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NetBanking FAQ

What is the difference between Account Summary and Account Details? Account Summary shows the list of all your accounts. You can navigate here by clicking on ‘Accounts’ at the top of the screen. Account Details shows the information regarding a specific account. You can view this by following this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > ‘Accounts’ (from home screen) > Select the specific account > You can view the balance, nominee, holder, etc. | |
How do I change my HDFC Bank home branch? We offer two ways of transferring your account from one HDFC Bank branch to another. a. Write a transfer request and submit it to your nearest branch. OR, b. You can apply for a branch transfer request online with the link- Account Transfer online | |
What is ‘Primary Account’? Where can I see it? A primary account is your go-to selection for transactions. If you have multiple accounts, you can set the one you use most often as the 'primary account'. This makes it the default account for transactions, saving you the hassle of selecting it every time. If you've selected a primary account, it will show up as the 1st account on the Account Summary page. You will see a green 'Primary' tag near that account. | |
How can I add, change, or remove my Primary Account? You can follow this path to add, change, or remove your primary account: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click ‘Accounts’ or ‘Send Money’ (at the top of the screen) > Select Quick Link - ‘Manage Primary Account’. | |
How to apply for a loan against my PPF? When you wish to apply for a loan against your invested amount in a PPF account, just visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch. Pls note, to avail loan the PPF account must have completed 5 years. | |
Where can I find the details of my PPF-linked loan? You can find the details of your PPF-linked loan by following this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click ‘Accounts’ (at the top of the screen) > Select the PPF account > Click ‘Account Details’ tab. | |
Where can I view my Nominee and Account Holder details? Here's how you can access your Nominee and Account Holder details: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > Click ‘Account Details’ tab> Scroll down to see ‘Nominee and Account Holder details’. | |
Can I add or change nominee in my account online? Yes, if you are the Sole owner of an account, you can manage Account Nominee online. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > ‘Account Details’ > Scroll down to ‘Nominee and Account Holder details’ > Click ‘Add Nominee’ Or ‘Change Nominee’. If you're a Joint Account holder, for added security, we recommend visiting your nearest HDFC Bank branch with all other account holders to add or change a nominee. | |
Where can I view Debit Cards linked to my accounts? You can view the details of all your HDFC Bank Debit Cards conveniently through the following paths: a. To see the details of all the Debit Cards linked to your HDFC Bank account: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on ‘Cards’ (on the top of the screen, under the global search bar) > ‘Debit Card’. b. To see Debit Card details of a specific HDFC Bank account: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > ‘Linked Debit Card’. | |
From where can I view my recent transactions? Follow one of the below paths: a. Click on ‘Get Statement’ (on the home screen) > Select the specific account. OR, b. Click on ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > Scroll down to view the Recent Transactions. | |
How can I download or email my statement? You can download your account statement or request an email on your registered email ID via any of the following paths once you Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking: a. Click on ‘Get Statement’ (on the home screen) > Select the specific account > Select the time period > Download or Email. OR, b. Click on ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > ‘Account Statement’ > Select the time period > Download or Email. | |
In which formats can I get my account statements? Account statements are available in 5 different formats for Download- PDF, Excel, Text, Delimited and MSMoney. However, you can get the statement via email only in PDF format. | |
Why is my account statement not downloading instantly? Why do I see ‘Preparing your statement’ message when downloading the statement? Statement downloaded for ‘Current & Previous Financial Year’ or a ‘Date Range’ shows the message- ‘Preparing your statement’. Step 1: Please wait for a few seconds to complete the statement generation and its download when you see the message. Step 2: If you close this message, you’ll see the download queue with its status. Once it is ready, you can easily download the statement. Note: Once a statement is successfully generated, it stays in the ‘Recently downloaded statements’ section for up to 48 hours. You can download it multiple times if needed. | |
Where can I find my Interest Certificates? You can find your Interest Certificates by following the path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Quick Links - ‘Download Interest Certificate’. | |
What is a Balance Certificate? Where do I find it? A Balance Certificate declares your account balance and is useful for several purposes such as visa applications, property transactions, and accessing Loans or scholarships. Here’s where you can find your balance certificate: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > Click on ‘Balance Certificate’ to download. | |
What is Sweep-In? How does it work? Sweep-In facility is a safety net for your savings and current accounts. If your account balance is low, it helps to automatically pool funds from your linked Fixed Deposit or other account to complete a payment request. It helps to avoid bounced cheques and payments without you having to break fixed deposit completely and losing on interest income. Here are two ways to avail the Sweep-In facility via HDFC Bank NetBanking: a. Go to ‘FD/RD’ > scroll down to click ‘Sweep-In/OD Against FD’. OR, b. Go to ‘Accounts’ > Select the specific account > Click ‘Enable Sweep-In’. To view your existing Sweep-In details, follow this path – Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > Click on ‘View Details’ (besides ‘Sweep-In Balance’). | |
Which accounts can provide Sweep-In protection to my selected savings account? Your Savings and Current accounts, as well as your regular FDs, with a minimum principal of Rs.10,000 & tenure of at least 6 months, are eligible to be linked to provide Sweep-in balance. | |
What is OD against FD? How does it work? OD against FD is a feature that lets you take an Overdraft (OD) limit against your Fixed Deposit (FD) for up to 90% of its principal value without breaking the FD itself. You only pay a nominal interest on the amount you actually end up using. Your FD keeps earning high interest. Here are two ways to avail the OD against FD facility: a. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘FD/RD’ > scroll down to click ‘Sweep-In/OD Against FD’. OR, b. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > Click on ‘Enable Now’ (besides ‘Total Overdraft’). To view utilisation and linked FDs for the OD limit availed, follow this path - Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > ‘View Details’ (besides ‘Total Overdraft’). | |
Can I get an overdraft against any of my Fixed Deposits? You can get overdraft against any regular FD with at least ₹25,000 principal & a minimum tenure of 6 months. | |
Can I take overdrafts against multiple Fixed Deposits for the same account? Yes, you can. | |
Can I avail OD against FD and Sweep-In from the same Fixed Deposit? Yes, but for two different accounts. | |
What does ‘Amount on Hold’ mean? Where can I see my amount on hold? ‘Amount on hold’ is the amount, you may have invested in an IPO or stocks, that is put on hold till the allocation of shares is completed. Here’s a quick path to check out your amount on hold, if any: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > ‘Amount on Hold’. It is shown only if available. | |
What are Uncleared Funds? Where can I see my uncleared funds?‘ Uncleared Funds’ refers to money received by the bank for you that hasn't been processed yet. Once processed, it will be credited to your account. Here’s how you can check your uncleared funds in HDFC Bank NetBanking, if any: Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the specific account > ‘Uncleared Funds’. It is shown only if available. | |
How can I get my monthly Account Statement on email? To receive monthly account statements delivered straight to your email ID, simply follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Click on the Quick Link - ‘Manage e-Statement’ > Click on ‘Enable e-Statements’ (if not already active). Thank you for opting to save our environment and go green. | |
How can I stop getting monthly account statements on email? To stop receiving monthly account statements to your email ID, simply follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Quick Links - ‘Manage e-Statement’ > Click on ‘Disable e-Statements’ (if currently active). | |
Why am I getting an error when I click on ‘Manage e-Statements’? We apologise for the inconvenience. There could be two reasons why this is happening, as follows: a. Perhaps your account(s) are not eligible for e-Statements facility. OR, b. Your email ID is not registered with us. (You can register or update it online by clicking on the link- update Email ID online or by visiting your nearest HDFC Bank branch). | |
Can I open or close a safe deposit locker online? No, locker can only be opened by visiting the HDFC Bank branch having Lockers. Please check the branches having lockers near you by visiting nearest HDFC Bank branch. | |
Where can I see my Safe Deposit Locker on HDFC Bank NetBanking? You can view your Safe Deposit Lockers by following the path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Quick Links - ‘Safe Deposit Locker’. | |
Can I add or change my Nominee online for a Safe Deposit Locker? Yes, if you are the sole owner of a locker. Here’s the quick way to get there: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the Quick Link - ‘Safe Deposit Locker’ > Click on ‘Add Nominee’ Or ‘View/Change Nominee’. If you hold a locker jointly, please visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch with all other locker holders to add or change a nominee. | |
How can I raise a dispute or report a fraud? If you suspect fraudulent activity in your account or with your cards, we urge you to raise a dispute & report fraud as soon as possible. Here’s how you can raise a dispute from HDFC Bank NetBanking: Click on ‘Get Statement’ (on either the Savings A/c or Current A/c card on the home screen) > Select the specific account > Scroll down to find ‘Raise Dispute & Report Fraud’. There are a few other ways to reach there, as follows: a. ‘Services & Support’ (on the top-right corner) > ‘Raise Dispute & Report Fraud’. OR, b. ‘Urgent Care’ section (by scrolling down on the home screen) > ‘Raise Dispute & Report Fraud’. | |
Can I open a PPF account online? If your answer is ‘YES’ for all the below conditions, you can. a. You are a resident Indian, b. Your PAN Details are updated with the bank, c. You’re having an HDFC Bank Savings/Current account where you are the sole owner, d. You do not have an existing PPF account with any bank or post office. | |
From where can I open a PPF account online? You can open your PPF account by following any one of these paths: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ (On the top of the screen) > Click on ‘Open PPF A/c’ banner at the bottom of the page. | |
If someone sends money to my HDFC Bank account from outside India (Foreign Inward Remittance), how do I accept it? Here’s how you can accept money sent to you from abroad via HDFC Bank NetBanking : Go to ‘Accounts’ (on the top of the screen) > Select the Quick Link - ‘Foreign Inward Remittance’ > ‘Select Account’ > Confirm the Request ID. |

Can I pay utility bills on credit card? You can pay your utility bills through following option. Path: Login -> Bills & Recharges | |
What is the process to pay other bills on credit card? You can pay all your utility bills through following option. Path: Login -> Bills & Recharges | |
Where is the option of Smart pay? You can pay your utility bills by following option. Path: Login -> Bills & Recharges | |
How can I register a Biller in HDFC Bank NetBanking? You can register a new biller and pay bills on HDFC Bank NetBanking. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Bills and Recharges > Pay New Bill > Select category of biller > Select biller and enter details. | |
How can I view my registered biller? All the billers registered by you will be available on the Bill Pay landing page. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Bills and Recharges >> My Bills. | |
How can I check the status of my Bill Payment on NetBanking? Yes, you can view the status of your paid /scheduled bills on HDFC Bank Net Banking. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Bills and Recharges >> Recent Bill Payments. | |
Can I check my old payments done through Bill pay? Yes, you can view the history of your bill payments done through Bill pay. Bills and Recharges >> Recent Bill Payments. | |
How can I stop any scheduled bill payment? You can stop your scheduled bill payment on HDFC Bank NetBanking up to 4 days before the due date. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Bills and Recharges > Upcoming Scheduled bills > Select the biller > Stop link. | |
How can I set Autopay / Standing Instruction for my bill? You can set Autopay for your billers via several ways using BillPay. Setup Autopay for new biller: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Bills and Recharges > Setup Smart Pay > Select the category and the biller > Enter details Setup Autopay for already added biller: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Bills and Recharges > My Bills > Click on Enable Smart Pay on the biller > Enter details. After Bill payment: After paying a bill click on Enable Smart Pay on bill payment receipt > Enter details. | |
What is the maximum bill amount I can pay using Bill Pay on HDFC Bank NetBanking? The maximum bill amount you can pay using BillPay on HDFC Bank NetBanking is of Rs 50,00,000/-. | |
What is the minimum bill amount I can pay using BillPay on HDFC Bank NetBanking? The minimum bill amount you can pay using BillPay on HDFC Bank NetBanking is Re 1/-. | |
How can I pay my bills on HDFC Bank NetBanking? You can make Bill payments online: If biller is not registered already: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Pay New Bill > Select the category of biller > Select biller, enter the details, and Pa.y If biller is already registered: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Select the Biller from my Bills section and click on Pay Now button. | |
How can I remove/delete my biller registered online? Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Bills and Recharges > My Bills > Click on the biller which you want to delete > On manage biller page click on Delete biller under the three dots at the top right of the page. | |
When does my accounts get debited in case Autopay is set for my biller? In case of Autopay of bills, account will get debited 4 days prior to the due date of the bill. | |
Can I set Standing Instruction (SI) for my Non HDFC Bank credit card bills on BillPay NetBanking? You cannot set standing instruction/ Autopay for Credit card payments through BillPay. You can set Standing Instructions for payment of your Non HDFC Bank Credit card bills using NEFT in Money transfer for a set amount. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Pay > Money transfer > Add Payee. | |
What is the upper limit on the transactions for mobile recharge? The upper limit per mobile recharge transaction is Rs. 1,000/- (daily). | |
What is the upper limit on the transactions for DTH recharge? The upper limit on DTH recharge transaction is Rs. 12,500/-. | |
I’ve paid my bill. When will my account be debited, and when will the utility service get my payment? When you make a payment for a biller on BillPay, your selected bank account or Debit Card or Credit Card will be debited and updation of the payment at the biller's end may take 3 to 6 working days. | |
What are the categories of billers can I choose under BillPay? You can pay your bills for the following categories - Electricity, Gas, Mobile, Landline, Water, Broadband, Tax, Donation, Insurance, Credit Card, Subscriptions, FASTag and Mutual Funds etc. under NetBanking. | |
Can I enable Standing Instruction for Mobile Prepaid billers? No. Standing Instruction (SI) cannot be enabled for prepaid mobile recharges. |

How can I order/ request for a new cheque book online? You can put in request for a new cheque book by following the path: Go to ‘Accounts (at the top of the screen) > Select Quick Link ‘Cheque & DD Services’ > Select ‘Request Cheque Book’. | |
How many cheque book /Cheque leaves I can order? You can order cheque book of 25 cheque leaves for a Savings accounts and for a Current account request can be raised for 25/50/75/100 leaves chequebook. The charges and leaves are accounts specific and varies accordingly. Please visit the link charges to get these details. | |
Where would my cheque book be delivered? You can request cheque book at your mailing or permanent address registered with the bank. In case your latest address is not updated, you can update your mailing address online on the link- Update Address. | |
Can I view my cheque status on HDFC Bank NetBanking? Yes, you can view the status of your cheque by following the path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts (at the top of the screen) > Select the Quick Link – ‘Cheque & DD Services’ > Select ‘View Cheque Status’. | |
Can I stop my cheque payments online? You can stop the payment of a single cheque or a series of cheques by following the paths: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts (at the top of the screen) > Select the Quick Link – ‘Cheque & DD Services’ > Select ‘Stop Cheque Payment’. In the Home Screen, Click on 'Urgent Care' (scroll down) > Select 'Stop Cheque Payment'. | |
How much time does it take to get a new cheque book requested online? For Indian Mailing address in Metro locations, expected delivery time is within the next 4 working days. For non-metro locations, the delivery may take up to 7-10 working days. For Overseas Mailing address, the Cheque book will be dispatched through registered airmail within 2 working days. | |
What is Positive Pay request? This additional security layer is meant to address the rising instances of cheque fraud. It is not mandatory to use this service but recommended for cheques above Rs 50,000. There is no charge levied for this service. | |
Is there any limit for Demand draft request? You can request for Demand draft for up to 3 times per day only. | |
Can I request to deliver the Demand Draft at a different address? Yes, you can request for delivery of Demand Draft at a new address only if you are registered to TPT (Third Party Transfer). You will be able to see an option to enter new delivery address if you are TPT Registered. To register for TPT: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Click on ‘Register Now’ on the banner. The banner will not be visible if user is already TPT Registered. |

Can I see my Credit Cards in HDFC Bank NetBanking? You can view details of all your HDFC Bank Credit Cards on HDFC Bank NetBanking by following the below steps: Click on Cards > Select Credit Card > Select Active Cards. | |
Can I see my inactive Credit Cards in HDFC Bank NetBanking? You can view your inactive or blocked credit cards on HDFC Bank NetBanking. Simply follow the below steps: Click on Cards > Select Credit Card > Select Inactive card. | |
Can I see my blocked credit card? You can view your inactive or blocked credit cards on HDFC Bank NetBanking. Simply follow the below steps: Click on Cards > Select Credit Card > Select Inactive card. | |
Can I see full credit card number? For security reasons, the full Credit Card number is only visible on your Card. It can be seen on your physical credit card. | |
How can I Apply for a new Credit Card on HDFC Bank NetBanking? You can apply for credit card via HDFC Bank NetBanking by following these steps: Click on Cards > Select Credit Cards > Click on Apply for Credit Card under the Quick Links. | |
How can I block my credit card? I have lost my CC, what do I do? You can block your credit card on HDFC Bank NetBanking following these steps: Click on Cards > Select Credit cards > Select 'Urgent support' > Click on 'Permanent Card Block' (for the given card). | |
How do I close my Credit Card? The Card member can terminate the Card membership by following this procedure. Write to HDFC Bank requesting termination at the following address: Manager, HDFC Bank Credit Cards, P.O Box 8654, Thiruvanmiyur P.O. Chennai – 600 041. | |
How to register for E-statements? You can register for E-statements via HDFC Bank NetBanking by following these steps: Click on Cards > Select Credit Cards > Go to 'Vew Summary' (for the given card) > Go to E-statement settings. | |
I want to register for E-statements, but I have not updated email address with the bank? You can sign up for e-statements by updating your email address with the bank by visiting your nearest HDFC Bank branch. | |
How can I pay my unbilled amount? To pay your unbilled amount on HDFC Bank NetBanking, kindly follow the path: 1. Click on Cards > Credit cards > Pay Now (for the Given Card). 2. Click on Cards > Credit cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Pay Now. | |
Where can I view statements for Card transactions? To view your Card Statements on HDFC Bank NetBanking, kindly follow the Path: Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Unbilled Transactions. The user can also view his billed transactions using the below paths: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Get Statement (for the given card). 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Get Statement. 3. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Past statement > Get Statement. | |
Where can I check my Credit Card unbilled spends? To check or pay your unbilled amount via HDFC Bank NetBanking, kindly follow the Path: Click on Cards > Credit cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Unbilled Transactions. | |
What is an Add on card? If you have an HDFC Bank Credit Card, you can request for an add on card for your family member or friends, if they have HDFC Bank Account. | |
Where can I apply for add on card? To apply for Add-On HDFC Bank Credit Card via HDFC Bank NetBanking, follow the below path: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Add-on Cards > Request Addon Card. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Request for Addon cards. | |
How many addon cards can I apply? You can apply for 3 addon cards per card holder from HDFC Bank NetBanking. | |
What is Smart EMI? Smart EMI is the option wherein you can choose to pay your unbilled amount on EMI. To pay your unbilled amount on EMI via HDFC Bank NetBanking, follow below path: Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Unbilled Transactions > Select the transaction to convert to EMI. | |
What is process to apply for Smart EMI? Smart EMI is the option wherein you can choose to pay your unbilled amount on EMI. To pay your unbilled amount on EMI via HDFC Bank NetBanking, follow below path: Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Unbilled Transactions > Select the transaction to convert to EMI. | |
How can I convert my unbilled amount on EMI? Smart EMI is the option wherein you can choose to pay your unbilled amount on EMI. To pay your unbilled amount on EMI via HDFC Bank NetBanking, follow below path: Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Unbilled Transactions > Select the transaction to convert to EMI. | |
How do I take EMI on my Credit Card? Smart EMI is the option wherein you can choose to pay your unbilled amount on EMI. To pay your unbilled amount on EMI via HDFC Bank NetBanking, follow below path: Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Unbilled Transactions > Select the transaction to convert to EMI. | |
I don’t have sufficient funds to pay my full Card bill. What can I do? Smart EMI is the option wherein you can choose to pay your unbilled amount on EMI. To pay your unbilled amount on EMI via HDFC Bank NetBanking, follow below path: Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Unbilled Transactions > Select the transaction to convert to EMI. | |
What is the process to get loan on Credit Card? Kindly follow below process on HDFC Bank NetBanking to get Loan on your Credit Card. 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Linked Loans > Apply for Loan. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Apply for Loan. | |
How can I get Insta Loan? Insta Loan is available to eligible customers only. Kindly follow below process on HDFC Bank NetBanking to get Insta Loan on your credit card: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Linked Loans > Apply for Loan. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Apply for Loan. | |
How can I get Jumbo Loan on Credit card? Jumbo Loan is available to eligible customer only, kindly follow below process on HDFC Bank NetBanking to get Jumbo Loan on your credit card: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Linked Loans > Apply for Loan. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Apply for Loan. | |
Can I get loan on Credit Card? Yes, kindly follow below process on HDFC Bank NetBanking to get Loan on your Credit Card: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Linked Loans > Apply for Loan. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Apply for Loan. | |
Can I get money from my Credit Card? Kindly follow below process to get Loan on your Credit Card via HDFC Bank NetBanking: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Linked Loans > Apply for Loan. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Apply for Loan. | |
How can I reissue my block card? You can reissue your HDFC Bank Credit Card from HDFC Bank NetBanking by following these steps: Click on Cards > Credit cards > Click on ‘Resend now’ (if reissue option selected as no while blocking the card). | |
How can I set Autopay on Credit Card? You can enable Autopay option on HDFC Bank NetBanking by following ways: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Card (for the given card) > Manage Autopay. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Card > Manage Autopay. | |
How to set Standing Instructions to pay credit card bills? You can set Standing Instructions via HDFC Bank NetBanking by following the below steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Card (for the given card) > Manage Autopay. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Card > Manage Autopay. | |
How to schedule credit card bills for payment? You can enable Autopay option on HDFC Bank NetBanking by following ways: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Card (for the given card) > Manage Autopay. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Card > Manage Autopay. | |
How to set automatic card payments? You can enable Autopay option on HDFC Bank NetBanking by following ways: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Card (for the given card) > Manage Autopay. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Card > Manage Autopay. | |
How can I de-registered Autopay? You can deregister your Autopay registered Credit Card online by following these steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Card (for the given card) > Manage Autopay. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Card > Manage Autopay. | |
How can I pay someone else's credit card bill? If you have already added payee, then proceed to money transfer or Add Payee by following these steps on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Pay other Credit Card bill. | |
How can I upgrade my credit card? Kindly follow below path to upgrade your HDFC Bank Credit Card via HDFC Bank NetBanking: Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Cards > Upgrade Cards. | |
Can I use my credit card internationally? Yes, to enable your Credit Card international usage via HDFC Bank NetBanking, you can follow these steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Cards (for the given Card) > Cards settings > Manage Domestic and International Limits > Select ‘International’ tab. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Cards > Cards settings > Manage Domestic and International Limits > Select ‘International’ tab. | |
How can I set international usage limit? To set international usage limit via HDFC Bank NetBanking, kindly follow the below steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Cards (for the given Card) > Cards settings > Manage Domestic and International Limits > select ‘International’ tab. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Cards > Cards settings > Manage Domestic and International Limits > Select ‘International’ tab. | |
How can I change my credit card dispatch address? You can change your address in the 'Profile' section. Your address will be updated within 72 hours in Credit card system. | |
I don't know my Credit Card PIN. Can I get it online? You can request for your Credit Card PIN online from HDFC Bank NetBanking. You can also request for the Physical PIN to be sent to your mailing address by following these steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Set /Reset PIN (for the given cards). 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given cards) > Set/Reset PIN. | |
I forgot my Credit Card PIN. What should I do? You can set the Credit Card PIN online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. You can also request for the Physical PIN to be sent to your mailing address by following these steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Set/Reset PIN (for the given cards). 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given cards) > Set/Reset PIN. | |
I have a new Credit Card, can I set PIN online? You can set the Credit Card PIN online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. You can also request for the Physical PIN to be sent to your mailing address by following these steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Set/Reset PIN (for the given cards). 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given cards) > Set/Reset PIN. | |
What are my Reward Points on Credit Cards? You can view rewards points on HDFC Bank NetBanking on the Credit Card Summary page by following these steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Cards (for the given Card) > Rewards and Benefits > Redeem Points. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Cards (for the given Card) > Rewards and Benefits > Redeem Points. | |
How many Points are on my Credit Card? You can view rewards points on HDFC Bank NetBanking on the Credit Card Summary page by following these steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Cards (for the given Card) > Rewards and Benefits > Redeem Points. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Cards (for the given Card) > Rewards and Benefits > Redeem Points. | |
Can I get my Credit Card points redeemed? You can view and redeem your rewards points on HDFC Bank NetBanking on the Credit Card Summary page by following these steps: 1. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > Manage Cards (for the given Card) > Rewards and Benefits > Redeem Points. 2. Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Manage Cards (for the given Card) > Rewards and Benefits > Redeem Points. | |
What is balance transfer on EMI? Balance transfer on EMI is the feature which allows you to Pay outstanding on other bank credit cards by transferring the balance to an HDFC Bank Credit Card. Save money by switching from a higher to lower EMIs. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Balance Transfer on EMI. | |
What is pay my other credit cards bill? Balance transfer on EMI is the feature which allows you to Pay outstanding on other bank credit cards by transferring the balance to an HDFC Bank Credit Card. Save money by switching from a higher to lower EMIs. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Balance Transfer on EMI. | |
Can I pay my other bank credit card bill on EMI? Balance transfer on EMI is the feature which allows you to Pay outstanding on other bank credit cards by transferring the balance to an HDFC Bank Credit Card. Save money by switching from a higher to lower EMIs Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Balance Transfer on EMI. | |
Can I pay my other Bank Credit Card bills using HDFC Bank Card? Balance transfer on EMI is the feature which allows you to Pay outstanding on other bank credit cards by transferring the balance to an HDFC Bank Credit Card. Save money by switching from a higher to lower EMIs Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given card) > Quick Links > Balance Transfer on EMI. | |
I want to use HDFC Bank Card to pay other Bank Credit Cards? Balance transfer on EMI is the feature which allows you to Pay outstanding on other bank credit cards by transferring the balance to an HDFC Bank Credit Card. Save money by switching from a higher to lower EMIs Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on Cards > Credit Cards > View Summary (for the given Card) > Quick Links > Balance Transfer on EMI. |

Can I see my Debit Cards on HDFC Bank NetBanking? Yes, you can view your Debit Cards on HDFC Bank NetBanking. Simply follow these steps: Click on Cards > Debit Cards or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card. | |
Can I see closed Debit Cards on HDFC Bank NetBanking? Yes, you can view your Debit Cards on HDFC Bank NetBanking by following these steps: Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Click on Inactive Cards tab or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Click on Inactive Cards tab. | |
Can I see full Debit Card number? No. For security reasons, the full Debit Card number won’t be shown on your HDFC Bank NetBanking channel. Your Debit Card number can only be seen on your physical Card. | |
Can I Apply for a new Debit Card? If you don't have any HDFC Bank Debit Card, you can download the application form, print it, and fill in your details. Drop your request at your nearest HDFC Bank branch. We will send the Debit Card to your mailing address. If your HDFC Bank Debit Card is inactive/ disabled, you can reissue the Debit Card online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. Steps to be followed: Click on Cards > Debit Cards > View Inactive Debit Card > Reissue or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Click on Inactive Cards tab > Reissue. | |
What is my Debit Card variant / type? Your HDFC Bank Debit Card variant is mentioned on your Card. You can also see it online. Path: Cards > Debit Cards. | |
How do I get a better Debit Card? You can upgrade your HDFC Bank Debit Card as per your preference to get a better Debit Card. Path: HDFC Bank NetBanking > Cards > Debit Cards >Select the Card > Card Type > Upgrade. | |
I lost my Debit Card. What do I do? You are requested to immediately block your lost HDFC Bank Debit Card to avoid any misuse. You can reissue your card as needed. To block you Debit Card, you may follow these steps: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Urgent Support > Permanent Card Block or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Urgent Support > Permanent Card Block. | |
I blocked my Debit Card and need new one. What to do? You can reissue your HDFC Bank Debit Card online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. Click on Cards > Debit Cards > View Inactive Debit Card > Reissue or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > View Inactive Debit Card > Reissue. | |
How do I reissue my Debit Card? You can reissue your HDFC Bank Debit Card online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. Click on Cards > Debit Cards > View Inactive Debit Card > Reissue or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit card > View Inactive Debit Card > Reissue. | |
I don't know my Debit Card PIN. Can I get it online? You can set your HDFC Bank Debit Card PIN online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Set/Reset PIN or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit card > Set/Reset PIN. | |
I forgot my Debit Card PIN. What should I do? You can set your HDFC Bank Debit Card PIN online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Set/Reset PIN or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit card > Set/Reset PIN. | |
I have a new Debit Card, can I set PIN online? You can set your HDFC Bank Debit Card PIN online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Set/Reset PIN or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit card > Set/Reset PIN. | |
How to get Debit Card PIN? You can set your HDFC Bank Debit Card PIN online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Set/Reset PIN or Accounts > Select any Savings or Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Set/Reset PIN. | |
What are my Reward Points on Debit Cards? You can view and redeem your Debit Card points online. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Cards > Debit Cards > Redeem Points or Accounts > Select any Savings Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Redeem Points. | |
How many Points are on my Debit Card? You can view and redeem your HDFC Bank Debit Card points on HDFC Bank NetBanking. Simply follow these steps: Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Redeem Points or Accounts > Select any Savings/Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Redeem Points. | |
Can I get my Debit Card points redeemed? You can view and redeem your HDFC Bank Debit Card points on HDFC Bank NetBanking. Simply follow these steps: Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Redeem Points or Accounts > Select any Savings/Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Redeem Points. | |
Can I link many Accounts to a Debit Card? You can link multiple Accounts to a single Debit Card to withdraw from ATM. However, for online shopping and swiping, the primary account will be used. You can link Accounts to your Debit Card, on HDFC Bank NetBanking. You may follow these steps: Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Link Accounts or Accounts > Select any Savings/ Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Link Accounts. | |
Can I have a single Debit Card for all my Accounts? Only individuals and Sole Proprietors can link Accounts to Debit Card, online via HDFC Bank NetBanking. Others are requested to visit their nearest HDFC Bank Branch to link their Accounts. Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Link Accounts or Accounts > Select any Savings/Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Link Accounts. | |
How to Set/Modify daily usage limits for your Debit Card? You can customise the daily usage limits for your Debit Cards online via HDFC Bank NetBanking by following these steps: Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Manage Limits or Accounts > Select any Savings/Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Manage Limits. | |
How to Activate/Deactivate Domestic and International usage for your Debit Card? You can customise the daily usage limits for your Debit Cards online via HDFC Bank NetBanking by following these steps: Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Manage Limits or Accounts > Select any Savings/Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Manage Limits. | |
How many Debit Card EMIs are on my Debit Card? You can view active and closed Debit Card EMIs online via HDFC Bank NetBanking by following these steps: Click on Cards > Debit Cards > Quick Links > View Debit Card or Accounts > Select any Savings/ Current Accounts > Linked Debit Card > Redeem Points > View Debit Card. |

What is Dematerialisation (Demat)? Dematerialisation is the process of converting securities held in physical form (certificates) to an equivalent number of securities in electronic form and crediting the same to the investor’s Demat Account. Dematerialised securities do not have any certificate numbers or distinctive numbers and are dealt with only in quantity i.e. the securities are fungible. | |
What is Rematerialisation (Remat)? Rematerialisation is the process of converting securities from electronic form to physical form. | |
What are the requirements for opening a NRI Demat account with HDFC Bank? All documents required as for Individual Demat Account. Additional documents required are: 1. Attested copy of the Passport and Visa. 2. Declaration in the prescribed format or PIS approval copy (Portfolio Investment Scheme by Authorised Bank). 3. Declaration stating client has complied and will continue to comply with FEMA Regulations. Please note that if PIS approval is not given / applied for then the standing instructions will be "N". For any further clarifications on Non-Resident Demat accounts please get in touch with our NRI cell at | |
What is the procedure to open an Advance Fee Account? You need to provide an Account Payee Cheque for Rs. 7,500 along with the Demat Account Opening form. The Cheque should be issued in favour of HDFC Bank Limited – Customer’s name. The account will be opened subject to clear funds. | |
What are the benefits of Demat account? 1. A safe, online and seamless mode to store & keep track of your investments. 2. Store your investments in electronic form; no need to worry about loss and damage. 3. Hold a wide range of investments, including Equities, Mutual Funds, and Bonds and Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs). Enjoy zero account opening charges. | |
What are the benefits of 2 In 1 Account (Demat + Trading)? A complete investment solution that combines Demat and Trading. Get a combination of a Demat and Trading Account. Grow your wealth systematically with do-it-yourself SIP. Enjoy 24x7 access to your account. | |
What are the benefits of 3 In 1 Account (Demat + Savings + Trading)? Enjoy a seamless experience across banking and investing. Seamlessly hold, trade and pay for securities. Enjoy zero account opening charges on your Demat Account. Place orders after trading hours, from home or office. | |
Who can open a Securities Trading account with HDFC Securities? Any Indian resident/Non-resident individual (not US-based) or Indian corporate can register with HDFC Securities Ltd. to trade in securities. Currently, overseas corporate bodies (OCBs) cannot open an account with HDFC Securities. To become a registered user of HDFC Securities, you will have to first open a Savings/Current account and Demat account with HDFC Bank. | |
Who can trade in derivatives with an HDFC Securities Trading Account? Trading in Derivatives will be available only to those customers who have submitted their financial documents or income proof and signed the necessary agreements. | |
How many bank and depository accounts can I link to a trading account? You can link up to five HDFC Bank Saving Bank accounts and five HDFC Bank Demat accounts to your trading account. | |
How do I invest through RGESS? Investments for RGESS are made through the HDFC Bank Demat Account. Eligible securities brought through the Demat Account will automatically be subject to a lock-in during the first year. The investor cannot trade, pledge or hypothecate any eligible securities during this period. Trading of these securities is allowed after completion of fixed lock-in period under certain terms & conditions. | |
In how many days will the shares be credited in a Demat Account from the date of Purchase? Settlement of securities happens on a T+2-day cycle. Clearing Members (broker) get pay-out of securities as per the trading cycle, i.e. T+2 days, and Clearing Members in turn give pay-out to their respective clients. Hence, it depends when the broker transfers share into the Demat account of purchaser. (As per SEBI guideline, brokers need to transfer the securities from their pool account within 24 hours from the date of pay-out). | |
If I have holdings in dematerialised form, will the bonus/ rights issued against this be in the same form? The bonus/rights issued against holdings in dematerialised form can be either in physical or dematerialised form depending on the choice of the investor. If no choice is given, then by default the securities will be issued in the form they are currently held. Thus, if you hold some shares in physical form and some others in Demat form, you will receive the bonus/rights shares in both the forms in proportion to the holdings in each form. | |
What is a KYC Application Form? A KYC Application Form has been designed for Individual and Non-Individual Demat Account Holders separately. These forms are available at the HDFC Bank branches and are required to be filled at the time of Account Opening along with Demat Application form. | |
What are the requirements for opening a Demat account in the name of a minor? The requirements are the same as those for opening an Individual Demat Account except that a joint holder and nominee cannot be appointed. In addition, photograph of the minor and the guardian, proof of identity and address of the guardian and the proof of age (copy of birth certificate) of the minor is required. PAN Card copy of both minor and Guardian needs to be provided. | |
Where can the client open the Demat Account? The client can open the Demat Account with HDFC Bank under any Depository Participant of Central Depository Services (India) Ltd (CDSL) or National Securities Depositories Ltd (NSDL). | |
Who can apply for Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS)? Any individual who: 1. Is an Indian resident 2. Has an Annual Gross Total Income less than or equal to Rs. 12 lakhs 3. Has not transacted in equity or derivatives market 4. Is compliant with all the conditions as per SEBI guidelines can apply for RGESS | |
How can customer request for duplicate Demat account statement? Please send the request to for duplicate statement. | |
When will the transaction statement reflect my purchase/sale of shares? Your Billing-cum-Transactions Statement will reflect actual Debits or Credits of holdings in your HDFC Bank Demat Account and has no bearing on the Contract Date of the Sale/Purchase. | |
What is the process for transfer of shares? In order to transfer securities from your Demat Account to another Demat Account, you need to submit a Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) signed by all the Demat Account holders. Please note that all the relevant columns in the delivery instruction slip needs to be appropriately completed and blank columns to be strike off. Kindly note, that the execution date may preferably be a minimum of 24 clear working hours later than the date of submission of the instruction. In case of off-market transfer, the customer has to submit the reason (for transfer of shares) along with consideration amount (if any) to the DP servicing branch. Also note, that transfer of shares cannot be done based on the e-mail intimation, for security, authentication purposes. | |
Can someone else operate my Demat account on my behalf on the basis of Power of Attorney? Yes. If you authorise any person to operate your account by executing a power of attorney, that person can operate the account on your behalf. However, you need to submit a Notarised copy of the POA to your DP. Ensure that the POA has the signatures of both, the Donor and the Donee. The POA holder is also subject to KYC norms of the bank. However, if the POA is submitted at the time of account opening, it is mandatory that the holder signs the account opening document. | |
Can the existing corporate Demat account be continued in case of a name change? No, a new Demat account needs to be opened in the changed name, shares are to be transferred from the old account to the new account and the old account needs to be closed. | |
Where can I see Holding summary for my demat account Please Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking and go to Invest-> Demat-> Click on view details of your demat account-> Holdings overview | |
I want to download holding statement Please Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking and go to Invest-> demat -> on demat landing page click on the download holding card for your respective demat account | |
Where can I write to for Online Trading Queries? Please write to which is a specialized cell (of HDFC Securities Ltd) to address your queries related to online trading. | |
How to close Demat Account? All Single holder Demat A/cs (NSDL/CDSL) with No holding & No outstanding can submit their closure request digitally by clicking here . Single holder NSDL Demat A/c with holding & TCW can close their a/c by clicking here .( All joint holder Demat A/c can fill up the TCW form + Documents & submit it to the nearest HDFC Bank branch with the Demat desk. |

Where can I view my Deposits in Net Banking? You can view your Deposits on HDFC Bank Net Banking - Click on FD/RD > FD/RD/Passion Funds. | |
How can I view complete details of Deposits booked? You can view your Deposits on HDFC Bank Net Banking - Click on FD/RD > FD/RD/Passion Funds > Deposits Summary. | |
Steps to book for a new Fixed Deposit? Fixed Deposits can be booked through HDFC Bank Net Banking. Following are the steps for booking your Fixed Deposit online: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking with your Customer ID and IPIN (NetBanking password) Go to Path: Click on FD/RD > FD > Click on "Open FD" in the Quick links or CTA > Enter the Fixed Deposit amount, tenure, interest payout and maturity instruction > Once complete, click on "Continue" and "Confirm" the details entered. | |
How can I book a Fixed Deposit? You can book Fixed Deposits through HDFC Bank NetBanking / HDFC Bank App: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking with your Customer ID and IPIN (NetBanking password) Go to: FD/RD > FD > Click on "Open FD" in the Quick links or CTA. SOW / JOF/ JOO/ GUR can book fixed deposit online, non individual account holders with financial rights (VAL/ TRU) can also book fixed deposit online, Your PAN number is updated under your Customer Identification Number in Bank's records. If the principle value of FD is greater than or equal to 50,000, then PAN/ form 60 is mandatory to procced with deposit booking. For deposit with principle amount less than 50K Pan Card/form 60 is not required. | |
Where can I get Fixed Deposit advice from? You can now download Fixed Deposit advice through HDFC Bank NetBanking in PDF format. Go to: FD/RD -> FD >Select An FD> Click on Deposit Advice in quick links or scroll down and click on the CTA. | |
Why is the principal amount and the fixed deposit maturity amount of my Fixed Deposit the same? When your Fixed Deposit is booked with the quarterly / monthly interest pay out option, the maturity amount is the same as the principal amount. The interest amount will be credited to your account at quarterly / monthly intervals. | |
Does HDFC Bank offer preferential rate of interest on Fixed Deposits for Senior Citizens? We offer preferential rate of interest on Fixed Deposits for Senior Citizens. If you are a senior citizen, all you need to do is register as one by calling any HDFC Bank Branch with proof of your Date of Birth. Once registered as a Senior Citizen, you are eligible for preferential rates of interest on Fixed Deposits opened through HDFC Bank NetBanking as well. The Fixed Deposit will be booked in the same combination/ order of names as the existing Current/Savings account, from which the funds are being transferred. | |
Whom should I approach for any other service related to HDFC Bank Fixed Deposits? You can perform wide range of transactions related to deposits online such as premature liquidation, change in maturity instruction, setting sweep-in, OD against FD (supersaver) and updation of nomination for your deposit. | |
How can I avail exemption from TDS on interest earned on Fixed Deposits? To avail exemption from TDS on interest earned on Fixed Deposits, please submit a completed Form 15H (for Senior citizens) or Form 15G (for Regular customers) through our HDFC Bank NetBanking or at any nearest HDFC Bank Branch (Form available on the website). Go to: FD/RD > FD > Select An FD > Apply for form 15G/H. | |
Do I need to pay any penalty on premature closure of Fixed Deposits? As per the Terms & Conditions of Fixed Deposit Accounts of the bank, the penalty on premature closure of Fixed Deposits, including sweep-in and partial closures, has been fixed by the Bank at the rate of 1% of the fixed deposit interest rate. This is applicable with effect from 24th January, 2011. | |
How Interest Rate is calculated for premature withdrawal of Fixed Deposit? If your Fixed Deposit is withdrawn prematurely, the interest rate applicable for premature closure of deposits will be lower of: The base rate for the original / contracted tenure for which the deposit has been booked OR The base rate applicable for the tenure for which the deposit has been in force with the Bank. The base rate is the rate applicable to deposits of less than 1crore as on the date of booking the deposit. In case of premature closure of Fixed Deposit (including sweep in / partial closure) the interest rate will be "1.00% below the contracted rate or the rate applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank, whichever is lower. | |
For what period can I open a Fixed Deposit? Tenure for a Fixed Deposit: Minimum tenure - 7 days, Maximum tenure - 10 years. | |
Deposit Amount limit for a Fixed Deposit? Deposit Amount limit for a Fixed Deposit: Minimum - Rs. 5,000/-, Maximum - Rs.5 Crore. For staff, minimum amount is Rs.1,000/-. | |
Can Fixed Deposit be opened in joint names? Yes, you can open an either or survivor deposit online. | |
Can Fixed Deposit be opened in minor names? Yes, Guardian can open a Fixed Deposit in a minor's name by choosing the minors account to book Fixed Deposit. | |
How do I add Nominee for Deposits online? You can add nominee for your Fixed Deposit through HDFC Bank NetBanking. Please find the steps below: 1. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking with your Customer ID and IPIN (NetBanking password). 2. Path: FD/RD > choose FD/RD/Passion Fund from drop down > Select An FD > Scroll down and click on Add Nominee. 3. Fill in the details 4. Click on "Continue" and "Confirm" A Confirmation page will be displayed, confirming that you have successfully added/changed nominee for your Fixed Deposit. Please note that this facility is available on HDFC Bank NetBanking to Sole account holders (Single owners) only. Joint Account holders would need to download the prefilled form and submit to nearest HDFC Bank Branch. | |
How do I modify/change Nominee for Deposits online? You can modify nominee for your Fixed Deposit through HDFC Bank NetBanking. Please find the steps below: 1. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking with your Customer ID and IPIN (NetBanking password) 2. Path: FD/RD -> choose FD/RD/Passion Fund from drop down >Select an FD > scroll down and click on Change Nominee 3. Fill in the details 4. Click on "Continue" and "Confirm" | |
Is there a nomination facility for FD? Yes, there is nomination facility available for Fixed Deposit. | |
How do I change maturity instructions for FD online? You can change maturity instructions for your Fixed Deposit through HDFC Bank NetBanking. Please find the steps below: 1. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking with your Customer ID and IPIN (NetBanking password) 2. Go to: FD/RD > choose FD/RD/Passion Fund from drop down > Select An FD > Scroll down and click on change maturity instructions 3. Fill in the details 4. Click on "Continue" and "Confirm" | |
How can I avail Sweep-in or OD Against FD (super saver) online? Please find the steps below: 1. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking with your Customer ID and IPIN (NetBanking password) 2. Go to: FD/RD > Choose FD from drop down > Select an FD > Click on avail Sweep-In or OD against FD (Super Saver). | |
How can I remove/revoke Sweep-in or OD Against FD (super saver) online? Please find the steps below: 1. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking with your Customer ID and IPIN (Net Banking password) 2. Go to: FD/RD > Choose FD from drop down > Select an FD > Click on avail Sweep-In or OD against FD (Super Saver) > Click on remove icon and confirm. |

Where can I see all my HDFC Bank Loans? You can easily view your active HDFC Bank Loans on HDFC Bank NetBanking by following this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to see ‘Active Loans’. If you want to view the closed Loans: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to see ‘Closed Loans’. | |
Where can I view the total amount of my HDFC Bank Loans? That’s easy! To view the total amount of your active HDFC Bank Loans on HDFC Bank NetBanking (Total outstanding principal amount), just follow this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > ‘Loan Summary’. If you want to view the individual closed loan amounts: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > ‘Loan Summary’ > ‘Closed Loans’. | |
How can I view all my HDFC Bank Loans? We show you a complete list of all your HDFC Bank Loans in one place on HDFC Bank NetBanking. Here’s how you go there: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to see ‘Active Loans’ or ‘Closed Loans’. ‘Active Loans’ are the ones that have ongoing EMIs and ‘Closed Loans’ are those for which you have paid all EMIs. | |
What does it mean if I want to pay the Overdue Amount for my loan but the button says ‘Make Final Payment’? If you want to pay your Overdue Amount but see a ‘Make Final Payment’ button, here’s what it means: Overdue Amount: This is the total of missed EMI payments and late charges when there are still future instalments left to pay. Make Final Payment: This option appears when there are no more future instalments left, but you still owe past EMI amounts and charges. So, if you see ‘Make Final Payment,’ it means that after you make this payment, your loan will be fully paid off and closed. | |
Where can I see my closed Loans? We show you a complete list of all your closed HDFC Bank Loans in one place. Here’s how you go there: Login to HDFC Banking NetBanking > Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to ‘Closed Loans’. | |
What is the difference between ‘Loan Summary’ and ‘EMI Summary’? Great question! Loan Summary: Provides an overview of all your Loans, including the total outstanding principal amount and the number of active Loans. EMI Summary: Shows the total EMIs due for the current month and gives a simplified view of the specific Loans for which those EMIs are due. | |
When are my loans getting over? When is my last instalment date? You are looking for the ‘Maturity Date’ of the Loans you’ve taken. Each loan you took will have different maturity or last installment dates. You can simply go here and view it for each loan: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to ‘Active Loans’ > Scroll down to the specific loan > View the ‘Maturity Date’. Here, you can also view other basic details including Outstanding and Pending Installments. | |
Where can I see how much is left to be repaid of my loans? You are looking for the Outstanding Principal amount of each loan you’ve taken. You will find it clearly mentioned by following this path on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to ‘Active Loans’ > Scroll down to the specific loan > View the Outstanding Principal. However, if you wish to view the total Outstanding Principal of all your active Loans combined, follow this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > ‘Loan Summary’ > View the Total Outstanding Principal Amount. | |
How can I find my last paid amount for my loan? That’s easy! Simply follow this path on HDFC Bank NetBanking and you’ll find both the last paid amount and the next payment due: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Scroll down to ‘Transaction History’. | |
Where do I see all the payments I made towards my loan? To view all the transaction details of a specific loan on HDFC Bank NetBanking, just follow this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Scroll down and click ‘Transaction History’. Here, you can change the period for which you want to view your transactions towards the selected loan. | |
Where can I view my loans' summary? To view all your Loans’ summary on HDFC Bank NetBanking, simply follow this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > View the consolidated summary of all your active Loans. However, to view the summary of a specific loan, go here: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’. | |
Can I change the loan name based on my preference? We understand naming your loan may help you in certain ways. However, we’re not offering this feature yet. | |
How can I know about the future EMIs scheduled for my loan? You can view the future EMIs of your loan by following this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Scroll down to ‘Scheduled EMI’ or ‘Repayment Schedule (in the ‘Loan Document’ section). You can also find ‘Repayment Schedule’ under ‘Quick Links’ on the right side of the screen. | |
How can I get an Annual Statement for my loan? We’ve made it super convenient for you to get a Loan Statement from HDFC Bank NetBanking. Simply follow this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > ‘View Statement’ > Choose the period for which you want the statement > ‘Download’. | |
Why is the amount of the Loan Installment showing in red colour? We show overdue installment amounts in red to make it easy for you to spot. It means that the last repayment date for that loan has gone by and we’re yet to receive payment from you. This amount, in red, includes the original installment amount and late charges (if any). | |
Where do I find the duration of my loan? You can find the duration of your loan quite easily by following this path on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’. | |
Where can I find the interest rate for my loans? To find the interest rate for your loan, simply follow this path on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > View the interest date. Also, you can click on ‘View Details’ to view the interest rate. | |
Where can I find my previous interest rates? That is a good question! Simply follow this path on HDFC Bank NetBanking to find all your past interest rates for any loan: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > ‘Past Interest Rates’. | |
Where can I find the receipts for my loan's overdue payments, partial payments, and charges? We understand that you may need receipts of your payments towards your Loans, other than the regular EMI payments. Here’s how you can download it via HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > ‘Payment Receipts’. | |
How can I update vehicle details of my Auto Loan and Two-Wheeler Loan? Updating your vehicle details is crucial for your Auto Loan and Two-Wheeler Loans. Here’s how to go about it on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Scroll down and click ‘Insurance Details’ > ‘Update’. We’ll update it within 3-4 days in your loan account. | |
How do I download the interest certificate of my Loan? To download the Interest Certificate of any of your Loans via HDFC Bank NetBanking, you can follow any one of these simple paths: ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > ‘Interest Certificate’ (scroll down to the ‘Loan Documents’ section) > Select which certificate you want > ‘Download’. Or, "Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > ‘Interest Certificate’ (under ‘Quick Links’ on the right side of the screen) > Select a loan account > Select which certificate you want > ‘Download’. | |
How can I update my PAN Card number in my loan account? If your PAN Card details are updated in your bank account, here’s how you go about linking it to your loan via HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Scroll down and click on ‘Personal Details’ > ‘Update’ (under PAN). We’ll update it within 3-4 days in your loan account. | |
Why can’t I update my PAN in my Loan Account? Make sure that your PAN Card details are updated in your bank account. Only then you can link it to your loan account. | |
Can I use the same email ID for both my Savings and Loan accounts? How do I do this? Sure. You can use the same email ID in both your Savings and Loan Accounts. To update your email ID in your loan account, simply follow this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Scroll down and click on ‘Personal Details’ > ‘Update’ (under Email). We’ll update it within 3-4 days in your loan account. | |
How do I change my mobile number in my loan account? We understand your needs. But, for security reasons, we don’t yet offer changing of mobile number in the loan account. | |
How to update the insurance details of my car for which I had taken an auto loan? Updating your car’s insurance details can be very helpful as you’ll be able to find all your car details in one place. Here’s how to go about it: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Scroll down and click ‘Insurance Details’ > ‘Update’. We’ll update it within 3-4 days in your loan account. | |
I have renewed the insurance policy for my vehicle. Where do I update the renewal details? Timely renewal of your vehicle’s insurance is the right thing to do. To update its details, follow this path via HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Scroll down and click ‘Insurance Details’ > ‘Update’. We’ll update it within 3-4 days in your loan account. | |
How do I view or download my Loan Welcome Letter? Need a copy of your welcome letter in PDF format? Here’s how you can download it from HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > ‘Welcome Letter’ (scroll down to the ‘Loan Documents’ section). | |
Can I insure the loan I’ve taken from HDFC Bank? It is a good idea to insure your loan. For any help, you can simply contact our Customer Service: Domestic Users: 1800 1600 / 1800 2600 International Users: +9122 61606160 | |
Can I make partial repayment towards my loans? For a smooth loan repayment experience, we do offer a partial repayment facility. However, online partial repayment is only available for Gold Loans. Here’s how you may partly repay your loan at your convenience from HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > ‘Pay Partially’ > Enter the part amount you want to pay > Select the account from which to pay > ‘Continue’ > Accept the Terms & Conditions > ‘Confirm’. Note: - A part payment charge will be deducted at loan closure based on the part payment amount. - Any existing dues will be deducted before the part payment. - You can partially pay up to 10% of the outstanding principal. - The minimum partial payment amount must be ₹1,000/-. To partially repay any other kind of loan, please visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch. We’ll be happy to help. | |
How can I extend my Loan Duration? Extending a loan’s duration online is only available for Gold Loans via HDFC Bank NetBanking. And, here’s how you go about it: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > ‘Extend Loan Duration’. To extend the duration of any other kind of loan, please visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch. We’ll be happy to help. | |
Where can I find the overdue amount details of my loan and make the payment? We understand that sometimes you might miss a payment or two. But, when you’re ready with the funds, you can find the overdue amount details of your loan and pay it by following this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > ‘Pay Overdue Amount’ > Select if you want to pay the ‘Total Due’ or the ‘Overdue Amount’ > Select the account from which to pay > ‘Confirm’. Note: Total Due = Overdue EMIs + Charges + 1 Future EMI. Overdue Amount = Overdue EMIs + Charges. | |
How can I get the closure letter for my closed loan? We want to congratulate you if you’ve recently closed a loan. You can find the closure letter very easily by following this path on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > ‘Closed Loans’ > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘Download Closure Letter’. | |
How can I obtain the No Objection Certificate for my fully repaid Vehicle Loan? You can request for the No Objection Certificate (NOC) for your fully repaid vehicle loan by following this path on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > ‘Closed Loans’ > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘Request NOC’. | |
What to do if I have requested the NOC for my closed Vehicle Loan, but haven’t received it yet? Sorry to hear that. We assure you there’s no need to worry. To know the delivery status of your NOC, simply follow this path on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘Track NOC’. | |
Why am I unable to view my loans that I had taken from HDFC Bank? We understand this can be frustrating. To see the HDFC Bank Loan on your HDFC Bank NetBanking profile, you can try linking it. Here’s how: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > ‘Link Loan’ (under ‘Quick Links’ on the right side of the screen) > Select Loan Holder > Enter Date of Birth or Date of Incorporation > Enter Loan Account Number > Enter the last EMI paid > ‘Continue’ > Review the details > ‘Confirm’. | |
How do I apply for a loan from HDFC Bank NetBanking? Applying for a Loan from HDFC Bank NetBanking is super convenient. Simply follow this quick path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > See under ‘Quick Links’ on the right side of the screen. Here, you will find links to apply for a variety of Loans including, Personal Loan, Car Loan, 2-Wheeler Loan, Credit Card Loan, Home Loan, Gold Loan, and more. | |
How do I foreclose my loan? It can happen sometimes that when you have the necessary funds, you wish to repay the entire loan and close it. In HDFC Bank NetBanking, you can go ahead with this foreclosure process quite easily. Here’s how: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Loan Actions> ‘Foreclose Loan’ > ‘Confirm’. This will securely guide you to our foreclosure platform and log you out of the HDFC Bank NetBanking session for your safety. | |
How do I unlink or delink a loan from my HDFC Bank NetBanking profile? If you don’t wish to see one of your Loans in your HDFC Bank NetBanking profile anymore, here’s how you may unlink or delink it: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > Scroll down to the specific loan > ‘View Details’ > Loan Actions> ‘Delink Loan’ > ‘Confirm’. If you want to see this particular loan account in your HDFC Bank NetBanking once again, you can always add it by following this path: Go to ‘Loans’ (on the top of the screen) > ‘Link Loan’ (under ‘Quick Links’ on the right side of the screen) > Select Loan Holder > Enter Date of Birth or Date of Incorporation > Enter Loan Account Number > Enter the last EMI paid > ‘Continue’ > Review the details > ‘Confirm’. |

How do I register for HDFC Bank NetBanking Online? Account Summary shows the list of all your accounts. You can navigate here by clicking on ‘Accounts’ at the top of the screen. Account Details show the information regarding a specific account. You can view this by following this path: ‘Accounts’ (from home screen) > Select the specific account > You can view the balance, nominee, holder, etc. | |
Can I Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking with my User ID? Please use your Customer ID to Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking. We are yet to incorporate the User IDs. | |
How to reset the HDFC Bank NetBanking Password? To instantly reset your HDFC Bank NetBanking password online, open the NetBanking Login Page, & simply follow these steps: Click on Reset password. Enter Cust ID and security code. Feed in your registered Mobile Number. To Reset your password using SMS and Debit Card: Using Mobile Number & Debit Card: ‘Reset Password’ > Enter your Customer ID and the displayed Security Code > ‘Continue’ > Enter your registered mobile number > ‘Continue’ > Enter OTP > Select ‘Mobile Number & Debit Card’ > Enter the requested details > Set a new password. Using Mobile Number & Email ID: ‘Reset Password’ > Enter your Customer ID and the displayed Security Code > ‘Continue’ > Enter your registered mobile number > ‘Continue' > Enter OTP > Select ‘Mobile Number & Email ID’ > Enter the requested details > Set a new password. Note: Online password regeneration is free. Requesting it at a branch has a small fee of ₹100 (plus taxes). | |
Who is eligible to use HDFC Bank NetBanking or HDFC Bank App? Anyone having an HDFC Bank Savings or Current account is eligible to use HDFC Bank NetBanking and HDFC Bank App. | |
Why is my NetBanking password not working? We understand the frustration you may be feeling. Your account is secure, so let's troubleshoot why your NetBanking password isn't working: If you're a new user, double-check if you entered the password from your welcome kit correctly. Check if you typed the password with the correct upper or lower case. If you've forgotten your password, click on 'Reset Password' to create a new one. Haven't used your account for over 999 days? Your account is dormant. Please click on 'Reset Password' to create a new one and login with new password. Your password might have expired after 180 days without change. You can easily set a new one. | |
How can you block your password or deregister? Please visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch and give us written instructions to block your password. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service at the following numbers: Domestic Users: 1800 1600 / 1800 2600 International Users: +9122 61606160 | |
How can I block my NetBanking? If you wish to block HDFC Bank NetBanking for your accounts, you can follow one of these methods: Customer Care: Call us at any time and inform us to block your NetBanking facilities. At the same time, you may also request for a new password. Contact our Customer Service at the following numbers: Domestic Users: 1800 1600 / 1800 2600 International Users: +9122 61606160 By Visiting a Branch: Visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch or download an application form online. Simply fill it out and submit it at the branch. | |
What to do if I get a ‘Password Expired’ message when trying to log into my HDFC Bank NetBanking? For security reasons, your HDFC Bank NetBanking password expires after 180 days. Just follow this quick path to start using NetBanking again: Click on ‘Reset Password’ (button on the pop-up message) > Set a new password > ‘Confirm’. | |
What to do if I get a ‘Your account has been locked!’ message when trying to log into my HDFC Bank NetBanking? Entering the wrong password five times in a row can lock your account for security reasons. If that's the case, wait 24 hours and try logging in again. Entering the wrong captcha five times in a row can lock your account for security reasons. If that's the case, wait for 2 hours and try logging in again. | |
What to do if I get a ‘Your account is inactive!’ message when trying to log into my HDFC Bank NetBanking after a long time? Firstly, we assure you there is no need to worry. If you haven't used HDFC Bank NetBanking for more than 999 days, your account is considered dormant. If this is the case, just follow this quick path to start using NetBanking again: Using Mobile Number & Debit Card: ‘Reset Password’ > Enter your Customer ID and the displayed Security Code > ‘Continue’ > Enter your registered mobile number > ‘Continue’ > Enter OTP > Select ‘Mobile Number & Debit Card’ > Enter the requested details > Set a new password. Using Mobile Number & Email ID: ‘Reset Password’ > Enter your Customer ID and the displayed Security Code > ‘Continue’ > Enter your registered mobile number > ‘Continue' > Enter OTP > Select ‘Mobile Number & Email ID’ > Enter the requested details > Set a new password. | |
Why am I getting a ‘Login Disabled’ message when trying to log into my HDFC Bank NetBanking? We are sorry that you are unable to login. This can happen in one of the following cases: If you had requested us to block your account. If there has been a suspicious login attempt or transaction. If we receive a legal notice, an instruction from the police or any other Government authorities. For any help, please contact our Customer Service at the following numbers: Domestic Users: 1800 1600 / 1800 2600 International Users: +9122 61606160 | |
How can I change my HDFC Bank NetBanking Password after I login? It is very easy to change your HDFC Bank NetBanking password. Simply follow this path and guidelines: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > ‘Change Password’ (in the menu beside your profile picture on the top-right corner) > Enter your old password > Enter a new password > ‘Confirm Password’ > ‘Login’ (You’ll be logged out so that you securely login again with the new password) Note: Make sure the new password consists of 8-15 alphanumeric (letters and numbers) characters. | |
I have two HDFC Bank accounts and two separate Customer IDs. I'm not sure which password goes with which Customer ID. Can you help? We understand it can be confusing to manage multiple logins. Here are a couple of options: Try logging in with each Customer ID and password combination you remember. Or You can reset the password and login. | |
What is a Customer ID? Your Customer ID is a unique code assigned to you by HDFC Bank. It serves as your identification within the bank's systems. You can find your Customer ID in the Welcome Kit we sent you when you opened your account. It is also mentioned in your chequebook. | |
How can I find out my Customer ID online? It is a pretty straightforward process. Simply go to HDFC Bank NetBanking and follow this path: Using Date of Birth: ‘Get Customer ID’ > Select ‘Date of Birth’ > Enter your date of birth > Enter your registered mobile number > Enter Security Code > ‘Continue’ > Enter OTP > ‘Submit OTP’. Using PAN: ‘Get Customer ID’ > Select ‘PAN’ > Enter your PAN > Enter your registered mobile number > Enter Security Code > ‘Continue’ > Enter OTP > ‘Submit OTP’. | |
Why do I need a Customer ID? Your Customer ID unlocks convenient and secure banking. It helps you easily Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking, and access your accounts, transactions, investments, insurances, offers, & more. | |
Can I Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking if I have an HDFC Bank Credit Card, but no account? Please visit the older version of HDFC Bank NetBanking for this functionality. It is not yet available in the new one. | |
Why do I automatically log out of HDFC Bank NetBanking whenever I step away for some time? To protect your account, HDFC Bank NetBanking automatically logs you out after 5 minutes of inactivity. This helps keep your information secure in case someone else accesses your device. | |
Why do I get logged out of HDFC Bank NetBanking whenever I click the back button on my browser? To maintain the security of your account, we log you out of HDFC Bank NetBanking when you use the browser's back button to navigate away from the page. | |
Why do I get logged out of HDFC Bank NetBanking whenever I click the refresh button on my browser? HDFC Bank prioritises keeping your information safe. Refreshing the page while you’re using HDFC Bank's NetBanking can sometimes disrupt the secure connection. That’s why upon clicking the refresh button on your browser, we log you out safely and request you to login again. | |
Is it safe if I can’t see the Security Access image while logging into HDFC Bank NetBanking? Great question! The new HDFC Bank NetBanking platform is secured by design with multifactor authentication and 2FA enabled for all the important financial transactions. It does not require a security image for safety. So, yes, it is absolutely safe to login. | |
How do I share my feedback for the new HDFC Bank NetBanking platform? We greatly value your experiences. It helps us serve you better. So, once you log out, we show you a feedback banner. Click on it to share your thoughts about the new NetBanking platform with us. |

How to raise dispute on a transaction? Here's how to easily raise a dispute through our HDFC Bank NetBanking or HDFC Bank App: Login > Dashboard (under Urgent Care) > 'Raise Dispute and Report Fraud > 'Raise New Dispute'. Provide details, select the transaction, and attach any supporting documents. We'll keep you updated via SMS and email once your dispute is submitted. You can also check its status later within the HDFC Bank NetBanking or App. | |
How to report a fraud transaction? Here's how you can easily report a fraud through our HDFC Bank NetBanking or App: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard (under Urgent Care) > 'Raise Dispute and Report Fraud' > 'Report New Fraud'. Provide details, select transactions, attach FIR Copy, and block channels like Credit Card, Debit Card, Internet Banking & MobileBanking to prevent further fraud. We'll keep you updated via SMS and email once your ticket is submitted. You can check the ticket status later in the HDFC Bank NetBanking or on HDFC Bank App. | |
What is a dispute? Dispute refers to a transaction you approved, but there's a problem. For example: a. You only got part of your money at an ATM. b. You paid for something but never received it. c. Money left your account, but the other person didn't get it. | |
What is a fraud? Fraud is when someone uses your card or account details without your permission. For example: a. Your card is used to make a purchase you didn't recognise. b. Money is taken out of your account without your knowledge. c. Someone uses your login information to access your online banking. | |
How to check my fraud or dispute ticket status? You can check the status of tickets raised for fraud or dispute transactions on both the HDFC Bank App and the HDFC Bank NetBanking platform. Here's how: Login > Dashboard (under Urgent Care) > 'Raise Dispute and Report Fraud'. You'll see all tickets raised in the last 12 months. Under the 'Dispute' tab, view tickets for dispute transactions, and under the 'Fraud' tab, view tickets for reported fraudulent transactions. | |
How can I unblock different channels that I blocked earlier while reporting fraud? We understand this can be frustrating. Here's how to deal with it: For HDFC Bank Credit Cards: Blocking during fraud reporting permanently blocks the card. Re-issue your card instantly through our HDFC Bank NetBanking or HDFC Bank App if you haven't done so while reporting the fraud. Alternatively, you may visit the Credit Card page later to request a new card. For HDFC Bank Debit Cards & HDFC Bank NetBanking or HDFC Bank App: Please visit your nearest HDFC Bank branch. We'll help you set things up. | |
What should I do if my document upload fails during Online Dispute/Fraud ticket creation? Unfortunately, you can only attach one document (under 2MB in PDF or JPG format) during the initial report. But don't worry! Here's how to send your documents: a. Email your documents to b. Include your dispute/fraud report ticket number in the subject line. We'll receive your documents and link them to your report. |

How can I access my profile Page? You can access Profile page by clicking on Hamburger option in top right corner. You will be able to see dropdown option” | |
How can I change my Profile Picture? You can change your profile picture through Personal Profile Page of HDFC Bank NetBanking. Path: Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Personal > Click on upload link (below the profile pic icon). | |
How can I change/update my Email ID? You can change your registered Email ID from Personal Profile Page of HDFC Bank NetBanking. Path: Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Personal > Contacts > Email ID > Change. | |
How can I change/update my Residence Phone number/Landline number? You can change your residence phone number from Personal Profile Page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Personal > Contacts > Click on “Change” against Home Landline. | |
How can I change/update my Office Phone number/Landline? You can change your Office phone number from Personal Profile Page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > Personal > My Profile > Personal > Contacts > Click on “Change” against Office Landline. | |
Can I create my personal user ID for login? Yes. You can create your personalised user ID from the Profile Page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Personal > User Id > Create. | |
Where Can I view my Registered Mobile number with Bank? You can view the registered mobile number and email ID with the bank on the Personal Profile Page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Contacts. | |
Where can I view my registered Email ID with the bank? You can view the registered mobile number and email ID with the bank on the Personal Profile Page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Contacts. | |
How can I change / update by mailing address? You can change your mailing address from personal Profile page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Contacts. | |
Where can I update my PAN Card? You can update your PAN card from my personal Profile page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Aadhaar & PAN. | |
Where can I update my Aadhar Card? Aadhaar can’t be updated from HDFC Bank NetBanking. The customer is requested to visit the nearest HDFC Bank branch. | |
Where can I update my GSTIN? You can update your GSTIN from my personal Profile page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > Tax Services > View/Update GSTIN. | |
Where can I update my Occupation details? You can update your Occupation details like Profession, Company Type, Source of Funds, Gross Annual Income and Residence type from personal Profile page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Update Occupation. | |
How can I view my CIBIL score? You can request your Credit Report (CIBIL) from Personal Profile Page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Request CIBIL Score. (Please note that you will be charged Rs 550 by CIBIL for the report). | |
Where can I see my taxes paid? You can view your tax Summary/Certificate/Report at below path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > Tax Services > Tax Deducted at Source. | |
How can I get receipts of my taxes paid? You can view and download the receipts of the taxes by visiting Income tax Portal. | |
How can I Change/Update my Corporate/Company Email ID? You can’t change corporate/company email by HDFC Bank NetBanking. You are requested to contact the nearest HDFC Bank branch. | |
How can I change my IPIN/Password of my Net Banking? You can change your IPIN / Net Banking Password through change password transaction. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > Change Password. | |
Can I get Alerts for my Account? Yes. You can set customized alerts for your account from the Insta Alerts page under My Profile Page. Path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Dashboard > Hamburger > My Profile > Insta Alerts. |

How do I instantly transfer money between my HDFC Bank accounts (self-transfer)? What are the charges for it? Transferring money between your HDFC Bank accounts is completely free. Here’s how to do it: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on ‘Send Money’ (On the top of the screen) > Select/ Search the account to credit > Select the debit account > Under ‘Transfer’ select ‘Now’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I schedule a money transfer between my HDFC Bank accounts? What are the charges for it? It’s totally free! To schedule a money transfer between your HDFC Bank accounts, simply follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on ‘Send Money’ (On the top of the screen) > Select/ Search the account to credit > Select the debit account > Under ‘Transfer’ select ‘Later’ > Select ‘Start Date’ and ‘Frequency’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What is TPT registration? Why is it required? TPT (Third-Party Transfer) registration is a one-time step that enables you to securely transfer funds from your account to others (HDFC or other banks) within India or Outside India through online channels like HDFC Bank NetBanking and HDFC Bank App. It is for the safety of your account. However, you do not need to register for TPT to transfer within your own accounts (self-transfers). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I do TPT registration? Once you set this up, you’ll be able to send money easily using different transfer methods. Follow the path that applies to you to register for Third-Party Transfers. Login to HDFC Bank NetBanking and Go to ‘Send Money’ (on top of the screen) for the TPT Registration banner. For Resident Indians (within 60 yrs): Click on ‘Register Now’ (if visible) > Authenticate using your Debit Card details and SMS OTP > Set the ‘Daily Transfer Limit’ > Submit. Note: If you're not registered for Secure Access, you'll be prompted to do so. For Resident Indians (Senior Citizen, >60 yrs): Submit TPT Registration application with nearest HDFC branch. It takes up to 2 working days to process the application. Check for the banner for Limit Set-up on ‘Send Money’ > Click ‘Continue’ > Set the ‘Daily Transfer Limit’ > Authenticate using SMS OTP > Submit. For Non-Resident Indians: If you have registered your mail ID with bank, please follow the path: ‘Send Money’ (On the top of the screen) > Click ‘Register Now’ (if visible) > Authenticate using OTPs sent on SMS & Email ID > Set the ‘Daily Transfer Limit’ > ‘Submit’. If you have not registered your mail ID with bank, submit TPT Registration application with nearest HDFC branch. It takes up to 2 working days to process the application. Check for the banner for Limit Set-up on ‘Send Money’ > Click ‘Continue’ > Set the ‘Daily Transfer Limit’ > Authenticate using SMS OTP > Submit. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Are there any restrictions after TPT Registration? We have placed some security guidelines in place to ensure you have a smooth and secure experience after TPT Registration. Fund transfer to a payee is activated only after 24 hours of successful TPT registration. Further, you will be allowed to transfer up to Rs 50,000/- only for the next 24 hours. Note: In case of emergency fund transfer request, please reach out to Branch or your dedicated RM (under ‘Service & Support’) to remove these restrictions immediately. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Is there any set limit for fund transfer to payees on HDFC Bank NetBanking? You can do fund transfer up to the limit you have set for all payees transfers during TPT registration. You can set the limit from Rs 1,000 up to Rs 50,00,000. You can modify the limit any point of time. Note: for certain group of users, the maximum TPT limit may be restricted to Rs 10,00,000 per day. You can reach out to your nearest HDFC Bank branch to enhance your daily transfer limit beyond this threshold. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I modify the daily transfer limit from the HDFC Bank NetBanking platform? If you have already registered for TPT, follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ (On the top of the screen) > Quick Links ‘Customise Transfer Limit’. Note: If you don’t have active Debit card and registered email ID, please visit the nearest HDFC Bank branch with a written application to update the limits. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What are the types of payees can I add on HDFC Bank NetBanking? You add a total of 6 types of payees on HDFC NetBanking for initiating fund transfers. They are:
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How many payees can be added or modified in a day? You can add up to 4 new payees in 1 day. However, there is no restriction for modifying or deleting payees per day. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Are there any restrictions for the newly added payees? Yes, for your secure fund transfer experience, we have placed some security guidelines in place to avoid any fraudulent activities on your account. Fund transfer to a new payee is activated only after 30 minutes of addition. Till then you will see ‘Pending for Authentication’ status for the payee under ‘View Payees’ list. Further, you will be allowed to transfer up to Rs 50,000 only for the first 24 hours after addition. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I add an HDFC Bank account or Credit Card as a payee? You can follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘Add Payee’ > Enter ‘Payee Nickname’ > Select ‘HDFC Bank’ > Select ‘Bank Account’ or ‘Credit Card’ (from the ‘Type’ dropdown). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I add an HDFC Merchant (eCMS) payee? You can follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘Add Payee’ > Quick Links - ‘Add Payee – eCMS’ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I add Other Bank’s account or credit card as payee? You can follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘Add Payee’ > Enter ‘Payee Nickname’ > Select ‘Other Bank’> Select ‘Type’ from dropdown > Search/enter IFSC. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I add a Cardless Cash payee? You can follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘Add Payee’ > Enter ‘Payee Nickname’ > Select ‘Cardless Cash Withdrawal’ > Enter Payee’s Mobile Number. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What is MMID? MMID stands for Mobile Money Identifier. It's a simple 7-digit code that acts like a unique ID for your bank account. You use it to receive or send money to other people's accounts via IMPS (P2P). You can also generate/view your own account’s MMID under the path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Accounts’ > Select Account > Go to Account Info tab > View/Generate MMID. To know more click on the link. To receive money via MMID, share your account’s MMID and its linked Mobile number with the remitter/payer. This facility is only available for resident Indians. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I add an MMID payee? You can follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘Add Payee’ > Enter ‘Payee Nickname’ > Select ‘MMID + Mobile Number’ > Enter Payee’s MMID Number & Mobile Number. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I add an international payee for Remittance/ repatriation? You can follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘Add Payee’ > Select the ‘International’ tab to proceed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Where can I view all my payees? You can follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘View Payees’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Can I edit added payee details? What can be edited? Payee details such as nickname, category, account type (for Other Bank Accounts), email ID (for HDFC eCMS) can be edited anytime. Just follow this path- Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘View Payees’ > Select desired payee > Click on ‘Manage Payee’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I delete a payee? Just follow this path- Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Select ‘View Payees’ > Select desired payee > Click on ‘Delete’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What is a ‘Favourite’ payee? You can add up to 10 of your payees as favourites. These payees will be readily available on the ‘Send Money’ landing page for you to quickly send money without having to search for them from your list of all the payees. Just click on them to send money to them. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I add a payee to my favourites? To add your frequently used payees to your favourites, you can follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Click on ‘Add New Favourite’ > Select desired payee. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I remove my favourite payees? Here’s the path you need to follow: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Hover on the payee to remove from favourites > Click on the three dots appearing on top-right corner> Select ‘Remove’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Where do I view the details of my favourite payees? Here’s the path you need to follow: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking> Go to ‘Send Money’ > Hover on the payee to remove from favourites > Click on the three dots appearing on top-right corner> Select ‘View’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I send money to any of my added payees (Domestic/International)? To start fund transfer, the payee must have completed its cooling period (30 minutes after adding). We have created a unique 1-point fund transfer journey for all types of payees. Then simply follow one of the two paths below: 1. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’> Search payee with name/ account/ card number > Select payee. 2. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’> ‘View Payees’ > Select the payee > ‘Send Money’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How to I schedule a payment for a payee? To schedule a payment, follow one of the two paths: 1. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’> Quick Links ‘Schedule a Transfer’ 2. Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’> Scroll down to ‘Scheduled Transfers’ section > ‘+ Add New Schedule’ | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Can I schedule a payment to an HDFC Bank Credit Card? Unfortunately, you cannot schedule a payment to an HDFC Bank Credit Card. However, it is available for Other Bank Credit Card payees. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What are the modes of transfers available for sending money outside HDFC Bank (Other Bank accounts & Credit Cards? To send money Immediately (via NEFT, RTGS, or IMPS): Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Search payee with name/ account/ card number > Select payee > Select Transfer ‘Now’ > Select IMPS/NEFT/RTGS. Note: NEFT can take up to 30 mins to process. Follow the links here for the details of charges and other details for IMPS, NEFT & RTGS. To schedule the transfer (via NEFT only): Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking> Go to ‘Send Money’ > Search payee with name/ account/ card number > Select payee > Select Transfer ‘Later’ > Pick the Start date > ‘Repeat Transfer’ & ‘Frequency’ (to send money at specific intervals). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How can I send money to Cardless Cash payee? Follow this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Search payee with name/ account/ card number > Select payee > Enter Address details (one-time for the payee). To know more about the features and charges, follow the link. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How to send money to an MMID payee? Follow this path: Go to ‘Send Money’ > Search payee with name/ account/ card number > Select MMID payee. The payment happens via IMPS only and hence, its charges are applicable. To know more follow the link. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Where do I view my scheduled transfers? Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Scroll down to see the list of ‘Active Schedules’. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How do I stop a scheduled payment? If you wish to stop or discontinue a scheduled payment, simply follow this quick path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Scroll down to see the list of ‘Active Schedules’ > Click ‘Delete’ icon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Where do I check the status of recent transfers via IMPS/NEFT/RTGS/Cardless cash? You are looking for transaction history. Simply follow the path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ (On the top of the screen) > Scroll down to view ‘Transaction History’ > Select Transfer type > Select date range. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
My Cardless Cash payee did not receive the OTP to withdraw the money. How can I resend an OTP? Oh! That is unfortunate. But you can send them another OTP simply by following this path: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Scroll down to view ‘Transaction History’ > Select ‘Cardless Cash’ > Click on ‘Resend OTP’ icon on the right side. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Who can do Foreign Outward Remittance? This facility is available for HDFC Bank customers who are resident individuals. This facility is not available for Non-Residents, Corporate, Partnership firms, HUF, Trusts, etc. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How to do International Remittance? International Remittance happens only via SWIFT payment method. This is how you go about it: Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Go to ‘Send Money’ > Search payee with name/ account no. > Select Remittance/repatriation payee > Select purpose of transfer > Declare latest 3 Remittances done in the current financial year to the payee, if any. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What are the purposes for which this Foreign Outward Remittance facility can be used? Foreign Outward Remittances can be processed for the following 16 purposes:
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Is there any maximum and minimum limit on Foreign Remittance?
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What is the total amount of remittances that can be processed in a day through the online portal? Maximum Amount of Transaction that can be processed Per Day through RemitNow is USD 25,000 or equivalent. Hence, a person can remit only upto USD 25,000 or equivalent in a day, i.e. 1 remittance of USD 25,000 or equivalent or multiple remittances of smaller value totalling to USD 25,000 or equivalent in a day. The value of transactions initiated on Saturdays, Sundays and Maharashtra Bank Holidays are subsumed under the day limit of Monday or the next working day, i.e. if a person initiates a remittance on Saturday or Sunday, the value of such transaction will be considered under the day limit of Monday (being the next working day). Similarly, for transactions initiated on a Maharashtra Bank Holiday, the value of such transaction will be considered under the day limit of the next working day in Maharashtra. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What about the annual limit of remittances? Foreign Outward Remittances undertaken through this facility by would be reckoned under your annual LRS limits USD 250,000 per Financial Year (April to March). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Which are the currencies for which the remittance facility is available? Foreign currency outward remittances under this facility are available for the following 19 currencies:
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Which are all the countries to which the foreign currency outward remittance can be undertaken through this facility? Foreign currency outward remittance through this facility is allowed to all permitted countries other than countries under OFAC sanctioned countries list. Capital Account transactions under LRS, like Remittance to Own Account abroad, Indian Portfolio Investment Abroad - in Equities and Debt Securities, are not allowed to FATF Non-Compliant countries. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What are the timelines for processing foreign currency outward remittance under this facility? 1. Requests submitted before 2.00 PM - Processed same day 2. Requests submitted after 2.00 PM - Processed next working day *(Saturdays, Sundays and Maharashtra Bank Holidays are non-working days for foreign exchange transactions) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What is the Exchange Rate applied for processing remittance request submitted through RemitNow? The applicable exchange rate will be the TT Selling Rate as last published on the Bank’s website at the time of debit to the customer’s account. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What are the commission / fees / charges and taxes applied for processing remittance request submitted through RemitNow? Following charges and taxes will be levied by HDFC Bank for this transaction: - Commission @ Rs, 500 +GST per transaction for remittances up to USD 500 or equivalent - Commission @ Rs, 1,000 +GST per transaction for remittances above USD 500 or equivalent - GST on amount of foreign currency exchanged (details provided under Fees & Charges section) - Tax Collected at Source (TCS) shall be applicable on all forex drawls under LRS as per Government notification. All taxes and levies as per applicable Government notification. To know more about the Commission, Charges and GST applicable on Foreign Exchange transactions, please visit (Know all About RemitNow Fees & Charges HDFC Bank). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What are Correspondent Bank Charges? Who will bear the same? Foreign outward remittances are processed through Correspondent Banks with whom we have tie-ups. These foreign / intermediary / correspondent banks may apply a charge for processing outward remittances. These are called the Correspondent Bank charges. Correspondent Bank charges may be applied to remitter or the beneficiary basis the option selected by the remitter under “Correspondent bank charges to be borne by” field as below: Self – Correspondent Bank charges will be borne by the remitter and will be applied post successful processing of the transaction. Beneficiary – Correspondent Bank charges will be borne by the beneficiary and will be debited from the remittance amount sent. Full Value – No correspondent bank charges will be charged for remittances in USD currency if this option is chosen. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Can FULL VALUE payment option be chosen for all remittances? Full Value payment option is available only for remittances in USD currency to any location for all personal purposes available under RemitNow. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What are the documents required to be sent for Capital Account transaction, if the account vintage is less than 1 year old? If the account vintage is less than 1 year with HDFC Bank, then last 12 months bank account statement of an existing account held by you with any other bank (or) copies of the latest Income Tax Assessment Order (or) Return filed by you with Income Tax authorities, is required to be sent by email to ( within 24 hours of transaction submission, for further processing this transaction. On receipt of the above stated document, the bank shall review and process the transaction by end of next working day. If the documents are not received within 24 hours (or) the documents are insufficient or not in order, the transaction may get cancelled. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Under what circumstances the outward remittance request submitted may get rejected?
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Is the IBAN mandatory for remittance in any currency in the UK & other European Countries? Yes. The IBAN is Mandatory for remittance of any currency in the UK and other European Countries (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Israel, Qatar, Jordan, Georgia, Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Kuwait and Lebanon). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Is the 9-digit Canadian Clearing Code mandatory for CAD remittance to Canada? Yes. For all CAD remittances to Canada- 9-digit Canadian Clearing Code with "4-digit Institute Code" + "5-digit Transit Code" is mandatory. If the Institution code is mentioned in 3 digits, then the user should add prefix "0" (zero) to the code to make it a 9-digit local clearing code (i.e., "0" + XXX + XXXXX). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
From which account the applicable fees and taxes will get deducted for outward repatriation? Applicable charges and taxes for outward repatriation will get deducted from the NRE Savings accounts. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What is the SWIFT CODE of HDFC Bank? HDFCINBB 8-digit character and HDFCINBBXXX for 11-digit character. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
What is the minimum & the maximum amount for the online Repatriation request? The minimum & the maximum amount for online repatriation is INR 5000/- & INR 10000/- per day respectively. The request will get rejected if the amount is less than INR 5,000/- or more than INR 10,00,000/- | ||||||||||||||||||||||
How many days will it take to process the repatriation request received through NetBanking? The NRE repatriation request received through HDFC Bank NetBanking will be processed within 2 working days excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Indian public holidays, International currency holidays. In case the repatriation request is not processed within the prescribed TAT (i.e., 2 working days from the date of receiving the request), an email along with the rejection reason will be sent to the customer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Can NRE funds be repatriated to a Third-party overseas account? No. The NRE funds can be repatriated only to customers' own/self-account abroad. The beneficiary's name must be the same as the name of the account holder. Repatriation of funds to third party is not allowed. The request will be rejected in case of any mismatch in the name of account holder and the beneficiary's name. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
From which account type Outward repatriation request will be processed? Outward repatriation of funds must be done from the NRE savings accounts only. The request will not be processed if the debit account selected, is PIS/PMS or any other account other than NRE account. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
On what basis will the Forex rates be applicable? The Forex rates prevailing at the time of processing the repatriation request will be applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Which countries require SORT code /SWIFT code / ABA routing number/BSB code (Bank State Branch) of the beneficiary bank for remittance?

What is ‘Service & Support’? How can ‘Service & Support’ help me? This is a one-stop solution page for you on this new HDFC Bank NetBanking platform to explore, understand, and find the services in different categories, and various contact points. There are 3 sub sections to provide you information with: Services – all the services under various modules are listed for easy access and facilitate findability. Allows users to explore all the facilities/ services for different products and their paths to reach them on the new platform. FAQs – your frequently asked questions for services and products for you to seek out answers. Contact Us – the most important contact numbers for you (your Relationship Manager) and other HDFC Bank contact points for different services and features. | |
Where is ‘Service & Support’ located? You can visit this page by clicking on ‘Service & Support’ on right side of Search Bar on the Header. | |
Where can I see my dedicated Relationship Manager details/ contact number? You can see your dedicated RM details by following the paths below on HDFC Bank NetBanking: Click on your ‘Program Logo’ on the header near HDFC Logo of on the flyout of Profile icon (extreme right on header) Click on ‘Service & Support’ > Go to ‘Contact Us’. | |
Where can I see my Program benefits? Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on ‘Service & Support’ > Go to ‘Contact Us’ > Click on ‘Know More’ under ‘Banking Program Contacts’. If you are currently not part of any Banking Program and want to know more about these programs: Click on ‘Premier Banking Programs’ under Quick Links. | |
Where can I put my complaints/ grievances online? Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on ‘Service & Support’ > Click on ‘Submit a Query/ Feedback/ Complaints’ under ‘Quick Links’. | |
I want to register for ‘Do not call’ or ‘Consent to call’ on my mobile number with HDFC Bank. Where to find this? Log in to HDFC Bank NetBanking > Click on ‘Service & Support’ > Click on ‘Do Not Call’ OR ‘Consent to Call’ under ‘Quick Links’. |