Horticulture Loan

Horticulture sector encompasses wide range of crops

Horticulture Loan

All You Need To Know


Horticulture sector encompasses wide range of crops e.g. Fruit Crop, Vegetable crop, Ornamental crop, medicinal & aromatic crop, Spices & Plantation crop. The Bank extends finance to farmers for the activities relating to establishment/maintenance of nurseries, Orchards, Plantation crops, Poly house/Green house, Hi-tech farming etc.

Key features

Eligibility:  Individual farmer/ Joint borrower. All major applicant  up to age of 60 years, above 60 years legal heir is mandatory

Type of facilities: 

  1. Cash Credit/Over draft: To meet crop production cost & expenses towards consumption, post-harvest expenses and repair & maintenance
  2. Term Loan: For investment purpose like purchase of farm implement, land development, irrigation equipment etc.

Quantum of finance: Quantum of finance is purely need based. However Scale of finance for specific crop is taken as an indicative parameter for funding.


  1. Primary: Hypothecation of crop & assets created out of bank finance
  2. Collateral: Mortgaged of agricultural land/Urban Property/Liquid security

Tenure: Five year


  1. Application Form
  2. KYC of Borrower/Co-borrower/Guarantor
  3. Copy of Land records
  4. Copy of Govt.  land rate of agriculture land
  5. Latest updated passbook/bank statement
in the current economy