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Add/Modify Nominee

Add or change the name of a nominee for Single Holding Savings/Current Accounts , Fixed/Recurring Deposit 

Via Insta Services

Click on on the Nominee Updation to transfer your branch instantly from the convenience of your Home Location

Note :  

  1. Keep your registered mobile no. and Debit/NetBanking card details handy to proceed with the Online journey.  

  1. Applicable only for Single account holders 

Via NetBanking

Here’s how you can use NetBanking to instantly update nominee details

Step 1 :  Login to NetBanking using your NetBanking ID and Password 

Step 2 : Go to the Request section of ‘Accounts’ tab 

Step 3 : Select ‘View/Update’ Nomination Details 

Step 4 : Select the Account for which you want to update the nominee. Click on ‘Modify’ to modify the nominee details – add a new nominee or replicate nominee of another account

Step 5 : Fill in the details and Confirm 

Note : Applicable for Single account holders 

Via HDFC Bank Branch

Step 1 : Get a Nomination form available on website - Nomination Form DA1 without nomination only /Nomination Form DA2/DA3 : DA2 - Cancellation, DA3 - To Change 

 or at any one of our branches 

Step 2 : Complete it and have it signed by all applicants 

Step 3 : Submit the form at your nearest HDFC Bank branch 

Click here to visit the following link for address of our branches and ATMs