Get risk-free returns on your investments when you purchase treasury bills at RBI auctions through HDFC Bank. Enjoy the convenience of speedy purchase and sale transactions along with holding securities in dematerialised or demat form.
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Participation In RBI Auctions
End-to-end service on buying treasury bills

Enjoy high liquidity and attractive returns when you invest in RBI-issued treasury bills, also known as T-bills. Get the benefit of flexibility while planning your investments with varying maturity periods of T-bills of 14, 91, 182 and 364 days.
Get guaranteed returns when you invest in sovereign zero-risk instruments. On maturity, benefit from automatic credit on redemption of securities in to your Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger (or CSGL) account held by our bank. Additionally, enjoy faster settlement periods.

Easily plan your trust’s expenditure and schedule current and future investments with pre-specified auction days and maturity periods. The Reserve Bank of India auctions 14-day and 91-day treasury bills every week and 182-day and 364-day treasury bills every alternate week.
Purchase treasury bills at your convenience, thanks to availability in both primary and secondary markets. Maximise returns when you buy treasury bills at a discount to face value and receive face value of the bill on maturity, without tax deduction at source (TDS).
Get more information on treasury bills and participating in RBI auctions by writing to us at