reasons whatsoever. 
I/We clearly agree that the bank needs to receive clear instructions from me/us to induce the bank to effect fund transfer activities on behalf of me/us. I/we agree to indemnify the Bank against any improper/fraudulent fund transfer instruction purported to be received from me/us. The Bank shall not be obliged to accept from me/us any oral or facsimile instructions. In order to, however, induce the bank to act upon communications and instructions transmitted by manual procedures (Facsimile, Mail, messenger, Telephone call centre) I/We hereby irrevocably agree that, absent the Bank(s) gross negligence, bad faith or willful misconduct, as long as the Bank acts in Compliance with such authorisation / instruction, the Bank shall be indemnified for and held free and harmless from and against any and all responsibility for, any and all costs, claims, losses or liabilities of any nature (Direct or Indirect) resulting from any act of omission (or any delay) in response to instructions to the Bank to transfer or purchase, sell or otherwise dispose off commodities or securities, together with any and all attendant costs and expenses including the Bank(s) reasonable legal fees and expenses, collectively referred to as losses. I/we also acknowledge that the security and the control procedures provided by the Bank are designed to verify the source the communication and not to detect errors in transmission or content including discrepancies between names and account numbers and that the Bank, or any intermediary, may execute an instruction by reference account number only, even if the name on the account is also provided. Nothing contain herein shall require the Bank to violate any applicable laws, rules or the procedures/Instructions. The Bank shall have no further duty to verify the content of any instruction and communications, whether or not authorised, sent in its name and accepted by the Bank. The Bank will process the transaction instruction as it is received and will not validate the same for holdings, correctness of transaction and any other information 
19.7Statement of account 
I/We agree and acknowledge that the Asset Management Company (Mutual Fund) shall regularly send to me/us (only to first holder) communications like Account Statements, fund updates etc.
19.8Charges and fees 
All sales and purchases and all other acts done by the Bank for me/us pursuant to these terms and conditions shall be at my/our risk and cost and in consideration thereof, I/We agree to pay charges/fees as per the Bank's schedule of charges/fees. The schedule of charges is subject to change without prior notice and consent to such changes, which may be made in Future. I/We agree and understand that the Bank'charges/ fees are in addition to those levied by the mutual fund Company. 
The charges/fees shall be paid by me/us to the Bank on my/our giving instructions to the Bank. All fees, charges and reimbursement of expenditure shall be paid or made in full by me/us without any counter claim, set off or withholding. All our liabilities and obligations hereunder to the Bank shall be joint or several.
19.9Rights of Lien and set off 
The Bank will have charge and right of Lien and set off on all my/our securities /units in its possession or custody and all monies standing to my /our credit with or in any account in any branch of the bank (whether in my sole name or jointly with any other or others) for all sums due or payable by me/us to the Bank hereunder. In the event of default on my/our part in discharging my /our obligations to the Bank hereunder, the Bank shall be entitled to enforce the charge by sale of such units/securities and to appropriate the net proceeds or any credit balance aforesaid in Liquidations of my/our liabilities to the Bank.
19.10Third Party Risk. 
The Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by reason of failure or delay of mutual fund to deliver any units purchased even though payment have been made for the same or failure or delay in making payment in respect of any sold though they may have been Delivered and we shall save the Bank harmless and free from any claim in respect thereof. The Bank shall also not be liable for any delay, failure or refusal of the mutual fund/any company/corporation or other body in registering or transferring units to my/our names of for any interest, dividend or other loss caused to me/us arising therefrom.
19.11Liability of the Bank 
The Bank shall not in the absence of gross negligence on the Bank's part, be liable to me/us for any act, omission or delay by the mutual fund or for any claims which I/We may suffer or incur as a result of or in course or discharge by the Bank of its nominees, agents, officers or subcustodian of the Bank's duties. 
Without prejudice to what is stated above, the Bank shall not be held liable for of by reason of any loss or damage or failure to comply or delay in complying with its obligations under these terms and conditions which is caused directly or indirectly by any event or circumstances beyond the Bank's reasonable control. These include system failures, network errors, delay or loss of data due to the above and in circumstances of acts of God, floods, epidemics, quarantine, riot or civil commotion and war. 
I/We further agree to indemnify HDFC Bank for any loss that may arise as a result of system failure, accident or any of the reasons mentioned above. 
The Bank shall not be liable for and I/We shall indemnify the Bank for any Losses, damages, expenses, costs, liabilities and claims of whatsoever nature caused by fraudulent or unauthorised use of my/our signatures and /or unauthorised use of my /our Telephone Personal Identification Number. 
The Bank will not be liable for any error or inaccuracies for any of the publicly available information that may be provided to me/us by the Bank. 
The Bank shall be under no duty to verify compliance with any restrictions on my/our investment powers. 
The Bank will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost, charges or expenses directly or indirectly caused by reasons of any defects or imperfections or mechanical or other failure with relation to computer, cable, telex, telephone or postal system.
19.12Power of the Bank. 
I/We hereby authorise the Bank to exercise the following powers on my/our behalf at such time in such manner as it may in its discretion think fit for the purpose of performing its powers, duties and responsibilities set out hereunder.
  • To do or omit to do all such and things as the Bank may in its descretion consider to be necessary or desirable in order to perform its duties hereunder or to comply with any laws, orders, rules, regulations or directions of any Government or regulatory or other authorities.
  • Appoint on my/our behalf any agents /nominees/sub-custodian or any other person for doing any acts or deeds hereunder including the keeping of Debentures in safe custody.
  • Generally to employ agents/attorneys, brokers dealers and managers on my/our behalf.
19.13Role of the Bank 
I/We expressly agree and acknowledge that any information contained in the Bank's Brochures or other materials or otherwise communicated by the Bank shall not be constructed by me/us as investment and that all decisions to purchase or sell units/securities made by me/us shall be on the basis of my/our own personal judgment arrived at after due consideration. I/We understand and agree that the Bank does not in any manner:
  • Provide any Buy /sell or other recommendations; or
  • Guarantee payments on any units; or
  • Guarantee of liquidity of any units; or
  • Make any offer to buy back any units; or
  • Guarantee the redemption or repayment of any units on maturity; or
  • Guarantee the payments of interest or dividend; or
  • Promise, indicate or guarantee any returns; or
  • Guarantee any good delivery.

If notwithstanding anything stated herein the Bank or any employee of the Bank gives any advice or representation to me/us, the bank shall have no liability for any such advice or representation made, as it will be my/our responsibility to make an independent assessment. 
I /we understand that any sum invested through the Bank Investment Services Account is not a deposit with the Bank and is not bank insured. The same is not endorsed or guaranteed and does not constitute obligations of the Bank or any of the subsidiaries associated or affiliated companies whose role in only as described in these terms and conditions. The securities purchased are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. The value of my units/securities will fluctuate. If I/We redeem my units/shares, I/We may receive more or less than I/we paid depending upon market value of the securities in the fund or trust at the time of redemption. Past results are not a guarantee to future performance. Yield or performance fluctuates and reflects past results. Yield or funds past performance should not be considered as an indication or guarantee of future yields or results.
Any notice or other correspondence addressed by the Bank to me/us may be addressed to the first holder above at the address given by me/us above or to such address as the bank may be aware. If according to me/us there is any discrepancy in the particulars or details of any transaction or account of statement then i/we shall be obliged to intimate the same to the Bank in writing in 10 days of the first holder receiving notice thereof, failing which such transaction, statement or account (as the case may be) shall be deemed to be correct and accepted by me/us and I/We shall not be entitled to question the correctness or accuracy thereof.
19.15Authority to the Bank 
I/we authorise the Bank to do, perform or execute upon my/our express instructions and at my/our risk and cost, all or any of the following acts, deeds, matters and things:
  1. To subscribe to the units of the mutual fund & securities on my /our behalf and to pay to the units/securities so purchased, on my/our instructions.
  2. To receive the account statement pertaining to the above units/securities and to acknowledge receipt of the same.
  3. To redeem /sell the units/securities held by me/us (whether solely or jointly with others) and to receive the payment of the redemption/sale price and acknowledge receipt of the same, based on my/our instructions.
  4. To sign all such writings and do all such acts as may be required for redeeming any units/securities.
  5. To collect, receive and give good effectual receipts and discharges for any sum including dividend, interest or income arising from the units/securities and to sign and endorse dividend and interest warrants.
  6. To collect and deposit monies in an account opened in my/our name with the Bank and to make such debits in the said account as may be necessary.
  7. To give instructions and orders to brokers and agents including instructions and orders of sale, purchase ,transfer, splitting and consolidation of securities and to pay remuneration, brokerage, commissions and other sums to such brokers and agents.
  8. To correspond with and give notice to the mutual fund and corresponding asset management company on my/our behalf.
  9. To instruct the mutual fund and/or the corresponding asset management company to make note of instructions with regards to nomination /changes in investment plan/any other changes.
19.16Holding Pattern and Customer details 
The holding pattern of the customer would be based on the bank account holding pattern. Also there would be no change allowed in the holding pattern once the ISA account is activated even if there is a change in the holding pattern in the bank account. 
The other requisite data (which is not part of the form) required to be reported to AMC / RTA will be extracted from the Bank account details maintained for the First holder.
The Bank or myself/ourselves may terminate the aforesaid services by giving 30 days prior notice in writing to the other party provided that I/we shall not be relieved of my/our obligations hereunder notwithstanding such termination incurred prior to the date on which such termination shall become effective.
19.18Governing Law and Jurisdiction Clause 
All disputes and differences arising out of, under or in connection with these terms and conditions or anything done hereunder shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction only to the courts of Mumbai. Further these terms and conditions are subject to and shall be construed in accordance with the laws prevalent in India.
20.1Average Monthly Balance is the average balance to be maintained in the account over a period of a month.
20.2The Average Monthly Balance is different for different types of accounts. Detail of the AMB for different accounts is given in the Services and Fees brochure and also updated on the Bank's website.
20.3The Mode of Calculation of AMB: It is average of daily closing balance of each day spread over a month. For more detailed explanation, please refer to the example below 
Sample statement to illustrate example

Sr. No.

DateNarrarionWithdrawalDepositClosing balance


01-Jan-12Credit interest capilized 50 4,000 


10-Jan-12ECS Credit-PKT 10,000 14,000 


16-Jan-12Cash Withdrawal2,000  12,000 


25-Jan-12Cheque Deposit- MICR clearing 13,000 25,000 
AMB Calculation

Sr. No.

Time PeriodCalculationAmount(Rs)


EOD Balance from 01-Jan-12 to 9-Jan-124,000 x 936,000


EOD Balance from 10-Jan-12 to 15-Jan-1214,000 x 684,000


EOD Balance from 16-Jan-12 to 24-Jan-1212,000 x 91,08,000


EOD Balance from 25-Jan-12 to 31-Jan-1225,000 x 71,75,000
 Total EOD Balance for the month of January 12 4,03,000
 Divided by the number of days in the month 31
 AMB 13,000
These "Terms and Conditions" apply to and regulate the provision of services to be offered by HDFC Bank Limited ("HDFC Bank") for cash/cheque pick up and delivery of cash ("Services").
21.1In these terms and conditions, the following words and phrases have the meaning stated hereunder unless indicated otherwise:
21.1.1"Account" refers to the savings / current / operative account of the Account holder with HDFC Bank in India, which is designated as eligible account by HDFC Bank for the "Services".
21.1.2"Customer" refers to an individual / entity having an account with HDFC Bank and requesting for availing the Services for which request has been accepted by HDFC Bank.
21.1.3"HDFC Bank" refers to HDFC Bank Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and licensed as a bank under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and having its registered office at HDFC Bank, Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013.
21.1.4"Instruction" refers to the requests made by the Customer for availing the services from HDFC Bank.
21.1.5"Services" shall mean the cash / Instrument pick up and delivery of cash, as per the "Process Guidelines" attached.
21.2The Bank has appointed independent agencies (“Agencies”) to carry out the Services. The Customer agrees and undertakes to pay to HDFC Bank such charges as may be notified to the Customer by HDFC Bank for organizing the Services. The Customer further agrees and confirms that the acknowledgement to be furnished by the Customer on the courier sheet would be a final and binding acknowledgement and confirmation of receipt of cash by the Customer.
21.3The Customer agrees and undertakes to duly comply with its obligations in terms of the Process Guidelines as detailed in letter of acceptance sent to HDFC Bank, and to duly remit the payments for the Services as detailed in letter of acceptance.
21.4The limit for cash pick up / delivery shall be determined at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank and the bank will have the right to change the limit from time to time without assigning any reason thereof. Customer shall be solely responsible and liable for complying with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the Services and shall keep and continue to keep HDFC Bank fully absolved and indemnified with respect to any violation or failure to adhere to any such laws and regulations. HDFC Bank at its sole discretion and without assigning any reasons, reserves its right to offer and or withdraw the Services either in partially or completely.
21.5The Customer confirms that the cash/cheques deposited/withdrawn from time to time is lawfully collected/required or is in the Customer’s possession or custody through or in the course of the Customer’s regular and usual business and agrees to keep HDFC Bank, its successors and assigns indemnified at all times from and against all the claims, losses, damages, costs, liabilities, actions, suits, proceedings and other consequences including but not limited to non compliance of regulatory provisions, evasion or non payment of any taxes or other statutory dues or by reason of HDFC Bank arranging for providing of the Services.
21.6HDFC Bank shall not be liable for any inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of, any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by (i) any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, (ii) non-performance due either to any act or omission by HDFC Bank due to “force majeure” (e.g., flood, extraordinary weather condition, earthquake or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labour dispute, accident, action of government, communications, power failure, equipment or software malfunction) or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of HDFC Bank, and in case of tampering and unauthorised access to providing of Instruction, Instructions that are fraudulently or mistakenly written, altered or sent, and that the Instruction may not be received in whole or in part by the intended recipient.
21.7The Customer hereby authorizes HDFC Bank to charge the account held with HDFC Bank with any sum of money that is payable by the Customer, if any, in connection with a transaction carried out by HDFC Bank including bank charges for such transactions and the shortages if any, notwithstanding any other requirement contained in any law and practice including but not limited to Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.
21.8The Customer hereby indemnifies and agrees to keep HDFC Bank indemnified against all and any costs, losses, damages, expenses (including all legal expenses on a full indemnity basis) or other liability sustained or incurred by HDFC Bank as a result of HDFC Bank accepting and acting on an Instruction given or deemed to have been given or purportedly given by the customer, including but not limited to the Customer handing over self/ bearer cheques to the agency appointed by HDFC Bank in lieu of the cash delivered to the Customer premises without ensuring that the "Paid" stamp of the cash delivery agency is affixed on the cheque in the Customer's presence.
21.9Under no circumstances, shall HDFC Bank, its employees, directors involved in creating, producing, delivering or managing the cash/cheque collection and delivery services be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever, including punitive or exemplary (including, but not limited to loss of profits, loss of data or other intangible information, business interruption, loss of privacy, or any pecuniary loss), arising out of or in any way connected with the provision of cash/cheque pick-up and delivery services or resulting from unauthorized access or alteration of Facsimile Instruction or arising from interruption, suspension or termination of the cash/cheque collection and delivery services or any inability of HDFC Bank to receive instructions, directions, orders or other communications from the Customer or to transmit any related message for any reason whatsoever, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise except in case of willful default or gross negligence on the part of HDFC Bank.
21.10The Customer agrees to comply with such security procedure as may be prescribed by HDFC Bank from time to time for purpose of sending Instructions. The customer will be solely responsible for any consequences in case there are any lapses in the adherence of the laid down processes.
  1. The Customer undertakes not to disclose the security procedure to any person except to the Customer's authorised representatives.
  2. If the Customer or one of the Customer's authorised representatives is of the opinion or has reason to believe that the authentication procedure may be known by an unauthorised person, the Customer must notify HDFC Bank immediately.
  3. For cheque pick up; only account payee cheques will be handed over to the agency
21.11All disputes if any will be subject only to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts at Mumbai irrespective of the location where the services are offered.
21.12The above terms and conditions are in addition to the HDFC Bank's standard terms and conditions applicable to HDFC Bank accounts. In case of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions governing the Service and the standard terms and conditions applicable to HDFC Bank accounts this document shall prevail in relation to any transaction initiated under the Services.
21.13The Bank will be responsible for the acts of omission and commission of the Agencies. However, this agreement does not entail any legal or financial liability on the bank for failure to offer doorstep services under circumstances beyond its control.
21.14Customer shall execute a fax indemnity indemnifying HDFC Bank in respect of facsimile instructions sent.
21.15At anytime, HDFC Bank may give 3 days prior notice to the Customer, in such manner as it may deem fit, that it shall not accept further Instructions and that notice shall be deemed to be effective against the Customer on receipt of the same. A Customer will be deemed to have received the same immediately in case HDFC Bank sends the notice through facsimile or after two (2) days in case the notice is sent by post/courier.
21.16The Bank reserves the right to appoint any other Agency to provide the services to the customer, and change the branch (Nodal Branch) for deposit of cash, and / or revise the timings for cash pickup / delivery from time to time.
21.17At anytime, HDFC Bank may give 30 days prior notice to the Customer, in such manner as it may deem fit, for any changes in the tariffs / service charges related to the services defined in this document. A Customer will be deemed to have received the same immediately in case HDFC Bank sends the notice through facsimile or after two (2) days in case the notice is sent by post/courier.
21.18These "Services" are a mere extension of Banking Services offered at the branch & are being provided at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank & does not provide any right to the customer to claim the services at his doorstep.
In this document the following words and phrases have the meaning set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise: The words I, me and my refer to the cardholder.
22.2Account refers to the Cardholder's Savings and / or Current Account and / or any other type of account so designated by the Bank to be eligible account(s) for operations through the use of the Card. The Cardholder should be either the account holder or sole signatory or authorized to act alone when there is more than one signatory.
22.3Bank refers to HDFC Bank Limited, a banking company incorporated in India under the Companies Act 1956 and having its registered office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013, India and includes its successors and assigns.
22.4Add-on Card on Mobile or Card refers to the HDFC Bank Mobile Debit / Prepaid Card issued to the customer on a particular Mobile number and loaded on a particular SIM card or mobile handset.
22.5Personalization' shall mean the download of Card information on the Client Application installed on the SIM card memory or mobile phone memory of the designated mobile number.
22.6Cardholder refers to a Customer of the Bank authorized to use the Card.
22.7‘Mobile enabled PoS’ shall mean Mobile Phone or any device acting like a point of sale capable of accepting the Card, which will support Card based transactions authenticated by using registered mobile phone of the customer.
22.8‘Client Application’ shall mean the software installed on a) SIM card of the mobile or b) the Memory of the mobile, on which the card details will be stored and which will enable the customer to carry out Card transactions by operating his/her Account
22.9‘Mobile PIN’ shall mean the PIN used to access the ‘Client Application’ that stores the Card details
22.10Service Provider means any company which is appointed by HDFC Bank to act on behalf of the bank to provide services as described in the terms & conditions
22.11Merchant means any person who owns or manages or operates a service establishment wherever located which participates in the Card program and honours the Card and includes amongst others stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, airline organisations.
22.12Primary Account shall mean the account linked to the Card, debited for transactions at Merchant Establishments accepting the Card.
22.13Terms refer to Terms and Conditions for use of the Card as specified in this document.
22.14Transactions mean any instruction given by a Cardholder using a Card directly or indirectly to the Bank to effect a transaction.
22.15Applicability of Rules and Regulations: 
The issue and use of the Card shall be subject to the RBI's Rules, Regulations and guidelines issued from time to time, which are in force.
22.16Issuance of Card :
22.16.1I understand and accept that I need to download the Client Application on my mobile handset or SIM card as a first step to enable the Bank to download the Card on my mobile phone
22.16.2I also understand and accept that personalized Mobile PIN is required to ensure the security of Client Application / Card usage for transactions using the Card.
22.16.3The client application can store more than one Cards at any given time and HDFC Bank would not be responsible for any of the Card(s) stored on the client application that are not issued by the Bank
22.16.4At my specific request (written / using any electronic medium as permitted by the Bank from time to time), the Bank shall issue me Cards to my mobile number I understand and accept that the Bank shall download the Card related information on the Client Application by means of Over The Air Download (OTA) to personalize the Card for further use.
22.16.5In case the Card can not be personalized on my phone due to any mobile network related problems or limitations of the mobile phone handset, I will not hold the Bank to be responsible for its inability to issue the Card
22.16.6After the personalization is successful, the Card can be activated only by following the process as prescribed by the Bank from time to time.
22.17Validity & Usage:
22.17.1The Card is valid for use in India only
22.17.2The Card cannot be used unless the same is activated by following the prescribed process. The activation is only possible after successful personalization on the designated mobile phone. For subsequent use of the Card, only Mobile PIN can be used to initiate / authorize payment requests.
22.17.3The Card is not valid for foreign exchange payments in India.
22.17.4No physical plastic card will be issued towards the request for issuance of Card
22.17.5The Card is valid up to the last working day of the month indicated. The Bank shall generate a new Card and attempt delivery of the same to the Mobile number recorded with the Bank in its system before the expiry of the Card.
22.17.6The Card is acceptable at any of the following:
1. As no physical card would be issued, I understand that no transactions would be possible via swipe or dip or key enter of card details on POS, ATM & internet payment gateway respectively 
2. The Card can be used at any Card accepting location participating in the Mobile Debit / Prepaid Card program in India only
22.18Cardholder Obligations:
22.18.1The Cardholder shall at all times ensure that the mobile, on which the Card is stored, is kept at a safe place. The Cardholder shall under no circumstance whatsoever share the Mobile PIN with any other individual nor shall allow the Card to be used by any other individual. The Cardholder shall not store PIN No. in his mobile either by way of contact no. or message or any other form.
22.18.2The Card is the property of HDFC Bank
22.18.3The Cardholder will be responsible for all facilities granted by the Bank in respect of the Card and for all related charges.
22.18.4The Cardholder will be responsible for all the data communication charges levied by the Telecom Service Provider pertaining to SMS, GPRS Data usage, any other charges wherver applicable
22.18.5In case the Cardholder has any dispute in respect of any charge indicated in the Statement, the Cardholder shall advise details to the Bank within 15 days of the statement date failing which, it will be construed that all charges are acceptable and in order. The Bank may at its sole discretion accept any disputes on charges older than 15 days.
22.18.6I understand and accept my responsibility to inform the Bank to deactivate the Card in case my mobile number to which the Card is issued is surrendered / changed/ lost/ stolen/ misplaced. The liability of any transactions carried out using the Card and all the consequent losses will be to my account if I fail to inform the Bank.
22.18.7The Cardholder shall act in good faith in relation to all dealings with the Card(s) and the Bank.
22.18.8I will be responsible for all types of transactions processed by use of my Card, whether or not processed with my knowledge or authority, express or implied. I shall accept the Bank's record of transactions as conclusive and binding for all purposes.
22.19Lost or Stolen or Misplaced Cards:
22.19.1I am aware and accept that to protect my interest, the facility of reporting Loss of Card(s) is available 24 hours on PhoneBanking and during Banking hours in branch and HDFC Bank will carry out the request for Hotlisting of my Card.
22.19.2HDFC Bank will not be liable for any damages on account of me not being able to use the Hotlisted Card to carry out any transactions.
22.19.3The Bank shall not be liable for any loss caused by the misuse of the Card prior to the card being reported by me to the Bank as lost/ stolen / misplaced and the said card is hotlisted.
22.19.4I agree and undertake to promptly inform the Mobile service provider to block the SIM card / mobile number usage, if my Mobile containing the Card is lost or stolen or misplaced.
22.19.5I agree and undertake to promptly inform the Bank to Hotlist the Card if my Mobile containing the Card is lost or stolen or misplaced.
22.19.6If the mobile containing the Card is lost or stolen or misplaced, I will file a report with the local police and send a copy of the FIR thereafter to the Bank. I understand that the Bank shall hotlist /cancel the Card only during working hours on a working day following the receipt of such information or within 24 hours of receiving such information., whichever is later. The Bank shall not be liable for any loss by the misuse of the Card till the time the loss is reported and the card is hotlisted.
22.19.7The Cardholder is responsible for the security of the mobile containing Card and shall take all steps towards ensuring the safe keeping there of. In the event Bank determines that the aforementioned steps are questionable, financial liability on the lost or stolen card would rest with Cardholder.
22.19.8The Bank may issue replacement Card provided that the Cardholder has in all respects complied with the Terms and Conditions pertaining to the same.
22.2Merchant Location Usage:
The Card can be used at any Card accepting location participating in the Mobile Debit / Prepaid Card program in India only
22.21The Card is for Electronic use only and will be acceptable only at Merchant Establishments, which participate in the Card program and accept the Card(s) with the help of Mobile enabled POS terminal or any equivalent device capable of accepting the Virual Card. Any usage of the Card other than at the designated Mobile enabled POS or equivalent device will be considered as unauthorized and the Cardholder will be solely responsible for such transactions unless there is a specific offer by HDFC Bank to the Customer.
22.22Transactions are deemed authorised and completed once the Bank / Service provider generates a payment authorization request and the customer authorizes the transaction with the help of Mobile PIN . The amount of the transaction is debited from the primary account linked to the card immediately. The Cardholder should ensure that the Card is used only once at the merchant location for every purchase. The authorization requested will be generated each time the Card is used and the Cardholder should ensure that there is no multiple usage of Card at the Merchant location at the time of purchase.
22.23The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the merchant including but not limited to the supply of goods and services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any Merchant Establishment, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the merchant establishment directly and failure to do so will not relieve the cardholder from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.
22.24The Bank accepts no responsibility for any surcharge levied by any Merchant Establishment and debited to the Cardholder's account with the transaction amount. However, at Railway stations and Petrol pumps, transaction and other charges as per industry practice will be applicable.
22.25Any charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant Establishment by the Bank for payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded on such requisition, was properly incurred at the Merchant Establishment in the amount and by the Cardholder referred to in that charge or other requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the Card except where the same has been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused and the same has been intimated to the Bank, the burden of proof for which shall be on the Cardholder.
22.26In case, a merchant wishes to cancel a completed transaction due to an error or on account of merchandise return, the earlier sales receipt must be cancelled by the merchant and a fresh request for transaction reversal (customer account credit) must be generated and the customer should authorize the same. Reversal/Refunds of debits due to such transactions will be processed manually
22.27All Refunds and Adjustments due to any merchant / device error or communication link will be processed manually and the account will be credited after due verification and in accordance with Visa rules and regulations as applicable from time to time. The Cardholder agrees that any debits received during this time will be honoured only based on the Available Balance in the account(s) without considering this Refund. The Cardholder also indemnifies the Bank from such acts of dishonoring the payment instructions.
22.28Quality of Goods and Services:
The Bank shall not be in any way responsible and/or liable for merchandise, warranty or services purchased or availed of by Cardholder from Merchant Establishments including on account of delay and delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of goods or receipt of defective goods from the order placed by the Cardholder. It must be distinctly understood that the Card facility is purely a facility provided to the Cardholder to purchase goods and/or avail of services and the Bank shall not warranty or Guarantee and shall make no representation whatsoever about quality, quantity, delivery, deficiency or otherwise howsoever regarding the goods or services, and any dispute must be resolved by the Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment directly.
22.29Card Usage:
22.29.1The Cardholder agrees that in case he has multiple accounts with the Bank, the Bank will decide the number of accounts, which will have the Card facility on them.
22.29.2In case of Cards linked to multiple accounts, transactions at Merchant Establishments will be affected on the primary account linked to the Card. In case there are no funds in this account, the Bank will not honour the transactions even if there are funds available in the other accounts linked to the same customer.
22.29.3The Bank will debit the accounts linked to the Card for the value of all purchases of goods or services, cash, fees, charges and payments effected by the use of the Card ("Transactions"). All Transactions will be reflected in the Account Statement of the Account(s), which are linked to the Card. Such statements shall be mailed to the Cardholder as per defined frequency to the mailing address as per the Customers records with the Bank.
22.29.4The Cardholder agrees that the Bank's record of transactions pertaining to his account(s) is conclusive and authentic.
22.29.5The applicable fees, charges, if any, will be debited to the account linked to the Card on application/renewal at the Bank's prevailing rate. These fees are not refundable.
22.29.6The Cardholder is advised to retain a record of transactions generated by the Bank / Service provider with him.
22.29.7The Cardholder agrees not to attempt to purchase using the Card unless sufficient funds are available in the account. The onus of ensuring adequate account balances is entirely on him. Accounts that violate this condition will be classified as overdrawn accounts and he will have to rectify the account balance position immediately. In every such situation where the account gets overdrawn interest charges will be levied on the debit balance in the account. This charge will be determined by the Bank and will be announced from time to time.
22.29.8In the event of an account being overdrawn due to Card transactions, the Bank reserves the right to set off this amount against any credit lying in any of the Cardholder's other accounts held jointly or singly without giving any notice.
22.29.9The responsibility for any misuse on the Card, once the customer has activated the same with the help of Bank specified process , would rest with the Customer and not the Bank.
22.29.10Nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect the Bank's right of set-off, transfer and application of monies at law or pursuant to any other agreement from time to time subsisting between the Bank and Cardholder.
22.3International Transactions
The Card is meant for use within India only and no transactions can be done using this card outside India.
A transaction record log provided by the service provider containing the transaction authentication of the Cardholder together with the card number and Mobile number noted thereon shall be conclusive evidence as between the Bank and the Cardholder as to the extent of liability incurred by the Cardholder and the Bank shall not be required to ensure that the Cardholder has duly received the goods purchased / to be purchased or has duly received the service availed or to be availed to the Cardholder's satisfaction.
22.32The Bank shall make bonafide and reasonable efforts to resolve an aggrieved Cardholder's disagreement with the applicable charge indicated in the statement within six months of receipt of the notice of disagreement. If after such effort, the Bank determines that the charge indicated is correct then it shall communicate the same to the Cardholder along with details including payment requisition.
22.33The Bank accepts no responsibility for refusal by any establishment to honour the Card.
22.34As per Visa Operating Regulation, the complete resolution of the dispute may take upto six months. In case the Customer wants to dispute any transaction, the same should be informed to the Bank within 15 days from the date of the transaction.
22.35Exclusion of Liability: 
Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the applicant in respect of any loss or damage arising, directly or directly out of:
22.35.1Any defect in goods or services supplied.
22.35.2The refusal of any person / Merchant Establishment to honour or accept a Card.
22.35.3The malfunction, delay in functioning of any computer / Software / Data Transfer / Mobile enabled POS terminal or its equivalent / Mobile Phone
22.35.4Effecting Transaction instruction other than by a Cardholder.
22.35.5Any statement made by any person requesting the return / de-activation of the Card or any act performed by any person in conjunction.
22.35.6Handing over of the Mobile Phone containing the Card and/or Mobile PIN by the Cardholder to anybody.
22.35.7The exercise by the Bank of its right to demand for withdrawal of the Card prior to the expiry date as decided by the Bank at the time of issuance, whether such demand and surrender made and/or procured by the Bank or by any person or computer terminal.
22.35.8The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate the Card(s).
22.35.9Any injury to the credit character and reputation of the applicant alleged to have been caused by the re possession of the Card and/or, any request for its return or the refusal of any Merchant establishment to honour or accept the Card.
22.35.10Any mis-statement, mis-representation, error or omission in any details disclosed by the Bank.
22.35.11Decline of transaction due to any reason at a Merchant Establishment location including the above.
22.36.1The Cardholder may discontinue this facility at any time by intimation to the Bank in writing for the same. In the event charges are incurred on the Card after the Cardholder claims to have destroyed the Card, the Cardholder shall be entirely liable for the charges incurred on the Card whether or not the same are the result of the misuse and whether or not the Bank has been intimated of the destruction of the Card. In case of a dispute on any transaction, Cardholder can notify the Bank and the Bank can raise a chargeback as per regulations of Visa.
22.36.2The Bank shall be entitled to discontinue this facility at any time by giving 30 days' notice and shall be deemed to have been received by the Cardholder within 30 days of posting to the Cardholders' address in India, last notified in writing to the Bank.
22.36.3The Bank reserves the right to disclose Customer information to any court of competent jurisdiction, quasi judicial authorities, law enforcement agencies, RBI, Ombudsman, and any other wing of Central Government or State Government.
22.37Indemnity:I confirm my participation in the Card program of HDFC Bank. I understand the consequences and risks involved in use of the Card. I agree to indemnify and keep the the Bank indemnified against all liabilities, losses, damages and expenses which the Bank may sustain or incur either directly or indirectly as a result of the following:
22.37.1Negligence / mistake or misconduct by me.
22.37.2Breach or non-compliance of the rules/terms and conditions relating to the Card and the account.
22.37.3Fraud or dishonesty relating to any transaction by my employees / agents or me.
22.37.4I understand and accept that the connectivity with the mobile network is of paramount importance for any transaction using the Card to go through. I shall not dispute and hold harmless the Bank from any and all loss, trouble I may suffer on account of any transactions that are not happening due to any problem with the mobile service network.
22.37.5I understand and accept that the issuance and use of the Card is dependant on the functionality available on the mobile phone handset and SIM card. I shall not dispute and shall hold the Bank harmless in case the Bank is not able to issue me the Card due to limitation of the mobile phone handset and /or SIM card.
22.37.6I shall hold the Bank harmless from any and all consequences arising in case I fail to secure the Client Application with the help of personalized Mobile PIN at the time of registration
22.37.7Mobile enabled POS terminals are machines and errors could occur while in operation. I agree to indemnify the Bank for any such machine / mechanical errors/failures.
22.37.8I shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from any and all losses / consequences arising in case my mobile phone containing the Card is stolen and any transactions are done using the Card till the time I inform the Bank and the Card is hotlisted by the Bank.
22.37.9I shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from any and all consequences arising from me not complying with The Exchange Control Regulations of the RBI.
22.38.1HDFC Bank reserves the right to issue the Card to the Customer.
22.38.2The Cardholder shall be deemed to have unconditionally agreed to and accepted these terms and conditions by signing application form requesting for Card, acknowledging the receipt of the Card on the mobile phone , by performing a transaction with the Card or by requesting of activation of the Card to the Bank or once the deliverable(s) have been delivered by the Bank at the address specified by the Customer.
22.38.3The Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benefits offered on the Card and alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and may notify the Cardholder of any such alterations through an appropriate channel. The Cardholder will be bound by such alterations unless instruction is given to the Bank for cancellation of the card before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.
22.38.4The Bank may introduce new services from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be notified to the Cardholder as and when they become available, through HDFC Bank website or any mode of communication deemed fit by the Bank. The changed terms and conditions applicable to the new services shall be communicated to the Cardholder. By using these new services, the Cardholder agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions applicable.
22.38.5These TERMS form the contract between the Cardholder and the Bank. By applying for the Card and accessing the service the Cardholder acknowledges and accepts these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions will be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms and conditions relating to any account of the Customer.
22.39Re-issuance of Mobile PIN
22.39.1If the customer forgets the Mobile PIN, then the same can be forcefully re-set at the specific request from the customer after the necessary identity verification of the customer is done.
22.39.2I understand and accept that in case the Mobile PIN is forcefully re-set, the Card will be de-activated and the same can not be used unless the same is re-activated.
22.39.3The Card so de-activated can be re-activated only with the help of Bank after successful customer authentication. The Bank may decide to revise the process for customer authentication from time to time.
22.4Governing Law & Jurisdiction
22.40.1The construction, validity and performance of this Service shall be governed in all respects by the laws of India. The Cardholder hereby submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts at Mumbai.
In this document the following words and phrases have the meaning set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise:
23.2‘Bank’ refers to HDFC Bank Limited, a banking company incorporated in India under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its Registered Office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013, India and includes its successors and assigns.
23.3‘Card’ refers to HDFC Bank ForexPlus Platinum Card, issued to the customer by HDFC Bank in association with VISA International.
23.4Cardholder refers to a customer of the Bank authorised to use the card.
23.5EDC terminal shall mean Point-Of-Sale electronic data capture capable of handling card transactions i.e., Electronic Draft Capture (EDC) terminal, printers, other peripherals and accessories, including PIN (defined hereunder), pads and necessary software to run the devices and which processes the transaction at the Merchant Establishments abroad (except India, Nepal and Bhutan).
23.6‘International Transactions’ refer to the transactions entered into by the Cardholder on his card outside India, Nepal and Bhutan.
23.7‘Merchant’ means any person who owns or manages or operates a service establishment wherever located which honours the card and includes amongst others stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, airline organisations, ATMs advertised by the Bank, VISA or the Merchant.
23.8‘Merchant Establishments’ shall mean establishments wherever located which honours a VISA Card and shall include among others, stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, airline organisations advertised as honouring the VISA Card.
23.9‘Terms’ refer to Terms and Conditions for use of the card as specified in this document.
23.10‘Transactions’ mean any instruction given by a Cardholder using a card directly or indirectly to the Bank to effect a transaction.
23.11‘VISA’ shall mean mark owned by VISA International.
23.12‘VISA/PLUS ATM network’ shall mean ATMs wherever located which honour the VISA card and displaying the VISA/PLUS symbols
23.13In the document, all references to the Cardholder being referred in masculine gender will also include the feminine gender.
23.14Transaction: Transaction includes cash withdrawals, payment for purchases made/services availed at Merchant Establishments, availing other services by utilising the card at ATMs and/or Merchant Establishments.
23.15Personal Identification Number (PIN): The Bank will allot to the Cardholder a PIN to be used for cash withdrawals and Balance Enquiry at ATMs. The Cardholder shall be responsible to maintain the confidentiality of the PIN/IPIN. The Bank bears no liability for unauthorised use of the card.
Note: As per the Finance Bill 2020, w.e.f. October 1, 2020 all the Authorized Dealers (AD) are mandated to collect Tax Collected at Source (TCS) on all Forex drawals which is also applicable for Forex Card Load/ Reload transactions.  Rate of TCS will be 5% for all the travel purposes except for Education where the rate is 0.5% if funding is coming from education loan availed from notified list of financial institutions. The applicable TCS (if any) will be recovered by debit to your your account / Debit card / Credit Card . You are requested to maintain sufficient balance. 
23.17The issue and use of the card shall be subject to the RBI’s regulations in force from time to time.
23.18Utilisation of the card shall be in strict accordance with the Exchange Control Regulations of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). In the event of non-compliance by Cardholder with same, the Cardholder shall be liable for action under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and any other Law and/or regulation in force from time to time relating to Foreign Exchange. The Cardholder may be debarred from holding the card, either at the instance of the Bank or the RBI. The card cannot be used for making payment towards foreign currency transactions in India, Nepal and Bhutan i.e., while using the card in Nepal and Bhutan, the currency of the transactions should be the local currency of those countries or in Indian Rupees. In case the card is cancelled, whether on account of non-compliance with Exchange Control Regulation or otherwise, the Bank will not be responsible for any attempted usage of the card, whether in India or abroad, resulting in the card being dishonored and the concerned Merchant would be entitled to pick up a cancelled card on presentation.
23.19The card may be used, within the foreign entitlements as stipulated by RBI from time to time, by Cardholders going abroad for all bona-fide personal expenses provided, the total exchange drawn during the trip abroad
does not exceed the entitlement. Import of goods so purchased abroad into India, would be governed by the baggage rules/EXIM policy in force. The entitlement of exchange should be ascertained (prior to the trip) from the authorised dealer branches of the Bank. The card cannot be used for effecting remittances for which the release of exchange is not permissible under the extant regulations.
23.21The card is valid abroad.
23.22The card is not valid for payments in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
23.23The card is valid up to the last working day of the month indicated. The Cardholder shall destroy the card when it expires by cutting it in half, diagonally
23.24The card is acceptable at:

  • Any ATM of banks which are members of PLUS/VISA ATM network abroad
  • Any VISA merchant outlet abroad
23.26The Cardholder shall at all times ensure that the card is kept at a safe place. The Cardholder shall under no circumstance whatsoever allow the card to be used by any other individual. The Cardholder will sign the card immediately upon receipt.
23.27The Cardholder will be responsible for all facilities granted by the Bank in respect of the card and for all related charges for use of the card.
23.28In case the Cardholder has any dispute in respect of any charge indicated in the Statement, the Cardholder shall advice details to the Bank within 30 days of the Statement Date failing which, it will be construed that
all charges are acceptable and in order. The Bank may not at its sole discretion accept any disputes on charges 
older than 30 days.
23.30If a card is lost or stolen, the Cardholder must file a report with the local police and send a copy thereafter to the Bank. The Cardholder will be liable for all the charges incurred on the card until the card is hotlisted. In case of an unsigned card, the Cardholder will be liable for all charges incurred on it. The Cardholder may report a card loss over the telephone to the Bank. The Bank upon adequate verification will permanently suspend the card and will not be liable for any inconvenience caused to the Cardholder on this account. The Bank will hotlist/cancel the card during working hours on a working day following the receipt of such intimation. 26. If the Cardholder loses his card overseas and needs emergency cash, the Cardholder may call VISA Global Assistance Services (GCAS) and place the request for cash requirement. In case, the Cardholder uses the Global Customer Assistance Services, then the charges for usage of such services will be borne and paid by the Cardholder.
23.31If the Cardholder loses his card overseas, he may either follow the above procedure or may report the loss through the VISA Global Customer Assistance Services’ helplines. In case the Cardholder uses the VISA Global Customer Assistance Services, then the charges for usage of such services shall be borne by the Cardholder.
23.32The Cardholder shall take cognizance of the fact that once a card is reported
lost, stolen or damaged and is subsequently found, the same shall be promptly cut in half, returned to the Bank and adequate care taken to prevent its misuse.
23.33The Cardholder is responsible for the security of the card and shall take all steps towards ensuring the safe keeping thereof. In the event the Bank determines that the aforementioned steps are questionable, financial liability on the lost or stolen card would rest with the Cardholder.
23.34Replacement card may be issued by the Bank provided that the Cardholder has in all respects complied with the Terms and Conditions pertaining to the same.
23.36The card is operable with the help of a confidential PIN at ATM locations. The Cardholder’s PIN is given to him at the time of purchase of the card and the Cardholder shall ensure that the same is received in a sealed envelope. The PIN should never be disclosed to any person or written down where any other person may discover it. Any such disclosure or inadequate protection of the confidentiality of the PIN is entirely at the Cardholder’s risk. All transactions conducted with use of the PIN will be the Cardholder’s responsibility and he will abide by the record of the transaction as generated.
23.37The card is acceptable at any VISA/PLUS ATM network belonging to institutions abroad. The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the other institutions including but not limited to such services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any PLUS ATM network establishment, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.
23.38There will be separate Service Charges levied for facilities that will be announced by the Bank from time to time and deducted from the Card Account. In a situation where the Card Account does not have sufficient funds to deduct such Service Charges, the Bank reserves the right to deny such transactions and the decision of the Bank shall be binding on the Cardholder. The Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out
of denial of transactions. The Bank shall have the right to set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, present or future on deposits held in the Cardholder’s Accounts whether in single name or joint name(s), to the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a result of the services extended by the Bank.
23.40The card is acceptable at all electronic Merchant Establishments abroad which display the VISA logo.
23.41The card is for electronic use only and will be acceptable only at Merchant Establishments that have an EDC terminal. Any usage of the card other than electronic use will be considered as unauthorised and the Cardholder will be solely responsible for such transactions. Electronic usage is construed as the chargeslip/transaction slip printed electronically from the EDC terminal.
23.42The card is operable with the help of the Cardholder’s signature at EDC terminals installed at Merchant Establishments.
23.43Transactions are deemed authorised and completed once the EDC terminal generates a sales slip. The amount of transaction is debited from the Primary Account linked to the card immediately. The Cardholder should ensure that the card is used only once at the Merchant location for every purchase. The sales slip will be printed each time the card is used and the Cardholder should ensure that there is no multiple usage of card at the Merchant location at the time of purchase.
23.44The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the Merchant Establishment including, but not limited to the supply of goods and services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any VISA Merchant Establishment, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.
23.45The Bank accepts no responsibility for any surcharge levied by any Merchant Establishment and debited to the Card Account with the transaction amount.
23.46The Cardholder must sign a sales slip whenever the card is used at a Merchant Establishment and should retain his copy. The Bank at an additional charge may furnish copies of the sales slip. Any sales slip not personally signed by the Cardholder, but which can be proved, as being authorised by the Cardholder, will be binding on the Cardholder.
23.47Any charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant Establishment by the Bank for payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded on such requisition, was properly incurred at the Merchant Establishment in the amount and by the Cardholder referred to in that charge or other requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the card except where the card has been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused, the burden of proof for which shall be on the Cardholder.
23.48In case, a merchant wishes to cancel a completed transaction due to an error or on account of merchandise return, the earlier sales receipt must be cancelled by the Merchant and a copy of the cancelled receipt must be retained in his possession. Reveal/Refunds of debits due to such transaction will be processed manually and the cancelled sales slip needs to be produced, if called for.
23.49All refunds and adjustments due to any merchant/device error or communication link will be processed manually and the account will be credited after due verification and in accordance with VISA rules and regulations as applicable. The Cardholder agrees that any debit received during this time will be honoured only based on the available balance in the account(s) without considering this refund. The Cardholder also indemnifies the Bank from such acts of dishonoring the payment instructions.
23.50The card is not to be used at the hotels during check-in and also at other locations where paying arrangement is done before completion of the purchase transaction or service.
23.51The card should not be used for any Mail Order/Phone Order/Over-the-Internet purchases and any such usage will be considered as unauthorised and the Cardholder will be solely responsible.
23.52Quality of Goods and Services: The Bank shall not be in any way responsible for merchandise, warranty or services purchased or availed by Cardholder from Merchant Establishments including on account of delay in delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of goods or receipt of defective goods from the order placed by the Cardholder. It must be distinctly understood that the card facility is purely a facility to the Cardholder to purchase goods or avail services and the Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, delivery or
otherwise howsoever regarding the goods or services, and any dispute must be resolved by Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment.
23.54The Bank will debit the Card Account for the value of all purchases of goods or services, cash, fees, charges and payments effected by the use of the card (‘Transaction’). All Transactions will be reflected in the Statement of the Card Account, which are linked to the card. Such statements shall be mailed to the Cardholder at the end of the month, in which the card has been used for transaction to the mailing address indicated at the time of purchasing the card.
23.55The Cardholder agrees the Bank’s record of transaction relating to his card is authentic and conclusive.
23.56The Cardholder is advised to retain a record of transactions generated by the ATM/EDC terminals at Merchant Establishments with him.
23.57The Cardholder agrees not to attempt to withdraw/purchase using the card unless sufficient funds are available in the account. The onus of ensuring adequate card balance is entirely on him.
23.58In the event of an account being overdrawn due to card transactions, the Bank reserves the right to set-off this amount against any credit lying in any of the Cardholder’s other accounts held jointly or singly, with reasonable notice to the Cardholder.
23.59Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall affect the Bank’s right to set-off transfer and application for monies at law or pursuant to another agreement from time to time subsisting between the Bank and Cardholder.
23.61The use of the card is allowed for the purposes as per the Exchange Control Regulations.
23.62As per RBI guidelines in case the amount on account of use of the card during visits abroad exceed the Cardholder’s Foreign Exchange entitlements, the Cardholder should provide documentary evidence for the usage of Foreign Exchange utilised. The Bank is authorised to report the matter to the regional office of the Exchange Control department giving full details.
23.63As per the Exchange Regulations, for every foreign currency transaction the Cardholder should submit a duly completed A2 form and have his passport endorsed for the foreign currency utilised.
23.64In case the Cardholder is not contactable or not able to submit the same within the reporting time as specified by RBI, the Cardholder authorises and indemnifies the Bank to fill in and submit the request for purchase of Foreign Exchange (A2 form) on behalf of the Cardholder.
23.66A sales slip with the signature of the Cardholder together with the card number noted thereon shall be conclusive evidence as between the Bank and the Cardholder as to the extent of liability incurred by the Cardholder and the Bank shall not be required to ensure that the Cardholder has duly received the goods purchased/to be purchased or has duly received the service availed or to be availed to the Cardholder’s satisfaction.
23.67The Bank shall make bona fide and reasonable efforts to resolve an aggrieved Cardholder’s disagreement with applicable charge indicated in the Statement within two months of receipt of the notice of disagreement. If after such effort, the Bank determines that the charge indicated is correct then it shall communicate the same to the Cardholder along with details including a copy of the sales slip or payment requisition.
23.68The Bank accepts no responsibility for refusal by any establishment to honour the card. In case of any disagreement by the Cardholder related to transaction(s)/amount(s) debited to the Card Account, the Cardholder needs to report the same within 30 days from the date of Statement in order to enable the Bank to investigate about the same with the acquiring bank. (Note: Cardholder will come to know about the debit only on receipt of statement unless he receives alert).
23.79The Bank accepts no responsibility for refusal by any establishment to honour the Card.
23.70As per Visa Operating Regulation, the complete resolution of the dispute may take upto six months. In case the Customer wants to dispute any transaction, the same should be informed to the Bank within 15 days from the date of the transaction.
23.71Exclusion of Liability: 
Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the applicant in respect of any loss or damage arising, directly or directly out of:
  • Any defect in goods or services supplied
  • The refusal of any person to honour or accept a card
  • The malfunction of any computer terminal
  • Effecting transaction instruction other than by a Cardholder
  • Any Statement made by any person requesting the return of the card or any act performed by any person in conjunction
  • Handing over of the card by the Cardholder to anybody other than the designated employees of the Bank at the Bank’s premises
  • The exercise by the Bank of its rights, demand and procure the surrender of the card prior to the expiry date exposed on its face, whether such demand and surrender made and/or procured by the Bank or by any person or computer terminal
  • The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any card
  • Any injury to the credit character and reputation of the applicant alleged to have been caused by the repossession of the card and/or, any request for its return or the refusal of any Merchant Establishment to honour or accept the card
  • Any misstatement, misrepresentation, error or omission in any details disclosed by the Bank
  • Decline of a charge because of excess Foreign Exchange entitlements as prescribed by RBI guidelines issued
    from time to time, or the Bank becoming aware of the Cardholder exceeding his entitlements
  • Decline of transaction due to any reason at a Merchant location/ATM
  • In case the Cardholder does not report the disagreement of transaction within 30 days from the date of Statement, it will be difficult for the Bank to investigate with acquiring bank. In this case, the Bank is not liable to investigate the transactions where disagreement is reported by the Cardholder after expiry of the aforesaid period. Investigation for these transactions if any, may be done by the Bank on good faith basis.
  • Cardholder shall be liable to bear and pay the charges as may be levied by the Bank for usage of Global Customer Assistance Services (GCAS) or for Concierge Services offered by VISA, as these services are offereddirectly through VISA.
  • As the Global Customer Assistance Services (GCAS) and Concierge Services are directly offered by VISA, therefore the Bank shall not be liable for any dispute(s) related to such services availed by the Cardholder if any.
23.73The Cardholder specifically acknowledges that the Bank will not be liable in any manner whatsoever by virtue of any insurance cover provided, and that the insurance company will be solely liable for compensation if any, in case of the death of a Cardholder and/or loss of baggage and/or loss of passport and shall not hold the Bank responsible for any matter arising out of or in connection with such insurance cover, whether for or in respect of any deficiency or defect in such insurance cover, recovery or payment of compensation, processing or settlement of claims or otherwise howsoever, and all such matters shall be addressed to and sorted out directly with the insurance company.
23.74The Cardholder acknowledges that the insurance cover so provided will be available to the Cardholder only as per the terms of the relevant insurance policy in force, and only so long as the Cardholder is and remains a Cardholder of the Bank with his Card Account maintained in good standing. On the card/account being cancelled or withdrawn temporarily or permanently for whatever reason, the benefit of such insurance cover shall automatically and ipso facto cease to be available from such date of cessation of card/account. Further the Cardholder also agrees that even during continuation of his card/account, the Bank may at any time at its sole discretion and with reasonable notice thereof to the Cardholder, suspend, withdraw or cancel the benefit of such insurance cover, and there will no binding obligation on the Bank to continue this benefit. The current insurance benefits offered on your ForexPlus Platinum Card is in association with HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company Ltd.* Policy Number: OMK0011584000100.

The following are the broad Terms and Conditions of the captioned cover: Personal Accident Insurance-
  • This is a death only cover, with a maximum limit of Rs. 5,00,000 valid on any bodily injury resulting in death by Air/Rail/Road accident
  • This death has to be within 12 months of the injury
  • The accidental injury and subsequent death has to be within the validity period of the ForexPlus Platinum Card (live and active card) Loss of Checked Baggage and Personal Documents (Passport Reconstruction Cover)
  • The maximum Baggage Cover is for Rs. 50,000
  • It applies on loss of checked baggage caused by the airline and the liability admitted by the airline
  • The payment under Insurance Cover will be reduced by any sum for which the airline is liable to make the payment
  • Passport Reconstruction Cover applies for actual cost of reconstruction of passport only. Cost of reconstruction on VISA not included
  • Compensation for reasonable and necessary expenses to obtain a duplicate passport. *Insurance company can be subject to change. Card Liability Cover up to Rs. 2,25,000.
23.76The Cardholder may discontinue this facility any time by getting the card hotlisted. However, for the transactions done during the card active period, but posted of the card after the surrender, the Cardholder shall be entirely liable. In case of a dispute on any transaction, Cardholder can notify the Bank and the Bank can raise a chargeback as per regulations of VISA.
23.77The Bank shall be entitled to discontinue this facility at any time by cancelling the card by giving 30 days notice and it shall be deemed to have been received by the Cardholder within 30 days of posting to the Cardholder’s address in India, last notified in writing to the Bank.
23.78The Bank reserves the right to disclose customer information to any court of competent jurisdiction, quasi judicial authorities, law enforcement agencies and any other wing of Central Government or State Government.
23.80The Cardholder agrees to indemnify the Bank against all liabilities, losses, damages and expenses which the Bank may sustain or incur either directly or indirectly as a result of:
23.80.1Negligence/mistake or misconduct of the Cardholder
23.80.2Breach or non-compliance of the Rules/Terms and Conditions relating to the card and the account
23.80.3Fraud or dishonesty relating to any transaction by the Cardholder or his employees/agents
23.80.4ATMs/EDC terminals are machines and errors could occur while in operation. You agree to indemnify the Bank for any such machine/mechanical errors/failures
23.80.5The Cardholder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from any and all consequences arising from the Cardholder not complying with the Exchange Control Regulations of the RBI.
23.82The Cardholder shall be deemed to have unconditionally agreed to and accepted the Terms of these Terms and Conditions by signing the card application form acknowledging the receipt of the card in writing, by signing the reverse of the card, by performing a transaction with the card or by usage of the card.
23.83.The Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benefits offered on the card and alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and may notify the Cardholder of any such alterations in any manner it thinks appropriate. The Cardholder will be bound by such alteration unless the card is returned to the Bank for cancellation before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.
23.84The Bank may introduce new services from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be notified to the Cardholder as and when they become available. The changed Terms and Conditions applicable to the new services shall be communicated to the Cardholder. By using these new services, the Cardholder agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions applicable.
23.85These Terms form the contract between the Cardholder and the Bank. By applying for the card and
accessing the services the Cardholder acknowledges and accepts these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions will not be in addition to and not in derogation of the Terms and Conditions relating to any account to the customer.
23.87These Terms and Conditions and/or the operations in the accounts of the customer maintained by the Bank and/or the use of the services provided through the card shall be governed by laws of the Republic of India and no other nation. The Customer and the Bank agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts located in Mumbai, India as regards any claims or matters arising under these Terms and Conditions. The Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than the Republic of India. The mere fact that the card can be accessed by a customer in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern these Terms and Conditions and/or the operations in the Card Account of the customer and/or the use of the card.
In this document the following words and phrases have the meaning opposite them unless the context indicates below:
24.1Bank refers to HDFC Bank Limited, a banking company incorporated in India under the Companies Act 1956 and having its registered office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013, India and includes its successors and assigns
24.2Card refers to HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card, issued to the customer by HDFC Bank in association with VISA/MasterCard International.
24.3Cardholder refers to a customer of the Bank authorised to use the card..
24.4EDC terminal shall mean point of sale electronic data capture capable of handling card transactions i.e., electronic draft capture (EDC) terminal, printers, other peripherals and accessories, including PIN (defined hereunder) pads and necessary software to run the devices and which processes the
transaction at the Merchant Establishment abroad (except India, Nepal & Bhutan).
24.5International Transactions refer to the transactions entered into by the cardholder on his card outside India, Nepal and Bhutan.
24.6Merchant means any person who owns or manages or operates a service establishment wherever located which honours the card and includes amongst others stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, airline organisations, ATMs advertised by the Bank, VISA/MasterCard or the Merchant.
24.7Merchant Establishments shall mean establishments wherever located which honours a VISA/MasterCard and shall include among others, stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, airline organisations advertised as honouring the VISA/MasterCard.
24.8Terms refer to Terms and Conditions for use of the card as specified in this document
24.9Transactions mean any instructions given by a cardholder using a card directly or indirectly to the Bank to effect a transaction.
24.10VISA/MasterCard shall mean mark owned by VISA/MasterCard International.
24.11VISA/MasterCard / PLUS ATM Network shall mean ATMs wherever located which honour the VISA/MasterCard and displaying the VISA/MasterCard / PLUS symbols.
24.12In the document, all reference to the cardholder being referred in masculine gender will also include the feminine gender.
24.13Transaction: Transaction includes cash withdrawals, payment for purchases made / services availed at Merchant Establishments, availing other services by utilising the card at ATMs and / or Merchant Establishments.
24.14Personal Identification Number (PIN / IPIN): The Bank will allot to the cardholder a PIN / IPIN to be used for cash withdrawals and balance inquiry at ATMs and permitted transactions on the Net. The cardholder shall be responsible to maintain the confidentiality of the PIN / IPIN. The Bank bears no liability for unauthorised use of the card.
Note:As per the Finance Bill 2020, w.e.f. October 1, 2020 all the Authorized Dealers (AD) are mandated to collect Tax Collected at Source (TCS) on all Forex drawals which is also applicable for Forex Card Load/ Reload transactions.  Rate of TCS will be 5% for all the travel purposes except for Education where the rate is 0.5% if funding is coming from education loan availed from notified list of financial institutions. The applicable TCS (if any) will be recovered by debit to your your account / Debit card / Credit Card . You are requested to maintain sufficient balance. 
24.16The issue and use of the card shall be subject to the RBI’s regulations in force from time to time.
24.17Utilisation of the card shall be in strict accordance with the Exchange Control Regulations of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). In the event of non-compliance by the cardholder with the same, the cardholder shall be liable for action under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and any other Law and / or regulation in force from time to time relating to Foreign Exchange. The cardholder may be debarred from holding the card, either at the instance of the Bank or the RBI. The card cannot be used for making payment towards foreign currency transactions in India, Nepal and Bhutan i.e., while using the card in Nepal and Bhutan, the currency of the transactions should be the local currency of those countries or in Indian rupees. In case the card is cancelled, whether on account of non-compliance with Exchange Control Regulations or otherwise, the Bank will not be responsible for any attempted usage of the card, whether in India or abroad, resulting in the card being dishonored and the concerned Merchant would be entitled to pick up a cancelled card on presentation.
24.18The card may be used, within the foreign entitlements as stipulated by RBI from time to time, by cardholders going abroad for all bonafide personal expenses for personal use provided, the total exchange drawn during the trip abroad does not exceed the entitlement. Import of goods so purchased abroad into India, would be governed by the baggage rules / EXIM policy in force. The entitlement of exchange should be ascertained (prior to the trip) from the authorised dealer branches of the Bank. The card cannot be used for effecting remittances for which the release of exchange is not permissible under the regulations.
24.20The card is valid abroad.
24.21The card is not valid for payments in India, Nepal and Bhutan.
24.22The card is valid up to the last working day of the month indicated. It can be re-issued on request.
24.23The card is acceptable at any of the following:
  • Any ATM of banks which are members of VISA/MasterCard / PLUS ATM network abroad
  • Any VISA/MasterCard merchant outlet abroad
24.25The cardholder shall at all times ensure that the card is kept at a safe place. The cardholder shall under no circumstance whatsoever allow the card to be used by any other individual. The cardholder will sign the card immediately upon receipt.
24.26The cardholder will be responsible for all facilities granted by the Bank in respect to the card and for all related charges for use of the card.
24.27In case the cardholder has any dispute with respect to any charge indicated in the statement, the cardholder shall advise details to the Bank within 30 days of the statement date failing which, it will be construed that all charges are acceptable and in order.
24.29If a card is lost or stolen, the cardholder must file a report with the local police and send a copy thereafter to the Bank. The cardholder will be liable for all the charges incurred on the card until the card is hotlisted. In case of an unsigned card, the cardholder will be liable for all charges incurred on it. The cardholder may report a card loss over the telephone to the Bank. The Bank upon adequate verification will suspend the card and will not be liable for any inconvenience caused to the cardholder on this account. The Bank will hotlist / cancel the card during working hours on a working day following the receipt of such intimation. Other channels for hotlisting may be offered to the cardholder
as and when the service is launched.
24.30If the cardholder loses his card overseas, he may either follow the above procedure or may report the loss through the VISA/MasterCard Global Emergency Assistance helplines. In case the cardholder uses the VISA/MasterCard Global Emergency Assistance services, then the charges for usage of such services shall be borne by the cardholder
24.31The cardholder shall take cognizance of the fact that once a card is reported lost, stolen or damaged and is subsequently found, the same shall be promptly cut in half and adequate care would be taken to prevent its misuse.
24.32The cardholder is responsible for the security of the card and shall take all steps towards ensuring the safe keeping thereof. In the event the Bank determines that the aforementioned steps are questionable, financial liability on the lost or stolen card would rest with cardholder.
24.33Replacement card may be issued by the Bank provided that the cardholder has in all respects complied with the terms and conditions pertaining to the same.
24.35The card is operable with the help of a confidential PIN at ATM locations. The cardholder’s PIN is given to him at the time of purchase of the card and the cardholder shall ensure that the same is received in a sealed envelope. The PIN should never be disclosed to any person or written down where any other person may discover it. Any such disclosure or inadequate protection of the confidentiality of the PIN is entirely at the cardholder’s risk. All transactions conducted with use of the PIN will be the cardholder’s responsibility and he will abide by the record of the transaction as generated.
24.36The card is acceptable at any VISA/MasterCard / PLUS ATM network belonging to institutions abroad. The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the cardholder may have with the other institutions including but not limited to such services. The Bank is not responsible for the charges levied by the ATM network for such services. Should the cardholder have any complaints concerning any PLUS ATM network establishment, the matter should be resolved by the cardholder with the establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.
24.37There will be separate service charges levied for facilities that will be announced by the Bank from time to time and deducted from the card account. In the situation that the card account does not have sufficient funds to deduct such service charges, the Bank reserves the right to deny such transactions and the decision of the Bank shall be binding on the cardholder. The Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of denial of transactions. The Bank shall have the right to set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, at present or in future on deposits held in the cardholder's accounts whether in single name or joint name(s), to the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a result of the services extended by the Bank.
24.38There are countries where the ATM service provider charges for its ATM usage. This cannot be controlled by HDFC Bank and hence if a pop-up message comes on an ATM, specifying a service charge for the service, please do not use the ATM, as these charges cannot be recovered.
24.40The card is acceptable at all electronic Merchant Establishments abroad which display the VISA/MasterCard logo.
24.41The card is for electronic use only and will be acceptable only at Merchant Establishments, which have an EDC terminal. Electronic usage is construed as the chargeslip / transaction slip is printed electronically from the EDC terminal.
24.42The card is operable with the help of the cardholder’s signature at EDC terminals installed at Merchant Establishments.
24.43Transactions are deemed authorised and completed once the EDC terminal generates a sales slip. The amount of the transaction is debited from the primary account linked to the card immediately. The cardholder should ensure the card is used only once at the merchant location for every purchase. The
sales slip will be printed each time the card is used and the cardholder should ensure that there is no multiple usage of card at the Merchant location at the time of purchase.
24.44The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the cardholder may have with the Merchant Establishment including but not limited to the supply of goods and services. Should the cardholder have any complaints concerning any VISA/MasterCard Merchant Establishment, the matter should be resolved by the cardholder with the Merchant Establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.
24.45The Bank accepts no responsibility for any surcharge levied by any Merchant Establishment / ATM and debited to the card account with the transaction amount.
24.46The cardholder must sign a sales slip whenever the card is used at a Merchant Establishment and should retain his copy. The Bank at an additional charge may furnish copies of the sales slip. Any sales slip not personally signed by the cardholder, but which can be proved, as being authorised by the cardholder, will be binding on the cardholder.
24.47Any charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant Establishment by the Bank for payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded on such requisition, was properly incurred at the Merchant Establishment in the amount and by the cardholder referred to in that charge or other requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the card except where the card has been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused, the burden of proof for which shall be on the cardholder.
24.48In case, a merchant wishes to cancel a completed transaction due to an error or on account of merchandise return, the earlier sales receipt must be cancelled by the merchant and a copy of the cancelled receipt must be retained in his possession. Reveal / refunds of debits due to such a transaction will be processed manually and the cancelled sales slip needs to be produced, if called for.
24.49All refunds and adjustments due to any merchant / device error or communication link will be processed manually and the account will be credited after due verification and in accordance with VISA/MasterCard rules and regulations as applicable. The cardholder agrees that any debits received during this time will be honoured only based on the available balance in the account(s) without considering this refund. The cardholder also indemnifies the Bank from such acts of dishonoring the payment instructions.
24.50The card is not to be used at the hotels during check-in and also at other locations where paying arrangement is done before completion of the purchase transaction or service.
24.51The usage of the card for any mail order / phone order / internet purchases will be made available when the service is launched by the Bank.
24.52Quality of goods and services: The Bank shall not be in any way responsible for merchandise, warranty or services purchased or availed by cardholder from Merchant Establishments including on account of delay in delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of goods or receipt of defective goods from the order placed by the cardholder. It must be distinctly understood that the card facility is purely a facility to the cardholder to purchase goods or avail of services and the Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, delivery or otherwise howsoever regarding the goods or services, and any dispute must be resolved by the cardholder with the Merchant Establishment.
24.54The Bank will debit the card account for the value of all purchases of goods or services, cash, fees, charges and payments effected by the use of the card (‘Transaction’). All transactions will be reflected in the statement of the card account, which are linked to the card. Such statements shall be mailed to
the cardholder at the end of the month in which card has been used for transaction to the mailing addresses indicated at the time of purchasing the card.
24.55The cardholder agrees the Bank’s record of transaction relating to his card(s) is authentic and conclusive.
24.56The cardholder is advised to retain a record of transactions generated by the ATM / EDC terminal at Merchant Establishments with him.
24.57The cardholder agrees not to attempt to withdraw / purchase using the card unless sufficient funds are available in the account. The onus of ensuring adequate card balances is entirely on him.
24.58In the event of an account being overdrawn due to card transactions, the Bank reserves the right to set off this amount against any credit lying in any of the cardholder’s other accounts held jointly or singly with reasonable notice to the cardholder.
24.59Nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect the Bank’s right to set-off transfer and application for monies at law or pursuant to another agreement from time to time subsisting between the Bank and cardholder.
24.61The use of the card is allowed for the purposes as per the Exchange Control Regulations of RBI.
24.62As per RBI guidelines, in case the amount on account of use of the card during visits abroad exceed the cardholder’s foreign exchange entitlements, the cardholder should provide documentary evidence for the usage of foreign exchange utilised. The Bank is authorised to report the matter to the regional
office of the Exchange Control department giving full details.
24.64A sales slip with the signature of the cardholder together with the card number noted thereon, shall be conclusive evidence as between the Bank and the cardholder as to the extent of liability incurred by the cardholder and the Bank shall not be required to ensure that the cardholder has duly received the
goods purchased / to be purchased or has duly received the service availed or to be availed to the cardholder’s satisfaction.
24.65The Bank shall make bonafide and reasonable efforts to resolve an aggrieved cardholder’s disagreement with applicable charge indicated in the statement within timelines stipulated as per VISA/MasterCard guidelines. If after such effort, the Bank determines that the charge indicated is correct then it shall communicate the same to the cardholder along with details including a copy of the sales slip or payment requisition.
24.66The Bank accepts no responsibility for refusal by any establishment to honour the card.
24.68Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the applicant in respect to any loss or damage arising, directly or indirectly out of:
  • Any defect in goods or services supplied.
  • The refusal of any person to honour or accept a card.
  • The malfunction of any computer terminal.
  • Effecting transaction instruction other than by a cardholder.
  • Any statement made by any person requesting the return of the card orany act performed by any person in conjunction.
  • Handing over of the card by the cardholder to anybody other than
    the designated employees of the Bank at the Bank’s premises.
  • The exercise by the Bank of its rights to demand and procure the surrender of the card prior to the expiry date exposed on its face, whether such demand and surrender made and / or procured by the Bank or by any person or computer terminal.
  • The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any card.
  • Any injury to the credit character and reputation of the applicant alleged to have been caused by the re-possession of the card and / or, any request for its return or the refusal of any Merchant Establishment to honour or accept the card.
  • Any mis-statement, mis-representation, error or omission in any details disclosed by the Bank.
  • Decline of a charge because of excess foreign exchange entitlements as prescribed by RBI guidelines issued from time to time, or the bank becoming aware of the cardholder exceeding his entitlements.
  • Decline of transaction due to any reason at a merchant location / ATM.
24.70The cardholder specifically acknowledges that the Bank will not be liable in any manner whatsoever by virtue of any insurance cover provided, and that the insurance company will be solely liable for compensation if any, in case of a death of a cardholder and / or loss of baggage and / or loss of passport and shall not hold the Bank responsible for any matter arising out of or in
connection with such insurance cover, whether for or in respect to any deficiency or defect in such insurance cover, recovery or payment of compensation, processing or settlement of claims or otherwise howsoever, and all such matters shall be addressed to and sorted out directly with the Insurance company.
24.71The cardholder acknowledges that the insurance cover so provided will be available to the cardholder only as per the terms of the relevant insurance policy in force, and only so long as the cardholder is and remains a cardholder of the Bank with his card being active. On the card / account being cancelled or withdrawn temporarily or permanently for whatever reason, the benefit of such insurance cover shall automatically and ipso facto cease to be available from such date of cessation of card / account. Further the cardholder also agrees that even during continuation of his card / account, the Bank may at any time at its sole discretion and with reasonable notice thereof to the cardholder or assigning any reason thereof suspend, withdraw or cancel the benefit of such insurance cover and there will no binding obligation on the bank to continue this benefit. The current insurance benefit offered on your ForexPlus Card is in association with HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company Limited.
24.72The following are the broad Terms and Conditions of the captioned cover:
  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • - This is a death only cover, with a maximum limit of Rs. 2,00,000 valid on any bodily injury resulting in death by Air / Rail / Road accident
    - The death to be within 12 months of injury
    - The accident injury and subsequent death has to be within the validity period of the ForexPlus Card (Live and Active card)

  • Loss of Checked Baggage Cover
  • - The maximum cover is for Rs. 20,000 
    - It applies to loss of checked baggage caused by the airline and the liability admitted by the airline 
    - The payment under insurance cover will be reduced by any sum for which the airline is liable to make the payment

  • Passport Reconstruction Cover
  • - Actual cost of reconstruction of passport only. Cost of reconstruction on VISA/MasterCard not included
    - Compensation for reasonable and necessary expenses to obtain a duplicate passport 
    – Insurance company can be subject to change.
24.74The cardholder may discontinue this facility any time by getting the card hotlisted. However, for the transactions done during the card active period, but posted of the card after the surrender, the cardholder shall be entirely liable. In case of a dispute on any transaction, cardholder can notify the Bank and the Bank can raise a chargeback as per regulations of VISA/MasterCard.
24.75The Bank shall be entitled to discontinue this facility at any time by canceling the card by giving 30 days notice and shall be deemed to have received by the cardholder within 30 days of posting to the cardholders’ address in India last notified in writing to the Bank.
24.76The Bank reserves the right to disclose customer information to any court of competent jurisdiction, quasi-judicial authorities, law enforcement agencies and any other wing of Central Government or State Government.
24.77The Bank may also restrict, terminate or suspend the use of the card at any time without prior notice if the Bank reasonably believes it necessary for business or security reasons.
24.79The cardholder agrees to indemnify the Bank against all liabilities, losses, damages and expenses which the Bank may sustain or incur either directly or indirectly as a result of:
  • Negligence / mistake or misconduct of the cardholder.
  • Breach or non-compliance of the rules / terms and conditions relating to the card and the account.
  • Fraud or dishonesty relating to any transaction by the cardholder or hisemployees / agents.
  • ATMs / EDC terminals are machines and errors could occur while in operation. You agree to indemnify the Bank for any such machine / mechanical errors / failures.
  • The cardholder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from any and all consequences arising from the cardholder not complying with the Exchange
    Control Regulations of the RBI.
24.81The cardholder shall be deemed to have unconditionally agreed to and accepted the terms of these terms and conditions by signing the card application form acknowledging the receipt of the card in writing, by signing the reverse of the card or by performing a transaction with the card.
24.82The Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benefits offered on the card and alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and may notify the cardholder of any such alteration in any manner it thinks appropriate. The cardholder will be bound by such alteration unless the card is hotlisted / cancelled before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.
24.83The Bank may introduce new services from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be notified to the cardholder as and when they become available. The changed Terms and Conditions applicable to the new services shall be communicated to the cardholder. By using these
new services, the cardholder agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions applicable.
24.84These terms form the contract between the cardholder and the Bank. By applying for the card and accessing the service the cardholder acknowledges and accepts these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions will be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms and conditions relating to any account of the customer.
24.86These terms and conditions and / or the operations in the accounts of the customer maintained by the Bank and / or the use of the services provided through the card shall be governed by laws of the Republic of India and no other nation. The Customer and the Bank agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts located in Mumbai, India as regards to any claim or matters arising under these terms and conditions. The Banks accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than the Republic of India. The mere fact that the card can be accessed by a Customer in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern these terms and conditions and / or the operations in the card account of the Customer and / or the use of the card.
24.88I understand that the Alert facility offered by HDFC Bank limited (“the bank”) will enable me to receive customised Alert messages through the Short messaging service(SMS) over my mobile phone as chosen by me and informed by the bank with respect to events and transactions on my card. I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions relating to the Alert Service being offered by the bank. If this application form is accepted, I shall be bound by the said terms and conditions as in force, and as may be amended by the Bank from time to time and use of Alert Facility will be deemed to be acceptance of those terms and conditions. I certify the details furnished in this Application Form are correct and I give my consent to receive such information under this alert facility. I shall advice the
Bank, in case of any change in any of the above details and information required and demanded by the bank, from time to time for providing the facility. I authorise the Bank to recover all changes related to the alert facility from time to time. 
Signature of the HDFC Bank ForexPlus Cardholder
Date.......... Place..............
24.901. Definitions: in these Terms and conditions, the following meanings: “Alerts” or “Facility” mean the customised messages based on Triggers, sent as Short Messaging Service “(SMS)” over mobile phone to the cardholder: “Bank” means all HDFC Bank branches in India; “Card” means the HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card issued to cardholder; “Cardholder” means the person who holds the HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card; “CSP” means the cellular service provider through whom the cardholder or the Bank receives the mobile services; “Triggers” means the trigger set or placed by the Bank with its systems with respect to specific events/transactions relating to the cardholder’s Card, to enable the Bank to send
the corresponding Alerts to the cardholder. Words referring the masculine includes the feminine and vice versa.
24.912. Availability
2.1) Cardholder has requested for this facility which Bank at its sole discretion may discontinue at any time after providing 30 days prior information through its website or any legally recognised medium of communication i.e. The facility is available to all ForexPlus Cardholders who have registered for this service.
2.2) The Alerts will be sent to the cardholder within the cellular circles of the CSPs. Or in circles forming part of the roaming GSM network agreement between such CSPs.
2.3) The Bank may, wherever feasible extend the Facilities to other cellular circles as well as to subscribers of other cellular telephone service providers as will be notified by the Bank, from time to time. 
2.4) The charges, if any, levied by the CSP for text messaging will be to the account of the cardholder. 2.5) Alert will not be initiated by the bank if Card has not been hotlisted. 
2.6) The cardholder assumes full responsibility for the security and confidentiality of his/her mobile phone number shared with the bank for the alerts delivery.

3Registration Process:
To receive Alerts, the cardholder should submit the duly completed ‘Alerts registration Form’ at any of the Bank’s branches/locations. The cardholder acknowledges that the bank may, at its discretion from time to time change the features of any alert, the cardholder will be solely responsible for keeping himself updated of the available alerts. Which shall, on best effort basis, be notified by the bank through its website or through any legal recognized medium of communication.

4Receiving Alert: 
4.1) The cardholder acknowledges to receive alerts, his mobile phone must be in an “on” mode. If the cardholder’s mobile phone is kept on “off” mode for a specified period from the time of delivery of an alert message from the bank that a particular alert has not been received by the card holder.

The cardholder is solely responsible for intimating in writing to the bank any change in his mobile number. The bank will send Alerts only to the registered mobile number.

Alerts will be processed by the bank after receipt of transaction instruction and the processing time will be deduced by the Bank, in its sole discretion. The alerts provided by the bank on the mobile on any particular day, can have a certain time lag. The cardholder acknowledges that the facility is dependent on the infrastructure, connectivity and service provided by the CSP’s. The Cardholder accepts that timeliness, accuracy and readability of alerts sent by the bank will depend on the factors affecting the CSP’s and other service providers. The bank shall not be liable for non delivery or delayed deliveries of alerts, error, loss or distortion in transmission of alerts to the cardholder.

5Withdrawal or Termination
5.1) The bank may in its discretion, withdraw temporarily or terminate the facility, either wholly or in part, at any time with prior notice of 30 days.

5.2) Notwithstanding the terms laid down in clause 5.1 above, the cardholder for any reason whatsoever can terminate this agreement at any time upon prior written notice.

6. Fees
6.1) The service is currently free.

6.2) The cardholder shall be liable for payment of such airtime or other charges which may be levied by the CSP in connection with the receiving of Alerts, which may be levied by the CSP as per the Terms and conditions of CSP and the Bank is in no way concerned with the same.

7. Disclaimer
7.1) The bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the cardholder in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of: (a) Any unauthorized use of the cardholder’s mobile phone number: (b) Error default delay or inability of the Bank to act all or any of the alert., (c) Less of any information/ instructions/alerts in transmission. (d) Unauthorized access by any other person to any information given by the cardholder or breach of confidentially:

7.2) The Bank shall not be concerned with any dispute that may arise between the cardholder and the CSP and makes no representation or gives no warranty with respect to quality of service provided by the CSP or guarantee of timely delivery or accuracy of the contents of each alert.

The cardholder accepts that all Alerts will be transmitted to/or stored at various locations and be accessed by personnel of the bank (and its affiliates/agents). The bank is authorized to provide any information or details relating to the cardholder or his card to the CSPs or any service providers so far as is necessary to give effect to the alert.

9. Miscellaneous:
The above terms and conditions are in addition to the terms and conditions applicable to the HDFC Bank ForexPlus Card agreed to by the cardholder. All Disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts in Mumbai only. Nothing expressed or implied shall in any way waive or armed any terms and conditions to the existing Terms and Conditions agreement with the HDFC bank.

As part of various ongoing tax and regulatory developments around the globe (e.g. FATCA), financial institutions such as HDFC Bank are being cast with additional investor and counterparty account related due diligence requirements.? Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is an U.S. tax initiative that requires all financial institutions to report information to the relevant tax authorities about US accounts or accounts of certain entities in which U.S. persons hold a substantial ownership interest. Similar initiatives are taking place at the behest of many other countries.

HDFC Bank is taking appropriate measures in order to become FATCA compliant, with effect from 1 July, 2014 subject to local regulations. It would also have to comply with other similar laws, going forward. Towards compliance with FATCA and similar laws, we would be required to seek additional personal, tax and beneficial owner information and certain certifications and documentation from our investors and counterparties. Such information may be sought either at the time of account opening or any time subsequently. 

The onus to provide accurate, adequate and timely inputs in this regard would be that of the accountholder or counterparty. In this regard, any change in the status or information or certification previously provided should also be intimated to HDFC Bank within 30 days. In the appropriate cases and also especially in case of any omission, delay or failure in providing such information, we would/ may be constrained to report relevant information pertaining to the account to domestic or foreign tax authorities. 

For the purposes of such regulations, we may also be required to provide information to any institutions such as withholding agents for the purpose of ensuring appropriate withholding from the account or any proceeds in relation thereto. As may be required by domestic or overseas regulators/ tax authorities, we may also be constrained to withhold and pay out any sums from your account or close or suspend your account(s).

We will be unable to provide advice you about any tax status or FATCA classification relevant to your account. It is your responsibility to ensure that you record your correct tax status/ FATCA classification. You may seek advice from your tax advisor in this regard. 

Please note that you may receive more than one request for information if you have multiple relationships with different members of the HDFC Group. Therefore, it is important that you respond to our request, even if you believe you have already supplied any previously requested information.


In this document the following words and phrases have the meaning set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise:

1. 'Bank' refers to HDFC Bank Limited, a banking company incorporated in India under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its Registered Office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013, India and includes its successors and assigns.

2. 'Card' refers to HDFC Bank Multicurrency ForexPlus Card, issued to the customer by HDFC Bank in association with Visa/MasterCard.

3. 'Cardholder' refers to a customer of the Bank authorised to use the card.

4. 'EDC Terminal' shall mean Point-of-Sale electronic data capture capable of handling card transactions i.e., Electronic Draft Capture (EDC) terminal, printers, other peripherals and accessories, including ATM PIN (defined hereunder), pads and necessary software to run the devices and which processes the transaction at the merchant Establishments abroad (except India, Nepal and Bhutan).

5. 'International Transactions' refer to the transactions entered into by the Cardholder on his card outside India, Nepal and Bhutan.

6. 'Merchant' means any entity that owns or manages or operates Merchant Establishment.

7. 'Merchant Establishments' shall mean establishments or facility, wherever located or registered, which honours the Card and shall include among others, stores, shops, restaurants, hotels, airline organisations, e-commerce websites, advertised as honouring the Visa/MasterCard.

8. 'Terms' refer to Terms and Conditions for use of the card as specified in this document.

9. 'Transactions' mean any instruction given by a Cardholder using a card directly or indirectly to the Bank to effect a transaction.

10. 'VISA' shall mean mark owned by VISA International.

11. 'MasterCard' shall mean mark owned by MasterCard Incorporated or MasterCard Worldwide. 

12. 'VISA/PLUS/MasterCard ATM network' shall mean ATMs, wherever located, which honour the VISA/MasterCard and display the VISA/PLUS/MasterCard symbols.

13. In the document, all references to the Cardholder being referred in masculine gender will also include the feminine gender.

14. Transaction: Transaction includes cash withdrawals, payment for purchases made/services availed at Merchant Establishments, availing other services by utilising the card at ATMs and/or Merchant Establishments.

15. Personal Identification Number (PIN): The Bank will allot to the Cardholder a PIN to be used for cash withdrawals and balance enquiry at ATMs The Cardholder shall be entitled, using the Net Banking facilities, in accordance with the provisions herein, to change the ATM PIN. The Cardholder shall be responsible to maintain the confidentiality of the ATM PIN/IPIN. The Bank bears no liability for unauthorized use of the card.

​​​​​​​16. As per the Finance Bill 2020, w.e.f. October 1, 2020 all the Authorized Dealers (AD) are mandated to collect Tax Collected at Source (TCS) on all Forex drawals which is also applicable for Forex Card Load/ Reload transactions.  Rate of TCS will be 5% for all the travel purposes except for Education where the rate is 0.5% if funding is coming from education loan availed from notified list of financial institutions. The applicable TCS (if any) will be recovered by debit to your your account / Debit card / Credit Card . You are requested to maintain sufficient balance. ​​​​​​​

2Eligibility, Manner of Applying / Obtaining & Conditions of Issue of the Card:

1. Any Indian National may apply for the issuance of the Card through any branch /representative of the Bank or select money changers in India as determined by the Bank, from time to time.

2. The applicant for the Card will be required to complete and submit a duly signed application form as required by the Bank and further submit all such documents as may be necessary or required by the Bank. 

3. The Card, as may be issued by the Bank to an applicant, shall remain the property of the Bank and shall not be transferable and will be honoured at Merchant Establishments only when the Card bears the signature of the Cardholder on the reverse and upon presentment at a Merchant Establishment by the Cardholder.

4. The issuance of the Card is subject to compliance by the card applicant of the provisions of applicable laws (including Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999), rules, regulations and directions as issued by the Reserve Bank of India or other authority under any law in force from time to time.
3Applicability of Rules and Regulations:
5. The issuance and use of the Card is subject to compliance by the Cardholder of the provisions of applicable laws (including the Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999), rules, regulations and directions as issued by the Reserve Bank of India or other appropriate authority under any law in force from time to time.

6. Utilization of the card shall be in strict accordance with the exchange control Regulations of the RBI. In the event of non-compliance by Cardholder with same, the Bank shall be entitled, either at its discretion, or at the instance of the RBI to debar the Cardholder from holding the card, and cancel and withdraw the card, and the cardholder shall also be liable for action under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and any other Law and/or regulation in force from time to time, relating to the regulation of foreign exchange.

7. The card cannot be used for making payment towards foreign currency transactions in India, Nepal and Bhutan i.e., while using the card in Nepal and Bhutan, the currency of the transactions should be the local currency of those countries or in Indian Rupees. In case the card is cancelled, whether on account of non-compliance with Exchange Control Regulation or otherwise, the Bank will not be responsible for any attempted usage of the card, whether in India or abroad, resulting in the card being dishonoured and the concerned Merchant would be entitled to pick up a cancelled card on presentation.

8. The card may be used within the foreign entitlements as stipulated by RBI from time to time, by Cardholders going abroad for all bona fide personal expenses provided, the total exchange drawn during the trip abroad does not exceed the entitlement. Import of goods so purchased abroad into India, would be governed by the baggage Rules/EXIM policy in force at the relevant time. The entitlement of exchange should be ascertained (prior to the trip) from the authorised dealer branches of the Bank. The card cannot be used for effecting remittances, for which the release of exchange is not permissible under the extant regulations. Bank does not permit any payments /transactions using the card on Merchants registered in India, Nepal and Bhutan.

9. The Cardholder shall be solely responsible to the concerned authorities in event of any violation of the applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time. The Bank will not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage, arising from or related to the non-compliance by Cardholder with the applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time.

10. The Cardholder hereby indemnifies and agrees to hold the Bank indemnified against all actions, claims and costs, charges and expenses arising out of or as a Consequence of the Cardholder not complying with the applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time.

11. In case the Card is cancelled (or its use suspended, whether on account of noncompliance with the applicable laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time or otherwise) the Bank will not be responsible for any use/attempted use of the Card, resulting in the Card being dishonoured or otherwise. The risk of dishonouring of a Card that is cancelled (and/or suspended) on its presentment is of such person and/or of the Cardholder in their individual capacity. 
12. The card is valid outside India, Nepal and Bhutan. The card is not valid for payments in foreign currency in India, Nepal and Bhutan. The Card however shall not be valid for payments to Merchants registered in India, Nepal and Bhutan.

13. The card is valid up to the last day of the month in the year of expiry of the card, which is indicated on the card. Upon expiry of the Card, the Cardholder shall destroy the card by cutting it in half diagonally.

14. The card is acceptable at any ATM of banks which are members of VISA/PLUS/MasterCard ATM network abroad and any Merchant Establishment outlet abroad.

15. The acceptance of VISA/MasterCard cards is guided by VISA/MasterCard International and information about the same is available on its website. Cardholders are expected to check the acceptance of the VISA/MasterCard Multicurrency ForexPlus Card in the Countries/Cities where they wish to use the Card. The Bank is not responsible for acceptance/non-acceptance of the HDFC Bank Multicurrency ForexPlus Card at a merchant establishment or an ATM in any country.

16. Use of the Card at any unauthorised location or for any purpose, other than as stated under these Terms and Conditions is strictly prohibited and may result in consequences, including but not limited to cancellation of the Card by the Bank. 
5Currency of the Card:

17. The bank offers 23 currencies as part of its bouquet on Multicurrency ForexPlus Card. However; the bank reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to increase or decrease the number of currencies available, without notice.

18. The Cardholder, or any other person duly authorised, shall have the option, to load value on the Card in any one or more of these currencies (each such balance of Currencies hereinafter referred to as a "Currency Wallet").

19. The Card, and any Currency Wallet thereof, may be loaded and/or reloaded with foreign exchange during its validity period by the Cardholder, or any other person duly authorised, giving a load instruction in the format as required by the Bank from time to time.

20. Instructions once given shall be final and binding on the Cardholder and the Cardholder shall not be entitled to cancel or modify the same without the consent of the Bank. Without prejudice to the above, any loss arising out of any cancellation or modification of instructions shall be borne by the Cardholder.

21. In the event of any use of the Card abroad, or any charge that is levied on the Card, the deductions to the amounts for such purpose shall happen in the following order:

a. First, in case the use/charge is in a specific currency, the amount shall be deducted from the balance available in the corresponding Currency Wallet of that Currency;
b. In the event that no Currency Wallet has been created for that currency, or there is Insufficient balance in the relevant Currency Wallet, amounts would be deducted from the Currency Wallet denominated in United States Dollars (USD);
c. In the event that no Currency Wallet has been created for USD, or there is insufficient balance in the USD Currency Wallet, the Bank would identify the Currency Wallet with sufficient balance, from which the amounts would be deducted.

22. It is clarified that in case amounts are deducted from a Currency Wallet of a currency, other than the currency relevant to the transaction, the currency exchange rate as determined by the Bank for such conversion of currencies shall be applicable.

23. It is further clarified that in the event that no single Currency Wallet has sufficient balance for a particular transaction by the Cardholder, the Bank shall reject such transaction, notwithstanding that sufficient amount may be available across all the Currency Wallets in aggregate. 

6Prepaid NetBanking facility:

24. At the time of issue of the Card, the Cardholder shall also be issued with the IPIN through which the Cardholder shall be entitled to access the Net Banking services offered ("net Banking") in relation to the Card in all its future transactions.

25. The Cardholder shall also be entitled to transfer balances lying in one Currency Wallet to another Currency Wallet through NetBanking, at the applicable currency exchange rate as determined by the Bank and communicated at the time of such transfer of balances. The Intent/motive of performing the online wallet to wallet transfer should be strictly towards the requirement of the Cardholder to transact in the respective country for performing Point of Sale (POS) / ATM Cash Withdrawal / Ecommerce transactions for personal consumption during the international trip only. Bank reserves the right to block the card permanently in the event of any wallet to wallet transaction performed by the Cardholder towards the intent of making speculative gains and take the advantage of having maximum forex exchange gain and recover any such gains made by card holder by debiting the card.

26. Through the NetBanking service, the Cardholder shall also be entitled to customize ATM PIN that will be required for the Cardholder to access an ATM of banks, which are members of VISA/PLUS/MasterCard ATM network.

27. It is clarified the Cardholder shall be solely responsible for the modification and safekeeping of the ATM PIN/IPIN.

28. The Cardholder understands that any electronic facilities that are being provided are solely for the convenience of the Cardholder. The Cardholder agrees and acknowledges that communication through such electronic modes is subject to interference or modification by result of unauthorised access by third parties and/or loss or modification of communication due to errors in transmission. It is clarified that the Bank shall be entitled to rely on any such communication duly received, and to act upon the same without being required or expected to carry out an independent verification as to the authenticity, validity or correctness of such communication. 

7Cardholder Obligations:

29. The Cardholder shall at all times ensure that the card is kept at a safe place, and that the ATM PIN/IPIN issued by the Bank at the time of issue of the Card are kept secret. The Cardholder shall under no circumstance whatsoever allow the card to be used by any other individual. The Cardholder will sign on the reverse of the card immediately upon receipt.

30. Notwithstanding any security measures that may be implemented by the Bank in respect of the Card, the Bank shall not be responsible for any misuse of the Card by any third person, including by reason of the Cardholder disclosing the activation code or the ATM PIN / IPIN to such person.

31. Personal Identification Number (PIN): The Bank will allot to the Cardholder a PIN to be used for cash withdrawals and balance enquiry at ATMs. The Cardholder shall be entitled, using the NetBanking facilities, in accordance with the provisions herein, to change the ATM PIN. The Cardholder shall be responsible to maintain the confidentiality of the ATM PIN/IPIN. The Bank bears no liability for unauthorized use of the card.

32. The Cardholder will be responsible for all facilities granted by the Bank in respect of the card and for all related charges for use of the card.

33. In case, the Cardholder has any dispute in respect to any charge indicated in the Statement, the Cardholder shall advice details to the Bank within 30 days of the Statement Date, failing which, it will be construed that all charges are acceptable and in order. The Bank may not at its sole discretion accept any disputes on charges older than 30 days.

34. Any amount due and payable by the Cardholder and/or the Corporate/Enterprise to the Bank, if not paid separately, shall be recovered by the Bank from the balance available on the ForexPlus card and/or debit the amounts due from any account held by the Cardholder with HDFC Bank.

35. The Card is not transferable or non-assignable to any other person by the Cardholder under any circumstances.

36. The Cardholder is not entitled to earn any interest in connection with his Funds and these funds do not constitute a deposit by the Cardholder with HDFC Bank. The Card does not entitle the Cardholder to any Overdraft / Credit Facility.

37. You undertake and agree not to use the Card for making payment for any illegal purchases i.e. purchase of items / services not permitted by the RBI as per Foreign Exchange Regulations.
8Lost or Stolen Cards 

38. The Cardholder should inform the Bank at the Bank's Customer Care Centre immediately, if the Cardholder believes that the Card has been lost or stolen or misused.

39. If a card is lost or stolen or misused, the Cardholder must immediately hotlist the card either through the Net Banking access provided or by calling the 24*7 Phone Banking numbers provided. In the event of any unauthorised transactions being made on the Card after such Card has been lost or stolen, the Cardholder should also file a report with the local police and send a copy forthwith thereafter to the Bank. The Cardholder will be liable for all the charges incurred on the card until the card is hot-listed. In case of an unsigned card, the Cardholder will be liable for all charges incurred on it. The Bank upon adequate verification will permanently suspend the card and will not be liable for any inconvenience caused to the Cardholder on this account. The Bank will hotlist/cancel the card immediately on the receipt of such intimation.

40. (a) If the Cardholder loses his card overseas, he may either follow the above procedure or may report the loss through the VISA Global Emergency Assistance help lines. In case the Cardholder uses the VISA Global Emergency Assistance services, then the charges for usage of such services shall be borne by the Cardholder. (b) If the Cardholder loses his card overseas and needs emergency cash, the Cardholder may call VISA Global Customer Assistance Services (GCAS) and place the request for cash requirement. In case, the Cardholder uses the Global Customer Assistance Services, then the charges for usage of such services will be borne and paid by the Cardholder. Emergency cash requests are processed in USD currency by VISA, the cardholder will have to bear all costs related to currency conversion at all stages during the transaction.

41. The Cardholder shall take cognizance of the fact that once a card is reported lost, stolen or damaged and is subsequently found, the same shall be promptly cut in half, returned to the Bank and adequate care taken to prevent its misuse.

42. The Cardholder is responsible for the security of the card and shall take all steps towards ensuring the safe keeping thereof. In the event, the Bank determines that the aforementioned steps are questionable, financial liability on the lost or stolen card would rest with the Cardholder. 

9ATM Usage 

43. The card is operable with the help of a confidential ATM PIN at ATM locations. The ATM PIN should never be disclosed to any person or written down where any other person may discover it. Any such disclosure or inadequate protection of the confidentiality of the ATM PIN is entirely at the Cardholder's risk. All transactions conducted with use of the ATM PIN will be the Cardholder's responsibility and he will abide by the record of the transaction as generated.

44. The card is acceptable at any VISA/PLUS/MasterCard ATM network belonging to institutions abroad. The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the other institutions including but not limited to such services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any VISA/ PLUS/ MasterCard ATM network establishment, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder, and the establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.

45. There will be separate service charges levied for facilities that will be announced by the Bank from time to time, and such charges may be deducted by the Bank from the balances available on the Card. In a situation where the Card does not have sufficient funds to deduct such service charges, the Bank reserves the right to deny such transactions and the decision of the Bank shall be binding on the Cardholder. The Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of denial of transactions. The Bank shall have the right to set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, present or future value of all balances held in the Card or in any Currency Wallet thereto, to the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a result of the services extended by the Bank.

46. HDFC Bank will not be liable for any failure to provide any service or to perform any obligation thereof, under where such failure is attributable (whether directly or indirectly) to any malfunction of the ATM / POS machine or the Card temporarily, insufficiency of funds, any dispute or other circumstance beyond its control.

47. In case of Debits in excess of funds held by the Cardholder, the Cardholder permits the Bank to debit his accounts(s) held with the Bank and / or reimburse the Bank funds towards such excess utilization subsequently on return, in case he does not have any operating account with the Bank.

48. Bank will not be liable for any consequential or indirect loss or damage arising from or related to the loss / issue of the Card and related PIN, howsoever caused.

49. The availability of ATM services in a country other than that in which the Card was issued is governed by the local regulations in force in the said country. Bank shall not be liable if these services are withdrawn without notice thereof. 


50. The Bank may elect to send alerts to the Cardholders in relation to the use/holding of the Card from time to time, using any modes as it may deem fit, including but not limited to E-mail and/or SMS modes. For the purpose of sending such alerts, the Bank shall be entitled to rely on any information provided by the Cardholder in the application form or in any writing thereafter. The Bank may modify or withdraw such alerts facility at any time as it may deem fit.

51. In the event there is any change in your Email ID and / or your mobile number, you need to get the same updated in bank records through NetBanking or by giving a request in writing about such modification(s). HDFC Bank shall not be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused to you in case you do not receive such alert(s) due to any technical reasons at your end or at the respective telecom operator end or for any reason not within the reasonable control of the Bank. 

11Merchant Location Usage: 

52. The card is acceptable at all electronic Merchant Establishments abroad which display the VISA/MasterCard logo. 

53. The card is meant for electronic use only and will be acceptable only at Merchant Establishments that have an EDC terminal, or are honouring the card for online payments through an acceptable payment gateway. The card is acceptable/operable with the help of the Cardholder's signature/ATM PIN at EDC terminals, installed at Merchant Establishments, or with the use of the Card on the relevant websites. Any usage of the card other than electronic use will be considered as unauthorised and the Cardholder will be solely responsible for such transactions. For the purposes of this Paragraph 43, "Electronic usage" shall be construed as transactions processed by the Merchant in online mode and where the charge slip/transaction slip is printed electronically from the EDC terminal, or payments made online through a payment gateway acceptable to the Bank. 

54. Transactions are deemed authorised and completed once the EDC terminal generate sales slip. The amount of transaction is debited from the balances available on the Card immediately. The Cardholder should ensure that the Card is used only once at the Merchant Establishment for every purchase. The sales slip will be printed each time the card is used and the Cardholder should ensure that there is no multiple usage of the card at the Merchant Establishment at the time of each such use.

55. The Bank will not accept responsibility for any dealings the Cardholder may have with the Merchant Establishment including, but not limited to the supply of goods and services. Should the Cardholder have any complaints concerning any Merchant Establishment, the matter should be resolved by the Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment and failure to do so will not relieve him from any obligations to the Bank. However, the Cardholder should notify the Bank of this complaint immediately.

56. The Bank, accepts no responsibility for any surcharge levied by any Merchant Establishment or ATM service providing Bank / ATM Network and debited to the balance on the Card with the transaction amount.

57. The Cardholder must sign a sales slip whenever the card is used at a Merchant Establishment and should retain his copy. The Bank at an additional charge may furnish copies of the sales slip. Any sales slip not personally signed by the Cardholder, but which can be proved, as being authorised by the Cardholder, will be binding on the Cardholder.

58. Any charge or other payment requisition received from a Merchant Establishment by the Bank for payment shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded, on such requisition, was properly incurred at the Merchant Establishment in the amount and by the Cardholder referred to in that charge or other requisition, as the case may be, by the use of the card except where the card has been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused, the burden of proof, for which shall be on the Cardholder.

59. In case, a merchant wishes to cancel a completed transaction due to an error or on account of merchandise return, the earlier sales receipt must be cancelled by the merchant and a copy of the cancelled receipt must be retained in his possession. Reveal/Refunds of debits due to such transaction will be processed manually and the cancelled sales slip needs to be produced, if called for.

60. All refunds and adjustments due to any merchant/device error or communication link will be processed manually and the amount will be credited to the Card after due verification and in accordance with VISA/MasterCard rules and regulations as applicable, and in such currency as determined by the Bank. The Cardholder agrees that any debit received during this time will be honoured, only based on the available balance in the account(s) without considering this refund. The Cardholder also indemnifies the Bank from such acts of dishonouring the payment instructions.

61. The card is not to be used at the hotels during check-in (Pre-Authorization transactions) and also at other locations where paying arrangement is done before completion of the purchase transaction or service.

62. The card should not be used for any Mail Order/Phone Order/Over the Internet purchases and any such usage will be considered as unauthorised and the Cardholder will be solely responsible. Notwithstanding the responsibility of the Cardholder, the Bank shall be entitled to reject such transaction Quality of Goods and Services: The Bank shall not be in any way responsible for merchandise, warranty or services purchased or availed by the Cardholder from Merchant Establishments, including on account of delay in delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of goods or receipt of defective goods from the order placed by the Cardholder. It must be distinctly understood that the card facility is purely a facility to the Cardholder to purchase goods or avail services and the Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, delivery or otherwise howsoever regarding the goods or services, and any dispute must be resolved by Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment.

63.Quality of Goods and Services: The Bank shall not be in any way responsible for merchandise, warranty or services purchased or availed by the Cardholder from Merchant Establishments, including on account of delay in delivery, non-delivery, non-receipt of goods or receipt of defective goods from the order placed by the Cardholder. It must be distinctly understood that the card facility is purely a facility to the Cardholder to purchase goods or avail services and the Bank holds out no warranty or makes no representation about quality, delivery or otherwise howsoever regarding the goods or services, and any dispute must be resolved by Cardholder with the Merchant Establishment

64. A purchase and a subsequent credit for cancellation of goods / services shall be treated as two separate transactions. The refund, if any, so entitled to you will only be credited to your account (less cancellation Charges) as and when it is received from the Merchant. If the credit is not posted to your Card account within 30 days from the day of refund, you must notify HDFC Bank, also with a copy of the credit note / void slip from the merchant or Authorization cancellation letter from the Merchant. i.e. a letter from the Merchant on the letterhead of the merchant stating the following details (Card Number, Transaction Date, Transaction Amount and Authorization Code that needs to be released and the letter should be duly signed by the merchant with the stamp). HDFC Bank accepts no responsibility and / or liability for any delay caused in this regard for any reason whatsoever. 

12Card Usage: 

65. The Bank will debit the balances on the Card, in the manner as provided here in above, for the value of all purchases of goods or services, cash, fees, charges and payments effected by the use of the Card ('Transaction'). All Transactions will be reflected in the Statement of the Card. Such statements shall be mailed to the Cardholder at the end of the month in which the card has been used for transaction, through physical statement sent to registered postal address or through e-mail sent to the registered email address of the cardholder. Further such statements for the last 6 months will also be made available to the Cardholder through the NetBanking facility.

66. The Cardholder agrees that the Bank's record of transactions relating to his card is authentic and conclusive.

67. The Cardholder is advised to retain a record of transactions generated by the ATM/EDC terminals at Merchant Establishments with him.

68. The Cardholder agrees and understands that there can be scenarios when a Multicurrency ForexPlus Card can get over-utilized, resulting in the Bank paying on behalf of the cardholder, and the card getting into a negative balance. The Cardholder agrees and understands and takes responsibility to make good this negative card balance to the bank, as the Bank has paid this sum for the goods / services utilized by the Cardholder. The Cardholder also accepts that the bank reserves the right to regularize negative card balance by debiting my account held with the bank without any prior confirmation from the cardholder.

69. The Cardholder agrees not to attempt to withdraw / purchase using the card unless sufficient funds are available on the card. The onus of ensuring the adequate card balance shall entirely be on the cardholder. 

13Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) facility: 

70. DCC stands for Dynamic Currency Conversion whereas MCC stands for Multiple Currency Conversion.

71. DCC / MCC at ATM / POS gives the cardholder an option to initiate a transaction in the currency of his choice. It also assists the cardholder to know the exact transaction value in the currency selected at the time of transaction.

72. It is not advisable for a Forex Cardholder to opt for DCC/MCC while using Forex card for making payments, since the transaction passes through cross currency conversion twice.

73. In case of first leg of conversion in DCC i.e. conversion from local currency to the currency of choice of the Cardholder, exchange rate is decided by the merchant and communicated to Cardholder at the time of transaction. The bank does not have any role in deciding the exchange rate. 

74. In case of second leg of conversion in DCC i.e. conversion from the currency of choice of Cardholder to the currency available on Forex card, conversion will also attract cross currency transaction charges which will get debited to the Cardholder. 


75. The use of the card is allowed for the purposes as per the applicable foreign exchange control regulations.

76. As per RBI guidelines in case the amount on account of use of the card during visits abroad exceed the Cardholder's foreign exchange entitlements, the Cardholder should provide documentary evidence for the usage of foreign exchange utilised. The Bank is authorised to report the matter to any relevant authorities, in this regard giving full details.

77. As per applicable laws, for every foreign currency transaction the Cardholder should submit a duly completed and signed A2 form and have his passport endorsed for the foreign currency utilised.

78.In case the Cardholder is not contactable or not able to submit the same within the reporting time as specified by RBI, the Cardholder authorises and indemnifies the Bank to fill in and submit the request for purchase of foreign exchange (A2 form) on behalf of the Cardholder. 


79. If the Cardholder has received funds in excess of the loading amount, the Cardholder agrees to promptly pay HDFC Bank any such funds upon such terms and conditions as HDFC Bank may specify. If HDFC Bank has grounds to believe that the Cardholder has received funds in excess of the loading amount requested by the Cardholder, due to any reason whatsoever (including the malfunction of an ATM, POS or other equipment, or HDFC Bank system) HDFC Bank will notify the same to the Cardholder and will deduct the excess funds received by the Cardholder from the loading amount upon such terms and conditions as HDFC Bank may specify. HDFC Bank further reserves the right to recover such excess funds from any account of the Cardholder maintained with itself or any of its group companies, whether such account be a joint account or a sole account or otherwise, or and/or the right to require the Cardholder upon notification to immediately make payment of such excess funds, upon such terms and conditions as HDFC Bank may specify. In the event a demand or claim for settlement of outstanding dues/funds received in excess of loading amount from the Cardholder is made either by HDFC Bank or any person acting on behalf of HDFC Bank, the Cardholder shall pay to HDFC Bank unconditionally the entire amount outstanding on the Card and/or the funds received in excess of the loading amount. Nothing in these terms and conditions shall affect HDFC Bank's right of lien, set-off, transfer and application of monies at law or pursuant to any other agreement from time subsisting between HDFC Bank and Cardholder. 


80. A sales slip with the signature of the Cardholder together with the card number noted there on shall be conclusive evidence as between the Bank and the Cardholder as to the extent of liability incurred by the Cardholder and the Bank shall not be required to ensure that the Cardholder has duly received the goods purchased/to be purchased or has duly received the service availed or to be availed to the Cardholder's satisfaction.

81. The Bank shall make bonafide and reasonable efforts to resolve an aggrieved Cardholder's disagreement with applicable charge indicated in the Statement within Ninety Days of receipt of the notice of disagreement. If after such effort, the Bank determines that the charge indicated is correct then it shall communicate the same to the Cardholder along with details including a copy of the sales slip or payment requisition.

82. The Bank accepts no responsibility for refusal by any Merchant Establishment to honour the card. The Cardholder has to raise a dispute with the bank within 45 days from the date of transaction or attempted ATM Cash Withdrawal towards any unauthorized transactions performed on the card account and shall perform all reasonable efforts towards resolving the disputed transaction by carrying out proper investigation and accordingly raising chargeback with the merchant acquiring bank for the disputed amount. In the event of re-presentment of Chargeback received from the merchant acquiring bank towards the dispute transaction raised, the decision of the merchant acquiring bank shall be final and HDFC Bank shall not be liable for any payment to be made to the Cardholder for the disputed amount. Bank will not accept any disputes raised by the Cardholder post 45 days towards any unauthorized transaction made on the card account, whatsoever.

83. This agreement will be constructed in accordance with and governed by the laws of India. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Mumbai, India only.

84. The Cardholder will be liable for all the costs associated with the collection of dues, legal expenses (should it become necessary to refer the matter to any agent), or where legal resources have been utilised in the resolution of a dispute.
17Exclusion of Liability:

85. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Bank shall be under no liability whatsoever to the applicant in respect of any loss or damage arising, directly or indirectly out of:

a. Any defect in goods or services supplied
b. The refusal of any person to honour or accept a card
c. The malfunction of any POS terminal ATMS resulting in non-acceptance of the card and/or PIN / ATM machine leading to non-disbursement of the cash
d. Effecting transaction instruction by any person other than the Cardholder;
e. Any Statement made by any person requesting the return of the card or any act performed by any person in conjunction;
f. Handing over of the card by the Cardholder to anybody other than the designated employees of the Bank at the Bank's premises;
g. Disclosure to any third party of the activation code, ATM PIN or IPIN;
h. The exercise by the Bank of its rights, demand and procure the surrender of the card prior to the expiry date exposed on its face, whether such demand and surrender made and/or procured by the Bank or by any person or computer terminal;
i. The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any card.
j. Any injury to the credit character and reputation of the applicant alleged to have been caused by the repossession of the card and/or, any request for its return or the refusal of any Merchant Establishment to honour or accept the card;
k. Any misstatement, misrepresentation, error or omission in any details disclosed by the Bank;
l. Decline of a transaction because of the Cardholder exceeding its foreign exchange entitlements as prescribed by RBI guidelines issued from time to time, or the Bank becoming aware of the Cardholder exceeding his entitlements; and
m. Decline of transaction due to any reason at a Merchant location/ATM
18Insurance Benefits:

86. The Cardholder specifically acknowledges that the Bank will not be liable in any manner whatsoever by virtue of any insurance cover provided, and that the insurance company will be solely liable for compensation if any, in case of the death of a Cardholder and/or loss of baggage and/or loss of passport and shall not hold the Bank responsible for any matter arising out of or in connection with such insurance cover, whether for or in respect of any deficiency or defect in such insurance cover, recovery or payment of compensation, processing or settlement of claims or otherwise howsoever, and all such matters shall be addressed to and sorted out directly with the insurance company.

87. The Cardholder acknowledges that the insurance cover so provided will be available to the Cardholder only as per the terms of the relevant insurance policy in force, and only so long as the Cardholder is and remains a Cardholder of the Bank with his maintained in good standing. On the card being cancelled or withdrawn temporarily or permanently for whatever reason, the benefit of such insurance cover shall automatically and ipso facto cease to be available from such date of cessation of card. Further, the Cardholder also agrees that even during continuation of his card, the Bank may at any time at its sole discretion and with reasonable notice thereof to the Cardholder, suspend, withdraw or cancel the benefit of such insurance cover, and there will be no binding obligation on the Bank to continue this benefit.
19Terms and Conditions of the Insurance Cover:

Personal Accident Insurance This is a death-only cover, with a maximum limit of Rs.5,00,000, valid on any bodily injury resulting in death by Air/Rail/Road accident. This death to be within 12 months of the injury. The accidental injury and subsequent death has to be within the validity period of HDFC Bank Multicurrency ForexPlus Card.

Loss of Checked Baggage Cover The maximum cover is for Rs. 20,000. It applies on loss of checked baggage caused by the airline and the liability admitted by the airline. The payment under Insurance Cover will be reduced by any sum for which the airline is liable to make the payment. 

Passport Reconstruction Cover Actual cost of reconstruction of passport only with a maximum limit of Rs. 20,000. Cost of reconstruction on VISA not included Compensation for reasonable and necessary expenses to obtain a duplicate passport. *Insurance company/policy number is subject to change in future.

Intimation & document/claim submission for availing insurance cover Any fraudulent transaction / unauthorized debit should be intimated to the bank within 30 days from the date of transaction. Supporting documents/claim should be submitted within 60 days from the date of transaction. Insurance Cover so provided does not covers/considers Theft/Robbed/Robbery cases of the cards/baggage.

88. The Cardholder may discontinue this facility at any time by getting the card hot-listed. However, for the transactions done during the period the card was active, but posted on the card after the surrender, the Cardholder shall be entirely liable. In case of a dispute on any transaction, Cardholder can notify the Bank and the Bank can raise a chargeback as per regulations of VISA/MasterCard.

89. The Bank shall be entitled to discontinue this facility at any time by cancelling the card by giving 30 days' notice and it shall be deemed to have been received by the Cardholder within 30 days of posting to the Cardholder's address in India last notified in writing to the Bank.

90. The Bank reserves the right to disclose customer information to any court of competent jurisdiction, quasi-judicial authorities, law enforcement agencies and any other wing of Central Government or State Government.

91. The Cardholder agrees to indemnify the Bank against all liabilities, losses, damages and expenses, which the Bank may sustain or incur either directly or indirectly as a result of:

a. Negligence/mistake or misconduct of the Cardholder
b. Breach or non-compliance of the Rules/Terms and Conditions relating to the card. fraud or dishonesty relating to any transaction by the Cardholder or his employee's/agents ATMs/EDC terminals are machines and errors could occur while in operation. The Cardholder agrees to indemnify the Bank for any such machine/mechanical errors/failures

92.The Cardholder shall indemnify and hold harmless the Bank from any and all consequences arising from the Cardholder not complying with the exchange control regulations of the RBI.

93. The Cardholder shall be deemed to have unconditionally agreed to and accepted the Terms of these Terms and Conditions by signing the card application form, acknowledging the receipt of the card in writing, by signing the reverse of the card, by performing a transaction with the card or by usage of the card.

94. The Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benefits offered on the card and alter these Terms and Conditions from time to time and may notify the Cardholder of any such alterations in any manner it thinks appropriate. The Cardholder will be bound by such alteration unless the card is returned to the Bank for cancellation before the date upon which any alteration is to have effect.

95. The Bank may introduce new services from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be notified to the Cardholder as and when they become available. The changed Terms and Conditions applicable to the new services shall be communicated to the Cardholder. By using these new services, the Cardholder agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions applicable.

96. These Terms form the contract between the Cardholder and the Bank. By applying for the card and accessing the services, the Cardholder acknowledges and accepts these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions will not be in addition to and not in derogation of the Terms and Conditions relating to any account of the Cardholder.
23Governing Law:

97. These Terms and Conditions and/or the operations in the accounts of the Cardholder maintained by the Bank and/or the use of the services provided through the card shall be governed by laws of the Republic of India and no other nation. The Cardholder and the Bank agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts located in Mumbai, India as regards any claims or matters arising under these Terms and Conditions. The Bank accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than the Republic of India. The mere fact that the card can be accessed by a Cardholder in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern these Terms and Conditions and/or the operations in the Card Account of the Cardholder and/or the use of the card. 

24Severability and Waiver:

98. Each of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions is severable and distinct from the others and if at any time, one or more of such provisions is or becomes illegal or unenforceable in any respect under the laws of any jurisdiction, the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected in any way. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of the illegality or unenforceability of any Term and Condition herein, the Bank reserves the right to withdraw the Card forthwith.

99. No act, delay leniency or omission by the Bank shall affect its rights, powers and remedies under these Terms and Conditions or other further exercise of such rights, powers or remedies. The rights and remedies under these Terms and Conditions are cumulative and not exclusive of other rights and remedies available to the Bank under law or at equity. 


100. The Cardholder acknowledges that the Bank may assign, transfer or convey any or All its rights and obligations in respect of the Card to any third person as it may deem fit in its sole discretion without obtaining concurrence of the Cardholder. 


101. The Bank reserves the right to use the information provided by the Cardholder on his/her application and during surveys, information from external sources, including consumer reports, for marketing reports and activities carried out by the Bank/Affiliates, the Bank may use this information to develop mailing lists that may be used by companies with whom the Bank shall work to develop marketing offers for the Cardholder.

102. In addition to the general right to set off or other right conferred by law or under any other agreement, the Bank may, without notice, combine or consolidate the balance on the Card with any other account(s), which the Cardholder maintains with the Bank and its Group Companies, and setoff or transfer money, standing to the credit of such other account(s) in or towards the satisfaction of the Cardholder's liability to the Bank under his/her Card.

103. The Cardholder shall forthwith notify the Bank of any change in his/her address for communication as stated in the application form for the Card. The Bank reserves the right to change the cardholder's address in its records if such change in address comes to the notice of the Bank. The responsibility shall be solely of the Cardholder to ensure that the Bank has been informed of the correct address for communication, and the Bank disclaims all liability in case of an incorrect address resulting in any loss or liability for the Cardholder.

104. The Cardholder agrees to adhere to and comply with all such Terms and Conditions as the Bank or its Affiliates may prescribe from time to time for facilities/services availed of by the Cardholder and hereby agrees and confirms that all such transactions effected by or through facilities for conducting remote transactions including the Internet, World Wide Web, electronic data interchange, call centres, teleservice operations (whether voice, video, data or combination thereof) or by means of electronic, computer, automated machines network or through other means of telecommunication, established by or on behalf of the Bank or its Affiliates, for and in respect of such facilities/services offered, shall constitute legally binding and valid transactions when done in adherence to and in compliance with the Terms and Conditions prescribed by the Bank or its Affiliates for such facilities/services, as may be prescribed from time to time. The Cardholder hereby agrees that in case the Cardholder commits a default in payment or repayment of principal amount of the Loan/financial/credit facility or interest/charges due thereon the Bank and/or its directors/partners/supplementary cardholders, as applicable, may report the Cardholder as defaulters in such manner and through such mediums as the Bank or RBI in their absolute discretion may think fit. 
  • Standing Instructions shall mean for direct Debit authorization of the cardholder's HDFC Bank Debit Card linked to primary account number towards billings by utility companies. The term "Utility Company" shall mean a company, organization or entity that sends a Bill, statement or invoice, usually a request for payment for a product or service.
  • HDFC Bank reserves the right to approve / reject the registration forms without assigning any reason whatsoever.
  • Application form should be filled by the primary cardholder. The facility will be available only on the designated Debit Card linked to primary account number and account held with the Bank.
  • HDFC Bank reserves the right to revoke / stop this facility if the credit behavior on the card is unsatisfactory.
  • The Cardholder agrees that he / she would fill up a Application form when the account number, Debit Card number, address or any specific utility customer ID specified in the application form, is transferred or changed.
  • It will be the responsibility of the cardholder to inform HDFC Bank in writing of any change or withdrawal of the Standing Instruction facility thus availed. Such change or withdrawal will take 30 days to be effected upon receipt of cardholder request. Failure of the Cardholder to do the same and subsequent debits if any towards utility payments will constitute valid transactions and the cardholder will be liable to pay the same.
  • Certain Utilities / Services providers may specify the date on which payment is to be made and, notwithstanding any instructions given by the cardholder in this regard, HDFC Bank shall remit the payment anytime before the payment due date specified by the Utilities / Services providers.
  • Without prejudice to the generality of the aforesaid, processing of all the instructions is basis the availability of clear funds in primary account linked to Debit Card at the time of processing the transaction & receipt of billing details from billing company.
  • Any disputes arising out of disconnection of the utility facility, penalty from government and late charges on installment dues arising due to change / revocation of the facility will be the sole responsibility of the cardholder and the cardholder will not hold HDFC Bank responsible/liable for the same.
  • The cardholder indemnifies HDFC Bank from and against all actions, suits, claims, liabilities and proceedings due to or arising out of any or all disputes between the cardholder and Utility companies or by reason of HDFC Bank acting in good faith or refusing to take or omitting to act on the Standing Instruction facility.
  • HDFC Bank shall not be liable to the cardholder for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever arising directly or indirectly including without limitation due to delay or failure to give effect to the Standing Instruction facility.
  • HDFC Bank will endeavor to effect payments / carry-out instructions received by it within the payment due date to each utility company. However, HDFC Bank does not warrant that Payment / fulfillment of instructions will not be delayed for reasons beyond its control. As the instructions would depend on various electronic technology used from time to time, there could be delays in receipt of any instructions by HDFC Bank from the cardholder and by the provider of Utilities / Services.
  • HDFC Bank will not in any way be connected with the disputes between utility companies and the cardholder.
  • This facility is available only for utility bills pertaining to residential uses. No commercial utility bills will be paid under this scheme.
  • Signing of the Application form does not ensure automatic approval of this facility.
  • The Standing Instruction facility is in respect of the entire charges or to the extent of the limit set by the cardholder on the utility outstandings and the said instruction shall be valid and binding for the validity period and subsequent renewal period of the Card Account, unless and until rescinded by the cardholder in writing to HDFC Bank.
  • No receipt will be given for bills paid through this facility. Account statement is adequate proof that such payment was paid to utility company.
  • HDFC Bank neither endorses the Utilities / Services offered, nor is it in any manner party to the contracts that may be executed between the cardholder and the providers of such Utilities / Services. The providers of Utilities / Services shall be solely responsible to the cardholder to render the Utilities / Services for which Payment is to be made by HDFC Bank and HDFC Bank shall not be responsible/liable for any deficiency in the same including, but not limited to, deficient quality, delivery, quantity etc., and shall not be made party to any disputes between the cardholder and any providers of Utilities / Services. The cardholder shall not hold HDFC Bank liable for any non-service, delayed service or faulty service rendered by the provider of Utilities / Services and shall not contact or communicate in any manner whatsoever, inter alia, by electronic mail, phone, post, SMS, or personal meeting with HDFC Bank in this regard.
  • HDFC Bank may, in its sole discretion, accept any cancellation request by the cardholder, provided that HDFC Bank has not already made the utility payment for the month for which the cancellation request is made.
  • Nothing contained herein shall prejudice or affect the terms and conditions of Debit Card &Account. The terms of this facility shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms contained in Debit Card & Account Terms & Conditions
  • Nothing contained in the Standing Instruction facility shall be construed as binding obligation on HDFC Bank or any participating utility company to continue the facility after the facility termination date or substitute by a new or similar facility.
  • HDFC Bank reserves the right to revoke/stop this facility to any cardholder without any prior intimation if the Bank believes that the continued use of this facility is not in the interest of the Bank.
  • As and when other communication channels are introduced HDFC Bank may be entitled to rely upon all electronic communications, orders or messages to HDFC Bank from the cardholder whether received by email, SMS, on telephone or otherwise in the manner prescribed for the same from time to time by HDFC Bank and HDFC Bank shall not be obliged to verify or make further inquiry into the identity of the sender, or the message integrity, of any communications, orders or messages. The cardholder shall in no circumstance dispute such reliance by HDFC Bank.
  • All disputes arising out of the Standing Instruction facility shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts in Chennai.
  • The Standing Instruction nomination will be effective subject to HDFC Bank? Debit Card being valid and in good standing.
  • HDFC Bank may at its sole discretion accept or decline the said Application form.
  • The record of charges in respect of the above services received or availed by me and submitted by utility companies to my Card Account will neither bear my signature nor the imprint of my Card. I therefore undertake to unconditionally honor and pay without demur and contestation all the said charges including interim charges booked by me under this facility, as and when I am billed for the same by HDFC Bank. This Recurring Transaction Instruction shall subsist during the validity period of my Card and subsequent renewals thereof.
  • I confirm that the latest self attested bill copy of the utility service for which I would need to avail of the Standing Instruction facility are attached along with this application format. I also confirm that the address on the bill matches with residential address given for my Account details for Debit Cards.
  • I confirm that the utility bills enclosed are photocopies of the original bills and that these utilities are used only for residential purpose.
  • I understand that HDFC Bank is not responsible or liable for any service and/or billing deficiencies or inadequacies of utility companies as the case may be. Furthermore, I affirm that I am liable to honour all my Debit Card commitments irrespective of any grievances/complaints I may have with utility companies.
  • I will continue making payments towards the above utility outstandings until I receive an SMS/E-mail/letter confirmation from HDFC Bank indicating that my Standing Instruction facility has been activated along with effective date of activation.
  • I agree to communicate termination of facility to HDFC Bank in writing failing which the payment made to the utility company will be construed as valid and binding on me.
  • I agree to resolve disputes (if any) of whatsoever nature directly with the utility company and will not hold HDFC Bank liable for any deficiency of services provided by the utility company.
  • HDFC bank may change from time to time the utility companies for which Standing Instruction facility is extended. 

    27.1 Cashback Terms and Conditions - Standing Instruction on Debit Cards : 

    1 5 % Cashback with maximum Cashback amount of Rs 100 Per month per Card 

    2 Cashback Offer is for the billing amount paid through Standing Instruction on Debit Cards for the first three bills in 1st three months only. 

    3 The customer is eligible for Cashback on all transactions through Standing Instruction on Debit Cards mode only. 

    Cashback offer is only for those who sign up for Standing Instruction on Debit Cards for the first time. 

    5 Cashback on Standing Instruction on Debit Cards is only applicable for all Platinum Debit Card, Titanium Royale Debit Card, Titanium Debit Card, Regular Debit Card, Business Debit Card and Woman?s Advantage Debit Card. 

    6 HDFC Bank Debit Cardholders are not bound in any way to participate in this offer. Any participation is voluntary and the offer is being made purely on a ?best effort? basis. 

    Offer is not valid on JetPrivilege HDFC Bank World Debit Card or any other Card other than the one mentioned above in point no. 5. 

    8 Only approved and validated spend/ transaction / payment / purchase made using HDFC Bank Debit Card shall be eligible for the Cashback. Cancelled / Returned Transactions shall not be eligible for the Cashback offer. No Offer clubbing shall be permitted 

    9 5% Cashback proceeds shall be posted to customer's Debit Card post 120 days after the end of every calendar month. Customer will need to redeem these Cashback points by logging into NetBanking or calling PhoneBanking and request for redemption of the Cashback 

    10 This offer is non-transferrable to any other person. 

    11 This offer is non-encashable, not extendable and non-negotiable 

    12 This offer is valid for Indian residents and citizens only. 

    13 All valid spends transactions will be eligible for the offer. HDFC Bank will not be responsible for invalid transactions 

    14 To be eligible for the offer, Cardholder is required to satisfy the condition mentioned in the offer post receipt of the communication 

    15 Nothing herein amounts as a commitment by HDFC Bank to conduct further, similar or other schemes/offers 

    16 HDFC Bank reserves the right to extend this offer to selected HDFC Bank Debit Cardholders only. 

    17 Above offer is by way of a special offer for select HDFC Bank Debit Card members only and nothing contained herein shall prejudice or affect the terms and conditions of the card member agreement. The terms of the above offers shall be in addition to and not in derogation of the terms contained in the Card members Agreement. 

    18 HDFC Bank reserves the right at anytime, without prior notice to add, alter, modify, change or vary all or any of these Terms and Conditions or to replace wholly or in part, the above offer by another offer whether similar to above or not, or to withdraw it altogether. 

    19 In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and conditions and any brochures, marketing or promotional materials relating to the promotion, these terms and conditions shall prevail. 

    20 HDFC Bank is not liable for any delay, non-delivery or shortfall or deficiency or unsatisfactory service/product provided by any participating parties/sponsors. 

    21 Nothing contained herein shall prejudice or affect the terms and conditions of the Account holder/ Card member Agreement applicable to the account of those mentioned. 

    22 This offer is non transferable to any other person. 

    23 Any Government levies / taxes like Sales Tax, TDS, gift tax, road tax, any Local Tax etc. arising out of the same will be borne by the HDFC Bank Debit card customer. 

    24 For more details kindly visit www.hdfcbank.com
  • The Public Provident Fund scheme is a statutory scheme of the Central Government framed under the provisions of the Public Provident Act,1968. The approved branches of HDFC Bank Limited have been designated as accounts offices under the scheme. A year for the purpose of this scheme means the financial year ending 31st March. You can subscribe any amount in multiples of Rs 5/- between Rs 500/- and Rs 1,50,000/- in a year to your public provident fund account. It is not necessary that you should subscribe every month of the year. You can vary the amount of subscription to suit your convenience. Maximum of 12 subscriptions are allowed in a year.
  • The account entitles you to obtain a loan. If you require it you can apply for your first loan in the third year from the year of opening your account i.e. if you have opened your account in 2016-17, you can apply for your first loan in 2018-19. You are entitled to receive 25 % of the balance to your credit on 31-03-2017 by way of loan, repayable in 36 months in convenient monthly installments. You can get further loans upto the end of the fifth year following the expiry of the year in which the initial subscription was made. But no second loan can be taken so long as the first loan has not been fully repaid and the amount of any fresh loan will be restricted to 25 % of the balance at credit at the end of the second year immediately preceding the year in which the loan is applied for. No loan can be taken after the end of the fifth year as indicated above.
  • Some limited facilities for final withdrawals without closing the account have also been provided. The withdrawal will be restricted to 50 per cent of the amount at credit at the end of the sixth year immediately preceding the year in which the amount is withdrawn. For example, this partial withdrawal can be made for the first time on 01-04-2022 so as to get 50 % cent of the balance to your credit on 31-03-2017. Similar withdrawals can also be made subsequently at three year intervals but the amount which can be withdrawn will be restricted to 50 % of the amount standing to your credit at the end of the sixth year, immediately preceding the year in which the withdrawal is made.
  • The Public Provident Fund Scheme allows you to withdraw the entire amounts to your credit after adjustment of the dues if any to Government on completion of 15 years after the end of the year in which you opened your account. That is to say if you opened your account in 2016-17, you can withdraw the entire balances to your credit any time after 01-04-2032. This is, of course optional. You can continue your account without any loss of benefits.
  • As per existing provisions subscription to the Public Provident Fund qualify for deduction from taxable income together with savings in other approved form namely, recognized Provident Funds, Life Insurance, etc. The interest credited to the fund and the amount standing to the credit of the subscribers are exempt from Income Tax and Wealth Tax respectively.
  • You are entitled to nominate one or more person to receive any final payment, which is due to you, in the event of your death. The facility of nomination is one that should be availed of by you, as your heirs may otherwise be put to the avoidable inconvenience of producing succession certificates to establish their claims to the amount due to them. A subscriber to the fund cannot nominate a trust as his nominee.
  • Revival of discontinued account - Depositors seeking condonation of the default in making minimum subscription of Rs 500/- per annum can revive their PPF account by payment of a fee of Rs 50/- for each year of default along-with arrears of subscription of Rs 500/- for each default / financial year.
  • Request for Premature closure of accounts. The Branches will not entertain any request for premature closure of PPF account under the noted grounds:

    (a)Migration abroad (b) marriage (c) purchase of house / vehicle (d) ceremonial occasions (e) repayment of loan (f) education (g) retiring, suspension from job, etc. 

    Only those cases falling under extreme compassionate ground such as medial support in life threatening diseases cases, death cases, etc. deserve consideration for granting closure and will be entertained.
  • Operation by a Power of Attorney Holder - In the absence of a specific provision in the Public Provident Fund Scheme 1968, a power of Attorney Holder can neither open a PPF account nor operate any PPF account on behalf of a subscriber.
  • Non Resident Indians - NRIs are not eligible to open an account under the PPF Scheme. Provided that if a resident who subsequently becomes NRI during the currency of maturity period prescribed under PPF Scheme, may continue to subscribe to the Fund till its maturity on a non-repatriation basis.
  • It is important and will be desirable in your own interest to ensure that changes in your address are communicated promptly to the accounts office.
  • For PPF account opened online, the default branch is maintained as Anna Nagar. However, the account can be operated from any branch.
  • Please note, if any deposit in PPF account is done post 11:00 PM, then value date of next day will reflect in the system.
  • The Bank may at its sole discretion send any communication, Password (as defined hereinafter)or any other information to the Customer's registered mobile number or any other mobile number, which it may have in its records or otherwise, as it deems appropriate.The Bank may, at its sole discretion,update the registered mobile number in its records without any prior intimation or approval of the Customer. In case of multiple accounts held with the Bank, the Bank has the right to update the Customer's registered mobile number from any account held with the Bank by the Customer.
  • The Bank may at its discretion send the Customer a password, code or One Time Password (OTP) or passcode (collectively, "Password") as a method of authenticating the identity of the Customer as also for enabling the Customer to transact with the Bank or complete transactions with the Bank by using such Password, including signing, accepting, authenticating of any loan or security contract, applicable or any other document, will be binding upon the Customer.
  • The Bank does not assume any responsibility whatsoever in case of failure on behalf of the Customer to correctly enter the Password. The Bank further does not assume any responsibility whatsoever in case the Customer lapses in safe keeping of the Password or in case of any misuse or unauthorized use of the Password
  • The Bank is not responsible for any failure in the transaction on account of any problem with the Customer's mobile phone network or any other issue in the mobile phone or the SIM card of the Customer, over which the Bank has no control.
  • The Customer shall keep the Customer's mobile phone or SIM card active, safe and in the possession of the Customer at all times. The Customer shall not allow the use of the Customer's mobile phone or SIM card by any other person.
  • In case of any loss or theft of the Customer's mobile phone and/or or SIM card, the Customer shall de-register or block such a mobile phone and/or the SIM card with its service provider on an urgent and immediate basis. The Customer shall also inform the Bank of such a lossor theft. The Bank shall not be responsible for any unauthorized use of the mobile phone or SIM card on account of such loss or theft. The Customer is obligated to keep the mobile phone and the data therein and Passwords and usage there of confidential at all times and shall ensure that the mobile phone and the data therein is not shared with any other person under any circumstances. The Customer shall not create a copy or duplicate of the data in the mobile phone or save such data except for the purposes of using the same as permitted or required by the Bank.
Premier Banking Programme terms and conditions

HDFC Bank Programme Terms and conditions 

These Terms and Conditions (the “Terms”) apply to and regulate the operation of the three tiers of the Programmes namely Imperia / Preferred / Classic / Vishesh or any other Banking Programme (the “Programme”) offered by HDFC Bank (the “Bank”) to eligible Saving/Current account holders (the “Account Holder(s)”). The Terms are in addition to the terms and conditions applicable to standard HDFC Bank’s Savings/Current Account (the “Primary Terms”) as available on www.hdfcbank.com. 

1. Programme Eligibility

1.1. Entry to the Programme is based on the Account Holder(s) satisfying the prevailing Programme eligibility criteria for the respective Programme and acceptance of the Terms by the Account Holder(s) 1.2. The Account Holder(s) reserves the right to decline upgrade to the programme through acceptable electronic or physical means at any point.  

2. Programme Features and Benefits (the “Features”) 

2.1. Features refers to any of the facilities, discounts, services, or arrangements offered to the Account Holder(s) as a result of being a part of the Programme. The Features may be introduced/amended from time-to-time and may vary by Programme type. Features may also vary within the same Programme, depending on whether the Account Holder(s) continues to satisfy the prevailing criteria for that Programme. 2.2. The Features are applicable till the time the Account Holder(s)is a part of the Programme. 2.3. The Features are subject to prevailing regulatory guidelines for various customer types (Resident Individuals/, NRIs, Individuals/Non-Individuals). 2.4. Taxes as applicable would be charged separately. 2.5. The Bank reserves the right to appoint / change the Relationship Manager of the customer. 2.6. Locker is subject to availability at branch 2.7. The programme offers an enhanced debit card variant which would be issued incidentally with your upgradation consent, in alignment with your consent of availing debit card services during your initial account onboarding. 2.8. The Features may be extended to such Account Holder(s)’s (‘Primary Group ID’s) business and/or family relationship(s) to form a Family/Business ‘Group’ at the discretion of the Bank and based on certain selective parameters and consent (through approved electronic or physical means) received from both the Primary Group ID and the prospective linked Account Holder(s) except for Minors. Up to 8 immediate family members as per the approved list of relationships as defined by the Bank can be grouped together. 2.9 If the balances and salary credit required as per programme eligibility are not met for consecutively 3 months (or for any other reason as deemed fit by the Bank) except for few discretionary cases, the Bank reserve the right to withdraw the prevailing programme Features, with prior intimation. In case of such withdrawal of prevailing Programme entitlement, all the existing Programme features (e.g., discounts, services, etc) will be withdrawn and instead the minimum balance requirements, fees & charges will be applicable as per the standalone Product/Account variants held by the Account holder/(s). The bank shall not be responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever for any costs, losses, damages or expenses, or other consequences, caused by reason of such instance/migration/downgrade. 

3. Others  

3.1. The Bank shall accept electronic or physical acceptance of the Terms. Acceptance through electronic or physical means includes (but is not limited to) explicit consent provided through the Account Holder(s)registered mobile number/electronic mailing address /Net Banking login/ ATM/ Physical form/IVR (Interactive Voice Response) or other electronic means. 3.2. Acceptance of these Terms overrides the acceptance of any other terms and conditions accepted by Account Holder(s) in relation to the Programme/s existing with the Bank. 3.3. In case registered email ID or mobile number is linked to multiple Customer IDs of the bank then the consent through such means will be deemed to have been received for all the Customer IDs linked to those Email address or Mobile number. 3.4. Each of the Account Holder(s) agree that the Primary Group ID would be the first and primary point of contact for the Bank in relation to the Programme/s. 3.5 Consent to be part of the programme and acceptance of the terms and also includes consent for upgraded debit card issuance as well as future downgrade to suitable program or regular status based on Account holder’s/Group’s balances with intimation. 3.6. Each of the Account Holder(s) in the Group hereby agrees that the Bank may upgrade the Group to a higher program with better benefits depending on the eligibility and relationship value. 3.7 Each of the Account Holder(s) further agrees to inform/communicate to the Bank for the change of Primary Group ID in the event of death /account closure/conversion from the Resident to Non-Resident status of the primary ID. 3.8. Each of the Account Holder(s) hereby authorises and provides consent in favour of the Primary Group ID for addition/deletion of any new Account Holder(s)/or deletion of their names from the Programme/s without their consent Each of the Account Holder(s) hereby agrees that such decision of the Primary Group ID would be final and binding on us and that the Bank shall not be liable for any claims against the Bank by any of the Account Holder(s). 3.9. The Bank reserves the right to amend and change all or any of the features / services /fees / charges / eligibility criteria / terms and conditions of the Programme. However, any such amendment shall be made effective after prior notification. The Bank may communicate such amendments by hosting them on the Website or in any other manner as decided by the Bank. 3.10. Any card, cheque book, passbook, statement, ATM display or other Bank branded identification issued by the Bank to an Account Holder(s) to reflect the Programme (brand) is to facilitate identification of the Accountholder’s Programme type only. The Bank’s records shall be conclusive as to the programme allocated to the Accountholder at any time. 3.11. Any notice, statement, or other communication to be given to the Account Holder(s) may be delivered to each of the Account Holder’s mailing address or electronic mail address or contact number as updated in the Bank’s records by the said Account Holder(s) and shall be deemed to have been effectively served on despatch/deployment. In this connection, the Bank shall not be liable in any way whatsoever to the said Account Holder(s) for any loss or damage in the event that the communication is returned undelivered or received by a third party. Each of the Account Holder(s) shall promptly notify the Bank through acceptable physical or authenticated electronic means of any change in mailing address / electronic mail address / contact number as updated in the Bank’s records. 3.12. Each of the Account Holder(s) admits and acknowledges that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this terms and conditions or any other document/arrangement: (i) in respect of all the Account holder(s) under the Program (collectively “Group ”), present and future liabilities to the Bank, whether in respect of the said Account(s) of the Group or any other obligation, whether such liabilities are/be crystallized, actual or contingent, primary or collateral or several or jointly with others, whether in same currency or different currencies, whether as principal debtor and/or as guarantor and/or otherwise howsoever (collectively “Liabilities”), the Bank shall in addition to any general lien and set off to which the Bank may be entitled by law, practice, custom or otherwise, have a specific and special lien on all the monies in any of the Account(s) under the Group whether current, savings, overdraft, fixed or other deposits, now or in future of the Account Holder(s) under the Group, whether in same currency or different currencies and we each of the Account Holder(s) unconditionally and irrevocable guarantee the payment of the said Liabilities of the Group and authorise the Bank to debit the Account(s) of the Account Holder(s) notwithstanding that the monies which are debited from the Account of the Account Holder(s) is not attributable to the monies due and payable by the said Account holder but is due and payable to the Bank by any of the Account Holder(s) of the Group ; (ii) the Bank shall have the specific and express right, without notice to and without consent of the Account Holder(s) under the Group, to set-off, debit, transfer, adjust, appropriate all such amounts in all such accounts and deposits (whether prematurely or upon maturity as per the Bank’s discretion), for the purpose of adjusting/appropriating the said monies against any of the dues of the Account Holder(s) under the Group in respect of any of the Liabilities whether ear-marked for any particular liability or not, to combine or consolidate all or any of accounts of the Account Holder(s) under the Group and set-off any monies, whether of same type or nature or not and whether held in same capacity or not including upon happening of any of the events of default mentioned in any of the documents. Group in respect of any of the Liabilities whether ear-marked for any particular liability or not, to combine or consolidate all or any of accounts of the Account Holder(s) under the Group and set-off any monies. 3.13 Under no circumstances shall HDFC Bank or its affiliates be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, or exemplary damages arising out of or in connection with your access or use of or inability to access or use the application and any third-party content or services. 

FD booking via SMS & Missed Call Facility
  • FD can be booked by customers registered on SMS banking except for CSC channel customers (CSC Channel customer’s authentication will be basis Registered mobile no + DOB/PAN)
  • FD will be booked from the account registered in SMS banking except for CSC channel customers (CSC Channel customers account linked to the registered mobile no +DOB/PAN will be debited)

  • Customer agrees that Bank can act upon the SMS/Missed call received within stipulated time (For CSC, SMS is valid for 15 mins) from the Registered Mobile no. with the Bank and shall not be held responsible in case of any dispute with respect to the booking of FD through SMS/Missed call Banking if Bank has acted upon the SMS/Missed Call received from the Registered Mobile No.

  • As interest rates are subject to change without prior notice, customer shall ascertain the rates on the value date of FD

  • FD will get booked on account home branch and Holding Pattern will be same as CASA.

  • FD via SMS Banking will be booked with minimum amount Rs. 5000 and maximum amount is Rs. 10000 for a minimum tenure of 6 months 1 day & maximum tenure of 120 months except for CSC channel customers (For CSC channel customers the minimum amount is Rs.5000 and maximum amount is 4.99 cr with minimum tenure of 7 days & maximum of 120 months). No interest will be paid if NRE FD is prematurely withdrawn before 1 year

  • Maturity instruction for all FDs booked via SMS facility will be Renew Principal & Interest under re-investment option. Except for CSC channel customer’s (For CSC channel customer’s maturity instruction options provided will be transfer to CASA/ Renew Principal & interest / Renew Principal & Redeem interest).

  • FD via SMS banking will be booked with a default value of 5000 & tenure as 12 months (incase if tenure & amount is not specified by the customer)

  • FD via missed call will be booked with fixed tenure (12months), amount (Rs 5000), Nature of deposit (Re-investment) & maturity instructions (Renew Principal & Interest)

  • There will be no nominee registered in FD booked by SMS/Missed Call banking (except for CSC channel customers).  However, it can be updated from branch. (For CSC channel customers CASA nominee will be replicated. In case of no nominee registered in CASA, it can be updated from branch

  • Resident FD: TDS will be deducted when interest payable or reinvested on RD and FD per customer across all branches exceeds Rs. 40,000/- (Rs. 50,000/- for senior citizens) in a financial year.

  • Tax at source is deducted as per Income Tax Regulations prevalent from time to time applicable to NRO FD.

  • Individuals seeking exemption from TDS on the interest income of FD and RD, have to submit a completed Form 15 G/H at the Bank branch within the first week of the new Financial Year and every time a new deposit is booked (not applicable to NRIs)

  • Customer shall not hold the bank responsible should any claim be raised against the Bank in respect of providing this facility and ensure that the Bank does not suffer any loss, Customer hereby indemnify the Bank in respect of any such claims/losses FD liquidation facility is available on Net Banking only for Single Holding FDs.

  • PAN card is required for FD's greater than or equal to Rs. 50,000

  • Electronic mail advice will be sent to Customer on booking FD's

  • In the absence of PAN, only deposits <Rs 50,000 /- can be booked. For booking deposits >= Rs 50,000/- without PAN, Customer is requested to visit the nearest branch. FD will be booked if permissible under the Bank's current policy.

  • As per the section 114B (c) of the Income Tax Act, every person shall quote his permanent account number in all transactions pertaining to a time deposit, exceeding fifty thousand rupees, with a banking company to which the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949), applies (including any bank or banking institution referred to in section 51 of the Act): -

  • As per Section 139A(5A) of the Income Tax Act every person receiving any sum of income or amount from which tax has been deducted under the provisions of the Income Tax Act shall provide his PAN number to the person responsible for deducting such tax.

  • In case the PAN number is not provided to the Bank as required the bank shall not be liable for the non availment of the credit of tax deducted at Source.

  • To modify maturity instructions, you are requested to visit the nearest branch.

  • The FD rate applicable for a monthly interest option will be a discounted rate over the standard FD Rate. Please contact the nearest Branch for further information.

  • Any interest / maturity payout less than or equal to Rs 100/- on Term Deposits shall be credited to the savings or current account, irrespective of the instruction given at the time of booking of the deposit or change anytime during the tenure of the deposit.

  • If Customer is already registered as Sr. citizen with the Bank Customer will automatically receive the 0.50% additional ROI on all FD booking through all channels If however, Customer is not registered as Sr. Citizen, we request Customer to visit the branch with age proof in order to avail the additional 0.50% ROI on FD bookings online as well as through other channels. Senior Citizen Rates are only for resident Indians and do not apply to NRIs.

  • Premature liquidation clause: effective 01st Dec'06 the interest rate applicable on premature closure of deposits (all amounts) will be lower of:

  • The rate for the original/contracted tenor for which the deposit has been booked


  • The base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the Bank.

  • For deposits booked on or after 7th march'19, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.2 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. Prior to this the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.1 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. As per terms & conditions of the fixed deposits accounts of the bank in case of premature closure of FD (including sweep in / partial closure) the interest rate will be 1.00% below the contracted rate or the base rate applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the Bank, whichever is lower, except for the deposits booked with tenor 7-14 days. In case of death, interest rate will be the contracted rate or the base rate applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank. This is applicable to all deposits booked/ auto renewed from 24th Jan 2011.

  • No penalty (reduced rate) will be levied on premature closure of NRE FD

  • In case of Domestic & NRO deposits no interest will be paid if the deposit is liquidated within 7 days of the date of booking.

  • Customer agrees to the Bank issuing certificate in the prescribed form for tax deducted at source on interest on Fixed Deposits, after the end of every calendar quarter

  • In the event of the death of the depositor, premature liquidation of the term deposit/s will be allowed. Such premature liquidation will not attract any penal charges.

  • Customer agrees that the Bank will pay the Fixed Deposit amount either on maturity or premature withdrawal at any branch irrespective of the branch where the deposit is booked.

  • Customer agrees that in case of premature withdrawal of the fixed deposit based on Customer’s instructions or the instructions of all the joint depositors in the case of joint deposit, the Bank shall have the right to recover interest already paid or the penalty if any, from the proceeds of the FD in accordance with prevailing regulations of the Bank and the Reserve Bank of India. In the event of the death of one of the joint account holders, the right to the deposit proceeds does not automatically devolve on the surviving joint deposit account holder, unless there is a survivorship clause.... Customer agrees that in case of joint FD's with a survivorship clause, the Bank shall be discharged by paying the FD proceeds prematurely to survivor/s, on request, in the event of death of one or more joint depositor. Customer is aware that HDFC Bank computes interest on its Domestic, NRO & NRE deposit accounts based on the actual number of days in a year (i.e. 366 days in a leap year and 365 days in a non-leap year).

  • FD requests via SMS/Missed call received after 10pm will be carried out at the next working day on first in first out basis subject to availability of clear funds in the account authorized for debit. 

  • The service is free (VAS charges may apply for the SMS) ​​​​​​​

  • The deposits in the Bank are insured with DICGC for an amount of Rs 5 lakhs (principal + interest) per depositor 

  • For further details, please visit our website: www.hdfcbank.com

RD booking via SMS & Missed Call Facility
  • RD can be booked by customers registered on SMS banking except for CSC channel customers (CSC Channel customer’s authentication will be basis Registered mobile no + DOB/PAN).
  • RD will be booked from the account registered in SMS banking except for CSC channel customers (CSC Channel customers account linked to the registered mobile no +DOB/PAN will be debited)
  • Customer agrees that Bank can act upon the SMS/Missed call received within stipulated time (For CSC, SMS is valid for 15 mins) from the Registered Mobile no. with the Bank and shall not be held responsible in case of any dispute with respect to the booking of RD through SMS/Missed call Banking if Bank has acted upon the SMS/Missed Call received from the Registered Mobile No.
  • RD will get booked on account home branch and Holding Pattern will be same as CASA.
  • As interest rates are subject to change without prior notice, customer shall ascertain the rates on the value date of RD
  • There will be no nominee registered in RD booked by SMS/Missed Call banking (except for CSC channel customers).  However, it can be updated from branch. (For CSC channel customers CASA nominee will be replicated. In case of no nominee registered in CASA, it can be updated from branch
  • RD via SMS banking will be booked with minimum amount Rs. 1000 (in multiples of 100 thereafter) and maximum 1,99,99,900 for CSC channel (Maximum amount is 10,000 for other channel) with minimum tenure 6 months (in multiples of 3 months thereafter) and maximum 120 months. The minimum tenure for earning interest on NRE RD is one year. No interest will be paid if NRE RD is prematurely withdrawn before 1 year. Maturity Instruction will be transfer to source a/c. (For CSC channel, maturity instruction option provided will be Transfer to CASA, convert principal to FD&RD, Convert Principal & Interest to FD & RD).
  • RD via SMS banking will be booked with a default value of 1000 & tenure as 12 months (incase if tenure & amount is not specified by the customer)
  • RD via missed call will be booked with fixed tenure (12months), amount (Rs 1000), & maturity instructions (transfer to source a/c).
  • Resident RD: TDS will be deducted when interest payable or reinvested on RD and FD per customer across all branches exceeds Rs. 40,000/- (Rs. 50,000/- for senior citizens) in a financial year.
  • Individuals seeking exemption from TDS on the interest income of FD and RD, have to submit a completed Form 15 G/H at the bank branch within the first week of the new Financial Year and every time a new deposit is booked (not applicable for NRIs)
  • Customer shall not hold the Bank responsible should any claim be raised against the Bank in respect of providing this facility and ensure that the Bank does not suffer any loss, Customer hereby indemnify the Bank in respect of any such claim/losses.
  • The new RD can be viewed on Net Banking in Recurring Deposit Summary Page.
  • Electronic mail advice will be sent to customer on booking RD's.
  • The RD account has a minimum lock-in period of one month.
  • In the case of premature closure within a month, no interest shall be paid to the depositor and only his principal amount shall be returned.
  • The interest on Deposits is compounded quarterly, at the applicable rates
  • RD liquidation facility is available on Net banking to customers having Single Ownership account status.
  • PAN card is required for RD's greater than or equal to Rs. 50,000
  • In the absence of PAN, only deposits = Rs 50,000/- without PAN, Customer is requested to visit the nearest branch. RD will be booked if permissible under the Bank's current policy.
  • In the absence of PAN, only deposits = Rs 50,000/- without PAN, Customer is requested to visit the nearest branch. RD will be booked if permissible under the Bank's current policy.
  • As per the section 114B (c) of the Income Tax Act, every person shall quote his permanent account number in all transactions pertaining to a time deposit, exceeding fifty thousand rupees, with a banking company to which the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949), applies (including any bank or banking institution referred to in section 51 of the Act): -
  • As per Section 139A(5A) of the Income Tax Act every person receiving any sum of income or amount from which tax has been deducted under the provisions of the Income Tax Act shall provide his PAN number to the person responsible for deducting such tax.
  • In case the PAN number is not provided to the Bank as required the bank shall not be liable for the non availment of the credit of tax deducted at Source.
  • For liquidation of joint deposit, Customer will need to visit the nearest HDFC Bank Branch with request signed by all joint holders to liquidate the RD
  • Premature liquidation clause: effective 01st Dec'06 the interest rate applicable on premature closure of deposits (all amounts) will be lower of:
  • The rate for the original/contracted tenor for which the deposit has been booked


  • The base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the Bank.
  • For deposits booked on or after 7th march'19, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.2 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. Prior to this the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.1 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit.
  • Customer agrees that if frequent defaults (non-payments) are observed in the monthly instalments, and six instalments fall in arrears, the Bank reserves the right to close the RD account. The interest rate applicable on such closed accounts will be as per the premature withdrawal policy of the Bank.
  • Customer agrees that the RD shall be due for repayment & shall mature on completion of contracted tenure even if there are instalments remaining to be paid.
  • Customer is aware that the maturity amount mentioned on the RD confirmation advice is subject to payment of all instalments on time
  • Customer agrees that the instalment amount once fixed will not be allowed to be altered at a later date.
  • Customer agrees that in case of more than one instalment being overdue at the time of payment, up to 6 instalments can be recovered from the linked account if sufficient balance is available.
  • Customer agrees that in case of more than one instalment being overdue at the time of payment, the paid instalment if sufficient to cover only one instalment will be appropriated towards the first/ earliest instalment overdue.
  • Customer agrees that partial payment of instalments will not be permitted.
  • Customer agrees that the Bank shall not be responsible for informing him/her to maintain adequate balance in the account to pay the instalments.
  • Interest on a RD will be calculated from the date the instalment is paid
  • Customer is aware that the interest on RD will be calculated by the Bank in accordance with the directions advised by Indian Banks' Association.
  • The method of calculation of interest on RDs will be on Actual / Actual Quarterly Compounding.
  • If customer is already registered as Sr. citizen with the Bank. Customer will automatically receive the 0.50% additional ROI on all RD booking through all channels If however, Customer is not registered as Sr. Citizen, we request Customer to visit the branch with age proof in order to avail the additional 0.50% ROI on RD bookings online as well as through other channels. Senior Citizen Rates are only for resident Indians and do not apply to NRIs.
  • RD requests via SMS/Missed call received after 10pm will be carried out at the next working day on first in first out basis subject to availability of clear funds in the account authorized for debit 
  • Customer agrees that in case of joint RD's with a survivorship clause, the Bank shall be discharged by paying the RD proceeds prematurely to survivor/s, on request, in the event of death of one or more joint depositor
  • The service is free (VAS charges may apply for the SMS) 
  • The deposits in the Bank are insured with DICGC for an amount of Rs 5 lakhs (principal + interest) per depositor
  • For further details, please visit our website: www.hdfcbank.com
Terms and conditions for payments on EasyEMI with HDFC Bank Credit Cards
  • The EasyEMI Scheme is open to select HDFC Bank credit card holders holding a valid HDFC Bank credit card issued in India. EasyEMI option is not available on select Corporate Credit Cards, Purchase & Commercial credit cards. EasyEMI transactions done on Credit Card products where the EasyEMI option is not available shall be debited to the card account in full.
  • EasyEMI transactions will not be eligible for Reward Points effective 15th July’17
  • For the First EMI, the Interest will be calculated from the loan booking date till the payment due date
  • Any query related to merchant payback / Cashback to be raised within 180 days of transaction date.
  • EasyEMI is valid only on Credit cards in ‘regular’ status. It is not valid on cards on which a block is placed due to Payment Due, Lost Card reported, Upgrade in progress etc. EasyEMI transactions done on such Credit Cards shall be debited to the card account in full and become payable.
  • Customer is informed about successful or rejected Loan Booking on the Card and customer should call Phone banking to check the reason in case of reject.
  • EasyEMI facility is available at select merchant websites and merchant outlets.
  • EasyEMI conversion will take minimum 4 working days from the date of transaction
  • EasyEMI is not valid at Jewellery merchants or at merchants classified under Jewellery related Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) by Acquiring Banks. HDFC Bank will not be liable to convert any transaction done at such merchants and any such conversion request will be rejected in compliance to regulatory guidelines.
  • EasyEMI needs to be availed at the time of doing transaction at merchant outlet or merchant website. It is not a backend conversion process. In case of merchant websites offering HDFC Bank EasyEMI, ‘HDFC Bank’ EMI option & required tenure needs to be selected on the payment page of merchant website. The Bank is not liable to or responsible for converting transactions wherein ‘HDFC Bank’ EMI option was not chosen by cardholder or in case of technical issues at merchant’s end in routing the transaction to the Bank as an EMI transaction
  • In case of transactions done at physical outlets of merchants (POS transactions), please check with merchant on availability of EasyEMI facility BEFORE swiping your HDFC Bank Credit card. EasyEMI in POS transactions is valid only on swipe done on HDFC Bank/Plutus swipe machine. Please ensure that the intention to avail HDFC Bank EasyEMI along with the tenure option is communicated to merchant before swiping card. The chargeslip generated post swipe will indicate the EasyEMI tenure, Transaction Amount, Merchant Payback, Loan Amount, EasyEMI Finance Charges (% on reducing balance per annum) and EMI value. Please highlight to merchant immediately if the tenure is not appearing/wrongly appearing. HDFC Bank is not liable for erroneous swipes done by merchant eg. Swipe done as regular transaction instead of swiping as EasyEMI transaction OR swipe done on other Bank swipe machine. The Bank is also not liable to or responsible for converting such erroneous transactions to EasyEMI transactions at the backend.
  • Please ensure that all terms & charges mentioned on chargeslip are read before signing on the same. Cardholder can ask merchant to void transaction if he/she is not in agreement with the terms/charges. Once a transaction is settled by merchant, Bank will deem chargeslip as ‘customer consent’ for EasyEMI terms, conditions and charges
  • At select merchants, ‘Merchant Payback’ might be applicable. This is being provided by respective merchant/manufacturer and not by Issuing Bank. In such cases, the ‘Loan amount’ will be Transaction Amount less Merchant Payback amount. EasyEMI Finance Charges will be applied on the ‘Loan Amount’ to calculate EMI.
  • At select merchants, processing fee may be applicable on EasyEMI transactions. 
  • Change of tenure is not allowed once EasyEMI txn has been completed
  • Customers need to report to HDFC Bank any dispute with respect to an EasyEMI transaction within 60 days of transaction being done. The bank is not liable for any kind of conversion or charges reversal for claims beyond this period.
  • Processing fee (if any) will be charged in full in the statement subsequent to the transaction date. Service tax, Education Cess & other taxes as mandated by Government regulations from time to time will be applicable on Processing Fee charged
  • The credit limit on the HDFC Bank credit card shall be blocked to the extent of the full transaction amount. The credit limit will be released as and when the EMI is billed and paid for in subsequent months as per EMI plan.
  • The EMI debit per statement will be part of ‘Minimum Amount Due” and is payable by the Payment Due Date. Service tax, Education Cess & other taxes as mandated by Government regulations from time to time will be applicable on Interest component of each EMI billed
  • In case of Online EasyEMI transactions done at merchant websites, if refund done by merchant is greater than 90.01% of EasyEMI Prinicipal Outstanding on Credit Card then EMI Loan will be pre-closed. In such cases processing fees charged (if any) will be reversed. Interest charged as part of EMIs already posted to card will not be reversed. Since EMI will be preclosed, EasyEMI preclosure Interest charges (as applicable) will be levied to card eg. Customer is in 3rd month of EMI and statement date is 25th of every month. If loan gets preclosed on 19th November, then interest for 25th October to 19th November will be levied as 'Preclosure Interest charges'. However, If the refund amount from merchant is less than 90.01% of EasyEMI Principal Outstanding, then the EMI Loan will not get pre-closed. In such cases, the balance EasyEMI Prinicipal outstanding will get reduced to the extent of the refund and EMI for remaining tenures will get reduced.
  • All prevailing terms and conditions of merchants would apply in addition to these terms and conditions
  • Approval of EasyEMI is at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank. The EasyEMI scheme is available for select tenures and the purchase amount along with Interest, processing fee charges needs to be re-paid within the respective tenure opted for by the HDFC Bank Credit Card customer.
  • The EMI scheme can be pre-closed by calling the 24 hour HDFC Bank Credit Cards customer service. 'Preclosure Interest charges' (as applicable) will apply. In case of preclosure, any payback offered by merchant at time of loan booking will be debited on pro rata basis. Any payment made into the credit card account over and above the EasyEMI shall not be deemed to be payment towards the amount availed under EMI scheme and shall not result in the closure of the said facility. HDFC Bank reserves the right to revise the pre-payment charges at its discretion, without prior notice and such revised charges shall be binding on the Card Holder.
  • Customers can choose to cancel the EasyEMI transaction and pay in full instead of monthly installments by calling the 24 hour HDFC Bank Credit Cards customer service. On cancellation original Loan amount & ‘Merchant Payback’ will be debited in full (and become payable), EMI debits will be credited; processing fees charged initially (if any) will be reversed. However once an EasyEMI transaction is cancelled on card, the same cannot be reconverted.
  • In the event of non-payment of minimum amount due for three successive months the EMI shall be closed and the principal outstanding, the interest for the day till closure and the pre -closure charges shall be debited to the credit card account of the Cardholder and appear in the subsequent monthly statement. HDFC Bank shall be entitled to demand immediate repayment of such consolidated outstanding amounts.
  • In the event of cardholder becoming delinquent, the EMI shall be closed and the principal outstanding, the interest for the day till closure and the pre -closure charges shall be debited to the credit card account of the Cardholder and appear in the subsequent monthly statement. HDFC Bank shall be entitled to demand immediate repayment of such consolidated outstanding amounts.
  • In the event of a credit card being closed prior to all installments being charged, the amount outstanding against EasyEMI scheme may be charged as a consolidated transaction of the card member. HDFC Bank shall be entitled to demand immediate repayment of such consolidated outstanding amount.
  • Any query/dispute with regards to the payment using the EasyEMI option should be directed towards HDFC Bank, and merchants shall not be liable for the same in any manner.
Terms and Conditions applicable to loan against securities (LAMS) (OVERDRAFT) facility

The The persons named as borrowers in the Schedule-cum-Key Fact Statement hereto (hereinafter referred to as the Schedule) being borrower, hereinafter collectively referred to as Borrower which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include his/her heirs, administrators, executors and legal representatives.

In favour of:

HDFC BANK LIMITED, a banking company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and a banking company having license as such from the Reserve Bank of India under the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and having its registered office at HDFC Bank House, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel (West), Mumbai 400 013 and a branch office at the place where the overdraft facility is availed hereto (hereinafter referred to as the “Bank” which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, shall include its successors, transferees and assigns.)

In case of there being more than one Borrower (i.e. there being co-borrowers), the reference to the term Borrower shall be deemed to be as if it were plural and this document shall be read accordingly as if made and liabilities undertaken by each of them jointly and severally.

Reference to the masculine gender includes reference to the feminine and vice versa.

The Borrower and Bank are hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties and individually as a Party. WHEREAS the Borrower has requested the Bank online, to sanction an overdraft facility against the security of any shares, or other securities satisfactory to the Bank which may be pledged by the Borrower from time to time, hereinafter referred to as the Security/Securities.

AND WHEREAS the grant of the said overdraft facility, if any by Bank, shall depend upon the terms and conditions contained herein:

The Borrower hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agrees to abide by the following terms and conditions:

  1. The grant by the Bank to the Borrower of an overdraft facility (“Overdraft Facility”) shall be upon the terms and conditions contained herein. The Borrower understands and acknowledges that the actual amount of the overdraft facility that may be sanctioned from time to time would depend on the discretion of the Bank, the value of the Securities to be pledged/ charged in favour of the Bank and the Bank's policies from time to time and the maximum aggregate amount of such facility shall at no time exceed regulatory limits as may be prescribed from time to time, if any. The grant of the overdraft facility in favour of the Borrower is conditional upon (i) the Borrower pledging/ charging the Securities in favour of the Bank in a manner which is satisfactory to the Bank. The pledge of the Securities shall be created by the Borrower in the manner specified by the Bank prior to the disbursement of any advances by the Bank to the Borrower as an exclusive charge to the Bank towards repayment of all amounts due pursuant hereto, including the principal amount sanctioned to the Borrower together with the interest accrued, compound interest, default interest, all other monies, fees, costs, expenses, charges, etc., (Outstanding Balance)under these terms (ii) the Borrower complying with such other conditions as may be required by the Bank from time to time. The Borrower hereby acknowledges and agrees that in the event they do not comply with the conditions specified in (i) and (ii) above (viz. they do not pledge/ charge the Securities in favour of the Bank) within a period of 30 (Thirty) days of the execution hereof, the Bank may, at its sole discretion, cancel the overdraft facility without any reimbursement of the processing fee and/or any other charges already paid by the Borrower in connection thereof. For clarity, even if the combination of holders in the demat account from which the Securities shall be pledged in favour of the Bank, is different from the combination of holders in the overdraft account/current account, the Borrowers shall have no objection to the same.

  2. The sanctioned amount of the overdraft facility (“Sanctioned Credit Limit”) that the Borrower shall draw the amounts from the overdraft facility from time to time, as per the conditions hereof, would depend upon the discretion of the Bank and the value of the Securities to be pledged with the Bank from time to time prior to the disbursal/ drawal of any amounts under the overdraft facility. The decisions in respect of the valuation of the Securities, margin money and the actual disbursal under the overdraft facility would be exclusively taken by the Bank and will be binding on the Borrower. As on the date of acceptance of the terms and conditions mentioned herein, the Sanctioned Credit Limit is as mentioned in the Schedule. In terms of the Bank's policies and based on the value of the Securities, the Sanctioned Credit Limit could stand enhanced or reduced accordingly, but in any event will not exceed the amount of the overdraft facility. It is clarified, however, that the mere provision of Securities by the Borrower and/or compliance by the Borrower of the other conditions that may be stipulated by the Bank would not automatically entitle the Borrower to an increase in the amount sanctioned by the Bank under the overdraft facility and any such increase would be at the sole discretion of the Bank whose decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the Borrower. The Borrower understands and acknowledges that the Borrower is not entitled to draw cheques on and/or issue payment instructions with respect to the overdraft account in an amount which is greater than the un-drawn Sanctioned Credit Limit and that any cheque presented for an amount greater than the un-drawn Sanctioned Credit Limit (as prevalent on the date of such presentment) shall be dishonoured by the Bank and the Bank shall not be responsible or liable for any losses or damages which the Borrower may suffer as a result of such cheque(s) being dishonoured. It is clarified that this will be the case even when the amount of the cheque was equal to or lower than the un-drawn Sanctioned Credit Limit at the time of its issue but in excess of the un-drawn Sanctioned Credit Limit at the time of its presentment.

  3. Notwithstanding anything mentioned in the facility documents, the Borrower acknowledges that the Bank reserves an unconditional right to cancel/terminate Borrower's right to avail of or make drawals from the unavailed portion of the Overdraft Facility sanctioned at any time during the currency of the Overdraft Facility, without any prior notice to the Borrower.

  4.  Further changes in Sanctioned Credit Limit will be communicated from time to time by various means and methods and this would be the Borrower's Sanctioned Credit Limit and will be reflected in the Bank's system as the Sanctioned Credit Limit. Such communication may be by way of email, SMS or monthly bank statements, telegram or any other mode as mutually agreed between the Bank and the Borrower.

  5. Notwithstanding anything stated elsewhere in these terms and conditions, the continuation of the Overdraft Facility shall be at sole and absolute discretion of the Bank and the Borrower's outstanding shall be payable to the Bank on demand. The Bank may at any time in its sole discretion and without assigning any reason call upon the Borrower to pay to the Bank the Borrower's outstanding and there upon the Borrower(s) shall, within 7 (Seven) days of being so called upon, pay the whole of the Borrower's outstanding to the Bank without any delay or demur.

  6. Without Prejudice to the provisions of clause (5) the credit facility will be available for a period of 12 (Twelve) months only and the Borrower shall repay the same on or before the expiry of the said period. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the overdraft facility shall stand renewed for further periods of 12 (Twelve) months each time, unless the Bank on its review, has specifically indicated its unwillingness for such renewal. However in cases where the Bank proposes to make such renewal subject to certain conditions, the renewal will occur only on the Bank intimating the Borrower of such conditions at least 15 days prior to the expiry of the aforesaid 12 month period and the Borrower either expressly accepting such conditions or impliedly accepting them by continuing to enjoy the overdraft facility and/or not making payment of the amount due in respect of the overdraft facility on or before the expiry of the aforesaid 12 month period. On such renewal these terms and conditions and all other documents, deeds and writings whatsoever executed pursuant hereto or in connection hereto, as may be amended from time to time, and/or overdraft facility shall continue in full force and effect, subject to the terms and conditions on which the overdraft facility is renewed.

  7. The overdraft facility shall carry interest at the rate as mentioned in the Schedule, upon the daily balances shown by the bank account which reflects the amount availed by the Borrower under the overdraft facility (hereinafter referred to as the overdraft account), which interest shall be payable on monthly or quarterly rests or other interval as the Bank may decide from time to time. The aforesaid rate of interest on daily balances may be varied by the Bank from time to time. Further the interest payable by the Borrower shall be subject to changes in interest rates made by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) from time to time. Such revised rate may be subsequently intimated to the Borrower. The Borrower acknowledges that the Borrower is aware of the interest rate and of the fact that the same will fluctuate throughout the tenure of the overdraft facility. The Borrower agrees and accepts that the rate of interest declared by the Bank from time to time shall be binding on the Borrower. It is also agreed that advances against different types of Securities may carry different rates of interest. Therefore, the Bank at its absolute discretion reserves the right to charge different rates of interest on the overdraft facility based on the types of Securities pledged as may be advised by the Bank to the Borrower from time to time. The Borrower gives irrevocable and unconditional authority to the Bank to debit from time to time, his account with the principal amount, interest amount, compound interest, default interest, all other monies, fees, costs, expenses, charges, etc and appropriate the same in the discretion of the Bank. The Borrower confirms that the Borrower is aware that the interest debited by the Bank in respect of the overdraft account has to be serviced at monthly intervals or at such intervals as may be applicable from time to time, by way of crediting such interest amounts into the overdraft account. The fixed rate of interest mentioned in the Schedule is applicable from the date of these terms and conditions and is applicable till the renewal/ annual renewal. The new fixed rate applicable upon renewal for the next 1 (one) year and every successive renewal period of 1 (one) year shall be communicated by the Bank to the Borrower at/ around the time each renewal and each such new fixed rate shall be applicable from the corresponding date of renewal. The Borrower’s continued use of the facility and/or overdraft limit and/or non-closure of the current account shall amount to the Borrower’s acceptance of the new fixed rate applicable upon such renewal without any further act, deed or writing. Each fixed rate as communicated by the Bank and as applicable for each renewal period shall be deemed to have been incorporated in the Schedule hereto and deemed to be part and parcel of these terms and conditions without any further act deed or writing. It is expressly agreed by the Borrower that the Borrower shall be liable to pay to the Bank a fee as mentioned in the Schedule, on the overdraft facility amount disbursed to the Borrower, as may be intimated by the Bank, as Custodial and Processing Charges and this fee shall be paid at the beginning of the year. In addition, the Borrower hereby agrees and undertakes to pay all the charges and costs specified in the Schedule hereto (including the demat charges).The Borrower further understands and acknowledges that the charges which are in the nature of fees are exclusive of service tax. Service tax, and other government levies, as applicable, will be charged additionally.

  8. All present and future costs and expenses, taxes (as applicable from time to time), any related levy, commission, interest, charges, stamp duty, in all jurisdictions, in relation to this /other documents/any transaction pursuant thereto, irrespective of who the beneficiary is, shall be borne and payable solely by the Borrower, including for creation, enforcement, preservation of security, recovery, initiating/defending/pursuing any legal proceedings/ actions by Bank. In case of any such sums if paid or incurred by the Bank, the Borrower shall be liable to reimburse the same to the Bank in full forthwith.

  9. If the Borrower does not pay interest at the times, in the manner and at the rate specified in clause (7), the Borrower shall be obliged to return all the amounts due immediately.

  10. The Borrower represent(s) and warrant(s) that (which shall be deemed to have been repeated to the Bank on the date of the Disbursement and on each date thereafter till entire repayment): (a) The Borrower is a citizen of India and a major (in terms of age) and is of sound mind and is competent to contract and enter into and perform his/her obligations contemplated under this document/ other document/in respect of the overdraft facility; (b) There is no impediment or restriction, whether under law, judgment, order, award, contract or otherwise, for any of the Borrowers entering into and/or performing any of the transactions contemplated by this /other documents/ in respect of the overdraft facility and all approvals and consents, wherever necessary have been duly obtained and are and will continue to be in full force; (c) The execution hereof constitutes legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower. The Borrower is duly empowered and authorised to borrow the overdraft facility amount, enter into and/or perform any of the transactions contemplated by this document/other documents/ in respect of the overdraft facility; (d) All declarations made by Borrower are true and complete and no material information has been suppressed/ withheld.

  11.  The Borrower should maintain adequate books of accounts, as per applicable accounting practices and standards, which should correctly reflect its financial position and scale of operations and should not radically change its accounting system without notice to the Bank.

  12.  The Borrower should submit to the Bank such financial statements as may be required by the Bank from time to time in addition to the set of such statements to be furnished by the Borrower to the Bank as on the date of publication of the Borrower's annual accounts.

  13. The Borrower shall keep the Bank informed of the happening of any event likely to have a substantial effect on their profit or business: for instance, if, the monthly production or sales are substantially less than what had been indicated, the Borrower shall immediately inform the Bank with explanations and the remedial steps taken and I or proposed to be taken.

  14. The Borrower shall keep the Bank advised of any circumstance adversely affecting the financial position ofcompanies in which it has invested, including any action taken by any creditor against the said companies legally or otherwise.

  15. The Borrower shall deal with the Bank exclusively, and shall not open current accounts with any other bank without our prior permission.

  16.  Negative Covenants: Unless otherwise approved by the Bank in the form of prior written consent, the Borrower shall not: (a) change the capital structure, ownership, management or control of the Borrower including whereby the effective beneficial ownership, management or control of the Borrower shall change; (b) create, assume or incur any further indebtedness of a long term nature (including borrowing, standing as surety or issuing guarantees) whether for borrowed money or otherwise, until the Outstanding Balances hereunder have been paid in full; (c) sell, license, let, lease, transfer, alienate, dispose of in any manner whatsoever, surrender or otherwise encumber any of its securities, assets, rights, title or interest, receivables, or any part thereof; or create, facilitate or permit to exist any charge, encumbrance or lien of any kind whatsoever over any of its property or grant any option or other right to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire, any such assets or part thereof, except in favour of the Bank. (d) undertake any new project, implement any scheme of expansion/ diversification or capital expenditure or acquired fixed assets. (e) invest by way of share capital or in any other manner in any other person, entity or concern or lend or advance funds to or place deposits with any other concern or issue guarantee or stand surety for any person. (f) repay monies brought in the business by friends and relatives by way of deposits / loans I advances. Further, the rate of interest if any, payable on such deposits /loans I advances should be lower than the rate of interest charged by the Bank on its overdraft facility and payment of such interest will be subject to regular repayment of installments to the overdraft facility granted I deferred payment guarantees executed by the Bank or other repayment obligations, if any, due from the borrower to the Bank. (g) enter into borrowing arrangement either secured or unsecured with any other bank, financial institution, company or otherwise or accept deposits which creates any indebtedness. (h) undertake any guarantee or letter of comfort in the nature of guarantee on behalf of any other person (including controlled concerns). (i) create any charge, lien or encumbrance over its assets or undertaking or any part thereof in favour of any financial institution, bank, company, firm or persons. (j) enter into any contractual obligation which, in the reasonable assessment of the Bank, is detrimental to lender's interest. (k) undertake any trading activity other than the sale of products arising out of its own manufacturing operations. (l) change/ cease/ retire from/ terminate/ resign from the present employment/ profession/business disclosed in the application; or change, terminate or open any bank account.

  17. Happening or occurrence of any of the following events shall constitute an Event of Default: (a) Failure and/ or breach on Borrower's part to perform any of the obligations or terms or conditions applicable under these terms and conditions/other documents/ any other agreement with any other person including nonpayment in full of any part of the Outstanding Balance when due or when demanded by Bank; (b) any misrepresentations or misstatement by the Borrower under these terms and conditions/ other document; (c) If there is any deterioration or impairment of the security or any part thereof which causes the security in the judgment of the Bank to become unsatisfactory as to character, including depreciation in the value or market price of the assets there under whether actual or reasonably anticipated; (d) where a receiver is appointed or any attachment, distress, execution or other legal process is threatened, enforced or levied upon against the Borrower/its assets/ or any of the security; (e) where the Borrower fails or intentionally omits to get the charge created by way of the security registered in accordance with the provisions of applicable law; (f) the event of death, liquidation, failure in business, insolvency, bankruptcy, or initiation of any proceedings/ actions/ notices for any of them, change or termination of employment/profession/business for any reason whatsoever; (g) If it is certified by an independent Chartered Accountant or valuer (appointed by the Bank in its sole discretion), that the liabilities of the Borrower exceed the Borrower's assets or that the Borrower is carrying on business at a loss; (h) If any circumstance or event occurs which is or is likely to prejudice, impair, imperil, depreciate or jeopardize the security and/or the capacity of the Borrower to repay the amounts or any part thereof including where the Borrower ceases to enjoy the confidence of the Bank; (i) If subsequent to the grant of the overdraft facility, the Borrower is/are divorced or is a party to any proceeding in any family court/ settlement/ dispute; (j) If the Borrower becomes lunatic or is convicted under any criminal law in force; (k) Any failure or default by the Borrower in payment/repayment pursuant to any of its indebtness or any surety obligation to any person;

    If any Event of Default or any event which, after the notice or lapse of time or both would constitute an Event of Default shall have happened, the Borrower shall forthwith give the Bank notice thereof in writing specifying such Event of Default, or such event.

    On the question whether any of the above events/circumstances has occurred/ happened, the decision of the Bank shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Borrower.

    Upon happening/occurrence of any Event of Default, without prejudice to Bank's rights and remedies under contract or law, and without necessity of any demand upon or notice to the Borrower, all of which are hereby expressly waived by the Borrower, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in any of the security documents, the Bank may at its absolute discretion, pursue any or all of the following, and whether simultaneously or independently or otherwise,:

    (i) declare the entire Outstanding Balance and all of the obligations of the Borrower to the Bank hereunder, to have become due and payable by the Borrower to Bank forthwith thereupon, in which event the Borrower shall be liable to forthwith pay to the Bank the entire Outstanding Balance;

    (ii) to enforce the security or any part thereof, including by selling, transferring or disposing off the assets/ some or any part thereof either by means of private treaty or public auction or otherwise, with or without the intervention of any Court/ tribunal;

    (iii) to exercise, initiate and pursue any action, rights, notices, remedies, any proceedings (including litigation), whether civil, criminal or otherwise in nature, and including for recovery of Outstanding Balance.

  18. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this document or any other document/arrangement: (i) in respect of all and any of Borrower's present and future liabilities to the Bank, its affiliates, group entities, associate entities, parent, subsidiaries, any of their branches (collectively Relevant Entities), whether under this document or under any other obligation/loan/facilities/borrowings/document, whether such liabilities are/be crystallised, actual or contingent, primary or collateral or several or jointly with others, whether in same currency or different currencies, whether as principal debtor and/or as guarantor and/or otherwise howsoever (collectively Liabilities), each of the Bank and the Relevant Entities shall in addition to any general lien or similar right to which any of them as bankers may be entitled by law, practice, custom or otherwise, have a specific and special lien on all the Borrower's present and future stocks, shares, securities, property, book debts, demat account, all moneys in all accounts whether current, savings, overdraft, fixed or other deposits, held with or in custody, legal or constructive, with the Bank and/or any Relevant Entities, now or in future, whether in same or different capacity of the Borrower, and whether severally or jointly with others, whether for any banking relationship, safe custody, collection, or otherwise, whether in same currency or different currencies; and (ii) separately, each of the Bank and the Relevant Entities shall have the specific and express right to, without notice to and without consent of the Borrower, set-off, transfer, sell, realize, adjust, appropriate all such amounts in all accounts (whether prematurely or upon maturity as per the Bank's discretion), securities, amounts and property as aforesaid for the purpose of realizing or against any of dues in respect of any of the Liabilities whether ear-marked for any particular Liability or not, combine or consolidate all or any of accounts of the Borrower and set-off any monies, whether of same type or nature or not and whether held in same capacity or not including upon happening of any of the events of default mentioned in any of the documents pertaining to the respective Liabilities or upon any default in payment of any part of any of the Liabilities. (iii) The Bank and the Relevant Entities shall be deemed to have and hold and continue to have first charge on any assets including any deposit on which security has been/will be created in respect of the overdraft facility, as security also for any of the other Liabilities and all the rights and powers vested in the Bank in terms of any security or charge created for the overdraft facility shall be available to the Bank and/or the Relevant Entities also in respect of such other Liabilities, irrespective of the fact whether the overdraft facility is at any time outstanding, repaid or satisfied or not and even after the overdraft facility has been repaid or prepaid.

  19. Any default in payment of dues or in observance by the Borrower of any terms and conditions of this overdraft facility or in case of any misrepresentations by the Borrower, an additional interest as mentioned in the Schedule on the defaulted or overdrawn amount or the amount outstanding , shall be payable by the Borrower and shall be leviable from the date of the default until the date of payment of dues together with interest without prejudice to the Bank's other rights available as per the terms and conditions mentioned herein and in law.

  20. Bank shall be entitled at its discretion to engage/ avail of, at the risk and cost of the Borrower, services of any person/third party service provider/agent/agency, for anything required to be done for/ in relation to/ pursuant to the overdraft facility, including collections, recovery of dues, enforcement of security, getting or verifying any information of the Borrower/ assets, and any necessary or incidental lawful acts/ deeds/ matters and things connected thereto, as the Bank may deem fit.

  21. The Bank shall have the right to not return the application, the photographs, information and documents submitted by the Borrower. The Bank shall, without notice to or without any consent of the Borrower, be absolutely entitled and have full right, power and authority to make disclosure of any information relating to Borrower including personal information, details in relation to documents, Loan, defaults, security, obligations of Borrower, to Credit Information Companies (CICs) and/or any other governmental/regulatory/statutory or private agency/entity, credit bureau, RBI, the Bank's other branches/ subsidiaries / affiliates / rating agencies, service providers, other banks / financial institutions, any third parties, any assignees/potential assignees or transferees, who may need the information and may process the information, publish in such manner and through such medium as may be deemed necessary by the publisher/ Bank/ RBI, including publishing the name as part of willful defaulter's list from time to time, as also use for KYC information verification, credit risk analysis, or for other related purposes. In this connection, the Borrower waives the privilege of privacy and privity of contract. The Bank shall have the right, without notice to or without any consent of the Borrower, to approach, make enquiries, obtain information, from any person including other banks/finance entities/credit bureaus, Borrower's employer/family members, any other person related to the Borrower, to obtain any information for assessing track record, credit risk, or for establishing contact with the Borrower or for the purpose of recovery of dues from the Borrower.

  22. Any notice or correspondence shall be addressed by the Bank at the address given by the Borrower in the Schedule. The same would be deemed to have been served at the time it would be delivered in the normal course. Notices may also be served by the Bank by telegram/ facsimile transmissions/e-mail at the numbers/ email addresses indicated in the records available with the Bank at that point in time. Internal records of the Bank noting the grant of such notice would be sufficient proof of delivery of such notice although such internal records may not specifically note the contents of such notice/ communication.

  23. The Borrower agrees to accept the statement of account sent by the Bank or by any other authorised representative of the Bank as conclusive proof of the correctness of any sum claimed by the Bank to be due from him.

  24.  The Borrower agrees to use the funds for personal purpose only and not to utilise the overdraft facility: (a) for any speculative purposes; and/or

    (b) for any anti social or illegal purpose.

    (c) for purchase of Land, Gold, Gold ETF/Gold Bonds/Gold Mutual Funds

    (d) Funds from LAS Facility account where Mutual Funds is also pledged, will not be used for Capital Market /Purchase of Mutual Funds / Fixed Maturity Plans / Bonds / Debentures etc.

    In the event of the funds being used for any speculative purposes and/or anti-social purposes contrary to the provisions in this clause, the Borrower shall provide the Bank with a written intimation. The Bank shall have the right to recall the advance if the funds are used for any other purpose other than declared and/or for speculative purposes (where such use is prohibited by this clause) and/or anti-social purposes.The Bank reserves the right to close the account in case of unsatisfactory conduct of the account.

  25. Where the Borrower is an intermediary registered in terms of Section 12 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, the Borrower hereby agrees and undertakes:

    (i) not to deal in penny stocks in any manner as stipulated in SEBI directives

    (ii) to maintain segregation of securities held by him/ her on behalf of clients from the securities held by the Borrower in his/her name, as required by the SEBI regulations

    (iii) to confirm that the client securities will not be offered as security for borrowing from the Bank in any manner whatsoever

    (iv) to provide details of securities held on behalf of clients and securities held by the Borrower in his/her own name to the Bank on demand

  26. In the event that the Borrower creates a pledge of the Securities in favour of the Bank and the Bank advances monies to the Borrower under the overdraft facility in the manner set out herein, the Borrower acknowledges that:

    (i) The Bank may at any time require the Borrower to change the Securities that may be pledged, whether belonging to or held in the name of the Borrower. At the request of the Borrower, the Bank may in its sole discretion allow the Borrower to withdraw the Securities and change the Securities with other Securities of similar nature and value which shall be pledged in favour of the Bank. Such withdrawal may also be made on the Borrower issuing instructions in writing and the Bank shall be entitled to act in accordance with such instructions of the Borrower.

    (ii) If at any time the value of the Securities falls so as to create a deficiency in the margin requirement specifiedby the Bank from time to time or there is a withdrawal in excess of the overdraft facility limit,the Borrower shall within the Relevant Notice Period from the date of the notice issued by the Bank, deposit with the Bank additional security in the form of cash or such other Securities which may be acceptable to the Bank, failing which the Bank may, at its discretion and without any requirement for further notice or intimation, sell, dispose off or realize any or all of the Securities then held by the Bank, whether on the floor of the stock exchange concerned or as off market trades or otherwise as the Bank may deem fit, without being liable for any loss or damage or diminution in value sustained thereby and the Borrower shall not raise any objections in respect of such disposal of the Securities by the Bank and/or the adequacy of consideration realized therefrom. The Borrower acknowledges and confirms that any such notice issued by the Bank shall be a notice for invocation of the pledge over such Securities for all intents and purposes including, without limitation, for the purposes of Section 176 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. In the event that the sums realized upon such sale of the Securities are not sufficient to make good the deficiency in the margin requirement or the excess overdrawn in respect of the overdraft facility limit, the Borrower shall be obliged to forthwith pay to the Bank the sum required to make good such shortfall.

    (iii) In case of nonpayment of the Borrower on the expiry of the term of the overdraft facility or in case the Borrower fails to make any payment due to the Bank in respect of the overdraft facility, the Bank shall have the full rights to sell, dispose off or realise all or any of the Securities then held by the Bank ,whether on the floor of the stock exchange concerned or as off market trades or otherwise as the Bank may deem fit, after giving the Borrower, notice of not less than the Relevant Notice Period, on such terms and for such price that the Bank deems fit, and apply the net proceeds towards the satisfaction of the balance outstanding in the overdraft account including charges, expenses, etc. and the Borrower shall not raise any objections in respect of such disposal of the Securities by the Bank and/or the adequacy of consideration realized therefrom. The Borrower acknowledges and confirms that any such notice issued by the Bank shall be a notice for invocation of the pledge over such Securities for all intents and purposes including, without limitation, for the purposes of Section 176 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872. In the event that the sums realized upon such sale of the Securities are not sufficient to make good the payment due to the Bank in terms of this clause, the Borrower shall be obliged to forthwith pay to the Bank the sum required to make good such shortfall.

    The term Relevant Notice Period for shall mean :

    a) In the event that the Bank determines that there is a volatility in the stock market resulting in the margin requirement not being maintained at the time of sending any notice in terms of clause 26 (ii), 26 (iii) above, mean a period of 1 (One) calendar day;

    b) In any other case, mean a period of 7 (Seven) calendar days.

    The Borrower agrees, acknowledges and confirms that the Relevant Notice Period represents a reasonable period of time and any notice which is provided by the Bank in terms of sub-clause 26(ii), 26(iii) above (which provides the Borrower the Relevant Notice Period) would constitute a reasonable notice of sale for all intents and purposes including, without limitation, for the purposes of Section 176 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872

    (iv) Any accretion to the Securities by way of dividend, interest, bonus shares, right shares and other benefitsfrom time to time accruing in respect of the Securities or any part thereof shall also be deemed to be pledged with the Bank without any further act or deed of the Parties in this respect.

    (v) In case of any corporate action being taken by the company or other entity issuing the Securities, including but not limited to an arrangement, reconstruction, merger, demerger, splitting of the Securities or change in corporate name, any securities issued in place and stead of the Securities shall be deemed to be pledged with the Bank and form a part of the Securities without any further act or deed of the Parties in this respect, provided however that the Borrower shall execute such documents if so required by the Bank in order to perfect the rights of the Bank over the pledged Securities including any securities issued in place and stead of the pledged Securities.

    (vi) In the event that the company or other entity which has issued the Securities requires the Borrower to do any act in relation to the Securities or makes any offer to the Borrower by reason of the Borrower being the holder of the Securities and if the Borrower does not do such act or accept such offer, the Bank shall be entitled but not obliged to, for the purpose of protecting the value of the Securities or its rights under these terms and conditions, perform such act or accept such offer at the cost and expense of the Borrower.

    (vii) During the continuance of the pledge of Securities, all voting rights in respect of the Securities shall be exercisable solely and exclusively by the Bank or as per the instruction of the Bank subject only to the directions of the Reserve Bank of India.

    (viii) The Securities to be pledged by the Borrower in respect of the grant of any advance under the overdraft facility would be a continuing security to the Bank for all monies which are due from the Borrower and the Securities which will be pledged in favour of the Bank will be free from any charge and the Borrower shall keep them as such during the time the Securities are pledged with the Bank.

    (ix) The Borrower shall not seek duplicates of the Securities to be pledged to the Bank from the respective companies or stop the transfer thereof to the name of the Bank or its nominees.

    (x) The Borrower shall execute in favour of the Bank or any nominee of the Bank transfer deeds/documents etc.at the request of the Bank and ensure the validity of the transfer deeds/documents. The Bank shall be entitled to transfer the Securities in its own name, at any time and any costs/ expenses incurred in connection which such transfer shall be borne by the Borrower and the Borrower gives authority to the Bank to debit his account for such costs/ expenses.

    (xi) The Borrower shall if and whenever required by the Bank, give irrevocable Power(s) of Attorney in favour of the Bank to authorise the Bank to sell or transfer the Securities to be pledged in the form and manner specified by the Bank.

    (xii) In event that the company/ies which have issued the Securities issue further shares or securities by way of a rights issue or otherwise howsoever and if the Securities have been transferred in the name of the Bank, the Bank shall give a notice in writing to the Borrower about the same and if the Borrower does not remit the requisite funds to the Bank for applying for the right shares or securities within 7 (Seven) days of the receipt of notice thereof, the Bank shall be entitled but not obliged to apply for and be allotted such further shares or securities at the cost and expense of the Borrower.

    (xiii) The Borrower shall not write any letters to the companies which have issued the Securities in respect of which the Power(s) of Attorney in favour of the Bank has been executed in pursuance of clause (xi) above, for cancelling the same.

    (xiv) The Borrower shall pay the call monies on the Securities within the time stipulated by the companies (which have issued the Securities) and agrees that the Bank shall not be liable to pay the call monies.

  27. Bank shall credit all maturity amounts and any other amount collected/received by it in respect of all Securities that may be pledged with the Bank into the overdraft account and the Borrower hereby agrees to and shall save, defend and hold harmless the Bank and its directors, officers, employers, at all times in respect of all claims, proceedings, demands in respect of the aforesaid, maturity amounts, and other amounts, and shall make good to the Bank any monies which the Bank demands forthwith upon such demand without demur, protest, set-off or counter claim. The Bank shall not be responsible for any delay and/or failure in collecting such amounts from the issuing banks / institutions.

  28. The Borrower undertakes to fully comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions and does hereby agree to hold and keep the Bank harmless from any loss (including any amounts, losses, damages, fees including any attorney fees, costs, expenses, etc) that may be incurred by reason of the transactions contemplated herein or by reason of any breach of the provisions of this document whether arising out of any suits, actions, investigations, notices, demands, claims, and the Borrower agrees to make good to Bank any such loss forthwith upon demand by the Bank.

  29. The Bank shall be entitled to sell, assign, transfer or securitize the Bank's rights, benefits and obligations hereunder to any person(s) of the Bank's choice in whole or in part and in such manner and on such terms as the Bank may decide. Any such sale, assignment or transfer shall conclusively bind the Borrower. The Borrower shall not be entitled to directly or indirectly assign the benefit or obligation under these presents.

  30. The Borrower(s) agree to allow the officers, or auditors (including Borrower's auditors), technical experts or management consultants appointed by the Bank to inspect the Borrower's books of accounts and certify including but not limited to end use of funds, from time to time as required by the Bank and agree to forthwith, upon demand by the Bank, to extend full co-operation and pay for the costs and expenses incurred by the Bank in relation to said inspection.

  31. The Borrower hereby consents and specifically confirms that the instructions given by the Borrower to the Bank by way of facsimile or via email (irrespective of whether such instructions so given are electronically signed or not, or are only scanned instructions emailed to the Bank by the Borrower or authorized signatory(ies) of the Borrower) (Virtual Instructions) to perform certain acts which may be permitted by the Bank from time to time, shall be valid, effective and legally enforceable against the Borrower. For the purpose hereof an email shall be deemed to be Electronically Signed if the same has been encrypted / authenticated by using an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 or in any other manner / method / procedure / technique as is recognized / envisaged as a valid method of encryption / authentication under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

    The Borrower shall ensure that the Virtual Instructions shall be sent to such fascimile number/ email address as may be communicated by the Bank to the Borrower from time to time. The Borrower shall upon giving such Virtual Instructions, deliver to the Bank without any delay within 3 (three)business days, the original hard copy of the Virtual Instructions (Hardcopy) signed by the Borrower. Each Hardcopy shall be accompanied by a note or a cover slip which shall state that This is a Hardcopy of the fax/email instructions to you from M/s / Mr./Mrs. _________ (Name of Borrower) sent / transmitted on ____ day of _____ at approximately ____ a.m. / p.m.. In case of non-receipt of such Hardcopy, within the stipulated period, Bank may withdraw such facility without any further intimation. The Bank shall be entitled to rely upon the Virtual Instructions so received and to act upon the same without being required or expected to carry out an independent verification as to the authenticity or validity of the Virtual Instructions. PROVIDED however, that the Bank shall not be obliged to, await receipt of the Hardcopy prior to taking any action in connection with the Virtual Instructions. The Borrower agrees that notwithstanding anything contrary contained herein, the Bank shall not be obliged to act on the Virtual Instructions so received, if the Bank, in good faith, believe / suspect that such Virtual Instructions (i) are not genuine (ii) have not been sent by Borrower (iii) there is an error in transmission or receipt of such instructions or instructions are incomplete /incorrect (iv) there is any ambiguity, lack of clarity or incompleteness in the instructions. The Borrower further agrees that the Bank shall not be liable or responsible for not acting on the basis of any Virtual Instructions in the circumstances mentioned above or any consequences of whatsoever nature including, without limitation, any losses, damages and/or expenses incurred by Borrower arising as a result of or pursuant to the Bank not acting on the basis of any Virtual Instructions as aforesaid. The Borrower acknowledges and is aware that the Virtual Instructions are not a secure or error free mode of communication and is aware of the possible risks involved therein. The Borrower is aware that they have the option of not availing such facility, however, the Borrower acknowledges and confirms that the Borrower has, for its/his/her/their convenience and after being fully aware of, and having duly considered the risks involved (which risks shall be borne fully by the Borrower), opted for such facility of their own free choice and have requested the Bank to rely upon and act on the Virtual Instructions. The Borrower is willing and agreeable to bear all associated risks, responsibility and liability of any misuse or unauthorised use of the facility, and in this regard hereby agrees to and shall save, defend and hold harmless the Bank, and its directors, officers, employers, at all times against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits/proceedings filed against the Bank including consequential losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses incurred/suffered or paid or required to be paid by the Bank in connection with Virtual Instructions provided by the Borrower or claimed to have been sent by Borrower or Authorised Signatories of Borrower and received by the Bank and shall made good to the Bank any monies which the Bank demands forthwith upon such demand without demur, protest, set-off or counter claim.

    It is clarified that Virtual Instructions to perform certain acts, viz. (i) creation of pledge of shares /securities (ii)removal of pledge of shares/securities and (iii) sale of shares/securities, shall be sent through facsimile only. Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, the Bank may at any time without assigning any reason withdraw/terminate the facility given to the Borrower. However, any such termination shall not affect anything done or any rights or liabilities accrued or incurred prior to the termination and the obligation to hold the Bank, and its directors, officers, employers, harmless and/or to make good any monies in respect thereof shall survive any such termination.

  32. The Bank and/or its agents (both internal and external) shall have the right to make enquiries and obtain information about the Borrower's affairs (including credit history) in such manner as may deem fit including in particular, making enquiries with and obtaining information from the Credit Information Companies (CICs) of which Bank is a member. The Bank shall also be entitled to disclose or publish without notice to the Borrower any information regarding the Borrower's relationship with the Bank and any information and documents that they might possess from time to time: To any branches of the Bank or other banks, financial institutions, to the Reserve Bank of India and/or any other statutory authority or official of the Government of India or any state, Credit information/reference agencies/bureaus or other individuals/entities either in response to their credit enquiries directed to the Bank or in the event of the Borrower not complying with any of the terms and conditions herein or otherwise. Such agencies/Institution bureaus/Banks may use/process the information and data disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them and may furnish for consideration the processed information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to Banks/Financial Institution and other credit guarantors or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank of India in this behalf.

  33. The overdraft facility, this document/other documents, shall be governed by the laws of India. The parties hereto expressly agree that all disputes arising out of and/or relating to the overdraft facility, this or any other relevant document shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the court/tribunal of the city/place in which the branch of the Bank from where the disbursement has been made is situated, provided that the exclusivity aforesaid shall bind the Borrower and the Bank shall be entitled to pursue the same in any other court of competent jurisdiction at any other place; and provided further that if any dispute is below the pecuniary jurisdiction limit of the Debts Recovery Tribunals established under the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993, then such dispute shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 as may be amended, or its re-enactment, by a sole arbitrator, appointed by the Bank. The place of arbitration shall be at Mumbai or such city/place in which the branch of the Bank from where the disbursement has been made is situated or such other place as the Bank may determine. The costs of such arbitration shall be borne by the losing party or otherwise as determined in the arbitration award. If a party is required to enforce an arbitral award by legal action of any kind, the party against whom such legal action is taken shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses and attorneys fees, including any cost of additional litigation or arbitration taken by the party seeking to enforce the award. The award given by such an Arbitrator shall be final and binding on all the parties herein. The provision of arbitration clause contained herein shall continue in force in respect of any question, dispute or claim as mentioned in clause above notwithstanding the repayment of overdraft facility.

  34. Accordingly, the Borrower hereby agrees and consents to the disclosure by the Bank without notice to the Borrower, of all or any such;

    (a) Information and data relating to the Borrower; (b) The information or data relating to any credit facility availed of / to be availed of by the Borrower and (c) Default, if any, committed by the Borrower, in discharge of his/her/its obligations, as the Bank may deem appropriate and necessary to disclose and furnish to Credit Information Companies (CICs) and any other agency authorised in this behalf by RBI.

  35. Borrower undertakes that

    (a) The Credit Information Companies (CICs) and any other agency so authorised may use and process the said information and data disclosed by the Bank in the manner deemed fit by them; and
    (b) The Credit Information Companies (CICs) and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration, the processed information and data or products prepared by them, to banks / financial institutions and other credit grantors or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank of India in this behalf.

  36. The Borrower acknowledges that the Borrower is not a director/senior officer/relative of director or senior officer of/at the Bank or at any other bank or its subsidiaries/trustees of mutual funds/ venture capital funds set up by any bank.

  37. The Borrower confirms that the Borrower has not availed any loan against securities(loan against securities or equity based mutual fund units, bonds, debentures) facility from any other bank.

  38. The Borrower confirms that the Bank has provided the Borrower with a copy of the Terms and Conditions Applicable to the Overdraft Facility upon request made by the Borrower.

  39. The Borrower confirms that he is not a director/promoter of the companies whose shares are to be pledged. The Borrower further confirms that the instruments to be pledged are held by the Borrower, in the Borrower's name as absolute owner/s thereof, and not in the Borrower's capacity as trustees or guardians, or in any other fiduciary capacity.

  40. The Borrower confirms that no cash/bearer cheque has been collected from the Borrower up-front towards processing the LAS application. The Borrower also understands that the Bank shall not entertain any discount/free gift or any other commitment whatsoever which is not documented herein by the Bank or any of its authorized representative(s).The Borrower understands that the overdraft facility, sanctioned credit limit, disbursal and continuance of this overdraft facility is at the sole discretion of the Bank and the Bank has not given any commitment regarding the same.

  41. Acceptance and Signing
    The Borrower hereby expressly acknowledges and confirms that the Borrower has read, verified, understood, irrevocably agreed to and accepted and delivered all the terms and conditions contained in Clauses 1 to 41 (including sub clauses), the Schedule-cum-Key Fact Statement, Most Important Terms and Conditions, Standing Instruction, and all the contents of the Application (collectively, “Overdraft Facility Documents”) online by ticking/clicking the “I agree” or “I agree and accept” or any similar icon/tab/option on the online system/NetBanking/Website/portal/platform of HDFC Bank as well as by entering the one time password (OTP) provided to the Borrower's registered mobile number. No other/further act, deed or writing on part of the Borrower shall be required for acceptance by the Borrower as above including any different or physical signature for the Overdraft Facility Documents. The Bank also does not require to sign the Overdraft Facility Documents in any physical form. For the purpose of stamp duty the Bank may optionally designate these terms and conditions as the principal terms and conditions or require any extract of any part of it (“Relevant Extract”) to be designated as the principal terms and conditions and such determination of the Bank would be deemed to be final and binding on the Borrower. The Borrower acknowledges that any writing on the said stamp paper or stamped (including franked) Relevant Extract associating the stamp paper/stamped page (including franked) with these terms and conditions would be as good as making the stamp paper/stamped page an integral part of these terms and conditions. The execution of these terms and conditions and Schedule shall be completed upon the Bank accepting this document and the Bank shall be deemed to have accepted and signed this document when the Bank when the Bank counter-signs or initials at the hands of any of its officers the Relevant Extract of these terms and conditions or when the Bank sends an email communication from the Bank’s officer of the branch where the loan account of the Borrower pursuant to these terms and conditions will be opened, and attaching therewith the copy of these terms and conditions.

    The Bank may print paper copies of the electronic record or produce in any such form at its discretion this document or any Overdraft Facility Documents and Borrower's signing as aforesaid, and the same shall be fully binding on the Borrower and the Borrower has no objection to such print-outs or any such other form (in the discretion of Bank) being produced by the Bank in evidence in any court, tribunal or otherwise, to prove the acceptance, execution as well as the contents of the contract.

Applied, Accepted, Authenticated, Signed and Delivered by the Borrower through NetBanking using Borrower's NetBanking Customer ID & Password, by ticking the I agree icon on the online system/NetBanking/Website of HDFC Bank as well as by entering the one time password (OTP).


Name and Address of Borrower :

As shown online


Funds will be used for the personal purpose only and will not be used for the following: (a) for any speculative purposes and (b) for any anti social or illegal purpose (c) for purchase of Land, Gold, Gold ETF/Gold Bonds/Gold Mutual Funds (d) Funds from LAS Facility account where Mutual Funds is also pledged, will not be used for Capital Market / Purchase of Mutual Funds / Fixed Maturity Plans / Bonds / Debentures etc.

Sanctioned Credit Limit as on date of this AgreementAs shown online
Type of ChargesDetails
Custodial and Processing Fee/ChargesAs shown online
Interest TypeFixed Rate
Rate of interestAs shown online
Annual Maintenance charges (AMC)Rs.1000/-   (upon each renewal)

Details of security /

Collateral obtained
Pledge of Securities and shares and other securities as will be pledged from time to time.
Repayment ThroughCash Flows /Sale of Assets/Other Investments Maturing
Facility Tenure12 Months (Renewable at Bank's discretion, as detailed in the T&C).
Mode of communication of changes in interest ratesAny of the SMS, Email, Letter, Fax, Telegram, Bank's website, Notice at branches, Annexure to the statement of accounts or any other mode of communication.
Processing ChargeRs. 1499 to be deducted from account upon setting up of the overdraft limit in the current account (Non-refundable even if Facility is not drawn).
Fee refundable if loan not sanctioned/disbursedNone
EMI PayableNot Applicable
Default Interest/Additional interest in case of default1.50 % per month over and above applicable Interest Rate.
Date on which annual outstanding balance statement will be issuedBy 15th April of succeeding Financial Year.
Stamp duty & other statutoryAt actuals
Dormant Account Penalty/Charges  in case limit drops to ZeroUpto Rs.1,000/- per month (where limits are Nil in the month).
Pre-payment chargesRs. 1000/-
Processing Charges per Request (per variation in the composition of the Demat securities pledged)Rs.10/-
Processing Charges per Request (per variation in the composition of the Physical securities pledged)Rs.10/-
Collection/ Charges regarding Sale of Security in the event of defaultAll costs and expenses, brokerages, transaction charges, and other levies as per actuals.
Cheque Book ChargesUpto 100 Cheque leaves issuance FREE per month.
Pledge creation feesUpto Rs.5/- per MF Unit Certificate
De-pledge feesUpto Rs.5/-per MF Unit Certificate on release of charge (de-pledge, lien removal etc).
Charges for realization of proceeds on
maturity/redemption in respect of Fixed Maturity

Plans (FMPs)
Rs. 1000/- per instruction
Sale of security in the event of as per defaultAll brokerages, transaction charges and other levies as per actuals
CIBIL ChargesRs 50/- per instance , Solvency Certificate , Not Applicable
Charges for changing from floating to fixed rate of interestNot Applicable as switch not allowed.
No Due Certificate / No
Certificate (NOC)
NIL , Duplicate No Due certificate / NOC , NIL
Legal & incidental chargesAs per actuals, Demat Charges, As applicable to the Demat account from time to time.


Subject: Express Consents and Undertakings – Application for HDFC Bank Credit Card/ Co-branded Credit Card (“Credit Card”)

By clicking/ticking the check box, I hereby agree to the below terms and declare, confirm and provide my consent to HDFC Bank Ltd. (“Bank” or “HDFC Bank”), who has/ may have entered into arrangements with certain co-branded partners/entities from time to time (“Co-branded Entities”) for issuing Co-branded Credit Cards (“Co-branded Credit Card”) and certain entities managing the rewards program that the Bank may engage with from time to time (“Reward Program Entities”) as under:


1. I confirm that I have read and understood the product features, pricing, application, terms and conditions (T&C), Most Important Terms and Conditions (MITC) and the Card Member Agreement (CMA) applicable to the Credit Card and I hereby give my full acceptance to the same. I hereby give my explicit consent and confirm that the online application form submitted by me to HDFC Bank shall be valid, effective and legally enforceable against me.

2. For the purpose herein, I confirm that the document is deemed to be ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED if it has been encrypted/authenticated using an electronic method OR by using any other method/technique recognized/envisaged as a valid method of encryption/authentication under the provisions of the Information Technology Act 2000.

3. I also give my consent to receive information/service for the purposes of marketing through telephone/mobile/SMS/E-mail/any other mode from Bank/or its agents. In sync with the Go-Green initiative of the Bank, I register for the E-statement facility in relation to my Credit Card to be sent to my registered e-mail ID and acknowledge the fact that physical statements will not be sent to me by the Bank/or its agents.

4. I hereby declare that the information included in this application is true and correct and that I am a resident Indian/that I am a foreign national working in India and that I am eligible to apply for the Credit Card, which may be an internationally valid card. I undertake to inform the Bank of any changes therein immediately. In case any of the information submitted by me is found to be false or misleading or misrepresenting, I am aware that I may be held liable for it as per Applicable Law. I accept that HDFC Bank is entitled in its absolute discretion to accept or reject this application. It is my responsibility to obtain the terms and conditions applying to the Credit Card(s) separately and read the same. I will be bound by the terms and conditions as may be in force from time to time and receipt/use of the card shall be deemed to be acceptance of those terms and conditions as may be amended from time to time. I authorise HDFC Bank and/or its associates to verify any information or otherwise at my office/residence or to contact me/my employer/banker/credit bureau/Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or any other source to obtain or provide any information that may be required for confirming membership requirements or maintaining my account in good credit standing. I agree to be charged my card fee as applicable. I authorize the Bank to block my issued card if my resident status changes from Resident Indian to Non -Resident Indian in the future and I agree to forthwith clear the dues to the Bank upon occurrence of such an event, if any. In case I have applied for Add-on card(s) (available for resident Indian parent/spouse/brother/sister/child over 18 years of age at a special rate) I will be billed for such an Add on card in the normal monthly statement. I, the primary applicant will be liable for all charges incurred with the Add-on card(s) issued on the account and each Add-on applicant will be liable for all charges incurred with the Add-on card jointly and severally with the holder of the primary card. The facility of Add-on card(s) being a special facility at a concessional fee/rate, continuation of the Add-on card member will be dependent on the continuation of my membership. I understand and undertake that the usage of the Credit Card(s) shall be strictly in accordance with the exchange control regulations, applicable laws or regulations of the Regulatory Authorities as applicable from time to time which I undertake as my responsibilities to keep myself updated of and also, that the Credit Card(s) will not be used for prohibited transactions including but not limited to forex trading, lottery, betting, gambling, dating websites. In the event of any failure to do so, I will be liable for action under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 or its statutory modification or re-enactment thereof.

5. I confirm that I have no insolvency proceedings pending against me nor have I ever been adjudicated insolvent. I agree that my signature on the charge slip will amount to an unconditional undertaking by me to pay HDFC Bank the amount stated therein and agree that a copy of my periodic statement of accounts will be a conclusive evidence of my liability for the charges stated therein. My liability under the charge slip signed by me shall not withstand any dispute I may have with respect to the quality/quantity of goods purchased or quality of services obtained. I will not hold the Bank responsible if any outlet/franchisee refuses to accept the Credit Card. I authorise HDFC Bank to disclose, from time to time, any information relating to my Credit Card(s), (including any default in payments) to any other card issuer, credit bureau, financial institution, any parent/subsidiary, affiliate and associate of HDFC Bank or Co-brand Entities and to third parties engaged by HDFC Bank, for purpose such as proper operation of Credit Card accounts, rewards points management and other administrative services. The Bank will be entitled to cancel my Credit Card(s) at any time without assigning any reasons. I understand Goods & Services Tax as applicable from time to time will be levied on fees, interest and other charges, as per government guidelines. I understand that Goods & Services Tax is not applicable on my regular purchases. I am aware that the Bank reserves the right not to return the supporting financial know your customer (KYC) documents and/or any photographs given by me along with the application. I have received and read the detailed terms and conditions and agree to abide by them, once I am allotted with the Credit Card. I hereby confirm that I have also read and understood the contents of the Schedule of Charges and disclosure details and agree to be levied with various charges mentioned therein as and when applicable to me. I confirm that basis my eligibility HDFC Bank shall at its sole discretion reserves the right to issue any existing card product in their portfolio. Credit limit on any card account may be reviewed as per the Bank policies specified from time to time and the Bank reserves the right to revise (increase or decrease) and/or unconditionally cancel the limit assigned on the Card with due intimation to the card member. In case of a decrease in the limit, the Bank will inform me of the same through SMS/e-mail. On successful processing of the Credit Card and in case of any failure in delivering the same to my residential address, the Bank reserves the right to utilize the alternate address submitted to by me to the Bank for the delivery of the Credit Card during the application. I also understand that the Bank reserves the right to vary any or all of the Terms & Conditions of the Schedule of Charges from time to time, with due intimation to the card member. Changed Terms & Conditions shall be communicated through the Bank's website and by other acceptable modes of communication. I authorise the Bank to record specific conversations between me/my representative and the Bank's representative, in case of grievance-related conversations or payment-recovery-related conversations or any other conversation that the Bank may deem fit, at its own discretion. I agree to abide by any Terms and Conditions as may be added/amended by the Bank from time to time regarding this Credit Card and any other facility/loan product that I avail through this Credit Card or any other Credit Card that I may be issued by the Bank in the future. I agree to receive my card statements through E-mail on the E-mail IDs mentioned in the application form. I confirm that I do not have any existing customer ID's apart from the one mentioned in my application form/ shown to me during the application process, and in case found otherwise, Bank reserves the right to consolidate the customer ID's under a single customer ID as it may decide, without any prior notice to me. I authorize the Bank to make enquiries regarding my application. I am aware that my new credit Card would be automatically registered for Net Banking in case I am an existing HDFC Bank Net Banking customer. I understand that HDFC Bank will provide me a Credit Card according to the Bank's internal guidelines. I hereby give my consent to the Bank to provide me a different card in case I am not eligible for the product applied for.

6. MITC: I confirm that I have read and understood the MITC (Most Important Terms & Conditions) fully. I am aware that the MITC is also available in the Bank's website www.hdfcbank.com.

7. I agree to participate in any or all of the Card Upgrade programs or Limit Enhancement programs that the Bank may conduct on my Credit Card account from time to time as part of periodic portfolio reviews.

8. I hereby authorise the Bank to use my signature as recorded with the Bank in my savings/ current account for authenticating my request/instructions to the Bank in case the Bank cross-sell/offer any products or features on my Credit Card in the future.

9. I agree that HDFC Bank will issue the Insta Credit Card basis the Bank's internal policy criteria, and Insta Card can only be used for online transactions where there is no necessity for physical card presence and the responsibility of any risk arising out of usage of Insta Card solely lies with me. I also agree that I will not share the Insta Credit Card email and password with any third party and that any fraud/liability arising due to the same will be with me and confirm that HDFC Bank shall not be held responsible for any loss or damages that occur on account of any misuse/fraudulent activity carried by third party. HDFC Insta card will be sent in a password protected PDF containing the card details on customer's registered email ID with the Bank. The password to open the PDF will be sent to customer's registered mobile number with the Bank.

10. Virtual card: (a) Ensuring security of the cardholder, there will be cap on the upper limit on the daily spends amount on the virtual card for the transaction/s done via E-commerce website/s. This cap on the upper limit on the virtual card will be applicable until the date the physical card is delivered to the cardholder. (b) Any wallet loading transaction done through the virtual card, HDFC Bank would levy a charge of 2.5% on the load value.

11. I understand and acknowledge that my request for linkage of my Aadhar Card with the HDFC Bank Credit Card is subject to validation with the concerned authorities and the discretion of HDFC Bank. I hereby consent to have my HDFC Bank Credit Card auto registered on PayZapp.

12. My personal KYC details may be shared with central KYC Registry. I hereby consent to receive information from central KYC registry through SMS/E-mail on the phone number/email address as mentioned in this application form.

13. I hereby give my consent and specifically confirm that the online application form submitted by me to HDFC Bank shall be valid, effective and legally enforceable against me though it is not electronically signed by me. For the purpose hereof, a document shall be deemed to be Electronically Signed if it has been encrypted/authenticated by using an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 or in any other manner/method/procedure/technique as is recognized/envisaged as a valid method of encryption/authentication under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000.

14. I further authorize HDFC Bank and/or its associates/subsidiaries/affiliates to verify from, and disclose to, any information pertaining to me /my office/residence and/or contact my family members and/or my Employer/Banker/Credit Bureau/CIBIL/RBI and/or any third party as they deem necessary and/or to do any such verification as they deem necessary.

15. I seek from the Bank various financial assistance, other products and services for which I may be found eligible by the Bank from time to time, at any time in future, including after closure of any of my existing or future relationships, accounts, products, facilities, loans, services with or from the Bank from time to time, for which purpose I authorise the Bank to share any of my Information (as defined hereinafter) as per the Consent Terms in Clause E below.

16. I agree not to make payments towards the card account from FCRA account and if any such payments are observed, I am aware that a notice from the Ministry of Home Affairs seeking explanation for such payments would be received.

17. Skimming Undertaking - Skimming is defined as the compromise of the full data encoded on a genuine credit card, including the CVV, followed by the transfer of this data onto the counterfeit card. I confirm that HDFC Bank has informed me about the various risks (including but not limited to fraudulent usage, lost card and skimming risk) associated with high credit limits set on individual cards. I have independently evaluated and understood the risks and have made an informed decision to request the Bank in setting up high credit limit on the individual card. I agree and undertake full and absolute liability on the card keeping in mind the risks as above mentioned

18. The communication details i.e., Address, Mobile, Landline &Email id entered for the Credit Card application will not get updated in the Bank's liability records.

19. I accept that the information provided in the online application form will be considered in the same lines as a physical application form for any future reference.

20. I am aware that the approximate processing time of my application is about 7-10 working days from the date of submission of completed form in all aspects.

21. I am also aware and agree that in the event of my application getting approved, E-statements would be sent to the Email id as updated in your records.

22. I voluntarily opt for Aadhaar OVDKYC or e-KYC or offline verification, and submit to the Bank my Aadhaar number, Virtual ID, e-Aadhaar, XML, Masked Aadhaar, Aadhaar details, demographic information, identity information, Aadhaar registered mobile number, face authentication details and/or biometric information (collectively, “Aadhaar related Information”).

23. I am informed by the Bank, that: (i) submission of Aadhaar is not mandatory, and there are alternative options for KYC and establishing identity including by way of physical KYC with officially valid documents other than Aadhaar. All options were given to me. (ii) For e-KYC/authentication/offline verification, Bank will share Aadhaar number and/or biometrics with CIDR/UIDAI, and CIDR/UIDAI will share with Bank, authentication data, Aadhaar data, demographic details, registered mobile number, identity information, which shall be used for the informed purposes mentioned in 3 below.

24. I authorise and give my consent to the Bank (and its service providers), for the following informed purposes: (i) KYC and periodic KYC process as per the PML Act, 2002 and rules thereunder and RBI guidelines, or for establishing my identity, carrying out my identification, offline verification or e-KYC or Yes/No authentication, demographic or other authentication/verification/identifications may be permitted as per applicable law, for all accounts, facilities, services and relationships of/through the Bank, existing and future. (ii) collecting, sharing, storing, preserving the Aadhaar related Information, maintaining records and using the Aadhaar related Information and authentication/verification/identification records: (a) for the informed purposes above, (b) as well as for regulatory and legal reporting and filings and/or (c) where required under applicable law; (iii) enabling my account for Aadhaar enabled Payment Services (AEPS); (iv) producing records and logs of the consent, Aadhaar related Information or of authentication, identification, verification, etc. for evidentiary purposes including before a court of law, any authority or in arbitration.

25. I understand that the Aadhaar number and core biometrics will not be stored/shared except as per law and for CIDR submission. I have downloaded the e-Aadhaar myself using the OTP received on my Aadhaar registered mobile number. I will not hold the Bank or its officials responsible in the event this document is not found to be in order or in case of any incorrect information provided by me.

26. (Applicable only for customers who have not submitted the proof of correspondence address as required) I have made an online application for HDFC Bank Credit Card and hereby declare that I do not have valid address proof for my correspondence address as mentioned in the application. I, therefore request the Bank to consider and accept the address mentioned in the Credit Card application as my correspondence address. I also confirm that a valid address proof of my permanent address has been/will be submitted out of either of the permissible and valid documents such as passport, election id/ voter id card, permanent driving license, Aadhaar card / letter issued by Government of India and/or NREGA card.

27. I have read and understood the terms and conditions governing the Credit Card and those relating to various services including but not limited to: (a) ATMs (b) Phone Banking (c) Mobile Banking (d) Net Banking (e) Bill Pay Facility (f) Insta alert (g) Email statements.

28. I understand that the Bank reserves the right to exercise its sole discretion to honour transactions above the assigned credit limit (Credit limit up to which a customer can revolve) on a case-to-case basis internal guidelines and discretion of the Bank.

29. I understand that I will be liable for all losses in case of misuse of the Credit Card by someone who has obtained the PIN or the Credit Card with my consent or an Additional Card member. I understand that I am under an obligation to take all appropriate steps to keep the card safe and not to record the PIN or code, in any form that would be intelligible or otherwise accessible to any third party if access is gained to such a record, either honestly or dishonestly.

30. I hereby agree that the Bank shall exercise reasonable care for issuance of Credit Card PINs / Codes and such PIN / Codes shall be delivered to my mobile number or address registered with the Bank.

31. (Applicable in case of Business Credit Cards) I hereby declare to use my business credit card only for business purpose and not for my personal use.

32. I understand that I can avail credit card benefits on various brands by transacting on the SmartBuy platform through my HDFC Bank Credit Card. Offers on these brands on SmartBuy are subject to change.


"I/We declare to the Bank as follows: (a) at the date hereof (1): where the Borrower is an individual /proprietor(s)) none of the Directors of the Bank or their Relatives is his / her business partner or guarantor or relative; (2): where the Borrower is a partnership firm or limited liability partnership none of the Directors of the Bank or their Relatives is interested in the firm as partner, manager, employee or guarantor; (3): where the Borrower is a company or a corporation none of the Directors of the Bank or their Relatives, is interested in the company/corporation or in its Subsidiary or holding Company as director, managing agent, manager, employee, major shareholder or guarantor or holder of Substantial Interest or is in control; (b) at the date hereof (1): where the Borrower is an individual/(proprietor(s)) he / she is not a Director of Other Banks* or Relative of a Director of the Bank or of Director of Other Banks*; (2): where the Borrower is a partnership firm or limited liability partnership) none of the Directors of Other Banks* or Relative of a Director of Other Banks* is interested in the firm as partner or guarantor; and (3): where the Borrower is a company or a corporation, none of the Directors of Other Banks* or Relative of a Director of Other Banks*, is interested in the company / corporation or its subsidiary or holding company as director or guarantor or major shareholder or holder of Substantial Interest or is in control; * The term Director of Other Banks includes directors of Scheduled Co-operative Banks, directors of subsidiaries/trustees of mutual funds/venture capital funds. (c) at the date hereof: (1); where the Borrower is an individual/(proprietor(s)) the Borrower is not a Relative of any senior officer of the Bank; (2): where the Borrower is a partnership or limited liability partnership or HUF firm, none of its partners or none of the members of the HUF is a Relative of any senior officer of the Bank and none of the senior officers of the Bank or their Relatives is interested in the firm or HUF as partner or member or guarantor or holder of Substantial Interest; and (3): where the Borrower is a company or a corporation, none of its directors, is a Relative of any senior officer of the Bank and none of the senior officers of the Bank or their Relatives, is interested in the company/corporation as director or guarantor or holder of Substantial Interest; In case where the above negative confirmations are not true, then I/We shall provide a written declaration with details of such relationship to the Bank. If the details of such declaration change during the term of the relationship, then I/We shall promptly provide a written declaration to the Bank of any such change. Bank reserves the right to cancel the card issued to the cardmember, in case, the above declaration is found to be untrue and demand payment of all outstanding on the Card Account immediately. The terms Director of the Bank, Director of Other Bank, senior officer, Relatives, substantial interest, major shareholder, control shall have the meaning as defined in Companies Act, 2013, Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Reserve Bank of India " and/or any of its amendments/modifications, as applicable and as specified by Reserve Bank of India. “Politically Exposed Person (PEP) declaration: I hereby confirm and declare that I am not a Politically Exposed Person(s) (as per the definition of the Reserve Bank of India Master Direction - Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016) or a relative of a Politically Exposed Person. I hereby agree that the Bank reserves the right to cancel the credit card issued to me, in case, the aforesaid declaration is found to be untrue and demand payment of all outstanding on the credit card immediately.

In the event of any change in this declaration and/or if I subsequently become a Politically Exposed Person(s) or a relative of a Politically Exposed Person, after the issuance of the credit card to me, I hereby agree to promptly inform the Bank regarding the same and forthwith submit the relevant Politically Exposed Person (PEP) declaration form at an HDFC Bank branch.”


In the event, I already have one or more HDFC Bank Retail Credit Card (“Existing Card(s)”), and I am issued a new Credit Card with a credit limit that is combined/shared with my Existing Card(s) (“Floater Card”), my Existing Card(s) and the Floater Card shall be subject to the following terms: (i) All my Existing Card(s) and the Floater Card shall be assigned a combined/shared credit limit which shall be less than or equal to the credit limit of my Existing Card(s) (“Combined Credit Limit”); (ii) The Floater Card that is issued to me will be assigned the Combined Credit Limit, within 7 (Seven) working days of issuance of the Floater Card; and (iii) Upon the assignment of the Combined Credit Limit to all my Existing Card(s) as well as my Floater Card, I can use any of the said cards such that the combined usage on all the said cards should not exceed the Combined Credit Limit.

I expressly agree to the Bank and/or its affiliates for using the Information and for cross-selling to me their various products and services from time to time.

1. I hereby submit that I am a major, presently within the territory of India and that I have read and I accept the Privacy Policy of the Bank.

2. I hereby expressly consent to and authorise the Bank (whether acting by itself or through any of its service providers and/or agents, whether in automated manner or otherwise), to do and undertake any of the following, in relation to: (i) my Credit Card application details including Credit Card type/variant, (ii) personal data and sensitive information personal data or, information, (iii) information and data relating to my service requests in relation to the Credit Card such as Credit Card blocking requests and status thereto, (iv) details of queries/complaints raised by me,(v) reward points earned on the Credit Card, (vi) Credit Card usage, (vii) Credit Card repayment related details, (viii) amounts due on Credit Card, (ix) Credit Card utilisation information, (x) defaults in repayment of the Credit Card,(xi) transaction data in relation to the Credit Card, (xii) purchase information using the Credit Card, (xiii) details in relation to my spends using the Credit Card, (xiv) add on card details, (xv) location of usage of the Credit Card, (xvi) details of contactless usage of the Credit Card, (xvii) cross sell related data, (xviii) Credit Card benefits, (xix) Credit Card limit details, (xx) Credit Card activation and closure data, (xxi) offers on my Credit Card, (xxii) details of utilisation of benefits available on my Credit Card, (xxiii) utilisation of reward points on the Credit Card, (xxiv) details of decline in the Credit Card transactions and reasons thereof, (xxv) aggregate data of the Credit Card, (xxvi) data in relation to spend behaviour, (xxvii) portfolio data in relation to the Credit Card/ customer behaviour data, (xxviii) details of active/inactive Credit Card, (xxix) active users on the Credit Card, (xxx) usage on merchant categories, (xxxi) fee related data, (xxxii) lead management and milestone benefits in relation to my Credit Card, and (xxxiii) information, papers and data relating to know your customer (KYC), credit information, (xxxiv) any other information whether about me or not as may be deemed relevant by the Bank for its purposes (collectively, (i) to (xxxiv), “Information”): a. to collect the Information from me and other physical or online sources such as my Credit Card application, as well as accessing the same from credit information companies, information utilities, websites, data bases, and online platforms (whether public or not); b. to get the authenticity, correctness, adequacy, etc. of the Information verified from any sources and persons including from online databases; and to act for and on my behalf for such accessing, collecting or verifying of the Information; c. to process Information including by way of storing, structuring, organising, reproducing, copying, using, profiling, etc. as may be deemed fit by the Bank; d. to store the Information for such period as may be required for contract, by law or for the Bank’s evidentiary claims purposes, whichever is longer; e. to share and disclose the Information with the Bank’s service providers, consultants, credit information companies, information utilities, other banks and financial institutions, affiliates, subsidiaries, regulators, investigating agencies, judicial, quasi-judicial, and statutory authorities, or to other persons as may be necessary in connection with the contractual or legal requirements or in the legitimate interests of the Bank or as per this consent; and f. any of the aforesaid may be exercised by the Bank for the purposes mentioned above, for the purposes of processing my application for the Credit Card, obtaining credit scores, credit information, credit evaluation report, credit appraisal, fraud detection, anti-money laundering obligations, for entering into contract, for marketing, for developing credit scoring models and business strategies, for monitoring, for evaluating and improving the quality of services and products, for other legitimate purposes or for any purposes.

3. I expressly agree to and subject me to the automated processing, automated profiling, and the automated decision making by or on behalf of the Bank.

4. I expressly provide my consent to the Bank and its representatives to call me on any contact information submitted to the Bank even in case my Credit Card application is dropped or incomplete.

5. I expressly provide my consent to the Bank and its representatives to use my contact information submitted to the Bank for communicating with me through SMS, WhatsApp messages or any other medium to provide information regarding my application/Credit Card, other information or services and/or marketing offers. By submitting, I confirm that I am an Indian above 18 years of age, residing in India and have read & agreed to HDFC Bank Privacy Policy and T&C. I agree to receive calls, SMS, WhatsApp messages from HDFC Bank for personalised offerings regarding new products.

6. For 6E Rewards HDFC Bank Credit Card customers: I provide my express consent to HDFC Bank Limited ("Bank") and Interglobe Aviation Pvt Ltd for collecting, disclosing, sharing, displaying and transferring my personal, demographic information for my credit card application.

7. For 6E Rewards/ 6E Rewards XL HDFC Bank Credit Card Customers: I confirm that I have read and understood the features, fees, terms and conditions set forth here and the terms and conditions set forth here and the terms and conditions governing the 6E Rewards Program set forth in 6E Rewards Program Terms and Conditions and accept all such terms. I authorize 6E Rewards and its representatives to Call, SMS, WhatsApp messages or any other medium to provide information regarding my application/Credit Card, other information or services and/or marketing offers. By submitting, I confirm that I am an Indian above 18 years of age, residing in India and have read & agreed to HDFC Bank Privacy Policy and T&C. I agree to receive calls, SMS, WhatsApp messages from HDFC Bank for personalised offerings regarding new products

8. For Times HDFC Bank Credit Card customers: I provide my express consent to HDFC Bank Limited ("Bank") and Times Internet Ltd for collecting, disclosing, sharing, displaying and transferring my personal, demographic information for my credit card application.

9. I/We provide my/our express consent to the Bank including but not limited to its representatives and service providers to use my/our contact information submitted to the Bank for communicating with me/us through SMS, E-Mail, WhatsApp messages or any other medium to provide information regarding my application for credit card/credit card/monthly credit card statements, other information or services and/or marketing offers. I/we herein give my/our express consent to share the monthly credit card statements on my/our registered email address or through SMS or WhatsApp or Net-banking or Mobile banking. I/we undertake to promptly inform the Bank about any change or updation in the mobile number or registered email address as per Bank's records.


1. I hereby expressly consent to and authorise the Bank (whether acting by itself or through any of its service providers and/or agents, whether in automated manner or otherwise), to do and undertake any of the following, in relation to: (i) my Co-branded Credit Card application details including type/variant of the Co-branded Credit Card, (ii) personal data and sensitive information personal data or, information, (iii) information and data relating to my service requests in relation to the Co-branded Credit Card such as Co-branded Credit Card blocking requests and status thereto, (iv) details of queries/complaints raised by me, (v) reward points earned on the Co-branded Credit Card, (vi) Co-branded Credit Card usage, (vii) Co-branded Credit Card repayment related details, (viii) amounts due on Co-branded Credit Card, (ix) Co-branded Credit Card utilisation information, (x) defaults in repayment of the Co-branded Credit Card, (xi) transaction data in relation to the Co-branded Credit Card, (xii) purchase information using the Co-branded Credit Card, (xiii) details in relation to my spends using the Co-branded Credit Card, (xiv) add on card details, (xv) location of usage of the Co-branded Credit Card, (xvi) details of contactless usage of the Co-branded Credit Card, (xvii) cross sell related data, (xviii) Co-branded Credit Card benefits, (xix) Co-branded Credit Card limit details, (xx) Co-branded Credit Card activation and closure data, (xxi) offers on my Co-branded Credit Card, (xxii) details of utilisation of benefits available on my Co-branded Credit Card, (xxiii) utilisation of reward points on the Co-branded Credit Card, (xxiv) details of decline in the Co-branded Credit Card transactions and reasons thereof, (xxv) aggregate data of the Co-branded Credit Card, (xxvi) data in relation to spend behaviour, (xxvii) portfolio data in relation to the Co-branded Credit Card/ / customer behaviour data, (xxviii) details of active/inactive Credit Card, (xxix) active users on the Credit Card, (xxx) usage on merchant categories, (xxxi) fee related data, (xxxii) lead management and milestone benefits in relation to my Co-branded Credit Card, and (xxxiii) information, papers and data relating to know your customer (KYC), credit information, (xxxiv) any other information whether about me or not as may be deemed relevant by the Bank for its purposes (collectively, (i) to (xxxiv), “Information”): a. to collect the Information from me and other physical or online sources such as my Co-branded Credit Card application, as well as accessing the same from credit information companies, information utilities, websites, data bases, and online platforms (whether public or not); b. to get the authenticity, correctness, adequacy, etc. of the Information verified from any sources and persons including from online data bases; and to act for and on my behalf for such accessing, collecting or verifying of the Information; c. to process Information including by way of storing, structuring, organising, reproducing, copying, using, profiling, etc. as may be deemed fit by the Bank; d. to store the Information for such period as may be required for contract, by law or for the Bank’s evidentiary claims purposes, whichever is longer;
e. to share and disclose the Information with the Bank’s service providers, consultants, credit information companies, information utilities, other banks and financial institutions, affiliates, subsidiaries, regulators, investigating agencies, judicial, quasi-judicial, and statutory authorities, or to other persons as may be necessary in connection with the contractual or legal requirements or in the legitimate interests of the Bank or as per this consent; f. any of the aforesaid may be exercised by the Bank for the purposes mentioned above, for the purposes of processing my application for the Co-branded Credit Card, obtaining credit scores, credit information, credit evaluation report, credit appraisal, fraud detection, anti-money laundering obligations, for entering into contract, for marketing, for developing credit scoring models and business strategies, for monitoring, for evaluating and improving the quality of services and products, for other legitimate purposes or for any purposes; g. to collect, subject to applicable law and RBI circulars and guidelines, the applicable relevant Information from the Co-branded Entities and/or the Rewards Program Entities and from any of their respective affiliates and/or group entities and/or the entities offering products/services on the online platform/ app of the Co-branded Entities (collectively “Platform”); h. to share, subject to applicable law and RBI circulars and guidelines, the applicable relevant Information with the Co-branded Entities and/or the Rewards Program Entities and with any of their respective affiliates and/or group entities and/or the entities offering products/services on the Platform; and i. to share and disclose, subject to applicable law and RBI circulars and guidelines, the Information collected from the Co-branded Entities and/or the Rewards Program Entities and any of their respective affiliates and/or group entities and/or the entities offering products/ services on the Platform with the Bank’s service providers, credit information companies, information utilities, regulators, investigating agencies, judicial, quasi-judicial and statutory authorities, or to other persons as may be necessary in connection with the contractual or legal requirements or in the legitimate interests of the Bank or as per this consent.

2. I hereby agree that any Co-branded Credit Card offer shown to me on the Platform shall be an in-principle offer subject to the Bank’s approval and verification and the Bank shall not be bound by the said offer.

3. I hereby consent to the Bank and the Co-branded Entity to share information related to the said rewards/ loyalty program with me at regular intervals. I hereby further agree that the rewards/ loyalty program and points shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the rewards/ loyalty program as may be notified from to time.

4. I hereby agree and understand that the rewards/ loyalty program can be accessed through the platform/ application of the Co-Branded Entity. I hereby further agree and understand that the reward points can be redeemed by me through the platform/ application of the Co-branded Entity. In this regard, the Bank will share my details with the Co-Branded Entity for managing the rewards/ loyalty program, as per the consent provided by me herein, and the Co-Branded Entity may approach me for downloading its platform/ application to facilitate my redemption of the reward points. Further, I hereby understand that I may download the application/ platform at my sole discretion, and the same is not mandatory and the Bank is not referring the said platform/ application to me in any manner.

5. I authorize HDFC Bank to transfer my accrued reward points periodically to my loyalty program membership number (as may be applicable for the concerned Co-Branded Credit Card) as provided in the Credit Card application or as may be created/generated by the Co-Brand Entity, in case I have applied for any HDFC Bank Co-brand Credit Card.


1. The digital acquisition voucher (“Digital Voucher”) shall be available only at the discretion of the Bank. Further, such Digital Voucher, shall be available only if: (i) the application for credit card to the Bank is initiated and completed end-to-end by the applicant/customer himself without any assistance of any of the Bank staff or Bank representative or selling or marketing agent of the Bank (whether in person or telephonically or through any other assistance), and thereafter the credit card is issued by the Bank; Accordingly this voucher would be issued towards go-green initiatives and (ii) at least one purchase transaction of minimum of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) (single and not in tranches) is carried out by the card holder on the /using the credit card, within 14 days of the date of the card issuance by the Bank; and (iii) the applicant/customer applies for the credit card from HDFC Bank directly from the HDFC Bank Website or through communication sent by HDFC Bank through Bank owned channels. For clarity, this Digital Voucher shall not available if the credit card has been applied through a DSA or a partner website or any non-HDFC Bank-owned channel/platform.

2. The Digital Voucher where made available by the Bank at its discretion as above, may be sent by the Bank to the customer/applicant who is issued the credit card by the Bank, in the form of a digital or alpha-digital code, within a period of 90 days, by way of SMS or email to the registered contacts of the customer/card holder. Along with such code, for the actual usage of the Digital Voucher, the Bank may at its discretion, prescribe further authentication factors or require other authentication information/information, from time to time. The Digital Voucher can be used only for the online purchases with/from such merchants where the Bank has tied up and permitted such use and for such products or services which the Bank permits. Such merchants and/or products/services, may be changed by the Bank from time to time in its sole discretion , without any notice to/or consent from the card holder, and whether the card holder has used the Digital Voucher partly or not by such time of change.

3. In case the Bank suspects any misuse or security breach, the Bank may in its discretion, block or suspend usage of the Digital Voucher.

4. For issuance and/or management of the Digital Voucher, the Bank may engage any service provider, which for the time being is Vouchagram India Private Limited (GYftr) (and may be changed by the Bank at any time), for which the demographic details of the card holder including the customer name, customer contact number, customer email address, shall be required to be shared by the Bank to such service provider. By accepting this document/these terms and conditions, the card holder is authorising the Bank to do so and also authorising such service providers of the Bank to process such data/information for this purpose, including to contact the card holder.

5. The Bank may change the amount of the Digital Voucher, its conversion ratio to Rupees, conditionalities on its use, consumption, merchants or service providers where it can be used, add, alter, modify, change or vary all or any of the terms and conditions or to replace wholly or in part, the above benefits/entitlements, whether similar to the above or not, or to withdraw it altogether, from time to time, in its sole discretion, without any notice to/or consent from the card holder, and whether the card holder has used the Digital Voucher partly or not by such time of change.y

6. Existing HDFC Bank Credit Cardholders are not eligible for Digital Vouchers.

G. Credit Card Referral Offer Terms & Conditions: 

1. The offer is only valid on completing the application end-to-end digitally. Accordingly, this voucher would be issued (post issuance and activation of the credit card) towards Go-Green Initiatives.

2. The referrer and referee will be incentivised with a voucher worth Rs. 250 each upon successful issuance and activation of credit card issued to the referee. To activate the credit card the referee must complete 1 transaction using the credit card applied within 14 days from credit card issuance date.

3. The referrer and referee agree to receive calls, SMS, email & WhatsApp messages from HDFC Bank for personalized offerings regarding new products and services.

4. A referee needs to submit a credit card application within 30 days from referral date, else the referrer and referee will not be incentivised if the referee submits the credit card application after 30 days from referral date.

5. Voucher cannot be converted into cash.

6. The gift voucher will be sent to the referrer and referee within 90 days of the credit card activation month.

7. This offer is applicable for the referrer and referee only after submission of referee name and mobile number by the referrer on the HDFC Bank referral portal (managed by Vouchagram India Private Limited) communicated to the referrer from HDFC Bank communication mediums. Referrer and referee will only be incentivised when the referee’s credit card application initiation date is after the referrer has inputted the referee’s name and mobile number on the referral portal.

8. Referrers and referees will be incentivised only if the referees mobile number mentioned in the credit card application and the referral portal match.

9. The referrers and referees will be incentivised only if the referrers communicate the HDFC Bank credit card application link shared with them through the personalised messages generated by HDFC Bank referral portal and the referees apply through the same link received.

10. Referrers and referees will be incentivised only if the referrers mobile number mentioned on the credit card referral portal matches with the HDFC Bank credit card registered mobile number.

11. Vouchers issued to both referrers and referees will have a validity of 60 days from issuance date. The validity of the voucher will not be extended once the voucher expires.

12. The cost of sending communication from the referrer to the referee will be borne by the referrer.

13. This offer is not valid if the credit card has been applied through a DSA, Co-brand partner or a partner website/application. 

14. This offer is not valid if the credit card has been applied through a physical application.

15. Referrer & referee will not be incentivised if the referee is an existing HDFC Bank credit card holder.

16. Referrers need to have an existing HDFC Bank Credit Card and should only login with the bank registered mobile number to be eligible to participate in this programme.

17. The gift voucher will be issued by our partner Gyftr (Vouchagram India Private Limited), for which customer name and customer contact number will be shared with the voucher partner.  

18. Gift voucher is time bound and subject to change. HDFC Bank reserves the right at any time, without prior notice to add, alter, modify, change or vary all or any of these terms and conditions or to replace wholly or in part, the above offer by another offer, whether similar to above offer or not, or to withdraw it altogether.

19. HDFC Bank shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever for any loss/ damage/ claim which may arise out of use or otherwise of vouchers availed by both the Referrers and Referees under the said Referral Offer

20. Bearer of the Voucher code shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.

21. Grievances and/or queries (if any) in respect of the Vouchers and/or their redemption shall be raised to customerservices.cards@hdfcbank.com.

22. All disputes if any, arising out of or in connection with or because of above vouchers or otherwise relating hereto shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent courts / tribunals in Mumbai only, irrespective of whether courts / tribunals in other areas have concurrent or similar jurisdiction. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English. The award passed in the arbitration proceedings shall be final and binding on both the parties.

23. Referrers who are HDFC Bank employees will not be eligible for the referral voucher.

FASTag Terms and Conditions

Click here for FASTag  Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms and Conditions”) apply to and regulate the provision of radio frequency identification-enabled tags (“FASTag”) issued by HDFC Bank Limited (“HDFC Bank”). These Terms and Conditions shall be in addition to and not in derogation to any other terms as stipulated by HDFC Bank, from time to time.


    In these Terms and Conditions, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or context thereof, the following words/ expressions shall have the meaning as stated herein under:

    Application” or “Tag Application” shall mean the application form signed by a Tag Member to avail of a Tag from HDFC Bank, including all annexures and mandates thereto;

    Concessionaires” shall mean the special purpose vehicles that have been granted a concession by the National Highways Authority of India to construct, maintain and collect toll at the National Highways, and who have agreed to receive payment in respect of such toll through the Tags;

    Customer Care” shall mean the toll-free telephonic customer service facility provided by HDFC Bank to Tag Members for any Tag related queries;

    ETC Facility” shall mean the electronic facility whereby toll payments can be effected by any Tag Member at any participating Toll Plaza by means of the Tags issued by HDFC Bank;

    HDFC Bank Website” refers to www.HDFCbank.com, which is owned, operated and maintained by HDFC Bank;

    National Highways” shall mean all the national highways where toll payments can be effected by means of the ETC Facility;

    Tag” refers to FASTag issued by HDFC Bank, which shall function as a semi-closed prepaid payment instrument, the balance whereof shall be the amounts loaded/ re-loaded onto such instrument by the Tag Member from time to time;

    Tag Balance” shall mean the balance loaded/ re-loaded onto the Tag by the Tag Member, from time to time;

    Tag Member/s” shall mean persons, details whereof are set out in the Tag Application, to whom Tags have been issued by HDFC Bank with respect to the vehicles owned by such persons, subject to these Terms and Conditions;

    Toll Plazas” shall mean such the plazas located on the National Highways for payment of tolls for the usage of the National Highways;

    Transaction” shall mean any transaction/s for the payment of toll charges, payment of parking fees, fuel charges and any other transaction/s carried out using the Tag, as contemplated in these Terms and Conditions.


    In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires:

    (a) the singular includes the plural, and vice versa and words of any gender are deemed to include the other genders;

    (b) the terms “hereof”, “herein”, “hereby”, “hereto” and derivatives or similar words refer to these Terms and Conditions;

    (c) references to the words “include” or “including” shall be construed without limitation;

    (d) reference to any paragraph or schedule shall mean a paragraph of, or a schedule to these Terms and Conditions;

    (e) reference to any legislation, law, circular or regulation or to any provision thereof shall include references to any such legislation, law, circular or regulation, as it may, after the date hereof, from time to time, be amended, supplemented or re-enacted, and any reference to a statutory provision shall include any subordinate legislation made, from time to time, under that provision;

    (f) the term “person” includes an individual, a partnership firm, a limited liability partnership, a company (as defined in section 2(20) of the Companies Act, 2013), a body corporate (as defined in section 2(11) of the Companies Act, 2013), a co-operative society, a trust, an association of persons whether incorporated or not and any other entity;

    (g) the Tag Application shall be deemed to form an integral part of these Terms and Conditions;

    (h) heading and bold typeface are used only for convenience and shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions.


      HDFC Bank may, at its sole discretion, issue a Tag to any Tag Member on a request being made by such Tag Member by submitting a duly filled in Tag Application and providing all such information and documentation required by HDFC Bank including, without limitation, any document that HDFC Bank may require to conduct its ‘know-your-customer’ related checks.

    3.2  At the time of submitting the Tag Application for availing a Tag. The Tag Member shall be required to pay one time issuance fee. The fee amount shall be mentioned on www.hdfcbank.com.

    3.3  The Tag Member acknowledges that the acceptance of any Tag Application and issuance of a Tag shall be the sole prerogative of HDFC Bank and nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions should be construed as obliging HDFC Bank to issue the Tag to any Tag Member.

    3.4  The Tag issued by HDFC Bank to the Tag Member shall be mandatorily affixed by the agency/dealer of HDFC Bank or the Tag Member himself/herself on the vehicle owned by the Tag Member which carries the license plate number specified by the Tag Member in the Tag Application.

    3.5 Until activation of a Tag by HDFC Bank in accordance with Paragraph The Tag shall be activated subject to: (i) the approval of the Tag Application by HDFC Bank; and (ii) loading of the relevant Tag by the Tag Member, for a minimum amount specified by HDFC Bank at the time of activation of the Tag (which amount required to be loaded on the Tag shall be exclusive of and over and above the one-time fee and the security deposit mentioned above). below and unless wallet is created for every Tag issued to the Tag Member, neither can the Tag Member reload such Tag nor can the Tag Member utilise the amounts loaded on to the Tag.


    4.1 The Tag Member hereby agrees and acknowledges that the Tags, as on the date of their issuance, shall have no assigned value and shall be in a de-activated form until the time wallet is created for every Tag issued to the Tag Member.

    4.2  A user-ID/FASTag customer ID will be generated by HDFC Bank and provided to every Tag Member at the time of issuance of the Tag to enable such Tag Member to load/ reload the Tag on the HDFC Bank Website. The Tag Member shall keep all such user IDs and passwords confidential and well protected and should not reveal the same to any unauthorized person, including to any employees and representatives of HDFC Bank. HDFC Bank shall in no way be held responsible, if the Tag Member incurs any loss as a result of the user-IDs and/ or passwords being disclosed by the Tag Member to any third parties.

    4.3 The process for loading/ reloading value onto such Tags shall be as follows:

    (a) The Tag Member may load/ reload the Tag at any customer touch points set-up by HDFC Bank (“Kiosks”), subject to verification of their identity and any other mandatory requirements as may be prescribed by HDFC Bank, from time to time; and/ or

    (b) By using the payment gateway available to the Tag Members after they log in to the HDFC Bank Website using the user-ID and password provided to them by HDFC Bank at the time of issuance of the Tag.

    (c) By using other digital modes to recharge FASTag as mentioned on HDFC Bank Website.

    4.4 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set out hereinabove, the following rules will apply in respect of the loading/ reloading of Tags in terms Paragraph above:

    (a) The loading/ reloading of any Tag shall be permitted such that the Tag Balance does not exceed Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) for Minimum KYC wallet and Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only) for Full KYC wallet or such other amount as HDFC Bank may stipulate from time to time and in accordance with the latest RBI guidelines and directions.

    (b) Cash loading is limited to Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) per month and Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only) per reload, subject to overall limit of Rs. 2,00,000/- for FULL KYC wallet and Rs. 10,000/- for Minimum KYC wallet. The limit on loading of PPIs via electronic / online means is subject to overall limit of the wallet.

    4.5 The Tag shall be activated subject to: (i) the approval of the Tag Application by HDFC Bank; and (ii) loading of the relevant Tag by the Tag Member, for a minimum amount specified by HDFC Bank at the time of activation of the Tag (which amount required to be loaded on the Tag shall be exclusive of and over and above the one-time fee and the security deposit mentioned above).


    5.1  The Tag Member acknowledges and agrees that:

    (a) the Tag is valid only in India and only with respect to payments required to be made in INR towards Toll Plazas, Parking Lots, Fuel Stations and Other Transit used cases where payment via FASTag is enabled by HDFC Bank or regulatory authorities in terms of Paragraph below;

    (b) the Tag is strictly not transferable and shall only be used with respect to the abovementioned vehicle owned by the Tag Member, on which the Tag has been affixed by an agency/dealer of HDFC Bank or the Tag Member himself/herself

    (c) the Tag Member shall be able to use the Tag only to the extent of the Tag Balance as available from the threshold FASTag wallet balance;

    (d) the Tag is the property of HDFC Bank and is non-transferable; and

    (e) no interest shall be payable by HDFC Bank on the amount available/ loaded on the Tag at any point of time.

    5.2  The usage of the Tag shall be governed by these Terms and Conditions and all policies, guidelines and instructions provided by HDFC Bank, from time to time, in relation to the Tags.

    5.3 The Tag may be used by the Tag Member for the purpose of making toll payments at participating Toll Plazas on the National Highways at the electronic toll collection lanes provided at such participating Toll Plazas. The list of the participating Toll Plazas will be uploaded on the HDFC Bank Website and will be updated from time to time, in case of any change in the same.

    5.4 Each time a Tag Member uses the Tag at a participating Toll Plazas, Parking Lots, Fuel Stations and other Transit used cases as enabled by HDFC Bank or regulatory authorities, such Tag Member authorizes HDFC Bank to reduce the balance available in respect of the Tag. The Tag Member hereby provides its consent to HDFC Bank for the purpose of making debit adjustments to the relevant Tag Balance in case of inter alia any incorrect calculation of toll amounts or any mismatch having occurred in terms of the kind of vehicle on which the Tag had been mounted.

    5.5 The Tag Member is not allowed to exceed the available Tag Balance, whether through an individual Transaction or a series of Transactions. The Tag Member acknowledges and agrees that if it attempts to drive through any electronic toll collection lane at any participating Toll Plaza where the toll amount to be paid is in excess of the Tag Balance, it will not be able to do so.

    5.6 In any event, if a Transaction amount exceeds the Tag Balance which leads to a negative Tag Balance, the Tag Member shall remain fully liable to HDFC Bank for the amount of such negative Tag Balance and shall make payment of the same to HDFC Bank on demand.

    5.7 HDFC Bank reserves unto itself the absolute discretion to decline to honour any Transaction requests on the Tag, without having to assign any reason thereof.

    5.8 Any Transaction undertaken at a participating Toll Plazas, Parking Lots, Fuel Stations and other Transit used cases as enabled by HDFC Bank or regulatory authorities, shall be conclusive proof that the charge recorded for such Transaction was actually incurred by the Tag Member using the Tag, except in cases where the Tag had been lost, stolen or fraudulently misused, in which case, the burden of proving that the Transaction was not affected by the Tag Member shall be on such Tag Member.

    5.9 The Tag Member agrees that the Tag may be added to a black list/ low balance list or such other list as may be instructed by regulatory authorities from time to time and maintained by HDFC Bank in the following cases:

    (a) If any governmental authority (including, without limitation, the National Payments Corporation of India) requests HDFC Bank to add the relevant Tag in a blacklist for any reason whatsoever, or in case HDFC Bank believes there is any cause to do so, e.g. in case of any irregularity discovered or suspected in respect of any Tag or its usage; and

    (b) If the Tag Balance falls below a threshold limit stipulated by HDFC Bank, from time to time, the relevant Tag shall be added to a low-balance list (until the Tag Member reloads the Tag Balance at least to the extent of the aforesaid minimum threshold), and a notification shall be sent to the Tag Member regarding the same.

    5.10 In case the Tag of any Tag Member has been added to a black list/ low balance list in terms of Paragraph  above, the Tag shall not be utilisable for payment of toll and accordingly the Tag Member’s vehicle carrying such Tag shall not be allowed to drive through any electronic toll collection lane at any participating Toll Plaza. If for any reason, due to a system failure or otherwise such Tag Member’s vehicle does drive through an electronic toll collection lane at any participating Toll Plaza despite the relevant Tag being on the black list/ low balance list, HDFC Bank shall be entitled to require the Tag Member to pay such fine/ penalty as it may deem fit. The Tag Member also agrees that in case its Tag has been added to a black list/ low balance list, HDFC Bank shall not, in any way be liable for any Transaction effected by means of such Tag.


    6.1 If the Tag is lost or stolen, the Tag Member must immediately report such loss/theft over the telephone to the Customer Care mentioned on website www.hdfcbank.com/fastag.com and/ or lodge a query. On receipt of any such intimation the Bank shall, during working hours on a working day, upon adequate verification of the Tag Member, hotlist/cancel/suspend/block the Tag and terminate all facilities in relation thereto, and shall not be liable for any inconvenience caused to the Tag Member in this regard. The Tag Member will be liable for all charges incurred on the Tag until the Tag is reported lost/ stolen. Further, in the event HDFC Bank determines the aforementioned steps are not complied with, the financial liability with regard to the lost or stolen Tag would rest entirely with the Tag Member. In case of any dispute relating to the time of reporting Transaction/s made on the Tag or any other matter in relation to the any lost/ stolen Tag, the determination of HDFC Bank shall be conclusive.

    6.2 The Tag Member hereby declares that if a Tag is reported as lost or stolen and if found subsequently, it shall be the responsibility of the Tag Member to return such Tag to HDFC Bank. Similarly, in case a Tag is damaged, it shall be the responsibility of the Tag Member to return the damaged Tag to HDFC Bank to enable issuance of a fresh Tag, as per HDFC Bank’s sole discretion.


    7.1 The Tag Member agrees and acknowledges that HDFC Bank (whether through any authorised person or otherwise) shall be entitled to demand the surrender of any Tag at any time, including at a time prior to the expiry of the validity period of such Tag. The Tag Member shall, forthwith upon such demand being made, surrender the relevant Tag in accordance with the instructions provided by HDFC Bank in this regard. The Tag Member shall be responsible for returning the Tags to HDFC Bank for cancellation in the event the ETC Facility is no longer required by the Tag Member or if the provision of the ETC Facility is withdrawn by HDFC Bank for any reason whatsoever, in its sole discretion.

    7.2 In the event of death of any Tag Member, HDFC Bank shall cancel the Tag upon being informed of the same.


    8.1 Subject to Paragraph  below, a Tag shall be valid up to a period of 5 (Five) years from the date of issuance of the Tag.

    8.2 As per the RBI guidelines on prepaid instruments, if KYC status of the FASTag wallet is not updated to FULL KYC within 24 months from the date of issuance, then the minimum KYC wallet would be marked as Credit Freeze and would be deactivated. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, HDFC Bank shall be entitled to, at any time, with or without notice to the Tag Member, at its absolute discretion, terminate/ de-activate any Tag.

    8.3 On termination of any Tag, the negative balance in respect of the Tag (if any) and any other amounts due in respect of the Tag shall become forthwith due and payable by the Tag Member and interest will accrue thereon at such rates as may be stipulated by HDFC Bank, from time to time, from the date of such deactivation till the date of actual payment of such monies.

    8.4 The Tag Member agrees to surrender the Tag to HDFC Bank or its representative, upon being requested to do so and shall not use or attempt to use the Tag after termination of such Tag.

    8.5 The Tag Member may, at any point of time, request for deactivation of the Tag by visiting any branch of HDFC Bank or any Kiosk and submitting such documentation as may be required in line with HDFC Bank’s policies and guidelines in this regard. The Tag Member shall also be required to return the existing Tag to the authorized HDFC Bank personnel. Thereafter, the Tag Balance (if any) shall be returned to the Tag Member by crediting the same into its bank account (details of which would have been provided by the Tag Member in the Tag Application), within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of the request for deactivation having been placed by the Tag Member.


    In case Tag Member has a HDFC bank account, the Tag closure request proceeds will be processed into the said account. In a situation wherein the Tag Member does not have a requisite account opened with HDFC Bank, then the amounts will be processed through Demand Draft (DD) and dispatched on registered address with HDFC Bank or vide NEFT to the account details provided while raising the closure request.


    9.1 All records maintained by HDFC Bank, whether in electronic or documentary form, in respect of the Tags/ Transactions (including, without limitations, details of the payments made or received pursuant to these Terms and Conditions), shall as against the Tag Member, be deemed to be conclusive evidence.

    9.2 HDFC Bank shall not be liable to provide copies of the Transaction slips to any Tag Member with respect to any Transaction and the Tag Member will only receive Transactional alerts through short message service message on the mobile number registered by the Tag Member with HDFC Bank.


    10.1 In consideration of HDFC Bank providing the Tag Member with the Tag, the Tag Member hereby agrees to indemnify and keep HDFC Bankand its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents, consultants and other representatives indemnified from and against all actions, claims, suits, demands, proceedings, losses, damages, personal injury, costs, charges and expenses of any nature whatsoever which HDFC Bank and its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, agents, consultants and other representatives may, at any time, incur, sustain, suffer or be put to incur, sustain or suffer, as a consequence of, or by reason of or arising out of: (a) provision of the ETC Facility by HDFC Bank to the Tag Member; (b) the negligence, mistake or misconduct of any Tag Member; (c) breach or non-compliance by the Tag Member of the these Terms and Conditions or any applicable law relating to the ETC Facility; (d) any claim made or proceeding commenced by any third party against HDFC Bank, in relation to or in connection with the issuance/ usage of a Tag, the ETC Facility and/or any Transaction; and/or (e) fraud or dishonesty relating to any Transaction by the Tag Member.


    Without prejudice to any other provisions of these Terms and Conditions, HDFC Bank shall not be liable to the Tag Member for any loss or damage whatsoever or however caused or arising, whether directly or indirectly, in connection with the ETC Facility and/or these Terms and Conditions, including any loss or damage arising from: (a) any defect or issues in respect of the relevant participating Toll Plaza; (b) the refusal of any person to honour or to accept the Tag; (c) the malfunction of any computer system; (d) handing over of the Tag by the Tag Member to anybody other than the designated employees of HDFC Bank at HDFC Bank’s premises or any Kiosk; (e) loss of data contained in the servers maintained by the operators of participating Toll Plazas; and/ or (f) any interruption or stoppage in the Tag Member's access to and/ or the use of the Tags.


    12.1 HDFC Bank may provide such discounts and offers as it deems fit, from time to time, in relation to the charges applicable for issue and use of Tags, which may be subject to such terms and conditions as HDFC Bank may stipulate from time to time.

    12.2 Any government charges, duty, debits or tax payable as a result of the use of the Tag shall be borne solely by the Tag Member and if the same is imposed upon HDFC Bank (either directly or indirectly), the Tag Member agrees and acknowledges that HDFC Bank shall be entitled to debit such charges, duty, debits or tax from the available Tag Balance.

    12.3 HDFC Bank shall be entitled to levy appropriate service and other charges for use of the Tag, which charges shall be notified, from time to time, to the Tag Member by HDFC Bank. The Tag Member hereby authorizes HDFC Bank to recover all such charges by debiting the available Tag Balance. In the event that the available Tag Balance is not


    13.1 The Tag Member shall inform HDFC Bank, by contacting the Customer Care number as mentioned on website www.hdfcbank.com/fastag.com, within 15 (Fifteen) days of occurrence of any Transaction, if any irregularities or discrepancies exist in such Transaction or if such Tag Member has any query or compliant in relation to the Transaction. If HDFC Bank does not receive any information to the contrary within 15 (Fifteen) days of occurrence of any Transaction, it shall be entitled to assume that the relevant Transaction(s) was effected without any discrepancy.

    13.2 In order to be enable HDFC Bank to investigate and respond to any complains/ query raised by the Tag Member in terms of these Terms and Conditions, the Tag Member shall be required to provide HDFC Bank with all such information and documents as may be required by HDFC Bank in this regard.

    13.3 HDFC Bank shall make bona fide and reasonable efforts to resolve an aggrieved Tag Member’s complaints/ queries in relation to any Transaction within 15 (Fifteen) days of receipt of intimation of such complaint/ query to the Customer Care by the Tag Member. If after such effort, HDFC Bank determines that the Transaction in question is correct and valid, it shall communicate the same to the Tag Member in writing, along with the justification pertaining to the same, including as copy of the sales slip or payment requisition.

    13.4 Please note that HDFC Bank does not ask its customers for any confidential information, and therefore Tag Member/s must not share any information of a confidential nature including, but not limited to passwords, user-ID’s, etc., to any person who asks for the same.

    13.5 The Tag Member agrees and acknowledges that image capturing cameras shall be installed at participating Toll Plazas for the purpose of inter alia serving as evidence in relation to settlement of disputes raised by the Tag Member.

    13.6 For full details regarding our complaints procedure, please refer to the HDFC Bank Website. Please note that the Customer Care numbers shall be as updated on the HDFC Bank Website, from time to time.


    14.1 The Tag Members hereby irrevocably authorizes HDFC Bank to disclose, exchange, share or part with any information relating to the Tag Members inter alia payment history information to and between its the branches, subsidiaries, affiliates, representatives, auditors, sub-contractors, service providers, other banks/ financial institution, credit bureaus and governmental authorities as may be deemed necessary by HDFC Bank and neither HDFC Bank nor the abovementioned entities shall be liable for the use of such information.


    15.1 The construction and validity of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed in all respects by the laws of India. HDFC Bank and the Tag Member agree that any legal action or proceeding arising out of these Terms and Conditions shall be brought before the courts or tribunals at Mumbai and irrevocably submit themselves to the jurisdiction of that court or tribunal. HDFC Bank may, however, in its absolute discretion, choose to commence any legal action or proceedings arising out of these Terms and Conditions in any other court, tribunal or other appropriate forum and the Tag Member hereby consents to such jurisdiction and waives any objection it may have now or in the future to the laying of the venue of any such legal action or proceedings and any claim that any such legal action or proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum.


    16.1 HDFC Bank shall have the absolute discretion to, at any point of time, (a) amend or supplement any of these Terms and Conditions; and/ or (b) change any feature and/ or benefit offered on the Tag including, without limitation, changes which affect charges or rates and/ or method of calculation of charges with respect to the Tag. HDFC Bank shall communicate the amended Terms and Conditions, the changes made to the features of the Tag, and the revised interest, charges and rates with respect to the Tag, by hosting the same on the HDFC Bank Website or in any other manner as may be decided by HDFC Bank, from time to time. The Tag Member shall be responsible for regularly reviewing the current Terms and Conditions, including any amendments thereto as may be posted on the HDFC Bank Website, and shall be deemed to have accepted the amended Terms and Conditions by continuing to use the Tag.


    17.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Terms and Conditions or any other document/ arrangement: (a) in respect of all and any of the Tag Member’s present and future liabilities to HDFC Bank, whether under this document or under any other obligation/ loan/ facilities/ borrowings/ document, whether such liabilities are/ be crystallised, actual or contingent, primary or collateral or several or jointly with others, whether as principal debtor and/ or as guarantor and/ or otherwise howsoever (collectively “Liabilities”), HDFC Bank shall in addition to any general lien or similar right to which it as a banker may be entitled by Applicable Law, practice, custom or otherwise, have a specific and special lien on all the Tag Member’s present and future stocks, shares, securities, property, book debts, all moneys in all accounts whether current, savings, overdraft, fixed or other deposits, held with or in custody, legal or constructive, with HDFC Bank, now or in future, whether in same or different capacity of the Tag Member and whether severally or jointly with others, whether for any banking relationship, safe custody, collection, or otherwise, and (b) separately, HDFC Bank shall have an express right to, without notice to and without consent of the Tag Member, set-off, transfer, sell, realise, adjust, appropriate all such amounts in all accounts (whether prematurely or upon maturity as per HDFC Bank’s discretion), securities, amounts and property as aforesaid (whether earmarked for any particular Liability or not) for the purpose of realising or against any of dues in respect of any of the Liabilities and to combine or consolidate all or any of accounts of the Tag Member and to set-off any monies, whether of same type or nature or not and whether held in same capacity or not including upon any default in payment of any part of any of the Liabilities when due in terms of such documents. The Tag Member agrees and confirms that HDFC Bank may, for provision of the ETC Facility utilise such third party subcontractor(s)/ service providers as it may deem fit.

    17.2 The Tag Member agrees and confirms that HDFC Bank may, for provision of the ETC Facility utilise such third party subcontractor(s)/ service providers as it may deem fit.


I/ we hereby irrevocably and unconditionally declare, confirm and agree that:

1. I/ we have carefully read the Terms and Conditions and Schedule of Charges as applicable to the ETC Facility as set forth in the product leaflet (which I/ we have fully understood) and hereby agree, undertake and accept the same. I/ we hereby confirm that the Tag Application has been filled by me/us. I/ we understand that any changes/ updates in the Terms and Conditions and Schedule of Charges applicable to the HDFC Bank Tag would be updated on www.HDFCbank.com, from time to time and I/ we hereby agree and undertake that I/ we shall keep myself/ ourselves updated about any such changes/ updates to these Terms and Conditions and Schedule of Charges.

2. All the particulars and information provided in the Tag Application (including all documents referred or provided therewith) are true, correct, complete and up-to-date in all respects, and I/ we have not withheld any information. I/we shall inform HDFC Bank immediately regarding any change in any of the information provided by me/ us in the Tag Application. I/ we agree and undertake to provide all such further information that HDFC Bank may require, from time to time.

3. I/ we understand that HDFC Bank reserves the unqualified right to reject my/ our Tag Application without providing any reason. I/ we agree and understand that HDFC Bank reserves the right to retain my/ our Tag Application and all documents provided therewith. I/we am/are aware that the submission of the completed Tag Application, this declaration and all other documents/ information that HDFC Bank may require, does not result in automatic or deemed approval by HDFC Bank for provision of the ETC Facility, the provision of which shall be at the sole discretion of HDFC Bank. I/we shall not hold HDFC Bank liable for any loss, damage or delay caused to me/us due to HDFC Bank rejecting my/our Tag Application. HDFC Bank's decision in this regard shall be final.

4. I/ we authorize HDFC Bank or its agents to make all references and enquiries which HDFC Bank may consider necessary in respect of or in relation to any information provided in my/ our Tag Application, and I/ we agree and undertake to provide full co-operation in this regard.

5. I/ we authorize HDFC Bank to exchange, share or part with all the information, data or documents relating to my/ our Tag Application, with other its group companies, other banks, financial institutions, credit bureaus, agencies, governmental authorities or such other persons as HDFC Bank may deem necessary or appropriate, for processing of the said information/ data by such persons or otherwise for any other use/ purpose, and I/ we shall not hold HDFC Bank liable for the use/ sharing of such information by either HDFC Bank or such third parties.

6. I/ we authorize HDFC Bank unconditionally and irrevocably to debit any and all amounts as may become payable by us in respect of the Tag as per the Terms and Conditions and Schedule of Charges from the Tag Balance.

7. I hereby give voluntarily at my own discretion Aadhaar number as issued by Government of India to HDFC Bank along with my other KYC documents for the purpose of opening an account based relationship and voluntarily give my consent to use my Aadhaar details for the purpose of authentication with UIDAI. I am enclosing a copy of my duly self-attested Aadhaar card / e-Aadhaar for your record. The Aadhaar card details voluntarily furnished by me is true, correct and complete.

8. I/we hereby agree and undertake to adhere to all rules and guidelines as may be issued by HDFC Bank from time to time for completing KYC process in relation to the FASTag issued to me/us.

9. I/we hereby authorise HDFC Bank to share the vehicle number with Ministry of Road Transport’s (MoRT) VAHAAN Portal and to collect and use the information associated with the vehicle number, on VAHAAN Portal, for processing the application.

10. I / we authorize HDFC Bank to create FASTag wallet as per the details provided by me/us in the Application and issue FASTag to the Vehicle as per the Class of vehicle which is categorised by NPCI Vehicle Class in Annexure I.

11. I / we authorize HDFC Bank to create wallet for individual and /or commercial use as per the details submitted by me/ us in the Application.

12. I/We hereby authorize the Bank to debit applicable charges from my Credit Card or Debit Card or account (as applicable)

13. I/we authorize the Bank to share details like vehicle number, tag no. of issued tag and existing tag (if any), vehicle class and mapper class with National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) for tag registration and for verification of existing tag, if any.

Annexure I

The Charges applicable on HDFC Bank Tag are as follows:

Fees and Charges**

  Tag Joining Fee ( One-time Fee) ₹100

One-time Security Deposit Amount **

NPCI Vehicle ClassDescriptionSecurity Deposit (in Rs.)Threshold Amount (in Rs.)
4Car / Jeep / Van / Tata Ace and Similar Light Commercial Vehicle1001
5Light Commercial vehicle 2-axle300200
7Bus 2 axle / Mini bus, Truck 2 axle400500
6Bus– 3 axle400500
6Truck - 3 axle500500
12Tractor / Tractor with trailer, Truck 4, 5 & 6 -axle500500
15Truck 7-axle and above500500
16Earth Moving / Heavy Construction Machinery500500

Please note:

1. Goods and Services Taxes applicable from time to time, will be levied on the charges

2. Convenience fee may be applicable for online recharge.

3. Charges mentioned above are subject to change. Please visit www.HDFCbank.com for latest charges. Visit https://v.hdfcbank.com/htdocs/common/fastag/feescharges.html for latest fees & charges.


1. The above mentioned Tag deposit rates would be applicable depending on your vehicle class and would be refundable to you at the time of deactivation of the Tag in accordance with Paragraph 8.5 above, subject to the exception set out below

2. The above mentioned Tag deposit shall not be refundable in case (i) the relevant Tag member is a person from whom full know- your customer check has not been done by HDFC Bank or (ii) there exists a negative Tag balance


  1. In this Consent the following capitalized terms shall have the meanings assigned to them hereunder:

    “Data” shall mean all personal data, sensitive personal data or information, transactional data, Derivative Data, any other information, etc., in relation to me/us, including the following including in relation to past Products:

    (a) know your customer (KYC)/anti money laundering (AML) data;

    (b) information submitted while making any application or request to the Bank for any Product;

    (c) any transactional data generated during the relationship or as a result of any transaction, statements, entries, logs, in relation thereto;

    (d) any information obtained/received by the Bank from any other source;

    (e) any Derivative Data.

    Derivative Data” shall mean any credit scores, credit information, behavioural projections, profiling, analytical results, reports (prepared by the Bank internally or other persons) including through any algorithms, analytics, software, automations, profiling etc., and whether such derivative is from the information collected from me/us or in combination with any other information sourced from any other person, database or source whether by the Bank or other persons. The process of arriving at and generation of such Derivative Data involving or through any of the above sub-processes/methods, shall be referred to as “Derivation”.

    Specified Purposes” shall collectively mean, credit assessment, risk assessment, risk analysis, obtaining credit information reports, scores, scrubs, fraud checks, fraud detections, fraud prevention, detecting and preventing crime including crime/ terror funding, detecting malpractices or discrepant documents or information, prevention of misuse, assessment of credit worthiness, financial standing, due diligence, background check, physical and other inspections, verifications, obtaining any reports for any of the above, KYC/ AML checks, customer service, monitoring, collections, default detection, default prevention, default investigation, recovery, any legal proceedings, actions, enquiries, investigations, pursuing any remedies, enforcing rights, reporting including credit reporting, KYC reporting, default reporting, filing, perfections etc., whether any of these are undertaken internally or through any credit information company, bureau, service provider, consultant, vendor, agent, fintech entity, co-brand entity/partner, distributor, selling/ marketing agent, any partner, other player/ intermediary in any ecosystem of which we are a part, TPAP (for whom we act as PSP bank), collaborator, co-lender, co-originator, merchant, aggregator, lead generator, sourcing entity, client, customer or other person with whom we have a tie-up or contract for any products or services, person or through a combination of multiple options. Each of such credit information company, bureau, service provider, consultant, vendor, agent, fintech entity, co-brand entity/partner, person, and their respective service providers, consultants, vendors, etc is referred to as a “Processing Entity”.

    Product(s)” shall mean products, services and/or businesses of the Bank/ of subsidiaries/ affiliates, or where the Bank/ its subsidiaries/ affiliates distribute, refer or act as agent or act as a sponsor bank or a PSP bank etc. in relation to any products or services (including where the initiation of any transaction is not directly with the Bank but is with a relevant Processing Entity like in case of a UPI transfer through a TPAP where the account is not with the Bank but it is a PSP bank), whether the Bank is in direct relationship or indirect relationship through any other intermediary/ entity, vis-à-vis me/us, as also if I/we are an authorised signatory or authorised person or representative of a non-individual applicant/ customer/ user of any services, whether direct or indirect.

    The Products, which have been applied/ requested by or availed by, me/us (including where the initiation of any transaction is not directly with the Bank but is with a relevant Processing Entity like in case of a UPI transfer through a TPAP where my/our account is not with the Bank but the Bank is a PSP bank), shall be referred to as “Requested Products”, and the Products (including any future products or services) other than the Requested Products, shall be referred to as “Other Products”

  2. I have read, understood and hereby accept the Privacy Policy of the Bank (available at www.hdfcbank.com).

  3. I/we hereby authorize HDFC Bank Limited (“Bank” which which expression shall be deemed to include its successors and assigns) to:

    a. process, use, store, retain, share with Processing Entities or collect from any Processing Entities or other databases, sources, persons/entities, the Data or any part thereof, for any of the Specified Purposes:

    i. For assessing, examining and/or determining, from time to time, my/our eligibility (including pre-eligibility), suitability or credit worthiness and/or for profiling for any of the Other Products;

    ii. for Derivation and sharing any Derivative Data (between Bank and any Processing Entity) in connection with the aforesaid purposes;

    iii. contacting, establishing contact, whereabouts, including through email, postal address, telephone, social media, banners on applications/ electronic platforms, notifications, website, premises of third parties/ other persons;

    iv. deploying any analytics, automated processing, algorithms, robotics, profiling, encryptions, coding, anonymizations, etc., for any of the aforesaid.

    b. For conveying to, displaying or communicating with, marketing, selling, cross-selling to me/us, by the Bank internally or externally, including through or on the Bank’s apps/ platforms, any other channel(s) of the Bank, TPAP, service providers, agents, or otherwise through notifications, emails or other means of communications, whether online or offline or telecommunications, the availability or eligibility or offer, whether in principle or otherwise, of any of the Other Products, and for this purpose all authorisations mentioned in (ii) to (iv) of 3 (a) above in relation thereto.

  4. I/we authorize the Processing Entities to process, use, store, retain, share with the Bank or the other Processing Entities or collect from Bank, any other Processing Entities or other databases, sources, persons/entities, the Data or any part thereof, for any of the aforesaid consented purposes.

  5. I/we hereby authorise the Bank to share the vehicle number with Ministry of Road Transport’s (MoRT) VAHAAN Portal and to collect and use the information associated with the vehicle number, on VAHAAN Portal, for offering Other Products like insurance and financing thereof.

  6. For the purposes of aforesaid consents and authorizations, it shall be deemed that I/we have furnished all the Data separately under this consent.

  7.  I/we agree that the aforesaid consents/ authorizations for the aforesaid purposes shall survive beyond the validity of such application/ tenure of the Product/ consummation of any transaction.

  8. The consents given or denied under this document do not limit any other consents obtained or given

Online Third Party transfer Limit Increase
  • I hereby acknowledge that I am setting and utilizing the Third Party Transfer (TPT) Limit at my own risk.
  • I am also aware that the limit would be applicable to all accounts under my Customer ID.
  • I understand and agree that the TPT limit is a daily limit and will be applicable to all Third Party transactions.
  • The internet is susceptible to a large number of frauds and misuse. While the Bank aims at providing utmost security, I shall not hold the Bank responsible for any lapse in the same or compromise at my end.
  • For Non Individuals, i.e.  HUF, Partnerships, Trusts and Companies, increase of limits is merely an extension of the financial rights Limits and existing TPT Limits.
  • I agree and accept that the above terms and conditions shall be in addition to the Terms and Conditions for the TPT Limit, Third Party Fund Transfer, Account Opening and other various services offered by the Bank.
Change of Address
  1. To change your current mailing address linked with your account, you need to submit self attested scanned copy of your address proof.
  2. Address change will be updated for the applicant across all his / her relationships with HDFC Bank. Joint account holders will have to submit a separate application for address change
  3. Customer will be intimated once the Address change is updated in the bank's record.
  4. In case address change request is under process, deliverables requested, if any, will be sent to existing address as per bank's records.
  5. Resident customer shall submit OVD with Current adress within a period of three months in case of submitting Deemed OVD presently , Click here for complete list of documents
Declaration under FEMA, 1999

I hereby declare that the total amount of foreign exchange purchased from or remitted through, all sources in India during the financial year including this application is within the overall limit of the Liberalized Remittance Scheme prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India and certify that the source of funds for making the said remittance belongs to me and the foreign exchange will not be used for prohibited purposes.

FOODPLUS Prepaid Card Terms & Conditions

Click Here to view the PDF.

GIFTPLUS Prepaid Card (Old) Terms & Conditions

Click Here to view the PDF.

MoneyPlus Prepaid Card Terms & Conditions

Click Here to view the PDF.

Millennia Prepaid Card Terms & Conditions

Click Here to view the PDF.

Rupee Max / FCY Max / Forward Contract

In consideration of HDFC Bank Limited ("HDFC Bank") having at my / our request agreed to book a FX-Forward Contract(s) (s) against my/our NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP from time to time, I /We do hereby irrevocably agree, confirm and undertake to HDFC Bank as follows:

  1. The FX-Forward Contract shall be subject to the rules and regulations framed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) notifications issued under Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) and the rules of the Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI). I/We hereby confirm that I/we will comply with the same, as applicable from time to time.

  2. The FX-Forward Contract is not assignable by us without the prior written consent of HDFC Bank.

  3. I/ We also understand that if I/We refuse to comply with any legal requirement in respect of entering into the FX-Forward Contract(s) or make only unsatisfactory compliance therewith, HDFC bank shall refuse to undertake the Contract and shall, if it has reason to believe that any contravention/evasion is contemplated by me/us, report the matter to the Reserve Bank of India.

  4. I / we confirm that there is sufficient underlying exposure, i.e. NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP, to enable me / us to enter into the FX-Forward Contract(s) and that the same has not been hedged earlier and cancelled with any authorized dealer. I / We also confirm that I/ We will not book any other FX-forward contract / derivative contract for the same underlying exposure NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP with any authorized dealer or other person during the tenure of the Contract, or, in case the Contract(s) is cancelled, before maturity thereof.

  5. At my/our request HDFC Bank has agreed to accept instructions/request to book FX-forward contract, make investments, mark lien on the FDs in favour of HDFC Bank and any and all instructions as contemplated above via email ( which has been sent from the email address registered with HDFC Bank) , whether or not the same has been electronically signed ( as defined hereunder ) hereafter referred to as “ Virtual Instructions” subject to my/our indemnity and on the terms and conditions contained herein. For the purpose of this document an email shall be deemed to be “Electronically Signed” if the same has been encrypted/ authenticated by using an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 or in any other manner/ method/ procedure/ technique as is recognized/ envisaged as a valid method of encryption/ authentication under the provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000;

  6. I/We agree that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, HDFC Bank shall not be obliged to act on the basis of any Virtual Instructions in the event that (i) HDFC Bank does not, in good faith, believe the Virtual Instructions to be genuine; (ii) HDFC Bank suspects, in good faith, that the Virtual Instructions have not been sent by me/us or (iii) there is an error in transmission or reception of such Virtual Instructions to HDFC Bank and HDFC Bank has not received or HDFC Bank, in good faith, believes or suspects that it has not received the complete and correct Virtual Instructions; or (iv) there is any ambiguity, lack of clarity or incompleteness in the Virtual Instructions received by HDFC Bank. I/We further agree and undertake that HDFC Bank shall not be liable or responsible for not acting or for delay in acting on the basis of any Virtual Instructions in the circumstances mentioned above or any consequences of whatsoever nature including, without limitation, any losses, damages and/or expenses incurred by me/us arising as a result of or pursuant to HDFC Bank not acting on the basis of any Virtual Instructions as aforesaid.

  7. That HDFC Bank is hereby authorized to mark a lien in its favor on the above NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP with the right to recover from the said NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP all amounts due by me /us pursuant to this FX-Forward Contract Confirmation

  8. That I /We shall not prematurely withdraw or liquidate the NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP which is held as security for the FX-Forward Contract, for any reasons whatsoever unless permitted by HDFC Bank and on such terms and conditions set out by HDFC Bank, which I /We agree to abide.

  9. That in the event HDFC Bank at my/our request permits premature withdrawal or liquidation of the said NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP , then:

  • I/we understand that FX-forward contract will be cancelled/ liquidated at the rate prevailing in market on the date of cancellation/liquidation & the same is subject to change due to market & intraday fluctuation.

  • If any loss arises to HDFC Bank as a consequence of the cancellation of the FX-Forward Contract prior to maturity, I/We hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree and undertake to pay / reimburse to HDFC, without demur and /or contestation the amount of such loss as calculated, discounted at the MIOIS (Mumbai Interbank Overnight Indexed Swap) rate of the Bank.

  1. Further, I/We hereby authorize HDFC Bank to appropriate, recover and adjust the loss if any incurred by HDFC Bank consequent to the cancellation of the FX-Forward Contract(s) prior to maturity, from the said NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP which is held under lien as a security for the FX-Forward Contract, and pay over the balance, if any, to me / us, after cancellation of the Contract(s) and recovery and adjustment of the loss as aforesaid.

  2. I /We acknowledge that in the event there is any gain at the time of cancellation of the FX-Forward Contract(s) prior to maturity, HDFC Bank shall pay the gain amount to me /us after appropriately discounting the same at the MIOIS (Mumbai Interbank Overnight Indexed Swap) rate of the Bank.

  3. The aforesaid loss/gain will be on a front-end basis i.e. paid/ received immediately on cancellation of the FX-Forward Contract at a discounted rate (HDFC Bank’s prevailing MIOIS - Mumbai Interbank Overnight Indexed Swap)) to HDFC Bank or me/us in the event of loss or gain as the case may be.

  4. Any default under FX-Forward Contract(s) shall be treated as a default of all FX-Forward Contract(s) entered into by me / us with HDFC Bank and HDFC Bank shall have the right to immediately cancel any or all FX-Forward Contracts prior to maturity thereof, at its sole discretion, in the event of any such default. Any loss suffered by HDFC / gains made by me, in respect of such premature cancellation, will be subject to the provisions of Clauses above.

  5. I / We agree and understand that HDFC Bank is entitled to and will charge interest at the relevant Base for late receipt of any amount due from me / us (amount not received with value date as of the maturity date) and this amount will be recovered from the said NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP. To the extent that the said NRE FD/ FCNR FD/ Investment in FMP is not sufficient, the balance amount alongwith interest thereon, will be due and payable by me/ us and may be recovered by HDFC Bank accordingly.

  6. I / we further unconditionally and irrevocably agree that on the occurrence of any of the following events, HDFC Bank shall, by a notice in writing, be entitled in its sole discretion to cancel and terminate any or all outstanding FX-Forward Contract(s), prior to maturity thereof, :

  • A failure or default on our part in maintaining the said underlying exposure, as security

  • A receiver being appointed for any of my /our properties or assets, or my / our becoming insolvent, or being unable to pay my / our debts, or admitting in writing my / our inability generally to pay my / our debts as they become due, or

  • Market constraints in India or events of force majeure or acts of God or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of HDFC Bank.

  • Any other event occurring which in the sole opinion of the Bank is prejudicial to the interests of the Bank or is likely to materially and adversely affect my/our liability to pay any charges or meet any of my/our obligations under and in connection with the settlement of the Contracts or of the underlying exposures

  1. I / we represent and warrant that:

  • I/ we are duly organized and validly existing under all applicable laws and is duly registered and authorized to enter into this Agreement and the FX-Forward Contract(s) contemplated hereunder;

  • I / we have the requisite power, licenses, consents, permission, approvals and authorities to execute and deliver this Agreement and the FX-Forward Contract(s) contemplated hereunder;

  • the execution, delivery and consummation of the obligations under this Agreement and the FX-Forward Contract(s) contemplated hereunder shall not (a) violate any laws or legal requirement, or (b) conflict with any, other agreement, contract or arrangement under which I / we am /are a party.

  1. Neither me/us nor any other person benefiting, directly or indirectly, in any capacity in connection with or from this agreement/Contracts and/or any instruments and/or payments hereunder feature in the list published by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of the Treasury, from time to time comprising of (i) individuals or companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries or groups including, without limitation individuals are identified as terrorists or narcotics traffickers, or (ii) individuals and companies that are categorised as ‘Specially Designated Nationals’ (SDNs) and/or otherwise sanctioned, under the sanctions (and related laws) promulgated by the United States (including its Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)), India, United Nations, European Union, and/or any other country (collectively, the “Sanctions”).I/We agree and acknowledge that upon being included the abovementioned lists, the Bank shall be entitled to cancel/ terminate the Contract with immediate effect, and in such event all the amounts due or payable on account of cancellation of the Contracts shall become immediately due and payable to the Bank.

  2. I/we hereby agree and acknowledge that the Bank may require me/us to provide assistance and co-operation in relation to Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) compliance (including without limitation the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and the directions of RBI, from time to time), and in this regard, I/we hereby agree and undertake to extend full co-operation to the Bank including, without limitation, by furnishing such information, forms, records, reports, data which the Bank may require

  3. This Agreement and all FX-Forward Contract(s) entered into hereunder shall be subject to the laws of India and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts/ tribunals at Mumbai.

  4. I/We confirm that HDFC Bank shall be entitled, but not be obliged to, act on the Virtual Instructions received from me/us during business hours to the email address specified by HDFC Bank. I/We agree and confirm that all Virtual Instructions received by HDFC Bank (which has been sent from the email address registered with HDFC Bank),whether or not such email has been electronically signed, shall be deemed to and be treated as, having been given by me/us. HDFC Bank shall be entitled to rely upon such Virtual Instructions so received (in case of email communication, whether or not such email has been Electronically Signed) and to act upon the same without being required or expected to carry out an independent verification as to the authenticity or validity of such Virtual Instructions.

  5. I / we agree and acknowledge that the FX-Forward Contract confirmation advice will be sent by HDFC Bank through email at the email address mentioned in our Bank records and that internal record of HDFC Bank noting the issue of such confirmation by email would be sufficient proof of delivery.

I/We agree to and confirm the particulars and terms contained herein and undertake to comply therewith.

Click Here to view the PDF

T&C INR Corporate

Click Here to view the PDF.

Change of Address for Credit Cards

Change of Address on Credit Cards

Terms & Conditions:

  1. To update the mailing address for your HDFC Bank credit card, please submit a self-attested scanned copy of your address proof along with your request.
  2. The updated Address will be recorded only for the Credit Card# as mentioned in your request.  A separate application for address change to be submitted for other accounts or products with HDFC Bank (including other HDFC Bank credit card # if any)
  3. You will receive an SMS on your registered mobile number for the mentioned Credit Card#, as status information, once the Address change is updated in the credit card account or in the event we are unable to process your request.
  4. While your address change request is under process, deliverables requested, if any, will be sent to existing address as per bank's records.

Click Here to view the PDF.​​​​​​​

Acceptable list of documents

  1. Aadhaar Card  (front & back copy, mask the first 8 digits) OR E-Aadhaar (downloaded within last 180 days, mask first 8 digits )
  2. Driving License  (front & back copy)
  3. Passport   (1st page & last page with address)
  4. Voters ID Card   (front & back copy)
  5. Job card issued by NREGA duly signed by an officer of the STATE Government  
  6. Letter issued by National Population Register containing name and address  
  7. Photocopy of overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card mentioning the overseas address (For NRI Customers Only)
  8. Documents issued by Govt of Foreign Jurisdiction - OCI/PIO Card, Word Resident Permit/ Social Security Card/Green Card etc (Only for Foreign Citizen holding PIO/OCI card) 

Click here for UPI Terms & Conditions

Health Cover FD

Terms & Conditions: HDFC Bank HealthCover FD. (Fixed Deposit with Hospital Cash Cover)

I/We hereby agree and acknowledge that HDFC Bank HealthCover FD is a new product variant which provides complimentary Hospital Cash cover for the 1st year of the Fixed Deposit tenure to the primary holder of the Fixed Deposit (FD) only and the same shall not be available for the joint holders (if any). The Hospital Cash Cover (policy) shall be available subject to the below terms and conditions.

  1. That the eligible age criteria of the primary holder (Resident individual) of the FD shall be between 18 years to 59 years

  2. The minimum amount of the FD is Rs 5 lacs and maximum amount of the FD is Rs 1.99 cr

  3. The tenure for the FD is Min 1 year and Max 120 months

  4. The Hospital Cash Cover offered shall be dependent on principal amount of the FD. Hospital Cash cover Rs 500 per day for 15 days: FD amount >=5 lacs to < 10 lacs and Hospital Cash cover Rs 1000 per day for 15 days: FD amount >= 10 lac to 1.99 cr

  5. The Complimentary Hospital Cash Cover is applicable only for 1st year of the Fixed Deposit tenure

  6. The complimentary policy (Group Hospital Cash Cover) issued in my favour shall be cancelled upon premature/partial liquidation of FD principal amount >=50% of the total FD booked by me. Also, if the same is force closed by the bank due to non-servicing of OD against FD

  7. Nomination in the FD and Hospital Cash Cover (policy) is mandatory. If nominee is minor, guardian/appointee details should be shared and guardian/appointee should not be a minor

  8. Customer can avail only one Hospital Cash Cover (Policy) against each FD per cust id. New Hospital Cash Cover (Policy) against the FD can be availed only after a year from premature withdrawal/closure/maturity of the earlier FD

  9. Hospital Cash Cover will be applicable only to the primary holder of the FD

  10. If a primary applicant changes the date of birth, name etc after SureCover fd is booked and if the details are not as per the eligibility defined for the product, claim will not be settled for such cases

  11. The details for the renewal of the Hospital Cash Cover (Policy) for the subsequent year (i.e. 2nd year onwards) shall be shared by the concerned Insurance company on or before the expiry of the Policy

  12. For any dispute/grievances in relation to the Hospital Cash Cover, Customer to contact the Insurance Company for grievance redressal

  13. For any queries related to the policy, customer can write to XXX (ABHI) or visit nearest branch

  14. For any queries related to the claim, customer can write to XXXX (ABHI)

  15. TDS will be applicable on these FDs as per the extant statutory guidelines

  16. All terms and conditions with respect to FD will be applicable

  17. That the eligible age criteria of the primary holder of the FD shall be between 18 years to 59 years. In the event of the change in age of member between the date of receipt of member consent and the risk commencement date, the Hospital Cash Cover of the member shall be provided as per the age on the risk commencement date

  18. The coverage shall terminate if you fail to satisfy any of the eligibility criteria, if you cease to be a member of the group for whatsoever reason or your relationship ceases with the master policy holder or if the premium is not paid within the allowed premium payment period

  19. Nominee details updated are applicable only for current Policy being issued in the name of the primary holder

  20. On change of status i.e. from resident to non-resident, benefits of HealthCover FD will be discontinued and HealthCover FD will have to be closed

  21. If a primary applicant changes the date of birth, name etc after HealthCover fd is booked and if the details are not as per the eligibility defined for the product, claim will not be settled for such cases

  22. Benefits under hospital cash shall not be payable for more than 15 days per Hospitalization claim per Policy Year

  23. Benefits under hospital cash shall not be payable for more than 15 days per Policy Year

  24. Benefits under hospital cash will trigger only after a Deductible of 1 day

  25. Specified Disease / Procedure waiting period: A waiting period of 24 months from the Inception Date shall apply to the treatment, whether medical or Surgical and of the Illness/conditions and their complications mentioned in Annexure I.

  26. Pre- Existing Diseases Waiting Period Payment will not be done for any claim in respect of any Insured Person directly or indirectly caused by, based on, arising out of, relating to or howsoever attributable to any Pre-Existing Diseases or any complication arising from the same, until 4 years in this regard has elapsed since the Start Date of the first Policy with Us

  27. Initial waiting period: A waiting period of 30 days from the Inception Date of the Policy will be applicable for all Hospitalisation claims except in case of Accidents.

  28. Permanent Exclusion- Aditya Birla Health Insurance company shall not be liable to make any payment for any claim under any Benefit in respect of any Insured Person directly or indirectly caused by, based on, arising out of, relating to or howsoever attributable to any of the reasons mentioned in Annexure II

  29. GOOD Health Declaration

I/We hereby declare that I/We are not suffering from or have been diagnosed with advised taken treatment or observation is suggested or undergone any investigation or consulted a doctor or undergone or advised surgery for any one or more from the following

a. High Blood Pressure, Heart Attack or any other Heart Disease, abnormal lipid levels;
b. Stroke, Paralysis in any form, or any other Cerebrovascular Disease;
c. Diabetes or thyroid/parathyroid or any other Endocrinal Disease, Any Kidney Disease;
d. Acute / Chronic Liver (Failure/ Disease), Cirrhosis of Liver, Alcoholic liver disease; any pancreatic disease
e. Any Lung Disease (e.g. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, Parenchymal lung Disease, Pulmonary Embolism etc.).
f. Blood Disorders, Gastro-Intestinal Diseases, Ulcer or any other disorder of the bones, spine or muscle;
g. Any Cancer or Cancerous growth;
h. Any Mental or Psychiatric condition, any Genetic Disease, autoimmune or any disease related to central nervous system (disease related to brain); Congenital conditions; 
i. HIV / AIDS or AIDS related complications,
j. Covid positive in last 3 months
k. Any h/o sudden loss of weight in last 1 yr

I have read, understood and agree the above Terms and Conditions and I/We further agree and confirm if any of the above declarations are untrue or there has been any non-disclosure of any material fact, then the Policy to be issued by the insurer in my name shall be treated as void during the settlement of the said Policy by the Insurer.

I have read, understood and agree Health insurance product (Group Hospital Cash) belongs to insurance company (Aditya Birla Health Insurance) and the claim settlement will be as per Insurer’s process and Bank does not have any role to play in the same

I have read and agree to data privacy notice updated on HDFC Bank’s website: www.hdfcbank.com > Personal> Useful Links > Privacy

Senior Citizen Care FD (w.e.f 18th May’20 to 1st May’24)

An Additional Premium of 0.25% (over and above the existing premium of 0.50%) shall be given to Senior Citizens who wish to book the Fixed Deposit less than 5 crores for a tenure of 5 (five) years One Day to 10 Years, during special deposit offer commencing from 18th May'20 to 1st May 2024. This special offer will be applicable to new Fixed Deposit booked as well as for the Renewals, by Senior Citizens during the above period. This offer is not applicable to Non-Resident Indian.

In case of premature closure of Fixed Deposit booked in the above offer (including sweep in / partial closure) on or before 5 years, the interest rate will be 1.00% below the contracted rate or the base rate applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank, whichever is lower

In case of premature closure of Fixed Deposit booked in the above offer (including sweep in / partial closure) post 5 years, the interest rate will be 1.25% below the contracted rate or the base rate applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank, whichever is lower 

Rates mentioned on the interest rate page on website are inclusive of 0.75%

​​​​​​​All other terms and conditions as applicable to Fixed Deposit shall remain unchanged and the same shall be applicable to the above fixed deposit too.

Important Points:

  • Senior Citizens (60 years and above) who are Resident Indians are eligible for senior citizen rates for deposits less than 5cr.

  • Benefit of additional interest rate on deposits on account of being bank’s own staff or senior citizens shall not be applicable to NRE and NRO Deposits.

  • Please quote the Deposit Account Number in all Communication.

  • Please record change of maturity instructions with us well in advance to enable us serve you better.

  • Any changes made online in respect to change in maturity instruction / tenure, details can be viewed online post the changes.

  • Please ignore this advice If you have redeemed or renewed this deposit on or after the maturity date as mentioned herein. In case of Renewals you will receive a new Fixed Deposit Confirmation / renewal advice.

  • Rate applicable on monthly interest option will be discounted rate over the standard FD Rate.

  • In case of more than one deposit linked for Sweep-In, the system will first Sweep-In funds from the last or recently opened deposit i.e. on LIFO(Last-In-First-Out) basis.

  • In case your fixed deposit is booked without nomination details, please visit the Branch to update the same.

  • In case of NRO / Resident FD, no interest will be paid if the deposit is prematurely withdrawn before completion of 7 days.

  • In case of NRE FD interest will not be paid if the deposit is prematurely withdrawn before completion of 1 year.

  • Form 15G/H is not applicable to NRIs

  • TDS is not applicable for Interest earned on NRE deposits.

  • Fixed Deposits booked with monthly or quarterly interest payout option, TDS recovery will by default happen from linked current / savings account. Please visit nearest branch / contact RM for further clarification.

  • When you open a Fixed deposit with the Bank Interest on Term Deposit is calculated as below:

    • On a Quarterly basis for deposits > 6 months.
      Simple interest is paid at maturity for deposits <= 6 months.

    • Cumulative Interest/ re-investment interest is calculated every quarter, and is added to the principal such that Interest is paid on the Interest earned in the previous quarter as well.

    • In case of monthly deposit scheme, the interest shall be calculated for the quarter and paid monthly at discounted rate over the Standard FD Rate.

  • If FD is not booked / renewed as per applicable T &C, Bank reserves the right to rebook the same with correct details.

  • Please visit our website / nearest branch / contact Relationship Manager for further clarification.

  • In case of Non-filer of income Tax return, TDS shall also be deducted at higher rate as provided by the Section 206AB, w.e.f 1-Jul-2021.

  • Income-tax provisions outlined in this document are updated as of the Finance Act, 2021.

  • In case of third party fixed deposit , lien is marked only on principal amount of the deposit

  • For Resident & Non-Residents rupee deposits- Rounding off is done basis RBI guideline, RBI/2011-12/56 DBOD No. Leg.BC.18/09.07.006/2011-12. All transactions, including payment of interest on deposits/charging of interest on advances, will be rounded off to the nearest rupee i.e., fractions of 50 paise and above shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee and fraction of less than 50 paise shall be ignored and in case of Foreign currency deposits i.e. FCNR Deposits the rounding off will be done up to two decimal places

Corporate Salary - Times Prime Annual Membership offer

Get a complimentary Times Prime annual membership with a host of offers worth Rs1,199​​​​​​​

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The offer is valid for a selected set of customers only who receive the offer communication from HDFC bank via Email, SMS, Whatsapp or other official communication channels.
  • The communication recipients' current organization should be on the list of eligible companies. The list of eligible companies is available on the update employer details page (Page path -> MobileBanking App>>More>>Salary Account Services>> Update Employer Details)
  • The eligible customers will receive the vouchers after 4 months of rollout of the communication.
  • This offer is valid for New Corporate Salary Accounts opened till 14th August’23.

Redemption Process:

  1. Times Prime membership code (‘E-code’) with steps to redeem will be sent to the customer’s registered email ID or registered mobile number as per program criteria.
  2. E- code shared with the customer will remain active for maximum 3 months from the date of receipt of E- code.
  3. The 12-month membership starts from the day the customer activates his/her Times Prime membership.
  4. The E-code is applicable once per user and is not valid for existing Times Prime members.
  5. In case of any issues related to the redemption of the E-code, please contact support@timesprime.com.
  6. Times Prime reserves the right to terminate, modify, extend the timelines and features at any time at its absolute discretion.
  7. The offers/memberships subscriptions must be unlocked within the Times Prime Membership period.
  8. All Times Prime terms and conditions (as mentioned in the T&Cs on https://www.timesprime.com/terms-and-conditions) are applicable to the membership availed under this offer.

How can customers activate their membership?

  • Download the app from Play Store/App Store or visit www.timesprime.com
  • Enter the e-code while signing up
  • Voila! Your membership is activated.

Now activate the offers and enjoy your membership. How to activate the offers?

  • Login to your account on the app.
  • Click on the preferred brand benefit, explore and activate the offer as per the steps.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a partner app.


Short FormFull Form

EAW/NWDNon-HDFC Bank Withdrawal



ATWATM Withdrawal

MHDF Merchant HDFC



TPTThird Party Transfer

IMPSImmediate Payment Service

NFSNational Financial Switch

ATSAutomatic Transfer Service

CCCredit card Auto Pay

IBInternet Banking

ACH Automated Clearing House

I/W CHQRETInward Clearing Cheque Return 

FTFund transfer

AQBAnnual Quarterly balance

AMBAverage monthly balance

HABhalf yearly average balance


ISA-QMCInvestment service account- Quarterly maintenance charge

Customer Consent form

Click Here to view the PDF.
Click Here to view the PDF.

Savings Product Offers

Click Here Savings Account – Times Prime Membership Terms and Conditions

Click Here Saving Account Opening offer for Select Customers

Corporate Salary - Voucher Offer

Terms & Conditions:


Get Vouchers with benefits worth INR 3600. Availing maximum value benefit from all the offer categories brings the total value to the customer from this bundle of approximately INR 3600.

Eligibility Criteria:

The offer is valid for only a selected set of customers who receive the offer communication from HDFC Bank and customers who haven’t received salary credit in their accounts.

The salary should be credited from an organization/company that is part of the HDFC Bank’s listed eligible companies. To check your company’s eligibility and update your new employer details, click the link below.

The eligible customers will receive the vouchers within 60 days of the second salary credit. A customer must continuously receive a salary for 2 months to be eligible for these vouchers.

To be eligible for the offer fulfilment, the customer must receive the salary in the Corporate Salary Account mapped to its customer ID only and not in any other type of account (Savings/Current).

How to Redeem:

Steps to Claim Gift Vouchers:

  1. Visit www.gyftr.com/rewards/hdfcbankinactivesalary/
  2. Enter your Unique Promo Code
  3. You will be entering the Rewards Page, wherein you can see the list of all the Brand Vouchers you are eligible for.
  4. Click on “REDEEM”
  5. A summary pop-up will appear. Please enter your details – Name, Mobile Number and E-Mail Id. Click on “GENERATE OTP”
  6. An OTP will be triggered to your Mobile Number, enter the same and click on “SUBMIT”

That’s it! The Gift Voucher of the chosen brand will instantly be sent to your Mobile Number and E-Mail Id.

Terms & Conditions:

The Unique Promo Code will be valid only for 30 days from the Date of Issuance. Eligible customers must claim their choice of the voucher within the expiry date mentioned on the eligibility E-Mail and SMS date.

Each customer can claim one brand only once out of the given choices. However, each customer can claim all the brands at least once out of the given choices.

The Expiry Date of the Gift Vouchers claimed will be a minimum of 30 days from the date of claim. Please refer to the Voucher E-Mail and SMS for the exact date. Kindly use your Gift Voucher within the due date. Gift Vouchers, once expired, cannot be revalidated.

All respect ive T&Cs of the brands apply. Please visit the T&C section on the homepage for detailed Brand T&Cs.

Offer details:

 Expiry Date 31st Oct 2023BrandOfferValue
The Man CompanyINR 300 OFF on
minimum bill value of I
NR 1000 and above

GivaINR 500 OFF on minimum bill value of INR 1999 and above

MyntraFlat INR 500 OFF on minimum bill value of INR 2499 and above on select catalogue

Ferns N PetalsFlat 15% OFF up to INR 700 on minimum bill value of INR 599 and above

Behrouz BiriyaniFlat 40% OFF up to INR 150 on minimum bill value of INR 349 and above

BeyoungFlat 30% OFF on minimum bill value of INR 999 and above

HealthifyMeFlat 20% OFF on Pro Plans + Free 1 month extension

FaasosFlat 50% OFF up to INR 150 on minimum bill value of INR 249 and above

Top Value


Non Resident Accounts

NRI Accounts: I/We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions & the Privacy Notice (Global Privacy Notice- Click Here) (EU Privacy Notice- Click Here) governing the opening of an account with HDFC Bank and those relating to various services including but not limited to (a) ATMs (b) Phone Banking (c) Debit Card (d) Mobile Banking (e) Net Banking (f) BillPay Facility (g) Insta alert (h) Email statements. I hereby consent myself and/or as the legal guardian of minor to the processing of Personal Data as described in the privacy notice (applicable for minor account opening). I understand that failure or refusal to provide consent may prohibit HDFC Bank from providing with products, services, or benefits. I/we understand that, my data is stored on secure systems within HDFC Bank premises and with providers of secure information storage facilities in India. The data will be retained for a period as defined by regulatory / legal requirements the bank is subject to. I/we understand that, HDFC Bank may share my personal data with, credit reference agencies, regulatory agencies, law enforcement agencies and fraud prevention agencies for use in verifying my identity, credit decisions, regulatory requirement, legal investigation, fraud and money laundering prevention. I/We will submit the standalone GDPR declaration to block DNC I/We accept and agree to be bound by the said Terms and Conditions including those excluding/limiting the Bank’s liability. 

DO NOT CALL REGISTRY: I/We understand that in case I/We do not wish to receive promotional information through telephonic calls / email / SMS on products and services not currently availed by me/us, I/we can register for 'Do Not Call' service through the Bank's website www.hdfcbank.com or other channels that the Bank may offer. I/We agree that this service will not apply to receipt of advice and information regarding products and services currently availed by me/us, to help me/us in fully realizing the benefits of the range of financial solutions designed to make my/our relationship value added and more convenient. I/We understand that the Bank may, at its sole discretion, amend any of the services completely or partially with at least 30 days' notice and/or provide an option to switch to the other services to me/us.

Balance Requirement will be as per CASA product variant being opted and on Regular NRE/NRO CASA Product offerings the minimum balance requirement is calculated on monthly basis and on NRE/NRO Elite & Super Kids Account the minimum balance requirement is calculated quarterly basis. I/We have read and understood the Fees and Charges Schedule including the charges applicable for non-maintenance available on the Bank’s website (Click Here). I/We agree that the Bank may debit my/our account for service charges as applicable from time to time.

I/ We confirm that on conversion of my existing Regular/Elite/Super Kids account into any other variants, all benefits of my existing account will be withdrawn and features & charges as applicable on new variant being opted will be applicable on my account. I/We also understand that Bank reserves the right to change/ modify/ withdraw/ suspend the features associated with my account from time to time. Complimentary Education Insurance cover provided to the guardian on Super Kids account is primarily intended for persons residing in India. The Worldwide cover would be applicable on occasional visits abroad. However, the cover cannot be extended for persons permanently residing outside India. I/We authorize the Bank to disclose, from time to time any information relating to my savings account to any parent/subsidiary, affiliate and associate of HDFC Bank, and to third parties engaged by the Bank. I/We hereby declare that my / our nationality / residential status is true and correct as declared above and in the accompanying documents. I/We understand that the above account will be opened on the basis of the statements/declarations made by me/us, and I/we also agree that if any of the statements/ declarations made herein is found to be not correct in material particulars you are not bound to pay interest on the deposit made by me/us. I/We agree to abide by the provisions of FEMA and RBI guidelines. I/We hereby undertake to intimate you about my/our return to India for permanent resident immediately on arrival and will have the Non- Resident Account (s) opened in my/our name changed to Resident accounts (as eligible). 

I/We understand that opening of my new account under a specific category is evidence of my current residential status. In order to abide with FEMA guidelines, the Bank will re-designate my existing accounts and deposits, if any, as per category of my latest account activated. Incase if there are more than two account holders and I/we are the primary account holder then the third joint holder’s name will be removed (if the second & third holder’s status is Resident). In case I/We are joint holder in any resident savings account then my/our status will remain NRI, I hereby confirm that the resident account holder in which I/We are joint holder is closely related to me (as per companies act 2013) and I/We undertake that I shall not use the proceeds lying in the above account for any transaction in contravention of the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) 1999, Rules/Regulations made thereunder and the related circulars/instructions issued by the Reserve Bank from time to time. I further undertake that if any such transaction is put through the said account in contravention of the FEMA, 1999 or Rules/Regulations made thereunder, I shall be held responsible for the same. I shall not deposit cheques, instruments, remittances, cash or any other proceeds belonging to me in this resident account. I shall intimate my bank in the event of any change in my Non-resident / Resident status. In the event of death of the resident account holder, I shall intimate the bank and get the resident account converted to NRO account. I/We shall not make available to any person resident in India, foreign currency against reimbursement in Rupee or in any other manner in India.

I/We confirm that all debits to my/our account for the purpose of moveable/immoveable Investment in India and credits representing sale proceeds of Investments in India are covered either by general or special permission of RBI. I/We confirm that my/our accounts/loan/investment/credit facility shall be governed by the applicable laws and regulations and also by the policy of HDFC Bank, which may be in force from time to time. I/We understand that HDFC Bank reserves the right to reject application form without providing any reason for the same. I/We ensure that investment in shares/securities or immovable property in India out of funds held in my/our account with you are governed by respective regulation of RBI and FEMA. I/We hereby agree and confirm that I/We wish to open an Individual Current NRE/NRO accounts(s) (both Non Interest Bearing account (s)) as I/We do not want any interest to accrue and/or be paid in to this account and I/We further undertake, agree and confirm that this account shall not be used by me/us for any business or related transactions(s).

NRE/NRO Deposits: I/We agree that no claim will be made by me/us for any interest on the deposit(s) for any period after the date(s) of maturity of deposit(s). In case of NRO deposit no interest will be paid if the deposit is prematurely withdrawn before completion of 7 days. In case of NRO Recurring deposit no interest will be paid if the deposit is broken before completion of 1 month. In case of NRE recurring deposit no interest will be paid if the deposit is broken before completion of 12 months In case of NRE/FCNR deposit no interest will be paid if the deposit is prematurely withdrawn before completion of 1 year. Fixed Deposits booked under Non-withdrawable basis cannot be withdrawn before the maturity date. 

Deposit Advice: Customers will receive FD Advice on their registered Email id. In case email id not registered with the bank then physical advice will be sent at the mailing address within 7-8 working days of deposit opening date. Interest rates are subject to change from time to time. Applicable interest rates will be given as on the date / time of receipt of the funds by the bank. When booking FD through NetBanking please note the actual interest rate being applied on the "Confirm" screen. This screen appears before you confirm your request for opening a new FD. In order to see the latest information, we request you to clear your browsers cache to see the updated interest rates.

It is reiterated that the interest rate applicable on multiple deposits, across all channels, made by the same customer in a single day in one particular tenor bucket would be the rate which is applicable for the aggregate value, whichever is lower. Tenor Bucket "means the various tenure slabs as updated in the interest rate sheet on the website . For ex: e.g.” 1 Y 1d to 2 Y “ is one particular tenor bucket, similarly “ 5 Y 1 d to 10 Y “ is also one particular tenor bucket.​​​​ The Senior Citizen Rates are only for Resident Indians and do not apply to NRIs. 

The Bank computes interest based on the actual number of days in a year. In case, the Deposit is spread over a leap and a non-leap year, the interest is calculated based on the number of days i.e.,366 days in a leap year & 365 days in a non-leap year. The period of Fixed Deposit is calculated in number of days.

The Interest on Term Deposits for the deposits booked by us, is calculated as below:

1) Fixed Deposits for the tenor <= 6 months : Simple Interest is paid

2) Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Quarterly Interest Payout option : On a Quarterly basis

3) Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Monthly Interest Payout option : Interest is calculated for the quarter and paid monthly at a discounted rate over the standard deposit rate

4) Fixed Deposits for the tenor > 6 months with Interest Reinvestment option : Cumulative Interest for the Quarter is added to the Principal in subsequent quarter and interest is calculated on total amount

[The paid interest amount (in case of monthly/quarterly payout mode) will be adjusted against Principal Balance of the Deposit at the time of premature withdrawal of the deposit. Nil interest will be paid in case of Premature withdrawal of the NRE Deposit before 1 year and for NRO Deposit before 7 days]. 

Tax at Source is deducted as per the Income Tax regulations prevalent from time to time (applicable on NRO Fixed Deposits)

With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal including Sweep-in/Partial Withdrawal on NRO Deposits will be 1% less of the rate on the date of deposit booked for the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate. 

With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal including Sweep-in/Partial Withdrawal on NRE Deposits will be the rate on the date of deposit booked for the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.

Prior to July 22nd, 2023, For Premature Closure (for all amounts, and for including Sweep In / Partial Withdrawal), the final rate applicable on NRO Deposits will be 1% Below  that of  the lower of either: a) the rate for the original /contracted tenor for which deposit has been booked  or b) the base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the bank except for the deposits booked with tenor 7-14 days 

Prior to July 22nd, 2023, For Premature Closure (for all amounts, and for including Sweep In / Partial Withdrawal), the final rate applicable on NRE Deposits will be lower of either: a) the rate for the original /contracted tenor for which deposit has been booked or b) the base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the bank.

For deposits booked on or after 7th march'19, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.2 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. Prior to this the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.1 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. The Minimum tenor for earning the interest on NRO Fixed Deposit is 7 days. The Minimum tenor for earning the interest on NRE Fixed Deposit is 1 year. No Interest will be paid if the NRE Deposit is prematurely withdrawn before 1 year. No Penalty (reduced rate) will be levied on premature closure of NRE Fixed Deposit. Partial premature withdrawal and sweep-in facility is not allowed for fixed deposits booked between 5 Crore to less than 25 Crore.

As interest rates are subject to change without prior notice, depositor shall ascertain the rates on the value date of FD.

Premature Liquidation OF RD: 

With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal on NRE/ NRO Recurring Deposits will be the rate on the date of deposit booked for the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.

Prior to July 22nd, 2023, The interest rate applicable on premature closure of deposits (all amounts) will be lower of: a) The rate for the original/contracted tenor for which the deposit has been booked OR b) The base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the Bank

For deposits booked on or after 7th march'19, the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.2 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. Prior to this the base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than Rs.1 Cr as on the date of booking the deposit. 

The Minimum tenor for earning the interest on NRE Recurring Deposit is 1 year. No Interest will be paid if the NRE Recurring Deposit is prematurely withdrawn before 1 year. The Minimum tenor for earning the interest on NRO Recurring Deposit is 1 Month. No Interest will be paid if the NRO Recurring Deposit is prematurely withdrawn before 1 Month. Tax at Source is deducted as per the Income Tax regulations prevalent from time to time (applicable on NRO Recurring Deposits)

With effect from Oct 24, 2015, the following changes would be applicable to all Recurring Deposits. Interest on a Recurring Deposit will be calculated from the date the instalment is paid. The method of calculation of interest on RDs will be on Actual / Actual Quarterly Compounding.

FCNR Deposits: Effective 1st JULY 2021 FCNR deposit for GBP,EURO & JPY currencies will be offered only for 1 Year tenure. Existing FCNR deposits booked under GBP, EURO & JPY currencies for the tenor 1 year 1 day to 5 year and which are due for auto renewal will be auto renewed for 1 year tenor by default.

No interest will be paid if the FCNR Deposit is prematurely withdrawn before 1 year. No Penalty (reduced rate) will be levied on premature closure of FCNR Fixed Deposit.

With effect from July 22nd, 2023, the interest rate applicable for premature withdrawal including Partial Withdrawal on FCNR Deposits will be the rate on the date of deposit booked for the period for which deposit remained with the bank and not at the contracted rate.

Prior to July 22nd, 2023, For Premature Closure (for all amounts, and for Partial Withdrawal), the final rate applicable will be lower of either: a) the rate for the original /contracted tenor for which deposit has been booked or b) the base rate applicable for the tenor for which the deposit has been in force with the bank.

The base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than 1 Mn as on the date of booking the deposit.  The paid interest amount (in case of half yearly pay out mode) will be adjusted against Principal Balance of the Deposit in case of Premature withdrawal of the FCNR Deposit before 1 year. The interest is calculated on a half yearly basis. Interest for re-investment deposit is calculated every six months and the Principal is increased to include interest earned during the previous six months. Deposit will be booked upon availability of clear funds with the bank and applicable interest rate will be given as on the date of receipt of the funds by the bank.

The interest rates are applicable for fresh and renewal fixed deposits and are subject to change from time to time. Kindly check the rates before booking the FCNR Fixed Deposit. The FCNR Deposit booking request through Netbanking will be processed within 2 working days except Saturday, Sunday, Indian public holidays, International currency holidays. The actual interest rate and forex rate being applied will be the one which is prevailing at the time of processing the deposit and not at the time of receiving the request.

I/We hereby give voluntarily at my/our own discretion my/our Aadhaar number as issued by Government of India to HDFC Bank along with my/our other KYC documents for the purpose of opening an account-based relationship and voluntarily give my/our consent to use my/our Aadhaar details for the purpose of authentication with UIDAI. I/we am/are enclosing a copy of my/our duly self-attested Aadhaar card / e-Aadhaar for your record. The Aadhaar card details voluntarily furnished by me/us is/are true, correct and complete.

Death of account holder: In the event of the death of depositor, premature liquidation of term deposit will be allowed. Such premature liquidation will not attract any penal charge. In the event of death of one of the joint account holders, the right to deposit proceeds does not automatically devolve on the serving joint deposit account holder, unless there is a survivorship clause. I/ We agree that in case of joint fixed deposit with survivor clause, the Bank shall be discharge by paying the fixed deposit proceeds prematurely to survivor/s, on request, in the event of the death of one or more joint depositor/s. In case of premature withdrawal of NRE deposit due to death of depositor, interest (if any) may be paid as per HDFC Bank’s Approved Policy. Credits to NRO Accounts: I/We hereby declare that only legitimate dues in India which would include but not limited to rent, dividend, pension, interest, sale proceeds of assets including immovable property acquired out of rupee/foreign currency funds or by way of legacy/inheritance will be deposited in my/our NRO Account. Click Here to know more details on NRI Accounts

Corporate Salary Account Activation Offer

HDFC Bank Salary Account Activation - Times Prime Offer

Offer :
Get a complimentary Times Prime annual membership with a host of offers worth Rs1,199 by activating your Corporate Salary Account in third month of account opening month.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The offer is valid for a selected set of customers only who receive the offer communication from HDFC bank via SMS or other official communication channels.
  • Customer is eligible only if there was no Salary credit in the account in first 2 months and after salary is credited in the 3rd month of account opening.
  • Minimum Salary credited should be Rs 5,000 and above to be eligible for the offer.
  • The communication recipients' current organization should be on the list of eligible companies. The list of eligible companies is available on the update employer details page (Page path -> MobileBanking App>>More>>Salary Account Services>> Update Employer Details)
  • The eligible customers will receive the voucher by the end of 4 th month of account opening.
  • This offer is valid for New Corporate Salary Accounts opened only.

Redemption Process:

  1. Times Prime membership code (‘E-code’) with steps to redeem will be sent to the customer’s registered email ID or registered mobile number as per program criteria.
  2. E- code shared with the customer will remain active for maximum 2 months from the date of receipt of E- code.
  3. The 12-month membership starts from the day the customer activates his/her Times Prime membership.
  4. The E-code is applicable once per user and is not valid for existing Times Prime members.
  5. In case of any issues related to the redemption of the E-code, please contact support@timesprime.com.
  6. Times Prime reserves the right to terminate, modify, extend the timelines and features at any time at its absolute discretion.
  7. The offers/memberships subscriptions must be unlocked within the Times Prime Membership period.
  8. All Times Prime terms and conditions (as mentioned in the T&Cs on https://www.timesprime.com/terms-and-conditions) are applicable to the

How can customers activate their membership?

  • Download the app from Play Store/App Store or visit www.timesprime.com 
  • Enter the e-code while signing up
  • Voila! Your membership is activated

Now activate the offers and enjoy your membership. How to activate the offers?

  • Login to your account on the app.
  • Click on the preferred brand benefit, explore and activate the offer as per the steps.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a partner app
Savings / Salary Account Offer

Click Here Deals & Discount on Account Opening

Click Here Digital Activation Offer T&C

CSA Newsletter

Click Here For Corporate Salary Account Newsletter March 2024

T & C applicable for Educational (EduShield) and Housing Societies ( SocietyShield) Institutes

Complimentary Non-Life Insurance for Educational Institutions and Housing societies 

The following are the broad terms and conditions of the captioned cover on Institutional accounts for Educational Institutions and Housing Societies.  

  • All the accounts opened effective 1st July’24 will be eligible for complimentary insurance cover for 5 lacs Sum Insured.  
  • The policy will be valid only for 1 year from the account opening date. 
  • To cancel the insurance policy, the account holder can provide a declaration for discontinuance of the policy signed as per mode of operation in the account at the nearest branch.  
  • If the account holder chooses not to avail the complimentary insurance benefit during the account opening process, the entity can provide the declaration stating that no insurance policy will be issued.  

Claim Procedure:  

Claims will be processed only for live accounts. For any claims, please submit the claim form (click here) at the nearest branch.  

In the event of any of the loss to the property ( Educational institutions and Housing Societies ) due to any Fire, Explosion/Implosion, Lighting, Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, or other convulsion of nature, Strom, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Flood and Inundation, Subsidence, Rockslide, Landslide, Bush Fire, Forest Fire, Jungle Fire, Impact Damage of any kind excluding caused by insured own vehicle, Missile testing operation, Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage, Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes, Leakage from automatic sprinkler, Theft within 7 days from the occurrence of and proximately cause by any of the above insured event, entity to approach the nearest branch and submit the claim form at branch.  

For Educational Institution 

Loss to the covered property due to any of the below perils is covered under the policy: 

  • Fire 
  • Explosion/Implosion 
  • Lighting 
  • Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, or other convulsion of nature 
  • Strom, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Flood and Inundation 
  • Subsidence, Rockslide, Landslide 
  • Bush Fire, Forest Fire, Jungle Fire 
  • Impact Damage of any kind excluding caused by insured own vehicle 
  • Missile testing operation 
  • Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage 
  • Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes 
  • Leakage from automatic sprinkler 
  • Theft within 7 days from the occurrence of and proximately cause by any of the above insured event 


We do not cover losses or expenses, or any loss, damage to, or destruction of the Insured Property, directly or indirectly as a result of or if caused by or arising from events, stated below:  

1. i. Excess of ₹ 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand) for each claim. This means that We will deduct ₹ 5000 for each and every loss suffered by You under the terms of this policy.  

ii. For terrorism risk the Excess shall be as per the Clause attached to this policy.  

2. Your deliberate, willful or intentional act or omission, or of anyone on Your behalf, or with Your connivance.  

3. Loss, damage or destruction to any electrical/electronic machine, apparatus, fixture, or fitting by over-running, excessive pressure, short circuiting, arcing, self-heating or leakage of electricity from whatever cause (lightning included). This exclusion applies only to the particular machine so lost, damaged or destroyed. However, any ensuing loss or damage to other insured property due to operation of an insured peril is covered.  

4. Loss, destruction or damage to the stocks in cold storage premises caused by change of temperature.  

5. Loss, or damage by spoilage resulting from the retardation or interruption or cessation of any process or operation caused by operation of any of the Insured Events.  

6. Your Premises or any Insured Building remaining continuously unoccupied for a period of more than 30 days, unless You have obtained prior written approval from Us and such approval is recorded as an endorsement on the Policy.  

7. War, invasion, act of foreign enemy hostilities or war-like operations (whether war is declared or not), civil war, mutiny, civil commotion amounting to a popular rising, military rising, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power.  

8. Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from combustion of nuclear fuel, or the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component that is part of it.  

9. Pollution or contamination, unless  

i. the pollution or contamination itself has resulted from an Insured Event, in which case only physical damage to the Insured Property is covered, or  

ii. an Insured Event itself results from pollution or contamination.  

10. Loss, destruction or damage to bullion or unset precious stones, any curios or works of art unless such amount is declared separately and recorded in the Policy Schedule.  

11. Loss of any Insured Property which is missing or has been mislaid, or its disappearance cannot be linked to any single identifiable Insured Event.  

12. Loss or damage to any Insured Property removed from Your Premises to any other place, except  

i. Machinery and equipment temporarily removed for repairs, cleaning, renovation or other similar purposes for a period not exceeding 60 days  

ii. Stock covered under -‘Temporary removal of stocks’  

13. Any reduction in market value of any Insured Property after its repair or reinstatement.  

14. Loss or damage to any Insured Property or any claim which is covered by a marine policy in force at the time of loss or damage, except in excess of the limits of that policy.  

15. Any consequential or indirect loss or damage of any description, i.e. losses or extra costs (financial or non-financial) that follow or are a consequence of an Insured Event, like, loss by delay, loss of income or wages or earnings, or of market, or of time, medical expenses, or any costs not covered by this Policy.  

16. Costs, fees or expenses for preparing any claims.  


In Uttarakhand only Dehradun, Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar locations are covered rest all other locations are excluded.  Additionally, Meghalaya and Tripura are also excluded. Rest all india is covered.

For Housing Society 

Loss to the covered property due to any of the below perils is covered under the policy: 

  • Fire 
  • Explosion/Implosion 
  • Lighting 
  • Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, or other convulsion of nature 
  • Strom, Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane, Tornado, Tsunami, Flood and Inundation 
  • Subsidence, Rockslide, Landslide 
  • Bush Fire, Forest Fire, Jungle Fire 
  • Impact Damage of any kind  
  • Missile testing operation 
  • Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage 
  • Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and pipes 
  • Leakage from automatic sprinkler 
  • Theft within 7 days from the occurrence of and proximately cause by any of the above insured event 


We do not cover losses and expenses for any loss or damage or destruction of the Insured Property that is directly or indirectly as a result of or is caused by or arising from events, stated below:  

1. Your deliberate, wilful or intentional act or omission, or of anyone on Your behalf, or with Your connivance.  

2. War, invasion, act of foreign enemy hostilities or war-like operations (whether war is declared or not), civil war, mutiny, civil commotion amounting to a popular rising, military rising, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power.  

3. Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from combustion of nuclear fuel, or the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component that is part of it.  

4. Pollution or contamination, unless  

i. the pollution or contamination itself has resulted from an Insured Event, or  

ii. an Insured Event itself results from pollution or contamination.  

5. Loss, damage or destruction to any electrical/electronic machine, apparatus, fixture, or fitting by over-running, excessive pressure, short circuiting, arcing, self-heating or leakage of electricity from whatever cause (lightning included). This exclusion applies only to the particular machine so lost, damaged or destroyed.  

6. Loss or damage to bullion or unset precious stones, manuscripts, plans, drawings, securities, obligations or documents of any kind, coins or paper money, cheques, vehicles, and explosive substances unless otherwise expressly stated in the policy.  

7. Loss of any Insured Property which is missing or has been mislaid, or its disappearance cannot be linked to any single identifiable event.  

8. Loss or damage to any Insured Property removed from Your Home to any other place.  

9. Loss of earnings, loss by delay, loss of market or other consequential or indirect loss or damage of any kind or description whatsoever.  

10. Any reduction in market value of any Insured Property after its repair or reinstatement.  

11. Any addition, extension, or alteration to any structure of Your Home Building that increases its Carpet Area by more than 10% of the Carpet Area existing at the Commencement Date or on the date of renewal of this Policy, unless You have paid additional premium and such addition, extension or alteration is added by Endorsement.  

12. Costs, fees or expenses for preparing any claim. 

In Uttarakhand only Dehradun, Haridwar and Udham Singh Nagar locations are covered rest all other locations are excluded.  Additionally, Meghalaya and Tripura are also excluded. Rest all india is covered.

Disclaimer :  

On the account being closed for whatever reason, the benefit of such insurance cover shall automatically cease to be available from such date of closure of account. 

The insurer reserves the right to process or reject the Insurance Cover claim or require further / additional information in respect of the same from customer and shall not hold HDFC Bank responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever. 

 HDFC Bank to pass on the interest of availing the Insurance Cover including the details furnished by customer at the time of account opening to the insurers. Customer will intimate HDFC Bank in case of any claims to be availed under the Insurance Cover and agree to submit such details as may be required by HDFC Bank and the insurer(s). HDFC Bank will pass on Bank account details held with HDFC Bank to the insurer(s)for settlement of any claim amount.  

Click here for Claim Form

SmartHub Vyapar Prepaid card Terms and Condition

Click Here to view the PDF

GiftPlus Prepaid Card Terms & Conditions

Click Here to view the PDF

E-GiftPlus Prepaid Card Terms & Conditions

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T&Cs for HDFC Bank Pixel Credit Card offer - DIL-LUMINATI TOUR (DILJIT DOSANJH)

Certification: I/We have understood the information requirements of this Form as per the CBDT notified Rules 114F to 114H and hereby confirm that the information provided by me/us on this Form is true, correct, and complete. I/We also confirm that I/We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions below and hereby accept the same. I/We understand that my personal details as provided /available in the bank records will be used for CBDT reporting / Central KYC Registry. I hereby consent to receiving information from Central KYC Registry through SMS / Email.

CBDT Terms and Conditions: The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has notified Rules 114F to 114H, as part of the Income-tax Rules, 1962, which Rules require Indian financial institutions such as the Bank to seek additional personal, tax and beneficial owner information and certain certifications and documentation from all our account holders. In relevant cases, information will have to be reported to tax authorities/ appointed agencies. Towards compliance, we may also be required to provide information to any institutions such as withholding agents for the purpose of ensuring appropriate withholding from the account or any proceeds in relation thereto. Should there be any change in any information provided by you, please ensure you advise us promptly, i.e., within 30 days. Please note that you may receive more than one request for information if you have multiple relationships with HDFC Bank or its group entities. Therefore, it is important that you respond to our request, even if you believe you have already supplied any previously requested information.

CBDT Instructions: If you have any questions about your tax residency, please contact your tax advisor. If you are a US citizen or resident or green card holder, please include United States in the foreign country information field along with your US Tax Identification Number.

^ It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent if the country in which you are tax resident issues such identifiers. If no TIN is yet available or has not yet been issued, please provide an explanation and attach this to the form. In case customer has the following Indicia pertaining to a foreign country and yet declares self to be non-tax resident in the respective country, customer to provide relevant Curing Documents as mentioned below:

FATCA/ CRS Indicia observed (Ticked)

Documentation required for Cure of FATCA/ CRS indicia

If customer does not agree to be Specified U.S. person/ reportable person status

1. U.S. place of birth

1. Self-certification (in attached format) that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States of America nor a resident for tax purposes;

2. Non-US passport or any non-US government issued document evidencing nationality or citizenship (refer list below); AND

3. Any one of the following documents: a. Certified Copy of “Certificate of Loss of Nationality or b. Reasonable explanation of why the customer does not have such a certificate despite renouncing US citizenship; or Reason the customer did not obtain U.S. citizenship at birth

2. Residence/mailing address in a country other than India

1. Self-certification (in attached format) that the account holder is neither a citizen of United States of America nor a resident for tax purposes; and

2. Documentary evidence (refer list below)

3. Telephone number in a country other than India (and no telephone number in India provided)

4. Standing instructions to transfer funds to an account maintained in a country other than India

List of acceptable documentary evidence needed to establish the residence(s) for tax purposes:

1. Certificate of residence issued by an authorized government body*

2. Valid identification issued by an authorized government body* (e.g. Passport, National Identity card, etc.)

* Government or agency thereof or a municipality

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