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- Ways To Bank
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- InstaAlerts - SMS & Email
InstaAlerts – Instant Email & SMS
Track your banking transactions as they happen

Get free email alerts about your transactions

No need to call or visit a branch or ATM

Track salary credits, due dates, etc
All You Need To Know
Instant tracking
Instant trackingGet alerts as they happen right on your phone or email
Stay updated on information like bill due dates, salary credit, insufficient funds and more
Easy to use
Easy to useOnce you register, no action needed from you to get alerts
Choose the alerts you want, and get them on your phone or email
Higher safety
Higher safetyInstantly spot unauthorised transactions with alerts and reduce damage
Get updates on large transactions (for ex: debits greater than ₹ 5,000)
Please Note: From 1st Jan'22, we've revised charges for InstaAlert services via Email and SMS
- If you were paying Rs. 3 per quarter for InstaAlert SMS service, now you will pay only 20 paise + GST per SMS
- The email alert will continue to remain free
- To modify or unsubscribe this service
- NetBanking >' InstaAlert Registration' on the top of the screen
- MobileBanking App > Your Profile