Schemes, Statements And Notices

Important notices and orders

Schemes, Statements And Notices

Schemes, Statements And Notices

Catch up on important notices and schemes such as the Reserve Bank of India order on the Amalgamation of CBoP and the Scheme of Amalgamation of CBoP (as approved by the RBI). Also, the Table F and the results of postal balloCatch up on important notices and schemes such as the Reserve Bank of India order on the Amalgamation of Centurion Bank of Punjab (CBoP) and the Scheme of Amalgamation of CBoP (as approved by the RBI). Also, please find below the Table F and the notices and results of the postal ballots of the Bank.ts.

Important notices:

Reserve Bank of India order on the Amalgamation of CBoP

Scheme of Amalgamation as approved by the RBI

Important documents:

Table F

Investor Presentation

Results of Postal Ballots:

Postal Ballot Notice - January 2014

Postal Ballot Result - March 2014

Postal Ballot Notice - November 2014

Postal Ballot Result - December 2014

Postal Ballot Notice - October 2020

Postal Ballot Results - December 2020

Contact Point For Shareholders

HDFC Bank Ltd.

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Mumbai - 400 034

Tel No: 022 3976 0000 / 12


Counter Timings: 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m

Monday to Friday (except on Bank holidays).

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